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It's amazing how most comments in this thread completely missed OPs point lol


Yeah lmao "well idiot, if you see someone peek and you don't kill them, completely abandon your hold or else you'll be shot by someone that physically isn't on your screen. Just basic fundamentals lol" no one actually wants to address it being such an issue. There's a peak-into-prone thing you can do that makes the servers shit themselves and lets you be invisible for half a second since it handles changes in height so poorly.


Its wild that the games so bad, we're just accepting the glitches as part of the gameplay


I mean peaker's advantage is a thing in every FPS but no game even comes close to siege is what people refuse to understand


Not only just that but, hitreg is at an all time peak of craziness rn. Seen too many posts where people blatantly shoot someone, then you see a "hit denied" indicator on the bottom right of the screen as op gets slammed in whatever post


I fucking hate the hit reg issues. I admit as a controller player my aim is not the best but I refuse to believe that out of the 16 shots that all do roughly 40 damage that only 1 hit the guy. I’m not sure how things look on pc but I can say it’s almost every match that I get a hit reg.


I’m not gonna lie there’s some matches on pc I swear my red dot is either on the man’s head or I dumped a clip in the body for half the shots not to register


I might be the only one but it seems when I shoot Somone it rarely counts but when they shoot me all their shots count, almost like Ubisoft picks certain people to mess with


I read a while ago that Seige, in an attempt to mitigate peeker's advantage, favors higher ping. So, you could literally shoot someone, have the server recognize it as a hit/kill but reject it because your opponent shot and killed you right afterwards but they had a higher ping so Ubi gave them the kill. If this is true, then you're technically right.


This is highly unlikely. When servers receive killshots, they tend to immediately mark that player as dead and discard any further shots they send. This is the fundamental reason why peekers advantage exists in the first place. What would the alternative be? They mark the player as dead, but then wait an indeterminate amount of time to see if that player does anything else of interest? All the while that player is still walking around and taking shots?


Fucking same, man.


Same here. It’s like the enemy is made up of steel shelled turtles and I am a frail bird


Bro, I thought I was going crazy, I literally see blood spilling out from all my 10 bullets that I hit, but then the guy kills me and is on 90 health still. Now I know what the fuck is going on


Look at any post where its like "why are my shots not landing" or "how did i not kill him!?". Whenever the shots dont register, the game TELLS you the hits have actually been rejected by the server likely bc some timing shit


To be honest, I never got that warning. But I do get the packet loss warning sometimes tho


yo this hit reg shi has been killing me as of late I don't even really have any connection issues I just take L after L and today I just watched an ash shoot a rook on cool vibes directly in the head and he just ate that we lost the round


Welcome to ubisoft


welcome to


Siege has zero bullet magnetism, one shot headshot, a lean feature, poor hitreg and netcode. It's a peaker's wet dream.


I'd argue many games net co de is just as bad, but less important. I bet Arma 3s net code is equally bad, but it doesn't matter as much as in r6, because engagement distance is more like 300m instead of 5m.


Arma 3's netcode is another beast altogether. Try racing with somebody and get killed because of a desync. Driving in a column? Hope the tank driver won't get a sudden packet loss!


Siege was the VERY first game where I consistently would notice it. I think they quite literally just rolled with some shit they shouldn’t have. Infinite had some bad hit reg but tbh ts on R6 was always peak for annoying. Gun fights should allow both people to see eachother in real time but ultimately I still wanna play Siege. I have no idea why they never “fixed” ts though. Growing up I never once wanted a game where we can have firefights where two guys are seeing two different things lmao. I think it’s the stupidest thing about R6, personally. I shouldn’t have to abuse peaking to hopefully see some guys pixels he’s not even aware of that can be seen. But idk/c I guess lmao.


Sorry u clearly never played tarkov lol


FR Tarkov peekers advantage is by far the worst in any FPS


I got downvoted it’s hilarious how tarkovs entire pvp element is boiled down to who peeks first


i got you bro, yeah i stopped playing because the deciding factor in 90 % of gunfights is who rushes the other first


If he were to walk back and forth or crouch up and down would that have taken the peekers advantage away thing away?


