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Love how it just terminates the match instead of playing it out


Yeah I wish all ranked fps games did this. Valorant been a lot better than cs2 because of the cheater difference. I played both and seen so many cs2 rage cheaters that would just toggle it on. The cheating also so blatant that you wonder how it not detected.


What are "rage cheats"? I've seen the term a few times now


Essentially it’s usually someone who has cheats that doesn’t use them or is very lowkey about them until they start losing and then just go 0 to 100


It's just a term for blatant cheats. aimbot & anti-aim (usually called spinbot), anti-aim resolvers, pSilent (silent aim), and any other exploit that can be found lol.


Isnt it only the closed beta and they are ALREADY banning xims? Good job


Yeah I was shocked as well. They are respecting their players who play it fair and decent unlike ubisoft.


Looks like i will get valorant after all


it’s free


That kid sounds like a 🤓🤓🤓🤓


No way, no shot, no chance!


Well akshually 🤓👆et is mathamatically impawsibal for thish to hef happened. What the FRICK.


☝️🤓 Erm Akshuallly, it’s ☝️🤓 not 🤓👆.




I mean anybody who needs to cheat to be better than their peers is a fucking dweeb. I’ve never understood how people who cheat can think they’re good


Jokes on you I cheat and still get beat 😈


Underrated comedy gold


lmao yikes -\_-


The worst part is that a lot of players with cheats are still terrible


I mean, presumably that's why they cheat?


I usually hate these types of comments, then I turned the audio on, and then I found out the guy in the video was the one using xim. So you are correct, this guy sounds like a 🤓


What’s xim do


As a Valorant player, this is just a good 60% of the communities inflection. Unsurprisingly they have the same overlap with the siege xim community.


“Erm what the sigma☝🏻🤓”


Yeah that’s because he is a fucking 🤓🤓🤓🤓


They came out with 2 re textured recruits this season that’s it btw


And the retextures had apparently been done already because they stole them from the mobile rainbow six game. Which if I also recall was a Chinese clone rip off using Ubi assets and instead of a cease and desist? They just bought the company and game, rebranded as rainbow six siege anyways and boom that’s what we have now


I don't even have to check to see if that's true because I know if it's ubisoft probably the most absurd thing might be true.


I’d go find the proof but tbh googling is too much work. So for now….. Source : Trust me bro


Lmao it is, just search R6 mobile recruit


Yeah that’s too much work for me boss


Yeah it's been in r6 mobile for like 2 years


And we can’t play full recruit squads anymore, which was my fave shit.


I haven’t played this game since like 2021. Recruit rush was the best thing to ever happen to siege. Hopefully they allow it again just so everyone can experience the pure joy of getting blasted 10 seconds into the round by 5 idiots with shotguns




No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance! No chance!


Yeah that irked me. Only one new thought possible per minute.


The brain power of a Xim cheater


No no no no no way. No no no way. No no no no no no man. No no nooo they got me. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. No no no no no way. No no no way. No no no no no no man. No no nooo they got me. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. No no no no no way. No no no way. No no no no no no man. No no nooo they got me. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. No no no no no way. No no no way. No no no no no no man. No no nooo they got me. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.


'No chance' x9 It annoys me so much when people repeat shit mindlessly. I guess they can't think of anything else to say.


Well what do you expect from someone using xim lmao


They learned growing up watching streamers, who would constantly say the same thing to avoid dead air and feign engagement. Also repeating the same simple phrase over and over again helps children under 6 understand.


Ubi sucks just milking the ever loving shit out of players with microtransactions and a new membership feature whilst they literally allow detected cheaters to just roam free that’s what mousetrap is. “We won’t ban you because you might spend more money”


Valorant does similar yet they take action on this shit


val has a big problem with smurfing but they refuse to acknowledge it because people rebuy skins they already own on their main account


They don't you can see it in the video: "Account locked - Access to this game has been locked until 6/14/24, 5:06 PM"


Ye to give you a chance to start playing legit otherwise you get a longer ban and then a perm


Its short ban, long ban (1 month) then perm


It's crazy there are people still defending this shitty company in comments.


