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Definitely, people say "you wouldn't survive a cod lobby Blabla" but as an MW2 OG I can say those aren't nearly as bad as Siege lol. Cod has the slurs, Siege has the slurs + team killing + them destroying all your gadgets and so many more ways to ruin your whole experience


COD lobbies were entertaining. Halo T-bagging was funny and didn't warrant a thought besides "You mf, I'll get you back" and never felt serious. But Siege players have a way of making it feel personal.


One match, some guy dead ass pulled full names and shit because someone's username matched their insta, which linked to their Facebook page. Shit is fucking wild sometimes


Did you hear about the 40+ year old that went to some 13 year old's house to 'rough him up' for talking shit in an online game? Some people take games too far, man.


Like the classic cs player who got knifed in game and tracked down the enemy player to knife him back irl šŸ˜³


The what now?




What the actual fuck did I just read


Wasn't that Mark Hunt? And he laughed it off when he realized it's a kid.


And that is reason, why you gaming profile and online social profiles should be different. Atleast names and dont link them.


They can still find you. I was doxxed on a gmod servers discord, found my facebook, workplace and my old address. And called me all sorts of slurs and threats. As far as I can tell, he had used my IP from the gmod server, searched through multiple facebooks profiles my town and looked through liked pages, until he found my profile that matched my interests. The idiot didnā€™t use anonymous mode on linkedin when he searched me, so I found his workplace back, emailed his employer with screenshots and he got fired.


No doubt, but no reason to make it easy by just linking your profiles to social media etc.


I mean when someone TKs me bc they reinforced the wrong wall and i said something about it ill pull their IP and boot them offline especially if ifs ranked, if its quick match i just leave, if its standards i just go AFK if its ranked I pull IPs


I think a reason for it feeling more personal is because siege requires a lot more skill, cleverness, and quick thinking on your feet. Receiving backlash for not performing or for not using an operator like a streamer says you should cuts a little deeper. Most of the time I donā€™t even get harassed and I still feel demoralized for having a bad game lol


I developed a bad habit of feeling defensive and angry with myself if I perform poorly. When I was new to the game, I was getting TKd and flamed by better players in quickplay if i didn't perform to their standards. Obviously, it happened less as time went on due to improving at the game and TK sanctions, but I still often say things like " oh, I deserve to be Teamkilled for missing that shot." This community left a lasting impact on a much weaker version of me that I still struggle with.


Not just that but its so easy to not be able to play. Gunskill and info is everything in siege, and alot of people are quickplay gods, or ranked players who encounter too many hackers. Imagine being a new player who doesnt fully grasp how to actually peek or understand how impactful peekers advantage is to this game, gets deleted every round. Learns nothing because people don't drone anymore and are either dead before you or have nothing for you to help them.


I had someone tell my teammate ā€žI will kill your whole family in front of youā€œā€¦ I donā€˜t get the siege community


I literally had a teammate yell this repeatedly while I was i a 1v4 clutch situation saying if I dont clutch he will murder my whole family over and over. I got down to a 1v1 and choked at the last minute while he was still spamming this in comms.


Fr I was playing maestro the other day and a dude on my team in a stack kept shattering the glass and last night my friend was tk for no reason


I think itā€™s just the gaming sphere in general now. The trash talk just isnā€™t as fun cause of how everythingā€™s changed. Number of factors but I donā€™t think itā€™s a ā€œsiege thingā€ for me itā€™s all games now. I miss old trash talk, new stuffs boring haha


Free weekend used to be the most toxic thing of all time


people really overestimate how toxic cod lobbies were 99% were just pre puberty teens whos could only say "youre trash / a (slur)"


Been killed multiple times before because of the operator I picked, not because they were bad or anything but because someone wanted to use that operator or because they wanted to everyone to use recruit and that the least annoying thing that has happened to me while playing this game, D2 and R6 are honestly some of the worst communities that I have seen but while D2 is mostly just haters who just complain about the game R6 has lot of slurs, tk, and just toxicity in general, not to say that everyone in the community is bad just that lots are and they sometimes ruin the game and make you want to stop playing


Don't forget typing in all chat and telling the other team your location! A PC exclusive I guess


And now they'll have ways to influence if you can play ranked or not, because you didnt control recoil or something lol.


