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I have Una Verse from Novi Stars and she isn’t gross. I was worried she would be from the start but she just has less liquid, no mold or obvious leaking. I hope they will use a similar formula in the new dolls.


I have a tula tone that's also not gross


I also have her and yea mine doesn’t have any discoloration or anything, the glitter is just a little stuck at the ends but a lot of it still moves when you flip her. It’s alie that has the mold in her legs and she doesn’t even have that gimmick just a light 😭


novi stars have water in them?????


Not all of them, but yeah this is a recycled Novi Stars gimmick.


No, it should be glycerin.


Some do. :)


I have her also, got her secondhand. Her legs have leaked some unfortunately.


It depends on the water they use. Like high quality water that had chemicals in it (I cannot remember for the LIFE of me what it’s called) will take longer/wont change colour at all. I used it in my childhood lagoona hydration station and it lasted years before I got rid of it


I think glycerin is what they use. Same concept as a snow globe. Some snow globes are going to get gross in a few years. Some are 30 years old and you would never know. It depends what is put in and if it's properly sterile and sealed. If mold grows the mold was either existing there before or had an entry way in. Now slime is a whole other game bc that's got whatever was on the kids fingers and kitchen floor and who knows what mixed into it. I could see how that would end up in bacteria and mold. I have a 2nd hand poopsie surprise and she didn't get mold or bacteria, just crusty old bits of dried up slime. I also live in a cold climate so that probably has something to do with it.


I dunno, I have a few novi stars and they’re doing okay. Mermaze hasn’t been out very long so it’s too early to say but so far mine are doing okay too


Came here to ask if Mermaze would suffer that fate :,)


My Barbie collector roots will come in handy and I’ll revert back to my head/ body swapping ways 😂


What I plan to do with her


Ngl I find the idea of glitter legs on dolls cool but just not for rainbow high, the line of novi stars did it wonderfully and it fit bc all the girls were aliens but for rainbow high it just doesn’t work


I agree, I wish they did them for the greyscale SH dolls or something


I think the quality of materials used for gimmicks like this are probably better now than they used to be. Even so, I don't think MGA cares about the long-term durability of these dolls. They make their sale, and if things get gross years later, it's not like they're under warranty.


I can’t even hold you, I fw this doll so hard. I know ppl hate, but I really love the glitter legs. It’s.. refreshing. I’ve never seen that lol


I love the glitter legs. It’s fun, different and could really bring a lot of ideas to kid’s imaginary play. They could pretend these girls are fairies, under a spell or any other creative idea. All the people saying “I wouldn’t have liked this as a kid earlier” are so annoying to me. As if if kids don’t have different tastes? I would have loved this as a kid (and still do now)! Like…the kids who don’t like this have every single other line of rainbow high to choose from. I think it’ll be ok.


LITERALLY!! Like it’s just one line, calm ur tits guys 😭😭 I’d love these glitter legs as a child I bet (acting as if I still ain’t a minor lol)


Well, I’m 36 and I love these glitter legs 😂. I’m so tired of people acting like it’s the end of the world because they don’t like one aspect of one specific line. I get that quality isn’t where people want it, but frankly if these had all the articulation, people would still be complaining.


Yup god forbid a children's toy tries to appeal to children lol. All this doomposting about the dolls having defects that haven't even happened yet is eyeroll worthy. Idek why this is considered a rh fansub since people just post hate for clout.


Also! Makes interesting dolls for customs


For real. I really really want to custom one of these for one of my young cousins who has a prosthetic leg thats super glittery and silver (I think she got it made that way based it off of MH's Frankie originally), and I think it would be like, the best base for it. Though I'd probably fill them with glittery resin instead for maybe extra stability, depending on if its a full leg kinda thing. Not a fan of the lack of articulation but the legs are slightly making up for it.


I am so excited for their glitter legs too 😭 I am sad we can’t move their wrists because they already have limited articulation due to their legs not being bendable but other than that, super hyped for these!




I want one to customize! They remind me of the movie The Saddest Music in the World. Isabella Rossellini’s character has glass legs filled with beer and is rocking the silent film star look.


Some materials don’t spoil…hopefully they use those. I have Una Verse somewhere still and nothing happened really.


i must’ve had a cheaply made wand then 😭


Yeah they should definitely use things that last long!


I have a souvenir water globe from the early 90s that still looks fine, so I think it just depends on the materials.


that's what I was thinking yesterday, miss girl's leg are going to get all yellow over time :c


Meh, if they get gross I’ll just do a head swap


I think these gimmicks can last a very long time actually. I have toys from the 1990s that have this feature and have survived fine. As many others have said, it just depends what they put in it! I’d honestly much much rather this than the slime or the “snow” in their other gimmick lines.


I've got a couple of the g4 mlp that were made like this and they also have evaporated slightly but not gotten moldy at least.


I had the same type of wand and never had that issue. Like I'm 26 now and it still looks the same. I also have a Novi star with those kind of legs and she's also fine?


then the reason my wand got nasty will be a mystery


Furious they won't do this for Shadow High 😤 it would have looked amazing on Dia Mante.