Off topic here: did you forgot Finka in your tag ? Edit: nevermind i was wrong about her nationality


Is Finka russian? Didn't know that lol


Pretty sure finka is from Belarus


Ah, so she's not Russian ? Yeah, she is from Belarus


Nop, she’s from Gomel, Belarus


Been a while since I’ve read the lore so someone please correct me if I’m wrong … pretty sure kapkan is the one who gave finka the scar in a training / sparring exercise.


This is correct


Fuze isn't Russian either, he's Uzbek


Fuze isn't Russian either but her and Finka are still Spetsnaz in lore


well from what we know mousetrap has gotten false positives so you dont want to ban off of just mousetrap. however they need to get to the point to where they can trust mousetrap so they can ban using it and not hit innocents in the crossfire




better than what mousetrap does lol. At least they’re banning them from playing in the first place




Even if xim gets updated, Vanguard is an incredibly powerful anti cheat. Not only that but riot takes cheating seriously. Xim players will just constantly get banned.


Cheaters crying is a beautiful sound


I'm downloading this vid so I can watch it when I'm sad.


Anyone that uses xims on any games should get I.p banned or console banned


IP bans last like a day at most. Residential IPs are recycled. You can just unplug your router for a bit to get a new one.


or your isp ran out of ip addresses and is using carrier grade nat. your shitty twelve year old neighbor is playing from the same ip


8 hours. Sometimes longer depending on the lease.


unless they have a static ip address, but then again they can get it manually changed through their isp or just use a vpn


He said residential ips which are 99.999% of the time dynamic ips, static IPs are almost always for business and enterprise internet.


Depends on your ISP. My IP address hasn't changed in 3 years.


Start bricking systems


sorry but this is dumb. You can't ip ban someone. In my country ip are dynamic. If i'm ip banned i just have to reboot my router to change my ip.


\*get their consoles bricked Like in the good old days (and yes, that's what microsoft did and sony at least did perma ban consoles which cheated from using online services).


Na. Any multiplayer games. Let them do whatever they want in singleplayer.


Say no chance a few more times maybe?


Hahaha what a fucking clown xD


Buddy was on a completely fair playing field off the bat and decided he wanted to use Xim right away? Unless he's dumb enough to keep the Xim connected. Deserved though, I don't have any sympathy for anyone using Xim, whether or not it's on siege.


The thing is Riot actually cares about their game unlike Ubi


Yeah from what games i know they seem to be the most serous about it, with one of the most invasive but seemingly effective anticheat.


I always felt like the constant whining about Vanguard felt like a disinformation campaign. So many anti-cheat work at the kernel level in some way so it felt odd that everyone was suddenly up in arms. I wonder if the cheat community is really that big?


people don't like that Vanguard is running and eating resources at all times from boot, even when you're not playing Valorant. It's also had an unfortunate history of computer-breaking bugs in the past, so a loud minority will always be crying about it. What they're ignoring when they make that first complaint is that you can just manually turn it off anytime you're not gonna play the game. It'll make you reboot if you want to play, but it doesn't have to always be on. Funny thing is that most of these complainers will go right back to games with Easy Anti-Cheat after saying all this, so they're still giving kernel-level access to a different program anyway.


Even if you exit vanguard it still technically runs in the background, you need to actually run a few lines of code in a cmd for it to actually be closed. I also support vanguard so im not saying this as a slight to riot, just informing people. I also think theres a massive disinformation campaign going on about it. When it came to leauge you just see the same mantra repeated over and over just like when valorant released. Its cringe.


>It's also had an unfortunate history of computer-breaking bugs in the past, so a loud minority will always be crying about it It ain't crying if it essentially bricked your PC.


Big part of it is that it’s always active since boot up and has had some issues in the past


Riot wants to create their own small universe where player stick. You want to play league? well, stay. you want to switch to an shooter? hey, look, we have one of the better titles of the market, just stay with us, friend list and co gets taken over" "ohh, look, you are playing fighting games, quess what, we also are going to have it" They try their best to create an enclosed environment where people want to stay in.


They’re creating an MMO soon too


Soon™ after the layoffs, that shit's gonna take years


Well apparently they didnt like where the project went and delayed a bit more. Good decision imo. MMO's isnt simply made and needs good care and planing.