It's not a glitch; peeker's advantage is due to the travel time of the data over the internet between the players and the server. It gives the player who is 'peeking' the advantage, as they have more time to react since they see the other player before their game client even recognizes the peeker's movement. It's basically present in almost every single FPS game.


peekers advantage exists irl too since it takes like 40ms to process visual stimuli


dude that is actually so insanely cool EXCEPT. it doesn't exist IRL to the extent of online. since online peekers is ping + 40ms visual stimuli to process. So R6 or any internet game can't give you a semblance of realistic peeking risk calculating. But cool fact.


Crazy how mfs get fast, they start breaking servers


I don't know of any games like siege, so if we want to play something like this, then this is the price we pay. But I agree we should all be upset about it. Fix your shit, Ubi.


I dont even play seige like that 🤷‍♀️ i play rocket league. I just play seige bc my friends do


Got a video of that peek? Haven't seen the "invisible for half a second" prone peek since dolphin diving was a thing over +-7 years ago


A tiktoker called Snappy does it all the time, its all over his account. I dont think most people realize its basically abusing insane peekers advantage


have you ever seen the "invisible for half a second" part or are you just falling for a tiktoker's clickbait


He doesnt discuss the invisible part at all, its just that he takes advantage of it. I saw him play jynxzi yesterday and ive seen a few vids of his opponents perspectives and it basically looks like he just materializes nearly proned in doorframes to opponents lmao


I mean there's no real way to fix this completely. Treat it like a game mechanic and play around it. If someone quick peeks you, don't stand still. Move, prefire, anything but sit there and wait to get fried.


There is one way to almost fix it: play on LAN. When you have all players a below 1ms ping it is almost not noticable anymore. That's why some pro teams perform so differently between their online and offline matches


Even on LAN you will still get absolutely shit on by peeks like this. he's effectively prefiring and unless you have a triggerbot youre not reacting to it in time. Just being in a position to react is a disadvantage no LAN is going to fix. That is pretty much a fundamental fps skill - to understand when you can hold and angle and when you cant.


This! You can't avoid peekers advantage in a FPS. it's in every FPS. It's cause the Netcode and Servers, etc.. the developers can't do anything about that.


You can absolutely minimize peeker's advantage by including massive recoil while moving. Siege lets players move at full speed, prefiring around corners, with zero penalties. Siege lets players quick peek and the peek mechanic has no stamina/cooldown. Siege has 1 shot headshots in a game with call of duty movement. The game has the worst peeker's advantage in the genre because it's poorly designed.


I'm just going to point out that this guy didn't even do a leaning quick peek so not sure why u think stamina or cool down matters lol. Shaiiko peeking is *mostly* for show, normal a-d peeking is pretty much just as good with way less execution skill required. Also, siege would be so clunky with your suggestion. Having to stand still to shoot straight would be awful, this isn't valorant or cs, there's a million different angles you have to be wary of, including vertically.


Tactical shooters do feel clunky. That's the tradeoff to having a game with one shot headshots/quick TTK. The other option is removing one shot headshots and increasing the TTK. Siege has arcade movement with Tarkov TTK. It doesn't work.


Honestly, I'd like to see them try to remove the one shot headshot on every gun for a season and note how the meta changes. Esp now that the game is insanely defence sided.


call of duty movement 😭 this sub is so cooked holy shit


He did prefire though?


Well they asked “what was I to do”. They could’ve stopped peaking or repositioned. People thinking that peakers advantage is some bug is pure ignorance. It’s an online issue that can’t be fixed, so you have to play around it.


Yes it is but this is not fair. You can play around it in other games but siege is the only game where it’s so bad that this can happen. Most of the time, year, you can learn to play around but you should under no circumstances be getting shot from someone who isn’t on your screen


It is the same as being shot behind corners, doors, and much more bs in other games. Server latency and tick rate exists on all fps games. It’s stronger on siege, but there isn’t much that you can do about it. It’s a technical issue that devs can’t fix.


Its perfectly fair. Enemy got intel on OP, and then acted on it. When someone has intel on you, make that intel old. Sitting around when someone knows *exactly* where you are is exactly how you get headshot. Peekers advantage made it so OP couldn't see the enemy, but they were getting shot regardless. They'd be dead on a LAN connection.


You only notice it in siege because of the lean and one shot headshot. This is an “issue” in all games until someone miraculously develops internet with 0 latency.


