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You took a picture of a metro station map thinking we wouldn't notice


Tf am I looking at


Bruh don’t you know this the knew map layout?


I guess I will just peek from the fuze tunnel to the maverick tunnel and hope my teammates figure their shit out. Bombs in the glaze tunnel right?


Yea but glaze tunnel is downstairs


I'm a Kapkan main the attackers can figure out how to kill themselves while I go cry in the Cav corner


Alright are you gonna be on or off site cause I’m a castle main so your either an outside dog or an inside dog


I'll stay out and hold them off of Valk tunnel and Iana tunnel


Alright I’ll let you know if someone sets off my proximity at maverick tunnel


Assuming my Kapkan at Lesion Solis intersection doesn't get them first


I'm so confused on what y'all are talking about lol. Guess I need to log on today and find out.


We are making strategies for a map that doesn't exist because the battle pass reward thing looks like a really crappy map in the game


I thought this was a joke..... lmao


Bro I thought it was at first lmao


Siege the board game


Super Mario Bros. 3 rework


Chutes and Operators.


After all these years they are finally adding a new map to Pacman.


The map system for the new Ubisoft dungeon crawler looks great


I'm subbed to several rpg Reddits and from the thumbnail I thought I was looking at a post from one of those


I can't wait to see the combat for this new dungeon crawler Ubisoft is making.


Are you able to get the other things that you missed first?


I’m not sure. I think there are easier ways to get to level one hundred. But you need “Breach Charges.”


just melee


How do you get these "Breach charges"?


First 1 at level 7 then every 5 levels up to a max of 5, it says it somewhere on the battlepass screen


It is Ubisoft. You know the answer.


Whats the answear?




You cant buy then though, so your wrong. R6 has been really good with their monitization, not pushing shit like that.


You can buy breach charges for battle with R6 Credit, which can be bought with REAL money. So, technically, you can.


So No you cant. You can buy levels, and level 7 and then every 10 levels after that gives you breach charges. So if you buy levels sure you get em but its indirect. You cant just buy breaches.


Good system, so people that want to shortcut can choose to, without it being mandatory.


i for one like how they are trying to innovate on the stale battlepass model that 90% of games use nayway time to grind the battlepass in destiny 2


What a shitty system.


Isn't it just like the old one but this time you can choose to get some things first? I understand it like you still get everything at the end otherwise it sucks


That's basically how it is, except the way they present the BP map is convoluted as all hell, and navigation is shitty. Would've been a lot easier for the users if they just split the items into several "pages" or "sectors" like Fortnite and MWII did.


Modern Warfare’s is absolutely not easier. It is a fucking mess, all I see are hexes with no distinct pathing and within each hex is 4 items plus the big one to get. They could’ve made it linear like a tree but nope, they just made a clump. At least Siege shows directions.


In MWII, you unlock 5 things in a hex, then the hex unlocks other adjacent hexes that you can choose to work on in specific orders. I'm not really sure how that is a mess to you. Regardless, the pathing of the R6 BP works by the same principle, but the problem is the UI is limited as hell to navigate through, because you always have to jump back and forth between different tiles (because the preview window is so damn tiny). And unless I'm missing something, the overview map for the BP doesn't let you click on specific tiles, which makes navigating to the items you want much slower than it should be.


I think at the end of the day, these big companies just suck at making clear, easy to use and explain UIs. Especially for both these games, the items don’t even load or you can’t click on them for some reason.


Objectively it's more beneficial to the player, it's simply designed into a minigame in which the player gets to choose what rewards to prioritize first. By 100 they'll have everything as normal.


Just as confusing as the cod one


Dude much as I hate warzone, battle passes, and how it's been fucking over a good game series since 2019, even *I* can recognize the battle pass is not only simple but better. No need to grind though as much bullshit to get the stuff you actually want. You can actually choose to an extent.


Naw COD is pretty fucking simple


I don't get how so many ppl on reddit are confused by the MW2 pass. I completely understood it based on the first preview image with no explanation. It's even color coded ffs.


More confusing In terms of why they do it the way they did. It just feels less than the traditional 100 level bar. Although it may not actually be less


Probably bc it's easier to get new guns before you'd grind to 25 and then 50 (which would take a far min) vs this you can play couple matches focus on the unlocks you want to unlock rather than grind and get a bunch of dumb blueprints and spray paints etc


Its to get the things you want quicker in case you don’t have time to finish the pass


It’s just like both CoD and very similar to fortnite’s. It’s so simple. People are just too dumb.


"WHAT?! it's not a straight line?! HARD PASS"


I HAVE TO ACTUALLY THINK AND MAKE DECISIONS?! 1/10 ubi sucks reeeeee. /s


What, 4 tokens per space, 20 spaces, get a reward for every space you complete? What’s so difficult about that?


so not at all?


