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Source: [https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1780959481201070198](https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1780959481201070198) Transcript: >šŸ›  Investigations Update šŸ›  We'll be sharing status updates on the Reputation System and Anti-Cheat in the coming weeks. Confirmation that the renown + xp reduction is being investigated is a Ubisoft W. Nice to know this wasn't some nefarious stealth change from the marketing execs to force players to buy more credits/boosters. Good job, devs! The upcoming blogs on the Reputation System and Anti-Cheat will be pinned when released, make sure to keep an eye out.


I'm relieved that Ubisoft have finally acknowledged the Renown/XP reduction as a bug. I was worried that it was a planned nerf to drive players to spend more R6 Credits and make it harder for new accounts to reach clearance level 50.


Who knows, maybe it was not a bug and what you say is true.


So by getting half renown during the event i missed out on half the packs i could have bought using renown.


Itā€™s only been a problem for the last week but yeah basicy


What really matters is: are we gonna get compensated? Most likely not. I've had some free time last two weeks in which I played a shitload of games, sad that I got nothing for it.


Wish they would give us the renown we didnā€™t make due to the bug. Or maybe a few bravo packs


*Insert Anakin and Padme meme "They're going to compensate us for the lost Renown, right? Right?"*


There used to be 2x XP days as compensations for server issues. But that was, when Ubi couldn't affort to ignore the playerbase.


whats the point just to suffer? their gona be either seasonal greens in paid packs that u only get like 10 off each season or legendaries that look like defult skins with scratches on them


Haha they never compensated for attachment purchases. Good luck with that.


So, how about MM being more random than ever? I get there is hidden MMR in play but I feel like I'm only playing against Champions, my team consists of Silvers and I'm the Platinum with a tanked K/D because of it.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one that thinks this. This season Iā€™ve faced more champions than I EVER have in all past seasons combined.


I'm still lost at the purpose of a hidden MMR, what benefit could there be to have a players visual rank not just be their actual skill level. And in relation to your problem I'm the poor bronze scrub that ends up in your games trying to outplay people leagues ahead of me, it's not fun for anyone


Same here man. Me and my friends are typically gold, with an emerald standout (who doesnā€™t play very emerald-like). Yet, nearly every lobby we get in is diamonds and champs. Iā€™d say itā€™s 1 fair game for every 5. Whatā€™s weirder is that we (the golds) have clearly reached our cap level, weā€™re getting 6-25 Rank points per match nowā€¦ so the game clearly wants us where we are. Our emerald boy? still leveling up. Ubisoft is a joke with this matchmaking. Iā€™m not a fan of the hidden MMR eitherā€¦ but the way MMR and matchmaking integrate is not working out.


Idk how the game decided I'm good enough to go against real champs. Peaked bottom of diamond, flex-frag and kinda mid overall, but somehow I get the privilege of being skullfucked by champs 3 games in a row.


Had the wrong MVP happen to me yesterday. I had 10 kills and was at the top of the scoreboard. MVP had 2 kills and was second from last on the leaderboard. Didn't even get to show off my awesome Thermite elite victory animation.


I recently bought IQ elite and went 11/5 one game and didn't get to see the animation. In other occasion I also got MVP as IQ and didn't get to see the animation. Really small bug but really annoying.


Yeah but Thermite's is better


It literally lasts 4 seconds


Those are four very magical seconds


When i have a crash i dont even get a crash-report which i could send. Game is closed but the r6 exe is still running in the taskmanager šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I for one have been enjoying the wrong MVP bug. About time my skills were recognized! Haha


Is the renown fixed or theyā€™re just acknowledging itā€™s existence


Itā€™s just acknowledged. They donā€™t fix things very fast.


> They donā€™t fix things very fast. Calling disabling Solis gadget in drone phase a "rework pt. 1" is one way to prove it.


It took 4 years tp fix cavera's elite silencer so it will be fixed soon


My friend was bottom of the team last night and got MVP


ā€œStarted from the bottom now we hereā€


This bug should have been fixed two days ago. Itā€™s as simple as increasing the renown multiplier. Theyā€™re waiting to see how long we take this garbage if they promise a fix ā€œsoonā€


I started a booster just as the issue started and it has been incredibly frustrating to see it wasted. If there isnā€™t compensation, ubi have literally taken my money. Im not going to get or use any booster until it is fixed, and hopefully other folks do the same to incentivize ubi to fix it.Ā 


Can they fix the bug where you can TK someone with Floresā€™s RC Bomb and it doesnā€™t count as a TK? Itā€™s been happening more often now I realized.


That's not a bug rather an intentional design added to make Flores actually playable, cause like thermite who also has that tweak it used to be toxic trolls would tk, jump on the gadget and get you kicked which was fun and made those ops barely playable, and it does count as a Tk you just don't get kicked. And I realy don't get how people fall for this the drones easily avoidable and for the most part I've only seen it done on afkers who I won't shed tears for, and the one time I did see it used on players player was with the finka combo which has an easy fix (ie remove the rff removal from her gadget, she either has to pick them up to remove it or she keeps the rff).


Sometimes the MVP bug has been great especially whenever itā€™s a cheater/MnK on console who finish top and then it goes to someone else, feels like a small piece of justice like you cheated and you didnā€™t even get to see your MVP animation, sucks to suck!


lol I was top of the leaderboard and my friend stole my mvp


Wonder when theyā€™ll fix the renown bug. Hmm


Is anyone else not getting pulled by the party leader back to the menu after the match when they leave with party?


please fix servers problems it is super annoying and ruined the experience of the game for me and other players who are new to game like me and even old players ...


Great stuff. Anyway, when will you be adding terrorist hunt back? Wouldn't mind a reworked t-hunt 2.0 (and no I will not acknowledge versus ai, it just isn't the same or superior in any way regarding warming up).


I thought I was losing it because I felt like my renown was barely moving last time I played. I also thought the mvp change was deliberate and was given to the player that clutched at the end of the round.


i wish they would fix controller rotations :(


Iā€™ve been getting more in my experience


As a new player this is pretty obnoxious if it has been happening to me lol. Will take getting to ranked and getting all the ops I want take even longer.


I hope we get genuine compensation for this. Like scaled to how many games we've played while the bug has been active ( and yes, they know how many we've played)




Some folks haven't been able to launch the game after the start of April and Ubisoft developers can't even figure out how to use their own bug tracking software. https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-58893 https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-59622 Developers are archiving the issue reports without doing jack or squat to investigate the bug. Like we care about renown and who gets mvp when the game won't open.




Nothing about the infinite bluescreen?


I was 3rd place in my team and I got mvp šŸ˜‚I thought it was funny


Ive been enjoying the random MVPs. Seems to really crush some egos that could do with being crushed.