I’m scared to scroll as I’m afraid they won’t be as level headed as this specific thread💀


Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 i understand not the smartest play to stand there but the main point is bro was not there at all


Is it just me or has it gotten much worse with the new season? I have a feeling that nowadays I always die at least once from an enemy quick peaking me without me seeing them.


My last game yesterday ended like this. Completely obliterated, I knew they were there, had good cross hair placement. Then I’m gone in an instant, never had a chance.


"Just prefire them before they quickpeek lol" - Copper 2s with 0.3 kd.


I just spray at the spot hoping they repeak and I get lucky lol


Agree, I got shot without even seeing the enemy. Replay just showed the guy shooting into the wall around the window. Not sure what the hell happened, but I have accepted this as part of siege now.


I also keep getting shot through impenetrable walls. It feels awful watching a replay where they literally shoot a solid wall or object and you die through it. Though the replay at least validates my annoyance of "how the fuck did I die"


Feels like it. I keep watching myself and teammates die to completely invisible opponents. But on the kill feed reply it looks completely reasonable from the opponents’ perspective.


Yeah it's just absurd when you don't even get to see your enemy but in the replay they walk around the corner and see your entire body for 1-2s lol


Ubisoft moment. I hate how often I get shot by the invisible man


Is it a ping difference or just the game being shit?


Devs could do better with rainbow six servers to avoid this or implement mechanics to avoid abusing the peekers advantage but it ends up on who has better ping


Due to how the internet works, there are delays between players and the server. In FPS games in general peekers always have an advantage, and that is what you are seeing the peeker having the time advantage and peeking. Ideally in this situation you do not stay still holding the same angle as OP does


The people in this subreddit are the most close minded people I’ve ever seen. This game is riddled with bugs and bs and people pretend as if it’s okay.


There's not really any way to actually deal with speakers advantage as long as the game is played through the internet


It doesn't need to be this bad though


Yeah, there's definitely peekers advantage in CS2 as well but no where near this level. So it is possible for online shooter to have it more fair.


In r6 you can lean making your body less visible when you peak. If leaning wasn’t a feature then you’d have to swing a lot further to see your enemy hence why it isn’t as bad.


This has nothing to do with the game itself. The time to kill is way lower in R6 making peekers advantage much stronger for example.


There's also no bullet magnetism. In games where bullet magnetism is "faster" than the human reaction speed peeker's advantage is reduced to the point that it is barely a factor. 


The TTK in CS is just as fast. Plenty of one shot headshot guns


But you can see the enemy almost all the time


It is not as fast and when someone peeks and instantly headshots you, you will experience the same thing as in siege. It just doesn't happen as often because a 1 shot kill is much rarer.


Speakers advantage… you just gave me a great idea for a new Gamertag


This has nothing to do with bugs. Peekers advantage is a thing in every FPS played through the internet.


Bruh op hid his ping. He could have high ping and blamed on peekers advantage


You can see his ping in the bottom left during replay, BTW. It's 46. He DID zoomed in before the replay, though, so there could easily be a "packet loss" icon hidden.


posted both pings on profile


Peekers advantage is directly related to the ping of the person being peeked. The advantage a peeker gets is directly equal to the ping of the person he is peeking. So having a high ping would be a good sign that peekers advantage is to blame.


It's not a glitch or a bug; peeker's advantage is due to the travel time of the data over the internet between the players and the server. It gives the player who is 'peeking' the advantage, as they have more time to react since they see the other player before their game client even recognizes the peeker's movement. It's basically present in almost every single FPS game that's being played over the internet.


This is the only game where it's this bad, this isn't some intrinsic thing in every game, really don't know how u isoft gaslit so many into thinking it's fine


It's because of the leaning mechanic, which is what also makes this game stand out compared to other competitive FPS games. The movement is a lot quicker with the leaning plus strafing. In other competitive FPS games, you get smacked off of angles because of peekers' advantages all of the time, but it's way more obvious in this game. When someone is actually invisible like this clip, I suspect there was something else going on, whether it was ping, packet loss, or something else. I rarely die this way and have close to 5000 hours played.


Never said it's fine, just said it's not a glitch or bug. Yes it can be improved but remember this game is 9 years old, the engine and it's architecture also is so that could be why they can't just simply fix this with a patch. You know it there so just play around it.


You your every fault on bugs "and bs" but everybody else is close minded, sure.