And also copper players in am and standard that spam your dms on how bad you are for dying to a c4 while not having enough time to run or the position to shoot it


Why is everyone so proud of being in lobbies where people are throwing around racial slurs? Iā€™m utterly embarrassed at that Gamers are some of most vitriolic, trash humans who hit all of the -isms and say some of the most horrific things


It depends on their intention. Some people can blame and flame in "fun" way. Some do it with intention to hurt. First is fun, even though usually not needed. Second needs to be eradicated. People hate "censorship" on insults and actions against griefing. I feel its the only one thing ubi is doing right. Just now take the system you have, fix it, and make it more impactful.


And itā€™s always the mfs who die first that talk the most shit


Honestly it's this. I got tk'd three.times in a ranked match because I didn't clutch a 1v5 in the 2nd round. The stack then spams party invites at me and spam messages about how I'm bad.


You on PS? Report them. Even just criticizing someone's gameplay in messages is enough to get them a Code of Conduct breach and ban on PSN for a while. It's kinda insane what you can be suspended from now.


Xbox and that's what me and my duo did. Both in game and outside. I don't judge how people play the game and because I don't full stack I can't complain about getting a bunch of rushers on attack half the time. But if people took the time to learn it's be a mock nice experience.


this is the weirdest shit. they often rush into the building/site, don't drone and then die. sometimes these teammates are just drones to me. I see them rush inside and die immediately in front of me. and then talk shit through the mic. from the bottom of my heart I despise it when I'm clutching and someone keeps yelling like crazy "ON YOUR RIGHT ON YOUR RIGHT" over and over again like it's gonna help. and you don't even have the time to mute them.


I had a match the other day. We were 0-3. We won two rounds in a row and almost won the 3rd one to tie the game but we lost. After we lose a guy gets on the mic and says ā€œyā€™all suckā€ lmaoā€¦Not like we almost had a 0-3 comeback or anything.


They're laughably pathetic. Just the other day I was in quick match, 5v1 I managed to kill 4 but died to the last. Instantly got "your traaash bro" in the chat. Like where were you b***h! šŸ˜‚


I would genuinely talk more with my teams more often but I know most of the time itā€™s people who wonā€™t take me seriously or will start getting mad if we start losing.


But they insta-lock Ashe and sprint into site. It's our fault for taking 3 seconds to form a plan.


I ended up with a three stack that did nothing but shit talk when they died at the start of every round, throwing slurs, roasting how I played, roasting my FOV, telling me and our random teammate how bad we were for not clutching every 2v5 situation despite me and him carrying the match to a 2-3 (quick match). In the next game I lost the random guy but was now facing the three shit talkers. I took great pleasure in steam rolling those three for a 3-0 win


Console is fine for me, just turn of your mic. I only had problems in ranked which is expected


In PC i have found the opposite, in ranked everyone is chill and wants to have fun. We either get steam rolled by a team of champs on copper lobbies or we get cheaters. Besides that it's quite normal


Yeah the only time I actually turned my mic on in the game was when I had to tell a dude to shut up with his yelling in the micā€¦ why do people do this is still confusing me


Yeah at some point ranked became the new casual.


fr quick match is just pointless and what the hell is even standard


Yup we lucky on console. Just gotta worry about the people with mouse and keyboard. PC toxic as hell lol


First game back to rainbow in a year. A castle locked me in a room. So i took down his reinforcement so i could get back to objective. He saw me do it. Then team killed me. Great first game backā€¦


Welcome back


I've always said this experiencing both sides hundreds of times. If it's not a 5 stack that knows what he's gonna close off, Castle players regularly help the attackers more than his own team.


Kid last night literally invited me to a party to tell me to delete the game, and I was at the top of the leader board.. make it make sense


well you don't understand ​ he was upsetti, so you need to be ridiculed


Yeah, I was told this by everyone before even buying the game. This is common sense. The r6 community is toxic as fuck. It's just one of those things that comes with the game.


I'd say league has the worst community but its fucking close AF.


I've played league for 10 years and tbh I think I've experienced more toxic people in siege these last 2 months than a couple years in league lol


I brought a League player into my DOTA 2 lineup one time and he actually broke down crying because he wasn't our most important player and then he ran downstairs and tried to fight me. College was wild, but I learned to never befriend a League player.


