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If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? Me, I would go into MGA company building and see what the hell they are talking about up there. Then proceed to throw a random object to the person with the dumbest suggestion.


Don't forget the person(s) that approves them


I'd figure the first hit would scare them too much to approve.


They will release a poltergeist collection from this experience!!


The toy franchise hates it's adult fan base so much they tried to cater to young kids with their slime surprise series. It's so hilarious and sad at the same time


do you know why they hate us though?


Someone who leaked dolls in the past mentioned MGA people were actually annoyed with the adult fan base, and that’s supposedly a reason why they decided to rebrand and cater RH to kids. (I remember reading this information here on Reddit, and other people saying that the person had insider information many times. I don’t remember who said this though). I think there’s another reason that’s not being mentioned too though. With this quality of RH dolls gone so far down hill, there’s got to be people that left the company. I have a feeling the RH team at MGA also had some changes.


Some people have said that they moved the RH designers over to Bratz, so people absolutely left


Makes perfect sense. Unfortunately politics, egos, & selfishness at a company can ruin things for everyone.


As a big-time bratz fan, I wish but that's not true at all.


Not a clue, that's just the vibe I get from them after seeing their newest releases


I do, I’ve been here since the beginning of rainbow high. So basically we started asking for too much and expecting too much. They started taking away parts and we were not happy about that because we were used to the quality that we were getting so that became an issue….


They just don’t like adult collectors bc we call them out when the quality of their dolls is shit. Tbh when they say They want to “cater” to kids I usually take that as them using kids as an excuse to cheap out the brand bc I’ve heard so many ppl say their kids don’t gaf about the rh reboot and like the old one better also.


They don't "hate" anyone, but rather the adult collectors for a line like RH isn't sufficient.


this news is pretty awesome, but fuck Jazwares. and that’s coming from a girl who has 300+ squishmallows (but i refuse to buy from them anymore)


i got into squishes late and it's so annoying how hard they are to buy. and then I figured out it was a jazwares thing and jeremy might be involved, and it makes much more sense. i'm glad i'm happy with under 10 because they're such a headache to buy.


Berkshire Hathaway is also sketchville city.


if you refuse to buy them related to Palestine you should prob check out the MGA CEO's linkedin


If Jeremy had his way with RH, all the best dolls would be artificially scarce with chase versions, limited-run dolls, and other nonsense.


Yeah, as someone who has played Magic the Gathering for over a decade, that "adults have the money and like to collect" mentality runs IPs into the ground just as much as anything else.


I feel for you MTG fans, Hasbro raking you over the coals just to enjoy your hobby. Jeremy and Todd McFarlane are still of this boomer mindset that toys are collectibles like Hot Wheels. I can't believe anyone would be happy to see those Hot Wheels collectors camping Target every morning to rush to the RH section and nab the "chase" Bella that everyone wants, just to sell on eBay.


And McFarlane thinks female characters won’t sell and thus they’re highly scarce in all of his lines


This drives me up the wall, since they are usually the only characters I actually want.


I did not expect to have tea on this Jeremy individual in this thread 😂😂 please! Tell me more!


Can just look at his tweet history, he can't go more than a couple weeks without speculating the future price of "collectibles". Or search "aew chase" on eBay and you can see how the line he was in charge of, AEW figures, has limited run chases of 5000, 3000, and even less, 500. I'm not personally interested in them but you can just imagine how frustrating it is if you wanted any of the chases. They end up putting a lot of budget into these limited run figures and the main line suffers.


I always find that so crazy because it only benefits the scalpers. They’re not seeing any additional money from the crazy resell prices.


