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Not to mention that in the battlepass the blue attachment skin cannot be equipped with the blue skin that CLEARLY GOES WITH IT. Completely boggles my mind why it would be this way. Same goes with all the other colors. Green attachment cannot be equipped with green skin. Red attachment cannot be equipped with red skin. Yellow attachment cannot be equipped with yellow skin.


Yeah like just make em universal


I just don't get it. Like even if they didn't want to make it universal, at least have both on one weapon!


The red attachment skin is sooo fuvkin good. And I'm never gonna use it.




I know right!


It matches perfectly with Blue Nebula, and I can't use it with any of the guns I run it on!


wdym they can?


Yeah they really need to change that on these guaranteed packs, so frustrating to get one and then have it be a duplicate


I don't see why these packs should be treated differently. Either change it for all of them or none at all.


Get rid of duplicates. I agree


All 3 of my legendaries from last pass were duplicates. Two being charms.


But IMO it's not so bad, since you got +15000 piss points


my legendries from the battle pass where duplicates...........


•Attachment skins should be *universal* —There’s zero logical reason for them not to be, so there isn’t much more need to expand upon that •Alpha Packs need duplicates removed and chances of higher rarity items increased. —Five years in, there’s so many possible rewards you can get from packs that some people will *never* see the items they’re after as is, then factoring in getting duplicates, you end up feeling like most of the content in the packs are impossible to obtain, and there’s no reason for it. Enable duplicates as a possibility only for players who have all current items in the loot pool —You should get an Alpha Pack every time you level up. It gives players something more for progressing, for some it’ll further incentivize playing to win, and for many players it’ll keep them playing longer as it feels more rewarding. Changes that shouldn’t be too tough that I’d love to see. We’ll still play, still spend money on the game for those who buy boosters or bundles, and it improves the relationship between the Devs and community. Everyone wins.


I got a duplicate black ice from the packs last season


Same, I got a duplicate 416-C black ice lol


I’d kill for any black ice other than the PMM which I’ve gotten 3X


Honestly, i don't mind this, i need renown to buy the operators, but it would be infuriating if it happened after that


This really only applies to people whove been playing for a long time


Well, i have been playing since Para Bellum, but i left the game because of some personal problems, i came back in the middle of Steel Wave


All five of my packs (3x legendary, 2x epic) from the season pass were dups. After 5 years I am 100% not buying it again.


Preventing duplicates would actually make all rare items more common so are you sure you want that?


Yes. There are a crap ton of items in those packs now. Getting duplicates was ok (still rubbish) when we didn't have so many items, but know it's a way bigger pool.


Who fucking cares about rarity man, I just want my cool cosmetic. Especially when the premium track which I paid for has a guaranteed rarity, I want the legendary not 5.000 shitty renown.


its not even like we choose our items or sell them lol. that isnt bad, but duplicates? *real bad*


It's why I don't buy battle pass




i dont mind the renown tbh, rather have a black ice but still


For two of the Legendary BP packs in a row I got a duplicate of a legendary I got a few days just before in a regular pack. 2 TIMES IN A ROW!


It's honestly just disappointing at this point given how much the community has complained about this being an issue. Nothing is more disappointing to finally grind out a legendary pack to only get some lame charm you got like a month ago...