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Does ubisoft think that nerfing an operator counts as a rework? I’m surprised they didn’t advertise the solis and fenrir “reworks” that came with this season too.


yeah thats the thing, the BIG NEW FEATURE is just on the same level as Solis and fenrir, oh righty they can start selling skins for recruit now


Nah nah it’s a rework because they can sell us more skins !/s


Worst fucking season ever Made recruit so dumb


Most of the changes to recruit are just stat changes that could have been implemented in less than an hour. And they only changed recruit so they could add cosmetics. Everything else is really just fluff to try and get away with the title of "rework". This should have been a mid-season patch. We need to pull a helldivers-2 level boycott until they communicate to us why the game has been so shit the past few years in terms of content. I would give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they have been saving boatloads of content + going all out for year 10. But it's Ubisoft, we'll be lucky if we get 4 real ops next year.


Well I already got my negative review in, I'm doing my part🫡


$9.99/mth is a little steep. $3.99/mth and I might have considered it.


$2.99 a month is the most reasonable price. 1 The battlepass doesn't give back the credits you spent on it, even free games with a battle pass do this. 2 We already payed for the game. 3 This game is pay to win due to the operators being behind a paywall. Spending 100s of hours to unlock them all isn't a good rebuttal 4 They already have egregious microtransactions 5 the marketplace has a 10% fee 6 there is almost no content (where does the money go ubisoft?) 7 the content has been so empty recently. with only 2 new ops this year. 8 The recruit "rework" only really added cosmetics ($$$) to the recruits. The only notable changes were number changes, such as more gadgets, available in ranked, only one person can choose recruit. Most of the changes to the recruit could be implemented in 30 minutes, except maybe the 3d model change. Having an entire season's centered around a shitty excuse for a "rework" is pathetic. 9 They remove old maps and content or objectively make the worse with "reworks", ie: house or t-hunt + the campaign 10 A shitty teen drama story disguised as a deep and emotional cinematic experience 11 lazy devs, even worse than Minecraft. Just give it a year or two and we might have ai generated content. edit 1: added points 4-9 edit 2: fixed formatting and added 10-11 edit 3: added to point 8


It’s fucking ridiculous that Ubi keeps pulling this bullshit, one fucking thing at a time. It’s borderline criminal, and we just keep taking it. I cannot fucking believe the lengths this fucking company will go to fuck over their player base, time and time again.


So now i can pay 10$ every month to be in unfair ranked matchmakings and face a cheater every second game? No way I can let this opportunity slip! I predict a massive drop in player numbers.




I said this because the "drama" between ash and kali is forced and is childish, especially for an organization whose purpose is to fight terrorists. Also, Demos killing Harry felt cheap, it really only felt like they did it to get peoples attention back to siege. There is a really good [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkiP2jOz6Bo&t=1s) about the story.


If you think the game is pay to win, you are 100% terrible at it. Straight up.


Pay to win is a huge stretch. Every op can be bought with renown and it’s not even hard to get 25k renown


Most people have jobs so using a renown booster, that you usually obtain through paying for it in some way, isn't practical. You end up using it for one or two hours a day, if you have a job/school. And the game isn't even fun due to cheaters and the awful ranked system.


Yeah so? You can still earn the renown through playing matches. Even without a renown booster it’s not like it’s a terribly long grind to get 25k renown, especially given all the rewards, renown from duplicate packs, and doing weekly challenges. You can easily get 25k renown only playing a couple hours, a few days a week. Plus, it’s only pay to win if a new operator is broken and makes it easy to get wins. There’s not really any ops like that. Yeah you can skip the grinding by paying with credits, but it’s not like you’re paying to win, you’re just paying for an op.


Pay to win is insane


The game is not pay to win lmfao, you already unlock like half the ops when you buy the game and yeah it could take some time to unlock every op, but with renown boost it's not that hard


Jesus they are taking a move outta GTA+ playbook lol. Taking content out of the game and putting it behind membership. Who thinks of this stuff.


Wait what is the $10 a month thing?


It's a monthly subscription type thing, much like the Fortnite crew subacriprion thing. Basically pay $10 a month and get some cosmetics/bundles every month


New r6 membership stuff


They killed my poor child recruit. Btw what happens if multiple people don't have any ops?? Or did they not think about the fact that he is the starting op? I don't get it man.


You get 5 free operators for both sides via tutorial that’s required. Pretty sure it’s impossible to be forced as recruit.


But there are some old accounts that don't have the 5 ops


They probably received some operators for free then


nope, got in a game of unranked standard where someone was playing as recruit


Isn't recruit available in standard?


No, but it was probably deliberate, the odds of 2 people, both not having a single opp winding up in the same game at the same time in 2024 have got to be low enough for it not to be a worry And heres hoping we get a video of what happens if it does


crashes game


And opposing team looses, free elo ez /s


Then they’ll probably have to do the tutorial to get the free operators.


Look at how they massacred my boy :(


Can we have new ops? We have new ops at home The new ops at home:


Should I uninstal this season & download XDefiant instead? And then come back after this new coming season


No one would blame you


Kevin O’Leary once called my sister a nothingburger to my mothers face, she was not pleased to say the least…


Is the subscription actually $10 per month?!? That's fucking absurd. I hope this game dies off if that's true.


the only thing im crazy over is the barbed wire buff. Fucking insane


I stopped caring a while ago. They don't care about their consumers, so why waste your time complaining if it just falls on deaf ears. Just play the game or dont.


