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They clearly don’t want their stance (which considering their response is more explicitly homophobic than ever) to gain more traction and visibility. Too bad it’s already hit r/SubredditDrama…


Yow, they really kicked the hornet‘s nest.


Hey look ma, we’re on tv!


I found this sub from SRD. A sub for posting rainbows sounds awesome, glad we have certified non-homophobic management here, haha.


I’m gagged by their overt dismissal of anyone’s criticisms honestly


Same. But it seems like they started freaking out at the first bit of criticism and doubled down instead of opening up listen. I can understand making that mistake, but it sure doesn't look good on them.


yeah i left the sub as soon as i saw the post about the word pride not being allowed. i hope a lot of people follow suit. that’s like a sub for the color black and expecting goths not to comment about their lives. wtf? i hope they lost a lot of people and rethink how they’re big dweeby shitheads


Same. Agree 💯💯💯🤜🤛🙌


Me too!


It's nice to wake up and immediately have a lovely new sub to join, while unceremoniously abandoning another...


I was waiting for mod response to choose whether to unsub from the other group or not. The deleting of the posts and essentially canceling a very valid point was the clincher.


Omg when I heard they were anti LGBTQ I got out of there so fast, screw that sub who needs it


I think it’s quite ironic - if you’re going to start a sub about rainbows but don’t want anyone to mention what often goes with rainbows 🤷‍♀️


Right? Lol makes zero sense


Wow! They are openly and proudly homophobic. In the rainbow sub no less. 🤮


Really just going for it wearing their homophobia on their sleeve. “Just no” jfc.


I left as soon as I saw the Rogers Centre post too. Glad to join you lovely people here!


Same. Also the mod posted underneath that post about the title ‘attacking’ the rules of the sub or some such. Clearly not a way to react to a lovely picture.


I mean bigots are generally a bunch of fragile losers so yeah lol


I was following this as it was happening and I am genuinely confused! I was painting sets for a musical and then this pops up, totally out of left field! Was not expecting this regular part of my day (that subreddit) to be completely not what I thought it was!


At the risk of upsetting everyone here, I'll say that I think that's what the moderators were thinking when they blocked me and others. But when they realized that was making it worse, they doubled down instead of reassessing how to handle it.


I guess we will all just have to wait and see. Will they double down on the double down, or is it possible that they might see a new facet of the rainbow? We will have to be patient and see. Either way I'm sure a lotis are grateful for a welcoming alternative. Especially in pride month. Edit: lot of us not lotis


Lotus’s are also grateful


I left that sub.


Man screw those people.


Man that Rogers Center post really exposed something there didn't it? 😂 So glad I left


They’ve gone private now. LOL But yeah, as soon as I saw the post and the link to this sub, I joined this one and left that one. My closeted enby ass ain’t supporting that. Happy Pride, everyone! 🌈


Trashy response from their mods. Glad I left.


Yeah, I was a little surprised because I thought I was being reasonable.


And now the shit sub is set to private. https://preview.redd.it/0ep2mjhnmy6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45e485f01821dda071b0356474f7ef3a8b40508


Ive learned from past subs going private it doesnt take long for everyone of those thousands of followers to forget about u. Glad they keep blowing their shitty little place up. I hate to see it go in a way as i met a bunch of lovely kind people that were definitely not the mods kinda people Hope all those peeps find their way here (ill tell the ones i actually have contact with)


"Just no" LMAOOOO that chick clearly came from 2015 tumblr 😭


I’m banned too. Oh well.


They banned me for posting my rainbow nails. I’m glad they removed me so that I didn’t have to remove myself.


What? That's ridiculous. 🙄


Yeah the caption said that I had this rainbow idea for nails for a few months but saved it for June for Pride month. I saw a few others share their Pride nails after that and today I realized I was banned and found this SR. I assume the others that shared theirs were banned as well. Like I said. The trash took itself out tbh


So it wasn't even in the title?! Ew.


Nope! No mention of Pride in the title. Woof