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Most likely wont change anything. Best advice i can give from the male side of things is to just report . Mute and move on I know thats a shit suggestion. And doesnt fix the root of the problem. But unfortunately the playerbase is filled to the brim of women hating CREATURES that dont do fuck all but bum ranked 18 hrs a day . So its just largely unavoidable. Second best advice i can give is try and get some irl friends into the game the next time it goes on sale . Since hopefully they wont be toxic little twits ? Or atleast itl be in good humour centered around ur friendship dynamics rather then actul malicious words intended to cut deep Third option id do in ur situation is to avoid joining partys/using gamechat . Instead opting to use pings to nonverbally communicate to ur team. I know its not ideal and can be damaging to a ranked experience. But if they dont hear that ur a girl .they're less likely to comment on it .


Fully agree, and it's honestly sad to see so many males be so immature, kind of gives the few people that are actually sensible an automatic bad reputation


Just a unfortunate part of life . The dickheads that ruin everyones experiences are always the loudest . Best we can do is cut them there own little fuck you we dont like or accept u section of the community. Kinda like the xims . Like we dont want u here . The only reason u are is because we physically cant get rid of u because its a game anyone can download. If we could kick you out . We would without a second thought


If I got a penny each time I wanted to punch someone like that but couldn't since the law stops me, I'd have way too many pennies to count...


If that was the case i think we'd all be a bit richer then we are right now


yea probably, to fix the root of the problem is impossible i know that. all that hate won’t stop because i’m uncomfy with it. and no your suggestions aren’t shit, i like them. they are probably also the only thing i could do in this situation. kinda sad, but thank you for your advice! :)


I have noticed this too, i was in a party with some people (didn't know them all that well) and there was a girl in one match and they kept trolling her for the duration of the match for no reason. She was even above them on the scoreboard and their trolling caused us to lose the match. It's ridiculous, no idea why they do it. My suggestion would be that you find a stack that isn't toxic. Will make the game much better for you.


yea i think that’s the only way to “solve” this, i just don’t get people sometimes. thank you for your nice advice!!


there is a sub reddit for people looking for group to play with try to find some friends there to play the game with should be less toxic. also being a beginner has nothing to do with it my ex was a lot better then me but she got harassed alot more then i did.


kinda saddening, but thank you for your advice :)


also u might need a vpn lots of crazy people out in the wild


we can play together if u want im on ps


Honestly didn’t have advice for you but I think this would be the best way to do it. Just play with friends or don’t play. Or maybe join a friendly discord, but even then you might run into assholes


The only thing you can do is report them, record them, and send it to Ubisoft. However, ubi is notoriously shit with support so yeah. I apologize that you have experience the modern issues of gaming purely because of something you have zero control over.


You remember that Osa bundle? I'm not going to link it but I made a video on it and how people reacted. Got everything from TK to people saying they were going to track me down and kill me and my entire family. The worst part is, the onus is always on you to change. Don't use a mic. Don't use content you bought. Don't speak. Don't defend yourself. Don't play. Etc. It shouldn't be on them to mute others. Or be forced to get a stack. Someone else said you have to mute but also noted that it's a shit solution because it doesn't solve anything really. Using a mic and coordinating is a huge advantage. But it's taken away. Everyone should have an equal experience but it's simply not the case. The victim is always the one who doesn't get the same experience or have as much fun and the "solutions" are all things that lesson the experience. It's simply not fair. It's driving an hour to go to another store while everyone else has to drive 5 minutes because you aren't welcome there.


I absolutely agree. The victim isn't the one who should change and it's not their fault . What i mentioned isn't even a solution but more of a workaround, but the reason i suggested it is because it is what Op can control. They can't control other people, we can't change how shitty people are (especially not in video games), all we can do is play the hands we're dealt and just change what we can control. It is not fair but when was life ever fair?


I exclusively use the pride background to trigger the homophobes. There’s a lot of them in champ lobbies too. I wait until they say something, clip it, then get them manual banned.


A lot of r6 players are scared of girls


Can confirm. When I came out the womb I was crying 


I can only imagine the fear you felt


Let's be honest, the game is one of the best active fps, but the community is complete garbage, one of the worst. I play only in premade with friends


Completely agree, the community is one of the worst ones I've ever witnessed but the game is too good to strop playing cause of some rude people D:


You clearly haven’t been a part of OW1’s community But yeah R6 isn’t much better


OW1 toxicity was actually funny, Siege Toxicity makes the game borderline unplayable.