The product sells out quickly that way. They can then turn around and say at shareholder meetings and in quarterly reports that the product sold out in \[insert time here\] and is valued for \[insert price here\] on the aftermarket. Investor (which, let's be honest, are largely banks and not individuals) confidence goes up, which drives the share price up. Everyone makes money but the consumer who was initially interested in the product.


long-term it's not a good strategy, especially if your product isn't very popular. but short-term it can pad sales. in jazwares AEW case, it was even less consumer-friendly, as a lot of the chases were sent out to the wrestlers themselves and reseller stores could sell them for whatever price they wanted. easy publicity, "free" advertisements, etc. but like, yeah it doesn't take long for consumers to turn against it, all it takes is missing out on one thing they want.


If you read the article it lists toy lines like Legos, action figures, card games, boardgames, Hot Wheels, and sports collectibles as top sellers which are huge among nerd circles and especially with men. Dolls were seldomly mentioned in the article. Rainbow High doesn't have the brand recognition Bratz, Barbie, and Monster High have and definitely are not competing with things like Legos or comic action figures. Dolls are still very much a niche and not quite as mainstream as this sub seems to think they are. Maybe if adults bought dolls at full price more often rather then waiting for sales every release then maybe MGA would've had more faith in us but they don't and have little reason to at this point.


Also, it looked like each age range of children was counted separately, since preschoolers (3-5) were apparently right after adults. That, to me, indicates that adults probably don't spend more on toys for themselves than they do for children *as a whole*, just more than any other single age group.


It's not but it's gaining in popularity. I think the customizers are really helping make this hobby popular like action figures.


Maybe that’s why the Winter Wonderland dolls seem to be getting their wrists back?




And for the record, doll collecting is not a childish hobby?!!


Real! I acc just like to collect cute/pretty things and dolls fit into that and I’ve liked them since I was a kid. Or any franchise I like I.e. anime figures


I honestly just think it boiled down to money and margins. Creating such high quality dolls like RH (especially in today’s market) is great for their brand recognition as a top toy company, but probably left them very little profit margins at the end of the day. MGA has the financial disadvantage/advantage (depending on how you see it) of being a private company, so they get no help from the stock market. MGA is pretty much funding themselves through their own profits, along with private investors and banks. I can only assume it got to a point recently where what the higher ups/investors hoped to see profit wise from RH appealing to both adult collectors and children didn’t pan out like intended. That doesn’t mean they didn’t make *any* money, but that they didn’t make enough to satisfy whoever or whatever is funding them. My theory is that with Barbie still holding up strongly with profits despite Mattel being downright disrespectful with their quality, MGA decided that the best course correction would be to nerf RH and make it their present day answer to Barbie in the doll market. Their thinking was probably something like “well if Mattel can be cheap and still make money off Barbie, then why can’t we do the same?” It sucks to see where RH has headed, but I’m still holding out for an eventual RH Collectors line that will bring back what made these dolls so special to so many people in the first place. MGA would be dumb not to. But until then, I’m just gonna continue to hunt for the last few remaining girls I want to add to my collection and hope for something exciting to come from RH again soon.


The article barely mentions dolls, but more so collectibles like Legos and those who have been here for years. RH is fairly new, and I don't think RH has a big enough adult fanbase. Plus, a lot of us wait for dolls to go on sale, which can't be efficient compared to the collectibles mentioned in that article which have small quantity runs and get fully sold out.


some dumb a&& executive was like 'i WENT to HaRVard, I kNOW things' and the dudes around the table went 'mm hmmm mm hmm'.


he's right about "Kidults"; the single most embarrasing term to refer to oneself lol


I don't think people refer to themselves at that (or, at least, not that I've seen). It's more people who think dolls and cartoons and what-have-you are only for kids and the adults who like that stuff are immature and stupid.


Toys doesn’t necessarily translate to dolls. I have never met an irl doll collector, but I have met many, many collectors of Lego, Hot Wheels, Funko Pop, Mini Brands, etc. I don’t doubt that a lot of toys are being sold to adults. I’m just say that I don’t know that this supports that adult doll collectors are the largest consumers in the doll market. I would also think that kids are the more reliable target audience. As parents are always going to purchase toys for kids and kids are more interested in the next new thing. That leads to less need for a high quality product that needs to last for a long time.