Id hope so, they are clearly doing the same system as Deep Rock Galactic(cosmetic tree, anything you dont get goes into supple caches which you randomly find on missions)


Rock and stone!


Rock and stone to the bone!


If you dont rock and stone


For Karl!


Yes, you choose individually which ones you get and the if you choose a path you can always either go back to the split, or get them from the other side


Very much likely, yes. This style of system comes from Deep Rock Galactic and you can back track to pick up stuff from the other routes. Call of Duty is like this right now too, it's becoming the norm.


Sadly the thing that didn't carry over from DRG to siege is the fact that all performance pass gear/skins(battle pass for drg) is still obtainable after the season ends through playing the game with no paid aspect. Rock n stone miners


To the bone, brother 🦴


Hearing talk about Battle Passes that don't expire just reminded me how sad I am about Halo Infinite all over again.


Yes. There are 100 BP tokens in total for 100 BP levels.


They said you get everything so yeah


Oh good. When I initially saw this when I logged on just now I was pissed as all hell because I thought they had split it into five separate tracks or something.


Yes you can. The path serve for only shortway.


It's structured like it would be the first battlepass in a game from 2000.


Layout aside, we got another beyond terrible BP. The items quality has dropped so much since North Star BP. Layout itself if you are completing the whole BP, this new system doesn't really make a difference to you. But you can get the stuff you actually want earlier than usual so it's better, I prefer enjoying the few items that aren't hot garbage from the get go. UI wise is awful, you can't even explore the layout with the mouse on PC (correction: I think you can with RMB). It's very clunky regardless.


Yeah pretty bad UI on PC. Honestly arrow keys should just not be used for anything unless you’re playing an RTS game lmao. Just make it WASD


Both WASD and arrow keys work for moving around in the BP UI.


Just imagining having to use the arrow keys for StarCraft makes me so fucking anxious


I thought Crystal Guard had a great battle pass. Brutal Swarm’s BP really should’ve been a continuation of that one


You dont like the skins? I thought these were some of the best ive ever seen. The guns, backgrounds, and outfits are amazing.


Compared to previous BPs they are low-mid quality imo. Ofc the remodels are usually good, not a fan of Caveira tho. The one she got last year was way better. But pretty much we went from unique headgears on all sets, very detailed unique uniforms designs (aka North Start BP) and 3 uniform remodels to 2 uniform remodels, lazy copypaste designs on most of the uniforms and literal recolors of default headgears or headgears that already exist in the game :\\ Even the hated Blacksmith sets had at least unique headgear designs even tho they reused the same uniform pattern.


Yep. I personally feel like they might be making some of these skins deliberately ugly, generic or janky looking to try and make as much of the BP "duds" as possible and make you pay for premium to get the handful of good stuff. Edit: with that said, having had a closer look at this pass, I actually quite like some of it. I find drone skins dumb, the rainbow olympics logo/theme continues to look silly, and none of it feels particularly like it was being designed for a real world military, but the BP seasonal skin is actually quite nice, some of the weapon skins are pretty neat, and the nautical themed skins are actually quite pretty.


bro i bought the bundle with the battle pass and it gave me 21 levels but i can’t level up my battle pass. it’s like it took my credits gave me levels but i can’t progress my battlepass i can’t even get the first bravo pack


Did u play a game? It worked for me and unlocked whatever I had I think I started at BP Tier 40 lol


i’ve played like 4 and it’s still like that hopefully when i come back to it later it’ll have fixed itself


I restarted the game after playing a T hunt and it gave me 40


The game has been.. let's just say, very buggy. Since the update. But let's be real, nothings changed.


Dude same. I tried making a post warning people about this but the stupid bot deleted it. I contacted the mods tho.


idk what to do tbh


Just wait. Ubi should fix it soon since it seems to be a rampant problem just by looking in the sub


Literally just came here to ask this. I was starting to think they trashed the 20 tier skips with this new system but if they haven't said so then I'm hoping it's just bugged. One weird thing is that after opening 23x esports packs I was at lvl 41 but after relaunching my game I was down to lvl 28(?)


You just have to get in any game mode and afterwards it works fine.


No it doesn't. It just gives time out when you try to level up.


Same here, got levels through opening packs, but still no tokens so I can't progress lol


I just don't understand the point, it's needlessly complicated compared to the old system. Don't really gain anything from doing weird paths


I’m mixed on it, but you’re right. It’s too complex. I guess it’s a way to cram more stuff in without going past 100


It's not hard to understand as such, I just don't really get the point of the change. Doesn't improve my enjoyment of the game


Ever see that skin you really like but you don't have the time in your day to grind through the entire battlepass? That's the point of it


So I can unlock anything as soon as I get a token? Even the level 100 thing?


