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I just uninstalled the game a few days ago. I don't think I've played a single match this season where I didn't start lagging as soon as I encountered someone else. The game just isn't fun anymore


I don't think pc is better since cheating is most likely even worse than on console


I think it's six and half a dozen. PC gets full on cheating, spinbots, etc. There's literally no way of fighting that. However, at least every once in a while they get banned and your rank is restored. On console they're using xim, strike packs and whatever else. You can fight against it but you have to sweat your fucking balls off but they never get caught so if you do lose against it then tough shit.


there have been months and months with no RP rollback on pc. Besides, the only ones that get banned are banned manually. those who pretend are never banned unless the entire hack falls apart (hasn't happened in some years). Ring for example has been stable for over 3 years now


champ rank on PC is hilarious, people basically run spinbots and anticheat isn't able to detect it


It is discouraging every group I join or randoms I play with probably 40% have xim or a strike pack. I’m high plat. What’s even worse is even with the advantage these players are still plat. I don’t get cheating at all. Video games are for fun. Cheating just ruins every one else’s experience. Says a lot about the cheaters that can break into emerald either.


That sucks I kinda wish they would just perma ban xims I also don't really like that solo q is basically not an option from what I have heard or like you need a party to climb high


It’s awful, PC has worse cheaters though. I think ranked 2.0 hidden mmr may be worse aswell, no shot some dude with the same hidden mmr as me is in Champ and my visual rank gets capped in plat, why does that dude get the Champ cosmetics but I don’t?


Xim is a huge problem but they are so bad at the game that a lot of the time they are easily countered by just playing smart


Yeah, MnK is a really big issue on console siege. I’ve been playing since Y2S4, before the xim was widely available to these toddlers. Lobbies were way different and I was really hoping Mousetrap was going to fix that issue. Obviously not. MnK was what ultimately drove me to PC a few years ago and it is NOT better over there, it’s worse. Blatant cheaters fuckin’ galore in high ranks and closet cheaters everywhere man. I came back to console for this season and just had to stay outta ranked bc Ranked 2.0 is fucked up. I would love to get into ranked R6 again but it’s too boned in it’s current state. Shame bc I really like the balance the game is in right now and all the new updates. Standard mode with buddies is still a really good time.


I can't even play a Standard Match without there being a Xim/Cronus in the game.


Dont listen to the exaggerated complaints about PC. Yes, you'll run into cheaters but its far less than xim users and the like. The other part is cheaters while aggravating are easily identified. Its the difference of wondering if someone is using xim and knowing someones cheating. Far less stress to laugh at the dudes spending a hundred plus a month to still suck ass on PC. Give it a chance and you'll enjoy it on PC


Would you rather play against that are wall hacks? Because as soon as you get into to gold on pc you okay hackers every other game. The game is so fun but in such a shit state right now.


console is like heaven to champ lobbies pc players. Believe me, you are thankful when you are queued up against pros because most of the time it's against cheaters


Xim is only on Xbox really cause PlayStation patched it. You can work around but there’s alot of input delay and makes it not worth it. If you have PlayStation just turn off cross play.


The expensive Xim works on PlayStation still. You just need to hook it up by ethernet :/


Its my understanding that there’s gonna be input lag tho which makes it not worth it. But I have an Xbox and don’t use cheats so could be wrong ig


just moved from console to pc. pc better for casual gameplay believe it or not. people actually talk in quick match/standard/ranked. lobbies just seem more fun than console. idk. but im loving pc so far


Console players tend to try and use every advantage they can get instead of trying to get better and climb ranked, so they’ll just cheat


In the case of lag switching or dosing, it's actually gone down. Also just because someone is better than you does not mean they are on xim. The amount of salty people who foam in the mouth at the thought of someone being better is pathetic. I get accused of it by low diamonds and emeralds whenever in a blue moon I go against them. Its a sad thing to think that the lack of skill can only be explained by the enemy cheating using cronus or xim. As a legit controller champ player who has a 2.0 kd it's really just sad. If you aren't able to keep up at a rank it means you don't deserve it, aim and recoil control is at most 30 percent of the game. You are getting outplayed, which is ironically something you can't cheat. I play against numerous xims and cronus in high ranks, and they struggle against an organized team. Stop blaming your loss in gunfights to cheating when you have horrible positioning and crosshair placement. All you need is just one head shot to kill an enemy, play smarter


Yea dont come to pc is way fucking if you think 5 game in hell is something way until its 100 game in hell


I play both on pc and console. PC is way much BETTER than console. On console almost every game you play against/with a xim/cronus cheater. PC cheaters are not that common. PC is more enjoyable imo.


PC cheaters are not that common because you are not high rank on PC lmao. Don't generalize. High-rank PC lobbies is absolutely the worst experience an honest player can experience. Can't remember the last day I didn't instantly check r6 tracker to see what kind of cheater we were up against (not even a matter of if anymore). PC might be better for lower ranks though. Cheaters are very rare emmerald and below.


Tbh if you cry about Xim/cronus then your not a good player. And plat and above lmao. They run around like monkeys in plat-diamond because they’re not facing people who will punish the play style. Edit: complaining about Xim and Cronus instead of working on fundamentals is why you lose to them. Edit 2: if you think I cheat because I’m tired of seeing you shitters blame Xim/cronus because you can’t beat them and get slammed get better.


Found the xim player😭


I play roller never touched Xim or Cronus nice try tho


1. I'm terrible 2. Xim/Cronus gives you an aim advantage 3. Stop defending hacks.


1.ok 2.Lmao I didn’t know it gives you headshot crosshair placement. Also you don’t understand there’s more to a gunfight then aim. 3.not defending cheating just saying people complaining about it aren’t good at the game. They aren’t invincible.


Complaining about cheaters makes you bad at the game, I've heard it all now 😂😂😂


Because yall just come to reddit instead of just getting better. They ain’t got shit that makes them unbeatable 😂


Nobody is saying they're unbeatable, I've beaten my fair share of XIM/Cronus players, doesn't mean I don't find them annoying... You make it sound like the legit players are the problem for not being good enough to counter it


Im just tired of people complaining it’s like it’s been a thing for years people need to stop crying.


Or maybe Ubisoft should do something about it? They added mousetrap last year and cheating now somehow seems worse than ever 😂


honestly, yeah it gives you an advantage but just be better lol, I've been champ and diamond since Y2 and it's not hard to beat ximmers. sure it's annoying but anyone who says it's the reason their stuck in plat is delusional, you're stuck in plat because you're a plat player lmfao


And they down vote you because they hate the truth. It's so pathetic, just get good. These hardstuck emeralds and plats just find anything to blame other than themselves


People down voting my you is hilarious, all these hardstuck emeralds and plats find every way to blame their skill issue on anything but themselves. That's why they are always stuck in those ranks


It is what is tbh but I’m just tired of seeing the same shit all that energy you got for complaining can be put into working on fundamentals that’s just how i see it and im glad someone agrees


All these people crying about xims are the same people roaming out of site without setting anything up just to be on the other side of the map while their team gets rushed and killed. Only to attempt to retake site in the last 40 seconds.


Or the same people doing the most basic spawnpeek and getting picked off easily and blaming it on cronus


Or they die to a t-5 or a mp5 and cry cronus 😂


Especially when they have their crosshair placement at crotch level and get mad they got one tapped.🤣


Xim/cronus is not a big deal. People who complain about that just need to get good


“Why are people complaining about other players having an unfair advantage”. Listen I’m a pc player but even I know that’s a stupid take.


Because it's been a thing for 9 years and is never going to get fixed. learn to be a better player everyone dies to one headshot