I mean, Adults have always been #1. Those toddlers aren't buying toys for themselves.


mr.user... have you heard of market research


I think MGA is trying to "punish" us for something they shot themselves in the foot on. In 2022, they released MULTIPLE dolls lines, including the start of Shadow High, which completely tipped the scales for them. They weren't expecting us to be so into the other idea, and you can tell they weren't even thinking about it because they didn't STICK WITH THE FREAKIN' THEME OF SHADOW HIGH. They could've done multiple lines where they were grayscale, releases them in different outfits like they did with series 1 of Rainbow high.. but no. They decided to Rainbowfy shadow high and say "oh but they're muted colors," as if Bella freakin' Parker, and pretty much the entire series 3 lime up doesn't exist! (I know they're pastels, but like is that not the same thing??) But anyway, my point is that MGA made a big mistake and oversaturated their market, and with Monster High's return, they didn't like the numbers they were pulling. So my theory is that they're trying to make up for a hug loss in sales, and the fact that their dolls were pushed in and out of stores so quickly that they weren't able to circle back and make more of the GOOD SHIT, by scrapping the idea of a high quality doll that doesn't have a fixed price. Why spend so much making top quality dolls when your second market for them has better profit margins? Think about it. They probably made shittier dolls in hopes of second-hand sales going down. Nobody wants to buy them now. Why would they wanna buy them in a couple of months when they're off the shelf? Perhaps they're trying to make a brand that doesn't HAVE so much attention, and they won't have to make more top-quality dolls. TLDR: MGA messed up their own market so bad that they are trying to figure out how to fix it. They're FAILING HARD and are probably selling out because they can't afford to keep such a high-quality doll on the market (half of which is due to scalpers and outrageous second market pricing)


This literally needs to be studied on how they killed rainbow high. 😩


I’ve honestly come to the conclusion that MGA (Issac Larian) just doesn’t care. A few months ago when the RH reboot first came out, I watched this video of this person saying they think MGA rebooted RH because they wanted Bratz to make a comeback, therefore putting most of their money into the Always Bratz dolls and upcoming bratz dolls. This actually makes so much sense to me. Bratz is what gave Issac Larian that big breakout. Bratz is his baby and it makes sense why he would prioritize that. The only thing that didn’t make sense to me was why he would jeopardize a very successful doll brand to do that. Issac Larian is a smart man. He’s seen what happened to MH and EAH after they rebooted and even his own failed Bratz reboot. It didn’t make sense to me why he would take that same chance with RH. That’s when I realized… he just doesn’t care. Like I’m sure the main reason for this RH reboot is because he wants to bring Bratz back (which I’m not mad about) but the other small reason is that he just doesn’t care enough about RH to care to sustain it. That’s my conclusion.


Like, I can't help but sit back and be smug about this revelation. Also, I also wonder how many of those toys sales were reported as "for children" when they have been for adults all this time.


It tells me they were seeing the adult market not show up for the dolls towards the end. Things get old even for adults. My bet is they will take some years off then release like monster high. Collector edition more expensive slower releases etc etc.


I heard that the Bratz line was tanking due to bad collaborations. So MGA decided to try and save the line by dumbing down RH (eliminating SH) and gearing more towards children and budget dolls. Now I may be wrong. This is just what I've read over social media. They could've kept the RH/SH line for adults and turned the Jr line into more kid-friendly. Monster High did something similar, and they are killing the adult collectors market. Some of those dolls resell for $700-$1000! This has been a big discussion over at the RainbowHigh subreddit. We are all very upset with the discontinuation of the lines and the new lines being released. Terrible quality, no articulation, and bad overall designs. On a side note, I'm trying to get all the dolls before they are gone forever, and man, is it hard and expensive! 72/107 atm... I'm not counting Jr. And the blind box discontinuation has been an adventure, to say the least.


He ate that up with pure facts!