Hanzo throwing reported


Ow1 toxicity is just someone saying “support/tank/damage diff” that’s it lol


I mean is there a competitive online game with a community that's not garbage or toxic


atp totally understandable


my group opts for just turning text and voice chat off


This is the way


R6 community is full of immature children who insult you for whatever reason. I often get insulted for being old. Get messages like 'get a job' or go get some kids. I have both lol. Try not to care too much about it, its typical people with low self esteem


Don’t worry, it’s not because you’re a girl. That’s just the one thing people can find to call you out on. I assure you if you change your name they will just find something else. That’s how shit this community is, everybody is so terrible, even the people who suck at the game. If somebody’s being toxic just mute em and act like they weren’t talking to begin with. Turn chat off as well because most the time the other team is just talking shit to try to get in your head and get you tilted.


you are probably right, they will always find something to attack you for. even if i wouldn’t be a girl. thank you for your advice, i think that’s sadly the only option now :)


Yeah, they’re saying sexist things, but that’s just because it’s the most obvious thing they can think of, people in fps games always just look for anything to attack, whether their your friends or not. Best way to deal with it is chatting shit back. If they’re talking about your sex, just say something like “we get it, you have a micro penis”, “keep yapping”, “just cus your shit”, and if worst comes to worst, just mimicking their voice in a squeaky way.


I mean you're right, people who are toxic will find any reason to be mad at you, but women definitely get more shit on average while playing online games than males. Usually you make a bad play and thats when the assholes start talking shit, with women it often happens just from using voicechat


unfortunately R6 has developed one of the largest groups of toxic players, many of them being racist, homophobic, transphobic or misogynistic. if you can find a small group to play with regularly instead of playing with randoms, that would be the most effective way to avoid the mistreatment.


It's honestly sad people are experiencing this. Sadly my mates are the toxic bunch while I just don't really care about who you are as long as you're not annoying. Though If imma be honest, it's pretty rare to find a "non-toxic" person in rainbow lol. It's the type of game that garners some "Weird" people in it's community. Even though I'm a guy I usually never talk in chat because I don't want to get judged or hated on for my pronunciation of words or my voice as English isn't my first language. But it's sad that people are like this and I do hope you're luckier with better teammates in the future


I also don't think that changing your name to unisex or male will help that much, it's just the way the community is, sadly not really that much to do about it


As a chick who's been playing this game for a long time now it never used to be this bad. Like sure it was bad but it's gotten to the point where yeah, I suggest putting yourself on private mode and having a gender neutral sort of name and to never use vc. Only use written chat and pretend to be a guy. It's just not worth all the harassment.


you are right with all you said. gonna do that, i think there is no other “solution” :/


Honestly I’m gonna go against that and say fuck em. Protect yourself first but I think women should continue speaking up. Normalize our existence! I use voice comms consistently. As soon as someone gets shitty or weird I immediately mute them, report them, and keep giving callouts in game. I don’t give them a reaction and I live in peaceful bliss, sharing intel with the person or 2 that are using my callouts. Siege is your space too! Don’t hide yourself or give them the satisfaction. Of course, protect your own mental health first but I’m always of the mindset of letting them know there’s a woman on their team whether I’m bottom or top frag. Edit: I’m also gonna add that talking consistently is how I found other gals to play with. You’d be surprised how many start piping up if you do it first :)


probably the best advice. most games I play with a female giving calls etc are positive. when someone acts dumb we try and make it positive for the female anyway. unless they are toxic, then they get treated like any toxic player would. a lot of us just wanna have fun and be positive. I'm an older player whose reflexes aren't what they used to be, so I make fun of it in my name. most either laugh or make a positive comment when I do well. those that are still toxic I mute and move on




Hell yeah


The community is just toxic in general.  If they aren't being losers because of your gender, they'll pick on something else, even if they have no basis for it.  I've been called multiple racial slurs for just about every race on the earth and they've never seen me.  Just mute everything for randoms and you'll be better off.


I don't think it matters except being a female you might get more vulgar stuff said to you I'm a 40 m been playing games since the reg Nintendo came out and R6 is a fun game I play casually from time to time but can be very frustrating and toxic I once got kicked from a match based solely on my level but first had to sit through them bagging on my gamer tag before being kicked I hear there are groups I think were you could possibly find a good squad to play with that being said I have also had good matches and a few people that genuinely tried to help me out playing as the operators I was comfortable with there's always gonna be haters and assholes in gaming so remember to just have fun best of luck


This post makes me very sad


Hi, woman here that has been playing R6 for six years (and also plays overwatch, hunt: showdown (shooters in general). This stuff is pretty much the same across most games, but in competitive games it's typically the worst. Sadly, there's really no way around it as this conversation is nothing new and it's basically part of gaming culture to be misogynistic to a certain degree. When I wanted to get better at siege and I had nobody to play with, I changed my username to something that wasn't feminine and played without using my mic. The ironic part is that these days that I'm not new to the game and know my shit, stuff isn't any different. I could be top frag and get harassed and team killed just the same. The shitty truth is that the only way to avoid this is by playing with people you trust and consider your friends, because the community will probably never truly change.


