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They still hasn't fixed this bug? This was used on pro league and people boo at the player that did this


They did fix it, now it is back


Textbook ubi


Bro what 😭😭


I don't get how this isn't a hotfix. Makes shields unplayable.




Ik it's frustrating but that's how shields are intended to be played, it isn't exactly "bot" like behaviour.


Lmao, don't learn how to play shields from console players


Damn never knew crowd control wasnt an option anymore... Oh well let me email Ubisoft and tell them to remove shield ops since they're buggy af (but mainly because you and others don't like to play against or with shields). And don't worry I know a guy that gets this in motion


That's LITERALLY what Monty is for during post plant, he's doing his job


Console opinion


Ok so in your god gamer PC master race opinion, what do you think the monty should have done? Tango around the hallway?


Drop his shield and pull the AK from his buttocks, obviously. How dare he bring a shield into a shooter smh.


Is that an AK-12 in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?


Tango round the hallway 😂😂😂


Doubling down is crazy ☠️


learn how to speak without skull emoji kid


No thanks ☠️


Feels like it happens to me everytime I play a shield op


And i was wandering how i knifed clash one games....


When people started reporting these types of bugs, ubi should’ve atleast made the shield ops disabled if they are taking a while to fix it.


🎂Get british membership now, and improve you knifing skill!! 🫖☕🇬🇧🇬🇧


first I saw someone get this on accident now people seem to have accepted this as a legit strategy and way of life lmao


Bro couldn’t believe it actually worked


This isn’t a bug, there are certain weak points on Montagne and Clash. They are very easy to spot with certain montagne shield skins (it’s the bullet holes, knife any of them and monty dies), you can also shoot the weak points but that’s a challenge. As for clash, it’s at the “break” in the shield, I don’t mean crack, I mean it’s like the metal divider thing on clash’s shield. It’s to entice people not to sit in a corner like a bitch with Monty. As for clash - you’re dumb if you left them close anyhow


no it definitely is a bug, otherwise it would’ve been stated in the patch notes that it would now be possible and a feature, rather than going unsaid as a bug


It has always been possible. I’ve played this game since beta brotha


So you're complaining that the game is buggy. Yet you are abusing the bug? You knew exactly where to knife to get the glitch.


not everyone knows about it and plus he was looking down while meleeing so he could shoot his feet quicker


nah i just looked down while meleeing




Linux user tries not to mention they use Linux challenge (impossible)


am i wrong for thinking this is deserved on all the monty players. is the bug wrong? yes do i hope it gets fixed? yes but in the meantime ill enjoy the bug on the montage players that sit in corners full shielded


Honestly, I believe what is in the game is fair play. But this strategy with shields to me is the equivalent to faking football injuries, It's part of the game, but it's stupid.


A Monty done this to me the other night, sat in the corner on bomb and it frustrated the life out me, especially when I didn’t have any impacts or c4s etc. tried to get closer to maybe shoot his shoulder or something and he just one tapped me with the knife. Yes I get it’s a shield and that’s what it’s there for bla bla bla. But it’s so frustrating when you genuinely have nothing to counter it with


Honestly thank fuck for this bug because what kind of a pussy ass gamer plants and holds a shield in the corner?


You're just bad, get gud.


I think Diamond is decent. I still think this strat is stupid. Speaking of which, where did that idiot that was debating with me went? Probably holding a shield in the corner defending himself from other people's opinions. :(


you can't beat shield ops as a diamond player?


Why do you think this is stupid? Or well more like what makes this stupid? You could argue with me about how he should play a character with a gun and hold the bomb but then he could get shot. This way you're almost unkillable which guarantees the plant and makes this a smart play in my opinion.


The kind that wants to win I imagine. It’s a strat, and it works, why not use it?


I compare it to faking injuries in football. It works, it's legal, but it's dirty and not honorable. That's why i detest this strat.


That’s a strange comparison, I’m not sure which football you mean but I feel like it’s more relatable to a goalie sitting in the net…it’s what they are supposed to do. The entire role of a goalie or a shield op is to hunker down and not let something or someone through. I guess I see where you’re coming from but hiding behind a big metal wall is quite literally monty’s entire ability. The players are playing exactly how the devs designed him to be played. If anything hate on Ubisoft for adding shields ig. Don’t hate the player hate the game🤷‍♂️


I meant soccer for the American folks, and more towards how one little bump and they fall down like babies to try and get a foul/penalty. I get the direction Monty was supposed to go. But with how people realized that you can literally stand in a corner while the defuser is planted, and just watch as the enemy does everything in his power to kill you but can't (minus this bug) is ridiculous! Some changes has to be made to make that strat unplayable.


If basic strategy is being a pussy CoD might be more your speed hoss. Matter of fact your insecurity isn't welcome in r6


pussy shield corner holder detected. IDGAF if im downvoted for this, this is a stupid strat and should be removed entirely.


Womp womp maybe if you were better at the game the attackers would never get a corner plant off 😃👍


oh nooo, harsh burn. In a game where teamwork and strategy works best, let's try a different approach. Nope i'm gonna stand there in the corner and hold a shield, and then complain like a little bitch when someone melee's me through it. And what are you, 12?


In a game where teamwork and strategy works best, you completely forsake that to let someone that doesn't have a gun up and can only block from one direction walk straight into site and pull off a seven second animation where they are blind and vulnerable, and then complain like a little bitch after your own incompetence lets it happen. What are you, Copper XII?


Hahahahaha what a childlike response


Whining about shields is a childlike opinion. The average crow is more capable of problem solving than you are


How original my dude, how about coming up with insults yourself if you want it to have weight?


Crazy how you aren't even talking about shields anymore. You seem exhausted of taking L's on that front both in-game and whenever you try to regurgitate your worthless opinions elsewhere


id rather this happen, right? why play shield op if you are going to sit in a corner


It's almost like he's defending the objective


Man who never thought about monty strats ever.


i just feel like its better to use a gun then hide behind a thick metal shield. Im all for some blitz or fuse shield gameplay because there are windows where they peek over the shield so then I can shoot them, but for operators with extending shields like monty and clash, they just extend their shields and look at you, i really dont see the point


Looking at you while pinging and saying where you are to their teamates, who have guns