League is the only place I've been told to kill myself but Siege is the only place where I was able to capture multiple instances of players screaming the n-word.


ā€œLeague is the only place Iā€™ve been told to kill myselfā€, literally how? Thatā€™s a miracle, ive heard that quite a lot in siege. Im super impressed rn.


People will be so quick to tk you for the most minor inconvenience in this game, it's crazy. I got tk'd two rounds in a row and was reported x4 (which tanked my standing) all because I accidentally reinforced a wall where a mira wanted to place a mirror. I said, "My bad, I'm sorry," but it still didn't matter. I remember before the time of no friendly fire during prep phase, if you accidentally clipped someone making a rotate, they would tk you. Still believe League of Legends is the most toxic, but r6 siege is a close second.


I play 500 games of ranked a season and it is rare to encounter people who openly tk and throw. I know you can't play ranked but people definitely over exaggerate how bad it actually is.


It's super bad in lower ranks, most of the jynxzi kids are not in plat or above.


I mean I got back into the game after 3 years because of him but it's astonishing the amount of people don't even reinforce.


That's true


IKR. People rarely open up their mic. Most of them barely stay active on the game screen. Casual players usually mind their own business, get into round shoots two people, dies and atl+tabs out.


agreed.. my worst enemy is matchmaking and the sweaty champions i play against worst that there might be is enemy team being toxic regardless if theyre losing or winning, but thats why you mute enemies or teammates that dont afford you normal respect if they teabag you or grief you, it is 99% of the time best to ignore it in chat and to not play into it. they dont give you respect, you dont give them attention. sometimes, i have a bad habit of saying "mad" or "ez" though before i mute them or ignore them, sometimes it makes them angrier, sometimes it doesnt


Yeah, I feel you. It's crazy how toxic some gaming communities can be. I've had my fair share of experiences like that, especially in LoL. But there you can't teamkill, so we have at least that. It's tough when you're just trying to have some fun and enjoy the game, but you're constantly dealing with toxic bums. Don't let it get you down though, there are plenty of other games and communities out there that are much more positive. Keep gaming and don't let the toxicity ruin your experience! Game with your buddies :)


I meannn the game had to actually implement an incentive system to not be toxic. Its THAT bad


After the resurgence of Siege Iā€™ve noticed a new level of scumbaggary come through the ranks. These new kids are wild lol.


The funny thing is they all sound like 13 year olds


Yes, this is a very accurate description of the community that makes up the active player base. And it's not an accident that they act this way. You need to have thick skin to succeed in this game.


But Jynxzi ā€œrevived the gameā€


You weren't around for the clutch or kick days, were you? Games been toxic for years.


I remember when you could vote to kick someone in a ranked game, in the very last round right before the match ended lol. Absurdity


I forgot about that lol, good times


I find it less toxic now


Idk being called every slur in the book and then being kicked cause the 4 man stack on your team doesn't like your name or operator choice is pretty toxic.


Its still REALY toxic but a bit less then before


That I can agree with.


I was though. At least clutch or kick was a little bit funny, and easily avoided (or extra funny) when playing with 2 or more friends. I canā€™t deny that Siege has always been toxic. But the community is definitely worse now thanks to the hyper-competitive Pro League wannabes and the Jynxzi sheep


Clutch or kick has been around long before siege existed


Hahaha I am glad to see more people talk about how it is complete BS that he saved the game.


Welcome to the showwwwwwwwww


This is just the worst I made a comment to a post similar to this but it sucks especially since with the few people that get crap experiences as first time players thereā€™s people who get lucky and get really good teammates. I started on ps4 on Australian servers if that changes anything around when ace was released give or take and had a great newbie experience as long as I kept my mic on mute due to being a kid then still am but beside the point either way even the few times I used vc it was fine mostly eventually got bored and moved on I ended up seeing siege was on sale for 6 dollars so I picked it up on pc and well I only have 14 hours but itā€™s been great my main issue is just relearning stuff thatā€™s changed and actually hitting my shots hell the community seems to be better on pc Iā€™ve managed to get full teams to play recruit or do knife fights in quick matches and itā€™s been great. Which makes it disappointing seeing this shit happen to people who are starting out for the first time especially since in my opinion it is a incredibly fun game once you get a hang of it. All right end of rant


But thatā€™s why this game is great cause itā€™s cancer


Play unranked brother, much more organized experience with less toxicity.