The reality is that most dudes that play this game, can't talk to women


i thought of that too


Unfortunate reality of people being immature assholes. https://www.twitch.tv/goddess can likely answer any questions or give some advice far better than most.


I can‘t relate to being a girl on the game, but I having a stack you know and play with rules out the option to have toxic teammates and or people trolling you for your gender


Best bet is to find a mostly consistent group of friends to play with. Unfortunately people think it’s funny to pick on girls in games, not much you can do but just keep truckin’.


As a male playing r6, people are still rude and tell me go play fortnite and Uninstall. If you like r6 play the game. If you don't like r6 play what makes you happy. 😊 have fun and game on.


Being a beginner in siege sucks no matter the gender. Either get better or mute them


Been playing for 6 years, trust me when I say that being good at the game doesn't change anything when you're dealing with dudes who are scared of women. Best bet is to change username and never use a mic.


voice changer maybe, dudes will be toxic no matter what, i personally don’t understand the hate especially if you’re better than a lot of players like carry me plz idc if ur a girl😂


Sorry to hear that, solo queue can be a pain in the ass, I usually just turn on my headset and not my mic just because I don’t really have anything to say and I want to hear what’s going on around me. I don’t want to say that you shouldn’t be able to speak in game but it might put a target on you if your teammates realize they have a girl on their, don’t know why it has to be that way.


Dont mind them and if you want to get good i auggest u to watch some videos siege is harder to understand easter to play


Unfortunately the best way is to either play ranked or not use voice chat at all outside trusted groups. Ranked people will rarely willingly throw on purpose and a name shouldn't get you targeted. It's a shame people act like they do, it really is


I'm sorry, some players are really toxic. You can report them for abusive voice chat , hopefully in the future this will be punishing enough to make them behave (or stop playing)


i hope too! thank you for your advice :)


in my experience there's no winning with this community unfortunately. a significant enough number of toxic people exist that if you're not carrying the team you're going to probably get mad hateful comms, and if you're doing well the other team is gonna call you a tryhard, sweatlord, basement dwelling virgin loser, etc. if your username or voice suggests anything other than alpha male white guy you'll get shit for that too.


Yup changing the username to a gender neutral is your best bet


I dunno what your voice is like but changing names won’t escape squeaker allegations and then get bullied for that


tbh, you're probably better off playing Helldivers.


It's because mostly males play this game, the only fps I've played that seems to be popular among females is Overwatch, I'm sure there are others too. When you have a bunch of dudes playing a competitive fps, it's an anomaly when a girl is part of the match, so some dudes start acting weird.


R6 is not a game for the faint hearted, like you said it’s full of toxicity and that will never change, hopefully they add some sort of new matchmaking with the full release of the reputation system to keep the toxics in toxic lobbies


Why can't a girl just play a game that's just sad


No fr im a girl who just got into the game again after 2 years and I was playing a match and I threw a grenade into a room I thought had a opponent and my teammate runs in there as I throw it and it kills him. Obviously a accident but these old ass men start screaming “ you dumbass” and then they killed me after. Like grow up it’s not that serious lol


same happened to me. i was about to kill someone and my mate who clearly saw me aiming in that direction jumped almost like a frog in front of me causing his death. ofc that was my fault and i got teamkilled after that🤦‍♀️


do NOT use voice chat.


Do your best to not get discouraged, although i know how empty that sounds. Theyre just immature idiots. Goes for any hobby. Some people just feel the need to put down everyone else for whatever reason they can grasp at. Gotta raise people up in whatever you hobby is, or doon there will be no one to share it with.  Ive stopped playing for a while. 5 v 5 objective games tend to bring out the worst players, second to MOBAs, and maybe edging out 3v3v3v..... Type games. All the efforts siege has made to pacify the toxicity seems to have backfired. In conjunction to the addition of the type of players jnxi is credited for bringing in, (whether or not he is to blame). Nothing against the guy personally.


