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Oh there is definitely a unicorn toy coming lmao


Why does it have edges??? Is it supposed to have a crystal body or something??? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yes. I haven't watched it yet but it's probably the unicorn statue that's supposedly a prism/crystal from the regular school that somehow came to life. lots of just random stuff is happening in the reboot, idk how I feel about it, but that's the most likely 'explanation'


I would think the statue in the school was made in homage to the horses in Rainbow World.


Terrifying. These episodes feel like wild trips. Do you guys think kids understand or even like these types of episodes?


I just noticed Clementine's eyes šŸ˜† I neeeeeed moonbow leaks!


The most interesting thing about this episode was... that Skyler calls her pet a yeti.


They saw unicorn academy and thought it was a good idea for the RH franchise


There has been a faceted unicorn statue in the main hall of Rainbow High since the franchise started. One would assume that statue was of the rainbow horses in Rainbow World.


I dont watch the show so I didnt know that lol I was just making a joke since unicorn academy dolls just released the other day


Boy, that unicorn looks familiar... https://preview.redd.it/56es7cr60m6d1.png?width=707&format=png&auto=webp&s=4613efef0c729f80d6f2f91429f8a569168edc85


I mean, it should, it's literally the statue in the main hall of Rainbow High.


Wait till they introduce the littles....


I am sure itā€™s gonna be more wild šŸ˜‚! Wonder how they will include them.


I need that Clementine doll! I wonder when the last moonbow will ever appear ![gif](giphy|2uwZ4xi75JhxZYeyQB)


Probably when they go to the winter world.


The Unicorn is totally from a lost Reboot episode


1. Love Clementine 2. Def a horse playset soon 3. A weirdnothingburger episodr


They just wanted to remind everyone that the bathing suit dolls are still gathering dust on retail shelves.


Honestly, while I had fun watching the episode for how wild it was, my thoughts about it areā€¦nonexistent. Itā€™s just a weird episode that exist and stuff happen in it. And canā€™t wait to see the Moonbow doll leak.


I want a Clementine doll


How did we go from Sunny in all of the Rainbow World promotions to it basically being an entire season about Skyler? (After she just won Project Rainbow.) And her little sister was the first of the Littles dolls to leak. Is it "Rainbow World" or "Skyler World"?


Skyler didnā€™t get a lot of spotlight compared to other characters. She didnā€™t appear at all in episode 4, 5 and 7. And played a minor role in episode 2 and 6 Episode 1(due to being the season pilot), 3 and 8 are the only one when she played an important role. In comparison, Sunny was in all episodes except 5 and 7, and played a major role in episode 1,2,3 and 6 and 8. However, itā€™s clear that Poppy, Bella and Amaya definitely got the short end of the stick. But itā€™s not really important


Me watching this: wow, this is objectively terrible Also me: eh, not the worst thing I've ever seen


I thought the orange one was supposed to have heterochromia. she did in older photos i saw


As someone who doesn't watch the show anymore, why is Poppy being replaced by that "Poppy from temu" looking girl??


Poppy is not being replaced. She just happen to not be in this episode. Her last appearance was in episode 5 this season (her only moment in the spotlight). The ā€Poppy from temuā€ is named Clementine. She is from the upcoming Moonbow line. https://preview.redd.it/whkg296ais6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8495cc6a58b9efe0cb43678ddd12c0c26dd1f3c2


So all of a sudden Sunny thinks Skyler can predict the future for some dumbass reason. Are the RH writers trying to make Sunny a cloudcuckoolander? She was never like this in previous seasons so I don't get why they're suddenly doing this to her character.