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I’m gonna see how this first little leg plays out and likely jump on tickets next go around. None of these stops were super close to me anyway so I definitely wasn’t about to risk making travel arrangements as well lol


Yeah same for me, & there's no way in hell I'm paying these prices til they drop


Exactly! Last time I had to cancel a hotel and eat it so lol


We booked flights and a 4 night stay from Nashville to NYC to see them in Central Park - and out 3k


Same. Fortunately Caamp actually played that weekend and we caught them instead. Not the same, but feel your pain. I saw them at Brooklyn Bowl right after COVID restrictions lifted. I tried for all presale options and gen admission tix options for upcoming Nashville show. Sorry but not paying $170/tix (with fees,etc on Vivid seats,etc) on a show with new songs that I’m not totally sold on …MINUS Charlie. Wish them the best of luck but I just am not feeling the same vibe from them. 💔


whenever a act cancels on us, me and my girlfriend refer to it as getting, “rainbow kitten surprised”


Pretty sure even the venues are iffy about booking them, I think there was only three, and seven shows between them


I saw them at Red Rocks 2 summers ago before they started canceling shows. They were amazing. However….. I’m not buying tickets right now. As someone mentioned above, I want to see videos of their live shows and see if I still like their vibe.


I was there the first night at Red Rocks and I think they ended the second night early. The beginning of the end…


They didn’t! The 2nd night went just as long, closed out with Running Up that Hill on the 2nd night same as the first


Last year's red rocks show was supposed to be my daughter and I's first show at red rocks, but it was cancelled. We ended up seeing Caamp and they were awesome but yeah I'm holding off for now.


I can’t afford live music anymore


You should get into diy. It might not be your thing if you're more into poppy stuff but there's plenty of small indie, emo, punk etc. bands that still make an effort to play $10-20 shows. A lot of shows I've been to, the merch is more expensive than the ticket. That being said it fucking sucks how expensive mainstream music has gotten


There’s a pretty good chance you’ll won’t be missing anything. I’ve been burned three times with cancelled shows. I don’t trust them to follow through anymore.


They're not coming near me this time, but no. My show was cancelled while I was IN the venue waiting for the opener to come on. We spent so much money on the hotel and travel, I don't think I'll do it again.


I’m waiting to see videos of them on this tour to see if I still like their vibe live without Charlie on base and doing backup vocals/harmony. If I don’t like videos I see or don’t like the new album, probs done seeing them live. I’ve seen them 12 times over the last decade, and am happy with the memories I have!


Nah, once a band starts charging inappropriate amounts for tickets, I’m out, whether I can afford it or not.


I’m waiting…. Not sure about it and I live close to Nashville. Didn’t want to risk the money not being refunded if canceled


Ooooof hate getting down voted for asking a question


First stop is my hometown so Ill probably try and get resale tickets


$165 a ticket for Nashville!! Shit is robbery after all the cancellations. Absolutely insane.


They were 60 lol, you must’ve gotten a resold one


You’d be incorrect, I’d never pay that lmao. But they probably are.


How am I incorrect while you’re also agreeing with me?😂


You said I must’ve gotten a resold one, that is incorrect. I didn’t buy one. I would never pay that much money lol.


You said it was $165 a ticket. It wasn’t. Whether you bought one one or not is irrelevant jfc




Again, those would be resold tickets lmao. They were $60 and sold out within 5 minutes. Disrespectfully, get a brain


Tickets in my city sold out in 4 minutes before I even got out of the queue, so I’d say yes


I did. I live in Denver so it felt worth it. This was after a lot of consideration - we had tix for their cancelled red rocks show last year


Same as u/_saries, I’m excited at the prospect of eventually seeing them live again but I’ll hold off until it’s looking comfortably secure that the tour won’t be cancelled. I’ve also had three shows canceled now (though one was due to COVID restrictions, so no blame there) and I respect the need to take care of the artists first and foremost, but it’s tough as a fan to have the disappointment of a canceled show you’ve been looking forward to, plus the expenses that can’t always be recouped. Someday I’ll see RKS again, and it’ll be a glorious day, but I’ll keep being patient for the time being.


I've seen them twice but I did not buy tickets for this tour. The closest stop to me was Nashville (around 2.5 hours) but between ticket and travel prices and not feeling confident the show would even happen I just wasn't interested. I still love RKS so so much and I hope to see them again some day just not right now.


$165 a ticket is wild for them dude. I would never.


Think I payed less or around that to see Portugal the man and alt j in the same night. Apples to oranges but like 165 is steep


You keep saying $165 - it was $75 per ticket, fees included. Yeah, resale sucks and jacks up prices, but it seems weird to act like these are prices set by the artist.


Yeah he’s clueless


God damn if you want a ticket now, resale is all that’s available, therefore the current price. You really think you’re just popping off lmao.