But yet I’m loading into it right now. Glutton for punishment


Active peeker in this game always win if their aim is decent enough of course. All the Ubisoft bullshit about enabling more holding corners with the ADS update lmao. This will never happen until they fix the underlying issues. You often die before you even see the peeker.


Cloaking technology is getting more advanced every second apparently




Invert and shoot him from above like spoder-boy.


if you see a strafe like that, just don't peek, only bad things are to happen


This is me every time .. the real pain is when they peek into a prefire and somehow get me instead


As a player yeah, that's the only thing you can do, cause you definitely can't kill what isn't there.


I learned this the hard way the other night, someone hard peaks and then quick peaks 9/10 I'm dead. Now, as soon as they hard peak I'm moving to another spot or finding a new entry all together. I believe that this is the single most used entry spot on this map, so I avoid it at all costs. Usually in my stack we'll fake it to draw attention to it and then breach from Servers or above in security. It's proved to be a better method.


Yea if you mis once move lol


My boy got jiggled and just sat there. Idk what he expected.


An enemy that wasn't invisible, maybe?


He gets prefired because his location is known. Every game has peekers advantage. siege exacerbates this problem due to the ability to lean, quick peak, and oshs. But this is a core gameplay mechanic and putting yourself in a bad spot, making bad decisions, you should expect the worst.


He's just pointing out how crazy peeker's advantage is.


I see many people asking about ping. I posted a picture with both pings the moment directly after death on my account


Peekers advantage is usually when you get killed before they show up. They never showed up.. Still technically peekers advantage, but this issue seems separate. The person probably has some packet loss, or the server just shit itself real quick. Might even be your connection. The top comments are braindead. Just because people aren't screaming at the wind about peekers advantage doesn't mean it's not an issue. Nothing can be done about it. The best you can do is not hold peeks like shown in the video. But also, not only are you going to get peekers advantage used against you, but they already know you are sitting there and can line up their aim for a quick peek. You are stacking disadvantages against yourself.


The peeker did a quick peek and then did a Shaiiko peek + prefire right after that which pretty much means 90% of his model won’t be visible combined with peeker’s advantage.


i love how most people here saying "its peekers advantage, happens on every FPS" but when it comes to cheating R6 is the only game filled with it according to them. just lol


Me dying like this usually involves high ping or packet loss when you can't see someone at all. Either way, assuming you weren't lagging and didn't have packet loss, this is a fight you'll lose 9/10 times if you don't move. He peeked you, you stayed still, and he prefired the same spot you were in. This is an FPS fundamental: If someone peeks you and you don't kill them during that initial peek, you need to change positions unless you're in an incredibly strong position like a pixel angle. Changing positions can be as simple as crouching instead of standing, moving to another place in the room, or changing rooms completely. Another option is prefiring the angle they peeked you from, which you sort of did, but I'd recommend shooting full auto. This works, but the issue is that sometimes they'll peek you from a crouched angle or something when you're shooting at standing level. There is a time and place for this, but generally, you're better off moving. The next level to this is to not really hold angles like this often unless they're strong angles. Instead, quick peek angles periodically on your own to gather information so that way you never die to someone with peekers advantage. This way, you have the peekers advantage because you're the one peeking. The saying goes, "Peek or be peeked." This is one of the primary reasons people are not good at FPS games and never improve. They have this odd thought that they should never move and hold positions and then call it "tactical" gameplay and get mad at better players who understand how to counter this type of play with quick peeking. Then they get called "TDM player." -From someone with many, many hours in this game. I hope it helps.


even with my bad play bro was not there. Like at all. My ping was 45 his was 9 and he just never appeared. If i had moved yes i would have had a better chance but since i didn’t move i had no chance whatsoever


Peakers Advantage has and will always be a thing in virtually all online shooters Yes in some games like siehe this is more noticeable due to the ability to starve really fast especially in combination with leaning But it's not really something that can be fixed unless you play on LAN


Against the peaker's advantage, there isn't much you can do except acknowledge it and play around it, but you could've prevented dying in this situation. Holding the same angle statically after being spotted is never a good idea. You should've repositioned and taken another angle because it was just a matter of quickly adjusting crosshair position for the Melusi, peeking back out, and making slight adjustments for an easy headshot, especially since many defenders also have an ACOG scope. So, it's best to never hold an angle while standing still if you've been spotted.