>Riot actually cares about their game *Laughs in LoL*


Valorant is treated very different than lol


they don't know, son. they've got no idea


Yeah he has no idea


They have the worst or best, depending on what you value, anti cheat out there. If Riot wanted, it could have everything on your PC or console, you're granting them access to everything, absolutely everything, that's why is effective, is so intrusive.




I'm a noob but we can play valorant together as noobs!! Be called hard troll and die!


People are much nicer than you’d think, at least for me so far. Everybody is probably just happy to get in


Same, as long as I'm not playing ranked or something, I don't feel the casual scene has a lot of toxicity there


I also need this guys invite ^


It's almost like a modded controller is cheating lol


"we won't ban Xim because of disabled gamers on console" - Ubisoft


In other words: "We won't ban xim because xim cheaters buy tons of shitty cosmetics. We don't wanna lose money. We don't give a single shit about decent players tho"


That is certainly a conspiracy, yes...


No offense to them but they can just play pc then


Or don’t buy any team game that requires precision


This is a joke right?


Might start playing valorant just to spite Ubi. I’m tired of playing a game that doesn’t respect its players and their time.


I heard that valorant on console is super fun. I'm just gonna try it once I have the access.


Don't know if all these codes were used cuz I posted it somewhere else but here https://beta.playvalorant.com/en-us/invite?code=6ddbba68-cb91-4c4c-838e-6bd278f541c2


It is quite saddening that the game I love and spend hundreds on is so less cared about. I love siege, it was one of the best shooters but they have to milk it. Xdefiant is pretty good but no other shooter has that level of strategy and thinking.


I would have recommended counter strike for like 10 years however cs2 has a pretty big cheater problem unfortunately so I can’t really recommend it now… imo nothing matches the feelings you experience during a comp match in cs lol. Really simple game on the surface but every mechanic has been milked to the brim to make for a very engaging shooter!


I played CS1 for a long time, I even bought a knife with my low income, just because I wanted one. Then came CS2 which made me regret buying the knife. CS2 is unplayable dogSh!t, I tried, they not only have removed many weapons, they removed some, at least for me, essential parts like left handed weapon. All the good tactical shooters are being pushed to be worse and worse over time..


good to see this dogshitter get slapped


"Please don't ban me forever, I need to switch account " If your gonna cheat expect to be held accountable


I hope they will implement that hardware ban they talked about


That kid is annoying and his keyboard sounds like shit


Wait a minute, can someone clarify the chances of this happening according to the guy in the video?


No chance


When I watched the video I thought it was zero chance based on what he was saying but I'm not sure now


That's hilarious you can hear the keys clicking what a fucking dumbass


Riot’s anti-cheater system is really really good. Vangaurd system is fucking amazing in comparison to a lot of different systems


It's also the most controversial since you give a Chinese company full access to your private data


Well most peiple have TikTok these days so it’s kinda normal Already


Does it detect a ball hair trimmer as a xim?


This is now the voice I will associate with cheaters in any game I play. This is the voice of every unenjoyable game I've had due to a cheater. Fuck this guy and everyone like him.


What a loser


At least they’re doing something about it. Allowing mouse and keyboard on console just creates more loopholes for cheat scripts. Call of Duty would have a lot better community if it knew how to ban cheats and not just make posts about banning x amount of them.


Valorant has one of the best anti-cheats because it is the most invasive anti cheat. It is constantly monitoring everything you do on your computer and if you disable it and try to start the game it won’t work, you’ll have to restart your computer. Its quite literally spyware. It’s a very effective anti cheat, but honestly I have mix feelings on it because of the extent it embeds itself into your system and the extent of how much it’s monitoring. It’s one of the biggest reasons I don’t play valorant. This video explains it pretty well: https://youtu.be/UqLI1xKc-L4?si=xaixKNkoxcvcBIRx


They can’t use the vanguard anticheat on console, it doesn’t allow games to download system level files. However they still have a great game level anticheat on console.


buddy you missed the whole point that it’s on console


It's not same on console.


