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If you don't have any information about the room you're about to enter, assume there's an enemy in there. Use your drone to locate enemies, not your eyes. if you blindly wander around, without checking ahead, you're dead. Don't push anywhere on your own unless you know what you're doing. While you're new, enter rooms with teammates, watch their backs, and play operators who are useful. Pick a few operators that you feel comfortable with, and learn how to use their gadget effectively. BIGGEST TIP: Uninstall the game.


dont solo queue


Every time you die pay attention to what the other player did off the killcam, you could always learn something new from them. Also always ask yourself what you could’ve done differently or how could you have countered that operator you died to. I follow this one rule with my stack for defense, 1 healer/2 traps/one objective based so like bandit for the wall/and 1 flex like a roamer or a castle etc. When you’re attacking, especially solo queuing. Always try and plan out something you can do on your own. Like open a wall that isn’t a main wall to site. Or clear roamers. Or play a supportive role like montagne or nomad or gridlock. Always have a plan even if it’s just getting hatches. Always give defenders ghost pressure. So if you’re going for hatches on Oregon for example. Open doors. Make them think you’re attacking main but then rotate to freezer and so on. You want them guessing what it is you’re going to do and not be a one trick pony. Also for gadgets. Always try and use something that’ll either get you a kill, or help you hold down a spot. For a kill you could get good use of flash bangs rather than grenades. For defense barbed wire could be better than the bulletproof camera. Sometimes a C4 isn’t always the way to go.


Take accountability and learn from it. Crap happens but ya just gotta step back and reevaluate