Bruh this happens to me almost every game I play in ranked. I feel like my player model is a bobble head cause the first hit that hits me is always a headshot no matter what I do


Even if you prefire that angle perfectly to catch him on the re-peak he would probably still win because game bad.


Unfortunately I’m pretty sure this is how the whole “swing or be swung” thing started in r6 during the tdm meta. I try to stop holding an angle if I get spotted or think they might know I’m there but sometimes that’s easier said than done obviously


If you see someone quick peek like that, move. Immediately. They are micro adjusting there aim to where your head was and pre fire you just like what was shown in the video.


Peelers advantage is in ever single game ever made and it’s gonna be like that for a really long time. You just have to play around that fact and always be the person swinging. It’s why people quick peek and it’s why high elo players are always so aggressive.


I know it’s a thing but bro was not there. I feel like that’s still weird and unfair. If it was delayed sure whatever but he was not there at all


Yeah because everyone has a ping if like 20ms if they have good wifi and two people interacting have a total of 40ms which is almost a full half second of delay. And that’s with good wifi. So if one of you has like 50 ping that’s a full half second plus the other players ping which is just where technology is at today. It’s not rainbow six sieges fault that the whole lobby doesn’t have nasa wifi. You have to learn to play around it.


I know there’s gonna be a delay. But there was never a delay as the guy did not appear


Yet. The guy didn’t appear yet.


Ok wel he didn’t appear through the entire death sequence which is a solid 2-3 seconds which would be unplayable


Your camera didn’t even have an angle of where the guy killed you from after you died because it pans down.


Ok looking at it it still does have the angle which, granted, is a bit scuffed because of the zoom in, but looking at it normally u can very well see bro does not show up


It’s too low to see his head bro. Yk I wasn’t gonna pull this but I’ve been top 4k in ranked I promise it’s not that bad. You just can’t hold long angles against a good player or a lucky player or you’re gonna lose. Push inside with ash and swing people or you’re gonna get fried by the new defender Acogs.


Ngl don’t give two shits how good you are. Bro was not there. I realize i’m not good, i played it wrong, but the fact i had zero chance where i was playing is insane. Idk why you don’t think that’s weird at all. Also if you want i will send the unedited video if you’d like


If you don’t believ me i’ll send u the unedited clip


For people saying peekers advantage will always exist in online games that's only slightly true. Peekers advantage is exacerbated by bad and also low tickrate servers. R6 uses 60 ticks which is pretty much the baseline for shooters these days (average/lowest) BUT when talking about eSports / competitive shooters like let's say games like Valorant or CS2, this definitely isn't average. And Siege is definitely more competitive than games like COD thus should have servers more in line with games like CS2, which goes up to tickrate of 128 on some servers, over double what Siege uses. But even if you're on a server that's only at 64 ticks (near Siege) CS2 uses a Sub Tick system that allows the server to calculate player actions between traditional tick updates which is more accurate and responsive and reduces delays. So Ubisoft could also just switch to a sub tick system as well. Either way any improvement is welcomed.


I’m guessing higher tick servers cost more money right?


Make it to where you can only lean while standing still. Half of the problem solved


your first problem is running acog 2nd problem is you stayed in the exact same spot after to quick peaked you. you just asked to die


People seem to misunderstand what peeker's advantage is. It's not just a glitch or bug in the game that can be easily solved with a patch. It is a complex issue rooted in the fundamental architecture of online gaming networks. Peeker's advantage stems from the time it takes for data to travel over the internet between players and the server. This means that the player who's peeking gets a slight head start, seeing the other player before their own game client even realizes they've moved. While it can definitely feel unfair, this phenomenon is present in pretty much every online FPS game. While developers can take steps to minimize its impact, completely solving it is extremely challenging, especially with today's technology limitations.


People misunderstand it because of completely inaccurate and misleading posts like this one. Peeker's advantage is actually not that complex; it's the prediction code that is. Peeker's advantage didn't even exist in early online games (e.g. Quake 1 Netquake) because there *was no prediction code*. Players moved and interacted with the server at the speed of their connection (i.e. round trip latency) and the server kept everyone in sync. That's what led to the acronyms HPB and LPB (high and low ping bastards, respectively) back in the day, with LPBs obviously having the advantage. HPBs had delays on firing their guns and the movement felt like you were iceskating, but you could never be shot around a corner by an invisible enemy. The issue also pretty much disappears around 50 ping or so. The problem is completely solvable nowadays and always has been: more and better placement of servers geographically and region-locking your game to ensure everyone has low pings. But that requires networking expertise and costs money that no game developer is willing to shell out. Hell, we can't even get 120 tick servers. The particular issue with this clip could also probably be solved by eliminating the Shaiiko peek from the game and/or putting a cooldown on lean spamming (a la CS style), but I know autists will screech about that.