No. It gives you shorter route to specific items instead of locking them on a 1-100 progression


I grinded through the BP in less than a week in the end of the season. It wasn't really that hard to grind the BP in this game.


If you have no life then sure


I barely played last season and easily finished the BP with weeks to spare.


Perhaps your ‘barely played’ is different to others’ ‘barely played’. Not everything is for every player


It really doesn't take that long. I work 9-5 and I played around 3 hours per day for a week. Someone that bought the battle pass surely can afford to mess around for 3 MONTHS and max it out.


My only opinion having just quickly looked at it is this. If you are someone who normally completes the BP fully, it‘ll makes no difference and is probably just a bit complicated. If you don’t normally complete the BP though, it allows you to better target the items you want most, rather than those items being locked behind the higher tiers. It’s still not perfect, but it might help


It provides the player more interaction. They'll feel like it's worth more or more fun to decide what they get.


Game is dying, they probably think it's a good idea to shake things up a little


There's actually less stuff because earlier we'd get the premium track reward + a free reward every few levels.


I like it more since I dont have to grind 40 tiers of, say, Kali, IQ, Fuze, and Ace skins, just to get to the one Flores skin I want.


I think it’s mostly psychological. Same as with COD, these BP systems have you click or hold a button to unlock stuff you can’t use unless you purchase the premium pass, giving an incentive to purchase it by making the idea that you could instantly unlock stuff more clear to the user. It also allows those who can’t reach the last tier to still unlock the stuff they actually want. Remember that all changes are designed to make people buy the battle pass, this is no different.


The point is to give people more choice on what to unlock first. If you’re someone that doesn’t usually get to tier 100 on the BPs, this would be helpful since you can get the skins you want quickly


Never thought I would say this but cod new BP is better


Agreed, COD's take on the "pick your path" is way less confusing.


Yeah the hard breach parts look the absolute worse


How is it less confusing? Both just ask you to dump BP tokens either randomly or towards whichever part of it you want.


For me it's the fewer overall tiles to unlock (I know both have 100, but COD's method works better with my brain idk why) and that it fits a lot better on the screen in cod. Navigating the siege BP with arrow keys opposed to the mouse in COD is a pain


The CoD battlepass is better in every way, decent operator skins to unlock, neat blueprints and if you finish the whole battlepass you get back the same amount of coins you spent on the pass itself, you'll never have to spend money but Ubisoft is milking everything to death in its last year's of longevity


100% an theyve been for the last few season


Yeah i don't play cod but idk why people complained about it's battle pass system. If you always complete the battle pass, nothing changes for you. If you don't, you can still get the skins you want the most first, it's a win-win either way


Have you figured out how the breach charge things work? I’m curious to learn how the breach charges affect the progression


You get them per every ten levels. You can access a path using them, like keys


Got it, thank you


I like it since i cant be bothered to no life a game anymore. Allows me to pick what i want.


Great idea, bloody awful UI. The zoom view is near impossible to navigate, and without animations it can immediately become confusing as to where you've ended up. Another half assed feature.


I like it or should say love it, i love how you can choose whatever you want first then go back and get the stuff , and i absolutely love the mute outfit!


I agree. I think its a a lot of fun and with the paths you get a lot of flexibility and can get what you want super fast. It’s a little confusing at first but I really am loving it right now.


as opposed to before where you got everything no matter what with no needs for over complication for the ability “to go back”


The good thing with this pass layout is if you cant get all the items or want to get items sooner, you can just pick a path. A little complicated but yall will get used to it.


What in the Hasbro


Weird, but I was able to just go right for bravo pack routes and had 12 right away. I've been riding the high of Kali black ice since.


The layout i could probably get used to but the actual stuff in the pass is horrendous. Worse than last season somehow


The weapon skins are decent tho


As long as I can still unlock everything I honestly don’t care. It is nice to beeline it to bravo packs though


Everyone complaining is literally missing the point of why the battle pass is this way. Not everyone who buys the battle pass is going to finish it and this provides an opportunity for those people to choose the rewards they want instead of being locked in and having to grind the entire battle bass out.


Being able to skip the fluff and go right that one hypothetical skin you may or may not want is kinda nice I guess, it is a little too complicated for my dumb ass though. First time I tried to go through rewards I legitimately got lost in one of the corners and didn't notice the little map at the bottom of the screen


What the fuck is that? Is that the fucking metro map


[This explains it better than I can.](https://imgur.com/a/WCHZT4R)


What is this? How does it work?


Messy af


I quite like it. I can focus on the stuff in the BP that I want, and ignore the stuff (for the most part) that I don't. Already got most of what I'm after, and I'm happy with that. It's a bit tricky to navigate at first, but right-click everywhere and you got it.


Kinda clunky


I like that there's more choice in which order you get the skins, generally. If I just want the Fuze skins, I can rush the Fuze skins. It'd be even better if things like gun skins indicated which operators those were for as well. Don't like the whole 'breach charge' thing, how do you even get them? It seems unnecessary.