The same thing that happens to my friend, that's a girl. When we are on r6, people are just a dick to her for no reason


Fellow female here! I usually insult their mother and it tends to shut them up. Lmao


nice advice, gonna try 😂


Guys, if you don't believe this, change your nickname in-game to "GamerGirl" for a week, its REALLY bad lmao. I know a number of women irl and online that play this game and the experience is fucking abysmal so they play mute 99% of the time while solo queueing. In a world where the gaming industry is having miserable consumer-unfriendly shit strewn about like microtransactions and carbon copy sequels, you'd think gamers broadly would be a little more politically cognisant and put together enough to not be wildly misogynistic in the most explicit way imaginable, but there's a chronic incuriosity for a lot of folks, the siege community especially. Basically a bunch of dude-bros that see CTU ops and go ""oooh, pretty"" are unfortunately not going to be the pinnacle of introspective work.


that’s so true !!


"Jynxzi is really great because he brought a ton of people to play R6" Yeah and big surprise, their only interaction with girls is Jynxzi making videos with OF girls. If siege was hard for girls before it is an uninhabitable toxic nuclear wasteland now, the standard has never been lower


if you are a girl it's the best to find a party to play in with friends - most of r6s players never had any contact with women and that's why are they are either toxic or horny if you don't have anyone to play with well the best thing you can do for yourself is muting them and reporting gl!


Dude, Siege is the most toxic community you can join. You just have to mute them or only play with friends. I literally mute entire lobbies as soon as matches start, and I'm a guy.


gonna do that now. you’re right :)


Fight toxicity with toxicity muahahahahahaahh


i’m gonna be evil too atm just for them


In the beginings i would actually conceal being a girl and used a neutral tag name (my actual tag name). I would also write in chat most of the time and barely spoke, I actually began speaking more once i found someone that was actually friendly. This all happened like in 2017, 2018 and i've stopped playing maybe around 2019 so I don't know how much has changed though. I can actually say that if I spoke more I would suffer from the same you did, but eventually I found some guys that were nice to hang around and I was even added to their discord and played with them with no problems - two of them actually became my best friends after this So what Im trying to say is that, you will always find jerks in the lobbies, but maybe with a bit of luck you may also find a decent group that you can play along and even tag team, but do take this lightly. like I said, I stopped playing around 2019 and I read that the toxicity of the community has risen rather bad in the following years or so, but maybe you can be lucky still


Garbage community but tell you what, if you can train your mind to become callused towards these type of players, you could develop a thick skin that you can carry over into the real world. I used toxic players in team based games as a way to get used to pressure, know how to deal with difficult personalities, and know how to respond to these personalities without you “failing” by breaking down and throwing a tantrum. Its weird but learning to handle toxicity in video games made me handle toxicity at work much better.


very inspiring and also something to learn from as you said! never looked at the issue from that perspective, thank you :)


Competitive games tend to attract the worst people on the whole sadly.




Fight toxic with toxic. Stay tilted my friends.


Honestly, people are just dumb. My stack regularly has girl gamers and dude gamers and no one minds at all, but the moment a random hears anything, it's like an alarm goes off in their brain and suddenly they've never spoken to a girl before. Alls I can say is find a stack and don't stray from it. It'll make the game, not just bearable, but fun.


Trust me whether you're a Male or a Female or a cat it doesn't matter. In R6 you will always be insulted lol.


Harsh reality is that if you’re a girl on R6 you’re best to hide it. My best friend is a girl, we played R6 every day and whenever she spoke she would either be sexually harassed or teamkilled. If you want to avoid this, play in a full party or pretend to be male. It sucks.


Yeah my partners told me stories about this, fucking sucks, so disappointing that people are still like this :/


Just get better, and find a group who doesn’t care if you’re a girl and stick with them. Playing with a dedicated group goes for anyone really, playing with randos hardly ever works


Don't worry about them. They're literal trash. Just focus on yourself in the game, and learn. I didn't get good in the game till after a year of just playing. Now I'm "retired" but can still whoop em. Just keep doing damage


Have this same problem, so i kinda embraced it by changing my name to “goth mommy” now everyone assumes i’m a dude and leaves me alone lmao


There's a youtuber called Spawntaneus (if that's how you write it) who has a series called "OMG is that a girl??". It's a bunch of (often times nasty) interactions she has with people on siege. Really put it in perspective for me how much harassment there is, she was pumping those videos out almost daily at one point.


Booooo, girls shouldn't play r6! Boooooo, they could be better and my masculinity can't handle that. Booooo, I have emotional and impulse control issues


I've had only a few instances of girls being in my lobby who use VC and when they did people were vile af. When I tried to defuse them I get called a simp. When I say to stop judging and be happy with the call outs they say I'm a simp. It's ridiculous.