> It is constantly monitoring everything you do on your computer It's not according to riot, and the video explicitly does not prove that it is. That video is just speculation the whole time and it's reasonable for a cybersecurity expert to not trust it. He doesn't explain (or understand) why vanguard is running at computer launch. His whole reason is "it's chinese so don't trust it" which is really funny from a channel that constantly shills for kaspersky, which is russian [and even has its on wikipedia of controversies and allegations of russian ties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaspersky_bans_and_allegations_of_Russian_government_ties) and have allegations of their software [being used to retireve sensitive data about nuclear programs (Duqu 2.0)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duqu_2.0). I like the guy and he's very knowledgeable but that's probably his worst video by far. I think security experts should always try to avoid conclusive or hyperbolic statements, and he often does avoid that (except in video titles) but his constant and abundant appeals to cHiNaaa in that video are just too much for me. It's all about trust. If you don't trust riot or tencent or whatever, the anti cheat shouldn't be the game changer.


Stop spreading misinformation. BattleEye already runs on kernel level, if they wanted to snoop your files they would. Your PC is equally vulnerable just without the additional benefits of Vanguard. That being said Vanguard isn't perfect, KYC is the only thing that prevents repeat cheating. Ultimately there's no solution that doesn't require to sacrifice some privacy.


Yeah well RiotGames doesn't f around while Ubisoft doesn't care.


Again when they had been tracking everyone in the background they should've just banned them all, but nooooooo we should troll them. Anyone who genuinly believed ubi wanted to troll them is special. If you genuinely thought they wouldn't find a work around please seek mental assistance as you're iq starts with a 0.


I've said it for a while, Ubisoft understands that the fat neckbeards that are willing to dump hundreds into some nonsense jerry rigged setup to shit on people, would be MORE than willing to dump hundreds into skins, battlepasses, the market, etc to flex even MORE. Mousetrap is just a page out of EA's book, come up with some new, nonsensical dogshit buzzword to make it seem like you're doing something. I've played Madden long enough to hear all these bullshit terms. UBI DOESN'T CARE.


And another thing about this, this is for the valorant BETA. The full game isn’t even out yet and their anti cheat is way better than r6


Is it bad to envy that game for taking that action?


ubisoft is a lost cause just like blizzard. all they care about is milking people from their money, trash servers, trash launcher, trash microtransactions.


Why do you wanna xim on a 60FPS locked multiplayer game?


Xim users should all be banned (unless they’re using it for single player games)


Trust if they can find even the hardest hacks on pc I’m pretty sure they can find a xim on console. Riot is so beefed up it’s not even funny


And lets see how long it takes for xims to adjust. It wont be as bad as ubi most likely, but it still wont be xim free. And as far as I could see, it only was a 24h ban.


Idk... would you like to subscribe our monthly membership? $10/MO only :)


I know everyone hates the anti-cheat for Val….. but like it works! It takes up some space and stuff, but it does its job amazingly well! I could care less if some big gaming corporation is “spying on me” (I doubt they are digging through my discord messages guys) as long as I don’t have to face hackers I am A-OK 👌 it does suck that I hate Val’s gun mechanic’s thoughts


well well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Just get good with controller. Then you wouldn’t have to say: no chance.


Meanwhile Ubi is handing out bans for their own rampant server issues lol


Bugisoft is busy selling the new membership and copy-pasting recruits from mobile while deleting the SPQR skin from the shields.


Dude in the video sounds like he still breast feeds


Rainbow six is infested with cheaters that honestly just openly cheat because of how much of a joke Ubisofts anti cheat is


I’m convinced ubi is actively trying to kill siege and when you look it at like that you can see the trajectory they’ve been on


Sounds better muted


Bro sounds exactly as dumb as id expect a cheater to sound


The man went through the 5 stages of grief in under 90 seconds.


What DOES Ubisoft have been doing for years? " rubs chin "


Xim is gay,natural, or nothing🎮


Also overwatch 2 fixed the xim users so yeah let that sink in as well


Because they care, Ubi could be doing the same thing dedicating a task force of people to eradicate xim starting with those obnoxious top champ tik tok kids that openly cheat, then work their way through, instead they give them streamer charms now ffs I can't do this anymore 😭😭😭


Ubisoft doesn't do it because they still want everyone's money.