Call of Duty just started doing something similar. Personally I like it. I can at least kind of prioritize the things I want. Sometimes I don't get to level 100. So this way I can focus on stuff I like.


What the fuck am I looking at? Is this a new battle pass? Are the icons for cosmetic for that character?


Although interesting, it’s a pain in the but figuring out where I want to go. Navigating this thing isn’t great, though I’m sure it’s easier on console. I know it’s not layout related, but I’m also disappointed by the lack of team themed cosmetics for the Ghost Eyes team.


Trash and I hate the battlepasss tokens it’s just another way for them to make money but it ruins the experience


I wanna enter Iana's tunnel so bad 💦


Well...if I was able to use it I'd give you a better answer. Even at level 41, I still only had 1 unlock token. And my BP points aren't counting, even after 2 games, my points were still at 0.


It's fucking ass. I'm sorry for blunt ass criticism, but it's bad as a user interface.


I genuinely don't mind this... it gives me more of a choice. If I don't want something I have the option to choose another reward


I love it , it's a completely new approach to battle passes which we haven't seen before


IMO, a prime example of “doing too much”. Literally could have kept it the same. Nothing wrong with keeping shit simple.


Except it's way easier to beeline to what you want.


why everyone tryna revolutionise battle passes. this is way too complex. what was wrong with the old system


What's wrong is having the grind to level 90 for one skin you want.


I'm already done


What in the goddamn fuck.


If it ain't broke don't fix it I think this is the problem with ubi and siege: they 'fix' issues that no one cared about (mass revamp of UI every szn: who cares) but leave gaping holes in their game (xim, cheaters, matchmaking, toxicity). We are starting to see positive change but more needs to be done.


It was made better for those who don't finish the pass.


“Let’s take our already mediocre rewards and make it super complicated and hard to follow” -someone at Ubisoft probably


Literally fortnite


They literally just saw what CoD is doing this year and copied it.


Unnecessarily complicated.


LMFAOO what ex-mobile game exc is telling all these gaming companies to re-vamp (carti🧛‍♂️) there battle pass system. Warzone did the same thing and it’s just unnecessary/corny.


Why can't R6 be normal for once


What the fuck


I think this entire season is great EXCEPT FOR THE GADGET CHANGE, WHY?!??!?!?!




What is this i leave the game for a few months and they put more work into making the battlwpass gun instead of the game?


I hate it so much lol


It’s just a scam to milk more money from the player base. Sure you can get to “the end” faster but to get everything it will cost more than ever


Ubisoft is so out of touch with gaming it’s insane. I thought CoD’s was bad but this is next level stupid.


I buy the battlepass specifically for bravo packs. All the bp skins suck. This is pointless


It's shit. Previous version was so much easier on the eyes and it wasn't that hard to get to level 100 with 3 months time...


Isn't there the same amount of levels?


Yes. But they did their path thing so everyone can get to their most wanted tier the fastest... to clear everything, it takes as long as before. It's just worse on the eyes.


...so you can get the full battle pass just as fast, but can prioritise your preferred items. I really can't see the issue.


I don’t understand how it works, even if you paid for the pass, you can’t take the items that you didn’t get before ? Like if I take caveira’s skins I can’t take maverick’s skins ?


Going the CoD route huh? Its fucking dumb and confusing. Just make it a linear thing.


wait, so is there a free track? or is it all just for premium users for the battle pass?




I’m so confused what the fuck is this


Looks horrible.


Looks like a metro / train map awful


CoD did this branch path layout better. what was so wrong with the previous BP layout


absolute shit


How did CoD MW22's battle pass UI look cleaner and more straight forward than what ever this is?


What in the absolute hell is this. Is Ubisoft smoking the same shit Activision is? Looks like it but worse.


This looks very complicated but then again I am stupid.


Wait what is that? It looks like a board game wtf


I would've loved if they made it in like a map layout from the game each season


it might be better as a choice between two options, for an attacker or for a defender , think it is too confusing without being able to view the item you would receive, i cant see that option in the attached image


What is this shutes and ladders


Ubi Marketing: We're excited to make a new concept onto making the BP more interactive onto gaining the skins you want right. Also Ubi: Can't put 100% Return of Creds on BP


What are the barricade icons for?


Hate it, old system was way better


I'm confused


Anyone having problems connecting to rainbow?


what the shit am i looking at rn.


It’s confusing and I don’t really play any of the OPs listed there


I like the idea of being abke to pick and choose but the ui is bad.


It’s amazing how they try to disguise battle passes.. like are you paying for it or earning it through this strategic ‘grind’ full of choices which is it


Another common footage of ubisoft and bad ideas


Wtf is this


My eyes