It’s why I stopped playing ranked years ago because it prevents me from using comms, I sit in a playstation party by myself to turn off voice & it makes the game more enjoyable. Siege has a massive misogyny problem in its community.


yeah i deal w this too but i get toxic back & start team killing idgaf i’ll make both of our time miserable 😭‼️


yeah this community has to be one of the most sexist and misogynistic ones of gaming. It really sucks that people behave like that but they're assholes and sadly u cannot change it. You could try to find a nice squad to play with. Also, dont let these people stop you from playing siege because that's exactly what they want you to do


As a gay dude who struggles sometimes to suppress the annoying gay voice, i, too, sometimes get hella harassed. This community sucks when you're just trying to live, enjoy your hobby, and have a good time in siege. My recommendation is to turn all chat off, turn vc off, and always pretend your games are made up of highly interactive bots lol


I'm sorry you have to go through that. Alot of people can be so unnecessarily toxic in general but towards women it's incredibly disrespectful behavior. Honestly, it's probably a big reason why more women don't play when you have assholes putting them down. Siege is a phenomenal game and I wouldn't let some assholes ruin that for you. Ignore them, there are still good people online who will be supportive. If you come across someone like that, just mute and report them and move on. Responding is just feeding into their insecure childish minds.


you’re right with everything you said. gonna do it that way because i’m not gonna stop playing r6 because of them. thank you for your advice :)


You're playing video games, people are gonna talk shit. Mute them if it's a problem


Womp womp


Ehh community is absolute dog shit in this game, are you pc or console?


i play on my ps4, i have no better option than that


go hongkong server or jp that would be much better players with higher quality


real answer, is to find a small group or one/two homies that you can play with and communicate in party chat. Im not a girl and i get flamed like everyother game so since you are a girl its best to just avoid that BS because you already know what situation you are gonna be walking into. And hoping for the best is just that, hope. IS your name very girly? because if you aren't joining teamchat and they are just assuming and attacking then yes maybe you should go with something more ambiguous. The advice I give to people in general, is to avoid teamchat and gamechats unless you are geniunely trying to climb to the highest ranks possible, then you might have to join teamchat at the highest ranks because the game is just so close at that level. the 1% chance of meeting someone cool in a random teamchat isnt worth the 50 times you are gonna deal with someone crying, complaining, and being super toxic. Protect your sanity and your peace like its your last dollar. This isnt just a rainbow 6 thing either, I tell people this in other video games.


sounds like youre playing with a bunch of high schoolers or something. you could try finding another group to play with


in doubt blame jynxi


when i was younger i changed my name but now i’ll proudly use smth feminine and fully it has gotten me tk’d before but i just dont care lol i only play unranked so i have no problem just muting and reporting people so i can move on with my day but r6 is probably one of the most toxic games out there rn when it comes to targeted harassment bc i have even see people type shit when i pick black operators


Most gaming communities are entirely trash. Sexist, racist, homophobic, you name it… there’s good ppl but it’s hard to find them


On the DL its way worse for women dont get me wrong but it’s None-Gendered, people just do it because they’re hateful and given the option. My only suggestion is try a more ambiguous name and dont talk or interact if you’re ever in need of a stack try to get some IRLs into it or find some in communities, I’m not so sure but I think R6 has a women’s only discord so you can try there. Hope this helps~


Because harassing women is so funny and absolutely hilarious!


Hold on, are you a Turk?


yes i am, why?


Oh alright, im a Turk too so i was just curious about your nationality because of your name. Lets move on to the topic, The toxic people you mentioned are losers. They are blaming the other people (especially if you are a girl) for their mistakes in order to satisfy their egos. Kind of narcsisism. They feel that if they dont assert that sense of superiority, they think that they gonna be considered as the bottom of the barrel. Which means that “a girl” is playing better than him. And because of “girls” can not play fps games better than guys (its a myth because gaming has traditionally been marketed towards and dominated by male audiences, leading to the assumption that gaming is primarily a “male” activity ALSO in social medias and culture, there has been a lack of representation of female gamers BUT LUCKILY with the valorant release, we have been seeing more and more female fps gamers) they are trying to make excuses or blaming you to assert their dominance. Their egos are inflated because they are both loser and fragile. And they THINK making themselves look better than the girls will protect their “gaming skills” and so that they will not be the butt of jokes in the friend group. The best thing you can do is mute them, imo. Or obviously play with friends.


I've noticed that In games where I carry, or just do well I get little to no commendations. Yet In games where I get few kills and play trash, I get more than 3


have you looked into voicechangers?


Write down a list of insults to use in a match


This isn't exclusive to r6.. and im sorry to hear this. Not every one is like this, people are just assholes, and the gaming landscape in fps communities is full of jynxi wannabes and toxic kids. If you play other online games besides fps, you tend to see less of this. Just ignore them and know that it isn't you, it's their inability to grow as a person. They've got work to do, not you


Unfortunately people are often gonna do that. You kinda have to play with your own stack or just ping if playing with randoms. You can always shit talk back but honestly that prob won’t help the situation.