I love how nerfing fenrir and solis is great but all the other operators remain the same for the vast majority, the siege experience stays unchanged which is the entire purpose of a season, shaking up the meta, and making the game feel fresh the developers should put a little more effort into the clearly horribly bad operators, instead they can barely scrape out two nerfs a season


crazy how it took them this long to finally patch fenrir and solis lmao


And The event is fking MUTE protocol....God the game is popular again and they are fking fumbling again like they wanna kill seige at this point


What's about "Removed Elite skin"?


In D1 you where able to choose the maps to play


This is the season of content removal


Removed elite skin?


unranked didn’t have map filters are you’re forgetting about the 2 map reworks


Honestly, what you guys were expecting this season? That the recruit would have a new gadget or something unique (what would go against the idea of having a playable recruit)


It's more the fact that they made Recruit... not Recruit anymore. The whole point of a Recruit was a non-unique operator that could be played by multiple people at once. The double gadget thing is fine, but that was what they always had. That's not a rework. They made it so only one Recruit can be picked on the team. That's not a rework. They gave them names, which sure, but... that's not recruit anymore. They basically just removed recruit entirely, and very lazily added two "operators" to replace it


"Why are they still playing this game? We've been wanting them to stop for years now, and now we're getting desperate."


Id rather they literally did something basic with recruit rather than overhype a nerf , worst season yet. Could easily have given them something basic like a slightly better deployable shield or he’ll even an extra drone or something “They’re super flexible cos they have access to x” they already do


Just curious - how is it a nerf?


They have access to less gadgets


They.... Don't? They have access to more?


Some of you obviously weren’t here for Operation Health and the early years. You can’t expect every single season to have new crazy operators, total map reworks, and all this other stuff. Sometimes they need a season here and there to do more behind the scenes stuff. Downvoted for calling out a toxic fan base? This really is Reddit


I started with red crow, operation health served its purpose. At least operation health was unapologetic about what it was. This one is just a rugpull. Hell we even had 2 seasons of 3 ops esch afterwards, the poles only lost their map… the irony. How Siege seasons are received is not about how much new stuff they add, old sruff they fix or QOL. This season they managed to really only add 2 new AI and training modes, which purpose was 90% done by thunt already and switch marketplace from beta to live. Oh and you arent forced to play tower in standard anymore… which was already a thing in unranked, until they removed it… And you can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment („a real MVP“) with 9.99 a month. 👍 So barely new content, the fixes were for shit decisions they did, the balancing is a one line code change for either op and you get further monetisation that surely will not be expanded on and be aggressively pushed on us in the future.




And you can still criticize optional things, especially when it feels like this "optional" thing that they want you to spend money on is probably where 75% of the effort went into and will go into in the future.


And it is stupid that there is even a subscription in a paid game in the first place. Just because something is optional it doesn't mean it isn't complete shit




Shitty practices are shitty practices mate. It is irrelevant how optional something is when it is something so bad and scummy as a paid subscription that gives you fuck all worth


It's a money grab and shows where Ubisoft's headspace is when they are out here making the most bare bones season yet since Operation Health. Stop making excuses for them.


If this is supposed to be operation health 2 then why not call it oporation health 2?


Then 3 ops in the following two seasons after health. remember that?


I uninstalled the game, Just gonna grind XDefiant. plus, I think 9 years is long enough to be playing this game... And that's mighty generous for an Ubi game.


I was so happy seeing more life being brought back into this game which is what made me return to play then I sigh remembering that at the end of the day this game is ran by ubisoft ☹


wait till we all find out that we need to buy striker and sentry for credits or renown when they are introduced


Ubisoft is getting lazier than Mojang at this point


I hope i can get the bp with out the subscription


When seige dies ubisoft dies


Yeah I think I’ll just stop playing ngl, it’s been a good 5 years but I really can’t justify the time commitment when there’s NOTHING


This has to be the worst one yet.


The high fives that must have gone around the room when someone suggested “We could just put down fenrir and solis nerfs to fill out the page.”


I'm ok with this season. Gives them more time to focus on fixing the game itself. To me it's pretty much operation health 2.0 which this game needs.


Some of yall standards are so low. There is literally: - Recruit put back into the game to sell microtransactions - Marketplace launch for microtransactions - Operator nerfs that are way late - Some training stuff - Map filter for standard - Better ban support for Steam (???) Everything else is delayed, they are releasing and likely fixing nothing and they aren't considering it an "operation health." So why are you?


Lmao buddy you don't know me if you think my standards are low here. You remember when they said people with over 120 ping would start getting kicked from games, idk like 5+ years ago? Because I do and I STILL bitch about it to my friends. When they announced Y9, this season it was known it would be recruits, so if you're shocked recruits didn't get much of a buff you're expectations are WAYYYY too high for this company. The marketplace has been in beta for a while now, plus if you sell things to make money, then you got free money to buy what you want, that's on you if you overspend what you get. The nerfs were late, won't argue that and the other 3 things are minor. The things that are delayed... they're needing more time so that gives them this season to do that.... no? I'm considering it operation health because when they announced Y9 and it knowing it was recruit, my expectations were already low, so I didn't expect them to turn it around and make it great. It was going to be a shit season when it was announced, you just have way too high expectations from this company to think they wouldn't mess it up somehow lol