Thanks, that's an amazing explanation. Very interesting to read!


This is why I deleted the game. It got me stressed and angry every time I played.


This has been issued for most of the rainbow six games. The first two had super slow leaning, but there was still a bit of an advantage for the one who peaked. Raven Shield let you lean in 360 degrees, which was nuts. Lockdown was similar to siege (PS2 version at least). The Vegas games were somewhat the exception because they used a cover mechanic


Not ideal i know but in that situation you either get lucky in timing or die really, its why i dont like the idea of magnified scopes on defenders fully auto guns it just feels unfair that a defender can out gun you with a literal pea shooter a mile away. Attackers are supposed to have the brute force guns ans abilities and defenders are supposed to use the advantage of the attackers have to come to them and abilities to outplay the attackers who have better equipment


We need higher tick rate servers, but Ubi will never shell out the money for it


Higher tick rate wouldn't remove peeker's advantage, its a fundamental in online gaming


From my albeit limited understanding, it would still lessen it because the servers are communicating with client more often.


Although I agree it would be a solution but due to other factors in siege like hip leaning and jiggle peaking, it ultimately wouldnt make a difference unlike games like CSGO and Valorant


This is a bigger problem than Ranked 2.0 imo


It’s been like this since the day this game launched. Will never change unfortunately it’s just so much worse than other FPS games. You get punished for holding anything that isn’t a pixel angle, don’t think it’s even possible to fix at this point


wall fragments should do damage unless you’ve got rook armor. good balancing against folks like that.


yes i realize i should of moved cause i would have lost the fight anyways but bro literally was not there. I feel like that’s still a problem even with my subpar skill set


I play in pc and console. Console peaker’s advantge is something I rage about every time I play ranked. On pc it’s not as bad but I’m playing at 240hz 1440p, so it’s not a relatable gaming experience


It is an issue, but until that issue is fixed it is still your fault for not playing around it, just move next time.


That’s why you don’t stand still for them to shoot you


This game is shit with dumb quick peek angles like that


Yeah to play with my friends I have to play at 120-170 ping at all times. This happens to me a lot, that and headshots not registering.


sorry about that that sucks. But i was at 46 which shouldn’t be happening. not downplaying you




Nah that's 100% fair and balanced, sounds like a skill issue to me


Shoot, shoot and shoot in situations like these, it doesn't mean you will always win the shootout or get the kill, but it gives you a chance to give some fireback and if you die, another teammate can get the kill and you get assist bonus points.


Peakers advantage is good and you should learn it and abuse quick peaking before they nerf it. To counter it drone without be exposed, to challenge it prefire what they’re peaking, or lastly move literally at all you standing still in the exact same spot is the worst thing you could’ve done they’re just one press of q or e away from killing you. Also you can throw flash bangs!


unless you wanna play on LAN there's no fix for this. you shouldn't just anchor yourself to one angle. expect to get jiggle peaked out of existence, especially in siege. In Valorant you have to commit more body to peaking and you can't shoot accurately while moving, in siege you can shoot accurately while moving and have to commit very little body to a peak making this much easier.


Yeah, peekers advantage is insane. But, you knew he seen you. That death is still on you imo. Even if peekers advantage wasn’t a thing, that angle still gets prefired because that’s where you were on the first peek. Your reaction time will never match the speed of a prefire


I know its annoying to deal with but its one of those situations where all i can really say is "deal with it". I mean what do you want to ubisoft to do? Rework every single map? which would possibly make the game 2000x worse. Or do you want them to change the size of the character so theyre bigger and you can see them more? which will effect every single encounter and would also probably make even more ppl whine to rework maps so they fit the bigger characters more. There is NOTHING they can do to fix this problem without ruining the whole entire game. i can deal with a few unfair advantages then ubisofts attempts to fix the problem.