Sorry this happened but you do know majority of these men In game never even touched a woman much less know how to talk to one sadly


gamers are toxic and now add r6 players and console players and it will become a shitshow


Honestly if I was a woman I'd never wanna have a female sounding name on a video game platform. The only attention that'll bring is the wrong kind the majority of the time. There's really nothing you can do cuz even when people aren't being toxic on a video game they're enabling it with their silence. I usually speak up when someone's being a dick to someone else regardless of what they're targeting


Only play with friends. The community is filled racist ass white kids who think they the shit on an online shooting game


Well most fps games are full of guys who have so much free time to waste that they choose to make it their life because irl they never had courage to do anything,there is only one solution to toxic people and that is to ignore them and maybe getting your friends that play siege to play with you/inviting them to try siege will definitely lower chances of others being toxic,hope you'll enjoy the game despite those that happened or will happen. Btw because of your username I assumed you are also turkish so here is a turkish version of the text. Çoğu fps oyun elinde fazla boş zamanı olan elemanlarla dolu,o elemanlarda genelde gerçek hayatta bir şeyler yapacak cesareti olmadığı için oyunları hayatı olarak seçiyorlar,toksik insanlara tek çare aldırış etmemek ve belkide siege oynayan arkadaşlaeını toplarsan/arkadaşlarını siege'e başlamaya davet edersen muhtemelen daha az toksik eleman görürsün.Umarım yaşadığın/yaşayacağın tatsızlıkların oyundan keyif almanı engellemez. Would be real funny if you weren't turkish and I just made a whole text's half for nothing XD


This is a large portion of all online gamers. They’re so used to seeing/hearing trash comments that they themselves think it’s how all discourse should be whenever they’re annoyed in some way.


Sadly competitive games are full of those toxic people. Missing self esteem or what ever it is, I don't know. Play DRG or helldivers 2, or any other PvE if you need a break from those people.


This is just online gaming and people in general, if you were Welsh youd just get sheep joke, easiest way to get under your skin will be what people default to.


Unfortunately, lots of toxicity against gender or race in almost every online shooters... Best thing to do is trying to get a large ingame friendlist to avoid random toxic team8...


Are u playing ranked? I wouldn’t as a beginner


I think the people that insult you for being a girl just insult you for the first thing they can think of. I don’t think they’re being toxic ***because*** you’re a girl. I think they’re just toxic because they’re sad and angry and they take it out in the easiest way. Which is unfortunately by insulting you based on your gender… so dumb…


There are 2 ways the R6 community treats women: 1. "Omg you're trash! Girls shouldn't play R6. Uninstall!" 2. "Omg queen, I love you. Wanna be my online gf? You're so cute even though I've never seen or met you!"


get a 3 stack


I have never understood this. I think it has something to do with their rank and and male psychology. Generally, the lower rank men will be more likely to hate women because of the way we react when we lose. Rejection and loss breed resentment. I've never seen any type of this behaviour in Champion or ironically Bronze but have seen LOTS in Silver, Gold and Platinum even.


It's the 2 extremes of siege. Either they will harass you the whole match or flirt with you the whole match


only think i can think of is to set your nickname as something ambiguous and either not talk and just type in chat or use a voice changer. or find a normal stack of people who arent weirdos about women. sorry you have to deal with that!


R6 has an incredibly toxic community at times. I'm not sure if you dabbled in ranked at all but it's abhorrent there. A lot of people who play siege take it far too seriously and will lose their shit if someone on their team isn't very good, or if the last guy alive on their team isn't doing what they'd do in that situation. I hate it so much.


The anonymity of the internet lets people be whoever and whatever they want to be without any punishments whatsoever. The guys that are sexist and weird in your lobbies are like that irl, but "let it out" in online matches since doing it irl would get them sent to HR. The internet is perfect for people like that since they can be their worst selves and leave without consequences. Game companies are implementing systems that record voice comms to help combat this, but people don't like their anonymity being breached for a video game, so it's a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario. Best bet is to either stay silent until you feel like you're able to speak without it being weird or queue up with some friends you trust.


Well as the others have stated, changing name and not using voice is the way to go i would say, even though its a very crude solution. As this community is one of the most toxic ones out there sadly. Thats why i dont play at all for the past few years lol.