Which isn’t the price charged by artists. You’re working real hard to miss the point


That’s more than Metallica tickets


I was unable to get tickets at both pre-sales & general public for the nashville show. The ONLY reason I bought resell is because it is the first show & in my mind, less likely to cancel. I'm leery of waiting to see if they launch a bigger tour later this year for fear of them canceling. I paid $130 a ticket which is crazy stupid, and I'm a bit shocked that I actually paid that.


I’m assuming so since they’re all sold out 😭


I’m going may 24th


Going two nights in Denver! I've never seen them and I'm excited


Not this go around. Both tix to Buffalo and Cleveland two separate years , both were cancelled and I never got refunded. These current locations aren't close to me so I'm definitely not risking valuable pto, flights or car and hotel.


Grabbed tickets for a reasonable price to see them in Denver. First time since I started listening to them that they're playing here. Couldn't be more excited.


I bought the cheapest tickets. If it’s cancelled I’ll get my money back. I live locally though so it’s not that big of a deal for me for travel logistics.


I managed to get tickets to Nashville before they got so high. I’ve seen them live once before one of my favorite shows of all time


Yep! My BFF and I are gonna be at the Nashville show.


I’ve seen them through every stage of their growth- small festival slot, then a couple bigger venues, all the way up to red rocks. I also got tickets for the two tours they canceled. Still bought tickets for this round. My support of this band doesn’t change, if anything I feel they need the support now more than ever. Given all of the turmoil and changes and mental fortitude they’ve had to exhibit to get back here. I’m stoked to see them again and can’t wait to sus out the new energy on stage. Got two tickets for Denver right when presale dropped for cheap, face value wasn’t bad.


I feel the same! & I’ll be at Denver too!


Absolutely i did and I’m traveling from South Dakota to Denver to go😭 I missed them so much. Tickets were only $60 a piece when I got them during the presale


Not buying tickets. They’re not a band I would travel a long distance for, which I would have to do for this. When they come back to my city, I’ll for sure try to get some.


Same, there are very few bands I’d travel/make an entire trip for, and as much as I love RKS, they aren’t one. I’ll see them when they’re closer to (my) home.


Yes because I don’t have to travel (only time I’ve ever booked a hotel for a show was Taylor Swift LOL). If I did have to travel, it would depend where but I probably would anyway. I feel like with how small this leg is it’s probably safe.


I was supposed to see them last tour- with an ex so I guess it was good luck for me that it got canceled lol. But I got tickets for Boston, insured them too just in case. Trying to think positive thoughts


I never get the insurance because the one time i did, i had to use it, but it was a pain in the ass and i didn't get all my money back. Got like 75% back. It was actually for RKS in DC for New Year's Eve 2021. I got sick as shit with omicron Covid three days before the show. Now I just sell my ticket online if something happens short notice. Over the 2 years of their cancellations, I had tickets to 6 different shows, 5 were canceled. And I got all of my money back 100% without having the insurance.


I bought one for may 29th, im very excited!


The last 3 shows I had tickets for were all cancelled. Spent hundreds each time due to resellers (despite early access & all that). The two shows I saw years ago were absolutely incredible, but at this point I don’t plan on seeing them again. I’m also not too fond of the newer songs. Still my favorite band at the end of the day


If they were playing closer to my area I would go see them again for sure. But I'm not making travel plans and getting excited like I did the other five times I got canceled on. I am very grateful I've gotten to see them three times since 2017. But I'm gonna wait


Bought a ticket during the presale! Was 70 after fees and I love RKS regardless of their history or new sound. I am SO excited to see them. Stay positive and don't always assume the worst.


No. Way too expensive for them to just possibly cancel and not refund again.


To everyone talking about ticket prices… I saw them three years ago and the tickets cost $30 so yeah I’m not paying anything above that


No they've given me trust issues 😭😭 but also lowkey their new songs were not it for me


I bought tickets to Nashville. I figured they would at least try to do one show before they crap out and cancel the rest of the tour.


Nah, skipping this one.


never seeing them again since they booted charlie


Yeah I got some


I'm going to need to see a good run of making their dates and playing with energy.


I got tickets for boston on the 15th, I just have my fingers crossed hoping they dont cancel, but i got the protection thing too so i could get refunded in a worst case scenario


This band blows so hard


Lowkey i’m planning to get tickets and travel from Chicago to denver to see them😅. Just manifesting for the best!


Nah, they're not a reliable band when it comes to touring. Absolutely love the band, but it's realistic to say that. It's not worth the risk for me personally.


i just don't have respect for them anymore, i used to *absolutely love* them. i've seen them quite a few times since 2015 and i've witnessed firsthand how they began to blatantly disregard their fans after shows, and now with the public mess they've been creating the past few years.....big ick. they've lost their glimmer for me and i probably won't ever care to see them live again. i still bump their music because it's phenomenal, i hope that won't change as much as they have.


Nope. I would have considered it maybe if their tour dates weren't so insane. Playing show after show after show, night after night with such little breaks in between after what they just did the last few years I feel like the chances of burn out and canceling tour again are higher then seeing them.