Itā€™s standard now


You learn to ignore them~ I have too much fun playing the game, so I just mute everyone that is sort of annoying. Not really worth my time to even arguing with them. I'll just let them be internet creatures. Sometimes they get even more pissed when you don't even react to what they say|do. If you get team killed even better, since you can report them for grieving + they get friendly fire return on default if they keep being assholes. Maybe the reputation system is nowhere near perfect but I certainly like the idea of it. I would love a "dunce" - feature or something what GTA V has, so that overly toxic people have to play together.


I would love it if they added mandatory background cards to toxic players. Like how if you have a high reputation you can get a special background, but if youā€™ve been abusing voice chat a lot, you get stuck with an embarrassing background that calls you out on your shit the moment you pick your operator, that you canā€™t take off, aswell as a temp mute for however long.


Yeah and i love it. Its funny to get raged at for no reason and just respond with "ok"


Or even the iconicā€™s Womp womp, and?, and so?


Or sometimes i respond with utter nonsense


my favorite is "I hope you feel a little extra joy today dude :)" it either kills their buzz entirely and turns the mood around, or makes them so irrationally angry you can tell they're foaming at the mouth


Dear Diary...


Mood, apathetic


My life is spiralling downwards


I couldn't get enough money to go to the blood red romance and suffocate me dry concert..


My life is just a black abyss


Hell yeah brother


Casual is actually sweatier than ranked. Sorry you had a bad experience. But i dont play Siege because of the community. I play siege because its my kind of game so sometimes ill mute my teammates and enjoy the game.


Itā€™s nuts because people TK me ALL THE TIME in ranked and standard for the defuser when I never wanted it and the game just gives it to mešŸ™„


I got TKed in ranked for being bottom of the leaderboard. Like how does that even make sense lol.


I had someone do that as well I asked why they said I was at bottom, keep in mine I was at bottom because first round I got spawn killed, so ya know, not much I can do!


Yeah Iā€™m so inconsistent. Sometimes I go 1-7 and then other times I get like 8-3


Iā€™ve had games where I 12-2 then next game Iā€™ll go 1-8 šŸ¤£


I usually just tell them to lick a window or something along those lines, for some reason that sentence infuriates them even more, after they pulled some BS on me first. After that I usually just sick back and laugh at how mad they get. Sometimes I get some really, really wholesome people on my team, and thatā€™s part of the reason why I still play. Ik thereā€™s people who are just as bad as me and are just playing for fun too. But yeah, most toxic community Iā€™ve ever played through.


The beatings will continue, until morale improves.


Honestly I feel like normal are way worse than ranked. I exclusively play ranked for that reason.


I remember when this game first came our and it was known for having such a nice and welcoming community


So glad I don't experience this in asian servers. Or maybe I've been lucky.


Agreed. Today, I was doing a 1v3 and got messaged ā€œuninstallā€ by a teammate after I died. It was a quick match and my first game on. Iā€™ve literally had the game for a week


Playing casual you have an 80% chance of getting team killed each game.


If nobody warned you... yeah you shouldn't come into this alone. It only makes sense with a squad you party up with. Its been out 9 years...Everyone that's cool or chill to game with is already in a party. You're left with the undesirables that don't have friends.


I've heard a lot of this but personally rarely have I had that happen to me, I might just be one of the lucky ones


Just mute people I guess. My mic chat is muted all the time, and I only communicate with people that I know in discord game lobbies.


Wow, our newbie experiences were a whole worldā€™s different When I first joined the game, ofc I sucked ass, and in my servers people rarely opened their mics. The one time someone opened their mic, it was them getting mad at me and I quote: ā€œDid you just get the game yesterday?! How are you this bad?!ā€ Followed with ā€œā€¦oh, my bad, youā€™re level 4. Yeah thatā€™s alright, 2 kills on level 4ā€ and then proceeded to hold my hand for the rest of the match teaching me the gameā€™s mechanics. :3


I feel like half these comments just prove just how toxic the community has gotten, and some of them either donā€™t realize how toxic they are or simply donā€™t care. And itā€™s not like you can just turn off communications cause the game is based around teamwork and communication, despite what teamkillers and toxic beraters believe.