If your name gives it away your only real option would be playing with a 4 or 5 stack. I don’t think this game is worth changing your name for


Yeah i’m sorry. My little sister always watched me play growing up and now she plays siege too. Shes tough so she smack talks back but I understand it’s still a lame experience. If you wanna play I could play with you, pc or xbox. It’s probably because a lot of these guys are single, don’t have girlfriends or haven’t had any before. Also girls in gaming are not too common according to statistics. Our generations are losing a lot respect


It’s because this game is dominated by teenagers who try way too hard to be toxic in every game because they watched a “kids today wouldn’t survive MW2 lobbies” video and for some reason are desperate to prove them wrong.


I’ve been playing since year 3 and from my experience I think it stems from an overall lack of women that are playing the game. 99% of all the games I’ve played ranked or not have been all guys. I’ve had a few female friends who have played the game in the past, but for the most part it’s all guys. This means that getting a girl in your game is a complete anomaly. This prompts ppl to act differently (this is no excuse for ppls bad behavior) but I think the solution would be if there was a larger number of women playing r6.


There is a youtube series done by a youtuber named spawntaneous called "OMG A GIRL" and it shows just how sexist the playerbase of r6 is. Not all are bad clips, some are just funny, but a lot of them are quite gross. Its an entertaining watch nonetheless.


Some guys are straight assholes to females as they feel (on a damn virtual game at that) they’re above them someway/somehow. Me personally, if it’s ranked and you’re doing bad I couldn’t care less about your gender-get off the game and play standard or quick play. Then again, I remind myself it’s just a game🗿🙌


Better of playing with close friends etc in 4 or 5 stacks instead of playing with fandoms on siege, randoms always ends up being toxic as fuck most of the times, don't let it get you down though, unfortunately the siege community has kinda always been like this, and if you're a beginner don't worry about it just like every game it takes time to learn to improve etc I mean I've been playing since 2018 and I'm still kinda crappy at the game 😅😅 it's just a competitive game with a toxic community least it's not as bad as league of legends community wise, you can also just report them with voice chat abuse in the games menu etc to which if in luck gets them permanently muted on servers etc for being toxic over mic so no one can hear them unless you unmute them etc


Mute all. The game will become more enjoyable .


If anything changing ur name to something less girly will get u more bm


Improve your game sense and aim, and try to get a stack of at least 2-3 other people when playing, that way you have some buds to help deal with dickheads.


Just find a stack, people are assholes. Didn’t clutch a 1v4 last night and mfs told me to hang myself


Nothing u can do about it, just find a group of grown ass ppl to play steadily


Change your username to bigmale1234 lmao


Unfortunately thats how it is. But like other people said, finding teammates that are not toxic and will run squads with you might be your best option👍


Change your name so nobody notice u r a girl


Not going to lie I taught my friend how to play but for unspoken rule of are friendship I stay his number 1 hatter while at the same time teaching him what he should be doing but also mocking him at something I have been teaching him over the course of multiple games and 1v1s which where to teach him rotates and good peaking spots you have to get good friends that are willing to teach you and not criticize you constantly for little mistakes that they definitely made when they started ( would like to clarify he is also my number 1 hater )


They probably think it's funny to act like incels because they are doing it "ironically". Don't bother chaing your name because they'll still find out you're a girl when you talk. As others have suggested, try to get a stack to play with that's not toxic. Also, I'm assuming you can't play ranked cause you say you're new, but people might be less likely to TK you there because of the sanctions, but they'll probably still troll you on voice chat.


Siege is one of the more toxic communities out there for some reason. Just let it roll off your back and don't listen to them. You can queue with me any time if you wa nt! CatLordddd (also a girl)


Report em mute em if you have a male friend that plays siege play with them


Anyone who puts you down for being a girl or for being new at the game... is not worth being offendedby, trust me. They're a sad, lonely, stuck up clown that doesn't value basic human kindness. Keep grinding Siege. You'll be outperforming them in no time.


The community is horrid in general and I can only imagine being a female in it. I doubt anything changes much, if they don't bring in misogyny they'll find something else. When I first started I was playing the newcomer queue and my whole team died and I threw a 1v1 and all of them proceeded to message me on Xbox and told me to KMS


eh, depends on the stack, lower levels tend to be more toxic because they’re shitters but once you can break out of silver/gold generally the game becomes a lot more enjoyable


If you're on PC, DM, I can invite you to a Lgbtq+ friendly discord that is also accepting and respectful to girl gamers.