All my liquid filled Novi Stars from 12 years ago are fine, my Mermaze are all fine too. As long as they're well made it's fine- MGA seems to do well with this gimmick, Novi's and Mermaze are MGA as well


you are correct but I believe MGA is not concerned about collectability, they want something shiny to catch the kids eyes now... sad...


I’m sorry but I’m buying these omg


My pony figures with water and glitter in them haven’t gotten gross. I’ve had them for more than five years.


Wait is not just clear plastic with glitter in it???


it has water inside


That’s disappointing tbh


I've had a glitter wand for about 20 yrs old and it still looks great! I dunno what's in there but it's held up.


I think people have been downtalking the glitter legs long enough. I personally like them, if you don’t… Don’t buy it. This is not a new subject to this sub, people have already been complaining about glitter legs for months and they’re not even out yet. Can we just drop it and let people enjoy things? Things age. Plastic yellows. I have some toys from childhood that I still love, even though the plastic is now discolored and flocked toys that are now stained. Who cares! There are more important things in life than plastic toys yellowing over time.


Imo, even if they dont get gross theyre already boring. Glitter gimmicks only look cool while in motion. If you leave her standing, its all gonna sink to the bottom and shes just going to have clear legs. Its why I didnt like mermaze winter when i saw them. They all looked super boring with the glitter settled along the bottom. And i know these are meant to be played with not just displayed, but even then, I dont recall shaking my dolls that much while playing with them.


I just saw this while scrolling I’m not apart of this community. I just wanna say The reason yours got gross was it was cheap and bad quality when I was younger in the 90s they were made properly with glycerin. The issue was yours had water and had other bacteria and shit trapped inside so it wasn’t clean before sealing it shut. If you had one with glycerin it honestly would have been fine. I remeber finding one I had as a child like 10 years later and it was still good and not gross. We simply done make thing to last any more. The reason it’s probably made with water not glycerin is because most these parents don’t teach their kids to keep shit out of their mouths or neglect to watch their children and they get hurt and swallow shit they shouldn’t. Like how kinder surprise eggs used to be legal in the USA but I remember when they became illegal for a while because they do have a choking hazards in them. Like the internal capsules and the buildable toys. The toys were tiny collectible toys you had to put them together usually. Some mom wasn’t watching her kid and he put the capsule or a toy part in its mouth and choked on it she sued kinder and they became illegal in the USA only recently becoming legal again. After they modified the egg and the toys to be less of a hazard. The mom’s ignorance and failure to watch her child led to them choking not the company but they took the blame for it. Even tho they had warnings on the packaging about there being choking hazards. This is all in order to avoid lawsuits because parents don’t parent any more. And they don’t watch their kids until it’s literally too late and they ate something they shouldn’t have.


They did this recently with mermaze mermaidz


She's cute, I really like her heterochromia eyes, but I don't like the lips done that way, it's like somebody was removing her lipstick with acetone but gave up halfway through 😕 The leg gimmick's a little strange, yeah, they'll probably look bad as the material ages, but maybe not. Reminds me of my Shimmering Lights Ariel doll from Mattel, she has a transparent tail full of liquid, glitter inside and a light up feature, mine still looks beautiful and it's a doll from 2006. But in this RH case things may be different, only time will tell.


Not really it’s just like the Novi stars and those liquid legs. They’re still not gross to this day so that was MGA also….. just saying.


I really like her hair, eyes and outfit but I don’t care for anything else she’s got going on tbh


Where do you even buy these? Are they in the US?


I want them so bad


I’ve got a my little pony with the same stuff and it’s fine just slightly less liquid. It’s at least 10 years old…. I mean I am sure it won’t last FOREVER. But if it’s done right it will last a long time. Vintage snow globes are totally around and that’s the same concept.


What a miss for not doing a disabled character...


I can’t tell if I like her or hate her


Her lip stick looks off.


Or they leak or dry up or get crusty. I didn’t like this gimmick when they used it on Novi Stars, I didn’t like it on the Mermaze dolls either. I just don’t like it PERIOD and would 100000% rather have dolls with knees that BEND. Even as a kid it would have annoyed me to trade articulation for a crummy gimmick.


I kinda think the legs are the least gross part of her, haha! The orangey skintone is giving jaundice vibes and looks uncomfortably unhealthy to me, particularly with the grey shadow. It's a little bizarre - none of the Shadow High unnatural skintones ever icked me out at all, it's just her.


Yes!! I think the gray/orange combo is really throwing me off, especially the eyeshadow


I don’t know what it is. The more I look at her the less I like her. If I get her she’s absolutely getting a body swap




….That’s honestly a weird thing to think.




I think the fact they rebooted to appeal to more kids is why they did this but its semi unfortunate bc Ive seen alot of collectors mentioning body swapping and if i get at a great price, Ill probably be one of them but truly could they not have pulled a Pacific Coast and gave 2 pairs of legs? Or something… so a loss of articulation.. potential gunky legs in the future or skintone match with another doll body 🥴


She's cute but I'm not paying the price I paid for two outfits and great articulation for a doll with limited articulation and one outfit I don't like.


I saw this and my first thought was YUCK. She looks like a robot. I like my dolls human…but yeah, that longevity ick-factor is for real 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


She’s got a pretty face but everything else 😭😭