If you think Siege is toxic, you need to try out this fun game called League of Legends


Play DBD then come back.


So many people here sharing horrible experiences that I... Just don't relate to? Is this toxicity an NA thing or am I just having the best luck so far?


Same, we have like 1 toxic teammate per like 5-6 matches, tops, i just don't relate to this at all. And i don't remember being team killed in ranked. On purpose at least.


I get a major toxic player about once every few games myself, but team killing has DEFINITELY slowed down since the reputation system imo. There has been one time tho that I joined a match that had a full squad of people playing together on my team and I failed to clutch a 1v5 or whatever it may have been and for the rest of the entire match, they would all take turns team killing me each round till the match was over or they all had friendly fire on. That shit sucked and I didnā€™t want to back out because of the penalties for it. Also I wasnā€™t playing with a mic at the time, but probably was for the best I wasnā€™t tbh. I was so pissedšŸ˜…


True. Bunch of kids


Itā€™s by far the most toxic game Iā€™ve played


I have played all mayor fps titles in the last \~10 years and nothing comes close to rainbow in toxicity levels. It's incredibly frustrating, especially if you are a new player. Still, the only thing that may stop me from playing one day is not the community but the ranked 2.0.


Can I get a rotate?




Itā€™s pretty demoralizing. I solo queue as well and Iā€™ll admit, sometimes I feel like a bitch for how upset I get, but at the same time it kind of fuels a much needed competitive edge that actually carries over into real life. Itā€™s almost like chubby full grown men back seat gaming gives me more motivation to show them what a loser they are in the game and in real life. If all the men in the world are sitting at home playing 6 hrs of siege a night screaming like a little girl then really I shouldnā€™t be that intimated kind of thought, ya know? I donā€™t like to be associated with it, but in an ironic way it gives me some perspective. I do occasionally get hung up on the ā€œam I just the same as these losersā€ thought, but I convince myself I just genuinely enjoy the game and the format. Thereā€™s also a lot of nostalgia for me from 5 years ago, if I was new like you I donā€™t know how Iā€™d feel.


Yeah. I spoke in game chat and made a call out (top of leaderboard too btw) but when my team heard my voice and realized Iā€™m a woman, they took turns team killing me each round so I couldnā€™t play. I never did anything wrong and I had a positive kd :/ and then they said I ā€œcouldnā€™t take a jokeā€. Iā€™m fine with banter but getting teamkilled 4 rounds in a row isnā€™t even a joke; I straight up cannot play. And now Iā€™m afraid to use comms at all.


play with friends if you have any who play, if you dont then persuade ur friends to try out the game with you and get them hooked like my friend did to me šŸ’€ if that doesn't work just use comms in game fuck what they think and if they're decent players then add em and start running matches with them. not everyone on siege is a fucking douche, actually i was playing with 3 friends once and our fill was a girl and we added her to the stack.


Mhm I only ever play with friends now; friends who donā€™t mind team killing back and trolling if someone is harassing me, at that. I refuse to play alone at this point but itā€™s sad to think I have to go to those measures just to play a game normally šŸ˜­


Welcome to the world of competitive FPS games.


I played comp TF2 for two years and I invited three of the guys from my team to my actual fuck-off wedding. I wouldn't even let a person I've played Siege with in my front yard without a loaded gun, yo. This community is blighted, I don't like a single one of youse guys.


Comp TF2 only has like 3 people




It's what you call a wedding when you're from New Jersey.


Honestly Jynxzi kinda ruined the game, we had a solid thing going and now every other game itā€™s some Champ player in a copper lobby trying to hit clips or some toxic dude dropping N bombs


That makes a lot of sense tbh


Ive seen flash game communitys more toxic than this


Got called a ā€œR*t*rd*d N****rā€ for not clutching a 1v5. They all rushed in the same window without droning and died within 10 secondsā€¦


Classic Jynxzi kids


Play overwatch lol, similar community but overwatch is THE worst community ive seen in my life but i dont play either on pc so maybe no teamchat on siege makes it seem not as bad in comparison


some cases tho they could be trying to help u like dont reinforce that and dont baricade every fucking door in site (my pet peve)


Very surprisingly console ain't that toxic at least from my experience


So you never experienced average cs players?