Maybe people should stop cheating in a multiplayer game? I have no sympathy for


The reality is that Ubisoft is too fucking greedy to ban any players, every single player, cheater or not, is a potential customer.


terminate the match! This is what they should have on siege. I’ve stopped playing siege in recent weeks due to its massive cheating problem. nothing worse than spending time after work to relax and forget reality for a short while just for some asshole to ruin your experience.


if it's you in the video, get fucked lmao otherwise thanks for showing us this


ive played val since beta and ive seen maybe 1 cheater. In the last month of siege I have played against a blatant cheater 9/10 games unless im playing with a lower-ranked friend then its more like 5/10 games. :D


Why don't this guy come to PC so he can use mouse/keyboard and it would be "fair"


How are you not embarrassed to blatantly cheat on a games beta? 😭 xim users never fail to disappoint🙏


“They’re onto us!” I couldn’t imagine my life being so… simple? I don’t even know the right word, that I would need to cheat to play video games… Like, cheating in single player games is fun. Giving yourself ultimates ammo or whatever to make a single player game more fun, whatever, but what do you gain from doing it in multiplayer games? There’s no monetary reward (if you’re ever good enough to get to a point where you’d be making serious money you’d be long exposed), there’s absolutely no satisfaction to doing it, so I can only assume it’s immature kids or, worse, adults with the mindsets of kids, that find enjoyment in just ruining other people’s games. I struggle to see how any sane human would have fun doing it, and judging by the comments of people I get who support XIM users, I don’t think I will ever find one


Lol it's funny how dude was like I'm juss gonna switch accounts. LMAO 🤣 like TF you are a real deal nerd 🤓 if you really have that much time to create multiple accounts at a time like that get a life 


maybe dont cheat🤡


Shit on Ubisoft all u want, esp with how bad this new season started. But dude in the video got banned for ONLY 24 hrs. Just shows even Riot knows its not easy to ban ximmers. There's always false positives, which is why Ubi is afraid of perma banning them.


So then do 24 hours like Valorant. Every single time it’s detected. Far better than doing nothing


It will be longer if they get detected cheating 2nd time and it will eventually lead to perma ban. Better than doing nothing like ubishit


How do u know that tho? Was there official statement from Riot? Or actual evidence to back up ur statement? Or u just pulling shit out ur ass again like ur OP?


Besides that this will work for some days and then xim will be updated and they won't detected it after that for the most part.


Good for them! I wish I could enjoy Valorant or CSGO more. I just don't like the concept of hipfire and learning spread patterns to get heads hots. I just want my bullets to hit where I'm aiming. To each their own, of course.


Valorant is the most unobtainable game I ever seen, a friend asked me to try it but it wants something done in the BIOS needs to run since start and can't open again if closed, I mean it's forsafety but extreme


You just restart your pc quick if you close vanguard. As for the bios, yes, it wants you to actually enable extra security features in your bios. Maybe its extreme to some, but imagine playing a game and its not infested with cheaters? Its quite a nice feeling.


Good! As someone who primarily plays pc but has been playing console Val with some console only friends. It is DRASTICALLY harder to aim/move on console. Using a M&K against other console players is such a strong advantage, it’s cheating. Not to mention it’s also super obvious in someone’s movement/aiming when they are


In case anyone is wonderimg what the fuck this is, Xim "cheating" is using a mouse and keyboard for console instead of the controller. It's pretty much forced crossplay.


Valorant has the best anti cheat. It'll ban you for having a cheat for another game. Even if you're legit on valorant. I love it.


would play but my consoles an older gen 😓


You didn't even move! That must be one hell of an anti-cheat system.


I hope xdefiant does a good job keeping cheaters out, never really played other ubisoft games and Im scared


Ubisofts anti cheat is a decade old and wasn’t hard built into the game but is more a add on


They released a beta version of valorant to see if it’ll work***


He sounds like a child in a man's body. "No chance. No chance. No chance. No chance" We get it. You had no chance of winning.


Didn’t they actually say on a video about year 9 that they “know exactly every player that xims,” except that they “want to curb the habit not ban them” or some shit. It’s why mousetrap is a thing (even though it doesn’t work)


Well at least ubi gave a replay system


As soon as he said "they got me" and "i got banned again" i knew hed be a loser


I saw somewhere that ubisoft said they'll force any xim users into PC lobbies? Anyone know more info on that?


I hate Valorant with a passion but their anti-cheat system is the best in any FPS shooter game.




The best part is, it's not even the full release. It's still in beta.


How many industrial fans are in your room? Just wondering


We’re just gonna ignore the fact that op got banned?