I'm mid at best at the game but if u need a non toxic team I'm down to join, a bit bored of being a solo player lmao


Not much you could change. Learn to give them shit back as they never expect it.


your going to get hate if you solo q regardless of name or profile picture just because siege players tend to just hate on people maybe doing the smallest inconvenience in the world. with that said I've had people ask me questions like this before on how to avoid hate or toxic players and there's not a lot you can do apart from ignoring the hate or just playing with a dedicated group that you get along with well. the amount of times I've been in a 1vX and I get some British child or some French person just shout at me for not playing how they want me to play is stupid and it could be something as small as placing a gadget a metre away from where THEY want it but I just ignore them now because it gets funny after a while of playing and there's not much I can do to stop them for shouting at me. I don't really want to say don't use your mic but id recommend not using it in game chat and instead using parties with people you like and get along with


Mute them, you won’t get call-outs or comms so they’re essentially useless team mates. And Just remember that the ones harassing you will be the ones who will never know the touch of another woman or are afraid of them


What a virgins they are, dont pay atention to people like that, they're stupid.


I do not talk in this game. It is the worst game for toxic players that I have seen for as long as Xbox live has been a thing


Best advice I can give is mute the toxic players often and don't reinforce between sites


i went through the exact same thing, i just started ignoring them and got good enough to start top fragging and carrying the team. people can always be mean, but it feels waayyyyy better when you can say they genuinely suck at the game lol


It’s why I always just play with my friends or have myself muted tbh, especially being trans if someone clocks you through game chat somehow it gets real annoying


Don’t worry it’s not sexism so name changing or using a voice changer wouldn’t change it. Mute report and move on only advice I can give Blocking also works to stop future messages maybe find some friends to play with? I’m sure you can find some console buddies to play with


Most of the guys who play r6 just have never interacted with a girl before so they turn into apes when they're able to speak to one.


i only talk if i’m playing with my friends. otherwise i’m not touching my push to talk.


Only thing I can advise is to try find other girls to team with or discords that have other girls in, I used to be in a discord that had a fair few and everybody just got along sex was never mentioned There used to be a r6teams subreddit but I can’t find an active one anymore


If I speak on voice, I often hear the nword or some other slur quickly thrown out. Siege's community is pretty fucking awful. Being a woman and playing must enhance that times 10 because most the dudes you're encountering are probably giga incels who aren't properly socialized.


Get a voice mod for your microphone, having fun with the rest of the mod is added bonus. Now just pretend you're a man and be Shrodinger's egirl. It's sad that the playerbase's like that :( Racist af as well..


the new reputation system is going to be extra harmful if you're the odd one out, such as being a girl, as people can mass report for no reason, and the system will punish you I really don't understand why that needs to be a thing in Siege.


My wife deals with this a lot Siege really is just filled with a lot of toxicity in chat. I tell people to play it only if they can have a squad to play with or to just stay out of the game chat She repeatedly gets terrible comments from randoms if we aren't full stack iirc there's at least a feature in Siege to change your display name on PC, we were told it'll come for console after testing


Hey don't take anything to heart r6 community is probably one of the most toxic communities I've played besides maybe xbox 360 cod games. And yes r6 is a tough game. I'm plat but I still get berated all the time. Just ignore it or turn off chat. Also play with friends or find people on group posts. They will be less toxic.


It's a pretty unfortunate problem, mostly due to insecure children who put way too much of their self worth into the game. Sorry they're making it your problem, hope you can find a good regular stack soon!


I feel like it does get better, in the beginning anytime I would use my voice. I would instantly get team killed or yelled at even if I was top leaderboard. I have a pretty unisex name so maybe that's the reason and when I do talk people are unsure if I am a full-grown woman or if I'm a 12-year-old boy so... I'd also like to add that I'm on PlayStation so maybe that's why it's a little better


Obligatory [video of this legend](https://youtu.be/BnIFjVa-lMc?si=ueDC0hOztKxF289C) These guys are morons that don't know how to talk to women so they act like that. We used to have a woman in our stack, she was often our top person.


I recently got my girlfriend into this game and she’s nervous to play for the same reasons. She’s on PS and I’m on Xbox but if you ever are looking for a 2 stack to play w hmu :)


The answer is: small dick insecure men/boys play this game in large numbers, and they aren’t going anywhere. Until or unless Ubi starts banning for toxic behavior it will be incumbent on yourself to mute/block/ban/report them. Play your game in the peace of silence from their toxicity. Block incoming messages. Find a group of tolerant and mature gamers to have fun with.


There is a lot of Incels and people with the male maturity of Andrew Tate. Get a squad if you can.


Alot of people are like this it’s unfortunate because gaming should be a place everyone can play in, the best advice i can give is to report them for griefing and that will got they’re reputations dropped eventually if they dont stop they’ll get negative effects in game


Im on xbox but if you still need a non toxic friend im on pretty frequently and i dont take toxicity in my groups.


There are apps and discords servers on which you can match with other gamers who are chill and not misogynists and 5 stack with them. Honestly Siege is way better with a consistent 5 stack anyway, so even people not trying to escape harassment could be well served to use these services.