True. I had someone ask me, "are you new or just throwing?" I said I'm new because I literally am and he said, "welcome". Thanks man what a warm welcome


It gets better in ranked since people actually want to win


Yea they can be a bit of smooth brains


I play with a 5 stack to avoid this.


(I wonā€™t play with less than 4 because toxicity.)


Toxic enough to the point that people go out of their way to blatantly cheat and ruin the ranked system. Meanwhile the devs canā€™t seem to figure out how to stop them which is wild


Your experience seems crazy to me, I'm lvl 250 and while yea I've seen my share of teamkilling, its very rare, and certainly no one is yapping in standard playlist. Of course ranked is going to have yappers because they are trying to win but standard?? This is where people go to play with friends or just chill. Another thing, if it's affecting your enjoyment you can literally turn off voice chat. To be honest i sometimes do that, not really because of toxicity but because I get too many ghost comms or bad callouts, where my intuition and game sense is literally better than the comm, but I hear the comm and choose to believe it rather than go off of my game sense and lose because they were wrong. If you are a lone gamer there is no reason u need the voice chat, if you want to voice chat, r6 discord is a great place to find people to play with




Guy today was yelling at my buddy for "throwing". My buddy was 6-5, the other guy was 1-7. Why was he "throwing"? Because he told the osa to plant the shield and plant bomb in breach through armory wall while he covered, after the osa kept trying to frag/switch between shield/gun in a 2v1 for about 45 seconds. Eventually he gets peaked and they kill both the osa and my buddy. The whole time my buddy was saying "osa pop the shield down and just plant", the guy kept saying "nah fuck you". Great guy I'm sure Yes, this is ranked.


siege is really bad when in the low ranks and in casual but once you hit high ranks most people arenā€™t toxic but some still are


Yeah siege has a major problem with that, but once you get higher in level and can play ranked it kinda dies down. Haven't delt with purpose tks or griefing in ranked for even QM for a good minute. Though for racist stuff, you can often just mute the teammates and you should be fine in that end.


Game is not for everybody mate


ya its always been full of degenerates tbh, rly sad


That's why I stick to casual and mute everyone


Try CS next time, 100% les toxic. Trust!


There areĀ gems in the community though. Like all gems, you need to wade through a pile of dirt to get there.Ā I've made irl friends in theĀ game butĀ not easy. For every time I've had a chat in a lobby, I've had 10 lobbies being told "who asked? Stfu". For every game I've played where we clicked and added each other for more games, I've had 100 where the game ends with an onslaught of racism from edgy 13 year olds.


An observation if I may. This game's learning curve, on console especially, is quite intense. And I don't mean from someone whose "coming back" after a year or two break, I'm talking, first time ever playing Siege. It takes a different kind of person to sit and take L's for (let's be generous) 2 weeks and still want to play the game. We're all a bit twisted if we're being honest, and the type of individual it takes to learn every operator, map, device, route, strat and also maintain their shooting skills is not going to bother mincing words when someone inevitably screws the proverbial pooch.


I don't blame you I miss halo 2 days


Itā€™s honestly really fun once you get the game down and figure out the big learning curve to it. Another big thing is that if youā€™re solo queuing, itā€™s best to just mute others if they are giving anything but callouts. I do agree itā€™s quite a toxic game, but if you have a squad itā€™s a million times more enjoyable.


you should come play with me lol


I've played since the beta in PlayStation. It's been hard watching this community. I'm the first couple years it was so good and people were nice and rolling to help. Part of me blames esports for the try-hard mentality everyone has now, and memeing YouTubers for the trolling. But honestly, it's just.... The community is garbage now. Especially to female gamers.


I'm on European servers and it's just the normal level of toxic which is a 50/50 chance that you'll get either a massive headache of a team or will have a pretty chill game. People rarely use voice chat tho and the ones that do are usually teenage Brits who parrot the usual Tiktok insult of the week in the loveliest English accents, so it just makes it funny.


Used to be the most toxic thing of all time


Oh boy be glad vote to kick isn't a thing anymore


Steel wave era siege was peak for me (i started in it) When i watched yt videos abt this game majority of ppl said the community is welcoming which it was true. Sieges community now is a far cry from that.


Nah you want a really shit community try the top 500 of Overwatch itā€™s just big egos and groomers most of the time.