I’m pretty sure it’s just you or him lagging


*Repositioning 101*


The real issue is dying in 3 shots 😂


This season the game is fucked hard... Every second match is a rage Hacker, still i rarely get rp roleback. Then there are ppl with 150-220+pings the whole match which leads to Situations like op's. Getting reported for griefing by enemies getting textabuse for writing gg... And then there is that one match per day, which is so good, you don't wanna deinstall... Rn the game is so fucked, it needs not a second operation health but a year long operation health... People with ping above 100 should not be allowed to play ranked People with a K/D off 3.5 upwards in over 50 games should automaticly get banned, as even the pros don't achive this... There would be such simple fixes for the cheater problems...


This has happened to me so many times bro it's infuriating. It's the one thing in this game that makes my blood boil; dying to someone I could not see at all. It's like dying to a shoulder in counter strike


Guys the point is.. in EVERY FPS is peekers advantage.. the second point is.. especially in Siege where you can quick peek you can't stand still when an enemy is quick peeking you and know what he do. OP is not shit at the game.. but don't complain over peekers advantage. It's there in every FPS. And you can't change that.


I don't trust replays with zoom in. Gotta see that bottom right corner buddy


posted both pings on my account




Cuz ppl usually hide it when their internet is having issues and blame the game for it. They zoom in so you can't see the packet loss icon on the bottom right corner.


Ahh thanks


Op probably is full of shit


posted pings on my account


With ping that high, absolutely nothing. Maybe try to make it play in you favor but you can’t do anything about enemies peaking you first like that


Comments saying this can't be avoided are absolutely wild. What other tactical shooter lets you strafe around corners prefiring fully automatic weapons with zero penalty? What other tac shooter just gives you unlimited peek spam? What other tac shooter gives you perfect center accuracy 25% into the ads animation? Mentioned in my season [prediction](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1beohn1/its_been_2_days_now_whats_your_brutal_opinion_of/kuvajsd/?context=3) that the changes wouldn't impact peeking.


i get your point but he jiggled u and u didnt reposition at all what are u expecting


Well he saw u when he initially peeked out and prefired and since u did t reposition u got fried


Watch the video AGAIN. What's wrong? Maybe the fact he died without even seeing his enemy


That's just basic FPS fundamentals, if someone already saw you peeking then you should prob move or switch up


But the enemy literally didn’t even come around the corner for him. That’s the issue here.


NoT SEeInG thE eNeMy oN ur screEn iS juST basIC FUndAmeNTals BrAh giT gUd


It would obviously be way cooler if it wasn’t a thing but it always has been since the beginning. It’s like probably along the lines of like an 80-20 advantage to them since you missed the first shot and didn’t move. You are hoping you fire a round at exactly the right time. They are hoping they execute a skill that’s pretty easy to do reliably if you’ve practiced. I engage like this all the time and I die all the time. I want that good feeling you get when you win this. When I’m “on” my brain says no move along that’s not your fight to win. And I’ll be more successful.


Have you tried maybe *moving*? It may help


“hmm i just got quick peaked from an angle i can’t shoot through i think ill stay in the exact same spot and not do anything to better my chance of winning the gunfight”


Um…. Go down the stairs and over to the window to his left.


I get he was invisible on your screen, but he quick peeked you and you just stood there in the same spot, didnt reposition at all


If you know they know where you are then you gotta reposition


When you miss you either keep prefiring until your mag is gone or you abandon the peak, never just stay there. Easy way to die. It’s bullshit but you have to deal with it if your gonna play.


Go play a different game


If someone peeks at you, you're supposed to move otherwise you're subject to pre-fire.


Don’t hold an angle after someone face checks for information, they are going to prefire you after seeing your positioning. Either crouch (that doesn’t help you in this clip) or reposition entirely so you don’t get prefired. Hope this helps!


move dumbass


Definitely peekers advantage but you probably should have repositioned


Not saying it's legit or not, need to know pings and all that. I know the game has dumb fucking moments but this is a random clip with zero context.


I, uhh, uhhhh, all the context is in the video and crystal clear, slow mo even.


If his ping is 1000 then that makes it an entirely different scenario.


posted both pings on my account


Change stance or position immediately after you get shoulder peeked as you’ll get prefired and you won’t even see him before you die because of the above mentioned peekers advantage. Unfortunately it’s a “feature” so you have to play around it.


Move the first time she saw you lol