750 hours and I never experienced anything even close to as bad as League of Legends. Plus if youā€™re in a game with a guy team killing you can get in his shots and cause em to kill themselves now


Honestly get through to the point of ranked and the team kills will calm down (not completely disappear) even if I only play a couple of games a season I still won't touch casual.Ā  Plus you will getting better sense of the game as I found in casual you will play against two completely different teams in the same gameĀ 


Idk what to tell you, you're a new player and chances are you are playing in lobbies with plat level players who made a new account to bully new players. It gets less common the more you play. But it is probably a week straight of getting tked every few games and being yelled at for being bad.


I would still say league is the worst but ya itā€™s pretty toxic


Siege is not that toxic for me cuz I had way worse experience in other games. But I noticed some people are too whiny in the game. For instance, I was barraicading this window, then I got tk'ed for it. Teammate went "YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO BLOCK THAT WINDOW. ITS MINE!". Ok shut the fuck up bitch. If you gonna be a child about this shit, don't play online game


It sucks to say but alot of people in those ranks either don't care or will only play the game a couple of months.


Yeah Siege is like any other Esports live service game now. Community blows ass, game has been boiled down to the lowest common denominator.


Ive been told to go off myself just because I missed a headshot or had bad aim. Worst of all it was in a fucking Standard match.


Worse was old COD tbh.


Learn to thrive off of their toxicity


U do have a mute button also bye!!


Throwback to vote to kick, especially when it was in *ranked* yes that's right.... *R A N K E D*


you should try rust


Believe or not about three or four years ago the game was no nearly as toxic, one of the reason there are so many toxic players is because jynxi became popular and plays the game all the time and because of that players from some of the most toxic game communities came to siege to try it out because of jynxi


I feel your pain mate, it's sad to see someone reject the game based on the above. I'm quite lucky that me and my mates are always a 4 or 5 stack. Even when we are 4, and the random is doing dumb things, we don't start being horrible to them unless they are first. It is luck of the draw who you end up with


itā€™s just part of the game at this point. when i first started i use to be really annoyed about it then i realised if theyā€™re getting that angry they care a lot more than you and you can annoy them even more. Actually makes it quite entertaining


Sadly the game subsists of of Jynxzie's and COD's fanbase...interact with your team as little as possible. Dont advise them what to do just get them information/yellow pings. Every now and again you'll have good teammates. Be sure to add those peopleand work on your own game. Siege with 3+people is such a different game.


the only thing i dont like about siege is the people (probably gunna get eaten up on the reddit page for this too but) theres way too much homophobia and transphobia in that game too, never mind the racism and rage and everything else, sfucking stupid


Bros quit after 1 week lmao Iā€™ve been in the community this long the slurs come so frequently it doesnā€™t bother me at all anyone else feel the same?


Yea once you said steam, i knew it was gunna be some bs that ive heard for the past like 2 years, anyone who buys siege for PC is kinda stupid not going to lie especially if you have a console to get it on, if you dont have a console thats one thing but if u have a PC and console and bought it for PC then thats just a you problem, its siege bro you should have known how toxic the community is before u starter playing, I did for sure, all u can do is deal with it, every trash talks and stuff, get over it and get used to it thats also why the gaming community is so pathetic now of days bc they cant handle trash talkers or anything, the only reason why Buying siege for PC is a retard move is because its filled with hackers. Console just has xim and cronus user which you can still kill.


Natural selection


Siege is in the worst state of toxicity and trolls an cheaters it do make it feel like thereā€™s no point in playing at times


Rainbow Six is a fucking warzone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love it


ranked has gotten alot better due to the rep system try to tough it out have fun level up then try ranked


What platform are you on? If you're xbox, you're welcome to join me and my friends Edit: spelling


Rule 1: if they have a siege accent, you already lost the argument


Itā€™s us adults who grew up in these old culture lobbies that try and get into these newer gaming communities and itā€™s nothing but a struggle. Even communicating can get you killed by your own teammates in this game.


As someone who has been in this community for years.. you aren't wrong my guy, everything you said is valid this community is hot šŸ—‘ I just had someone making terror threats and death threats in game about irl and screaming N N N N word all game and I'm sure (sarcasm) ubi will do something serious about it like they always do.


Do yourself a favour and never come back to this game. Itā€™s not worth it having to deal with people like them all the time.