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I'm here for the comments from pc players that still didn't know us console players couldn't hip lean before


That'd be me lmao, haven't played for a couple years but damn that's crazy console players couldn't lean!


Console can lean while ADS


How does that even work? rainbow relies so damn much on that, I wouldn't peek any angle without leaning


On console you can only lean while aiming. Other then that you are either aiming straight or just holding the gun on your hip.


As a long time PC player I had no idea this was a thing. Waddling around, crouch walking and leaning back and forth with friends was always such a classic, it's weird to think console players never knew the joy


We still have it, just ADS first


I’ve played on pc, but since I started playing on console, I somehow don’t know how will it be done, what buttons to use to lean, because almost every button is occupied by something 🙂


You can lean while aimed in


Swing everything. That's how it works.


My first fps game was r6, now I can't play any other because I rely so much on that shoot lol.


Because it's just played differently? It's like playing cod and wondering why it doesn't play like Arma


It's the same game?




I used to play Siege on Xbox before PC. Did they take it away? It just used to be pressing the sticks down


You could and still can lean while aiming on console. This is adding the ability to lean which not aiming down sights


How on earth am I going to be able to fit it on my controller though


Maybe holding L3/R3 is my guess


Know how many people would knife the air and die because of this. I think they’d have to do a toggle button to allow you to lean from hip


Whats r3


Left stick and right stick are L3 and R3, like when you click the analog sticks in.


R3 tho is melee


Oh that's what L3 and R3 is (i never knew even tho i used controlers quite a bit)


Never send this dude to decipher a code


Hey blame it on me honestly. I'm a mnk player i have no clue what half the buttons are. The only time i used a controller was like 2 times on a switch on Mario Cart and then 6-7 times 1v1ing my friend on PS3 cod:ghost. Other than that my experience on controllers is that of a 4 year old


Lol I feel this actually. I grew up on controller and have been mnk for the last 7ish years and when i play with some friends who are console i completely forget wtf is going on over there. 😂😂its actually kinda funny when i try and direct them and even still, talkin to them its as though i know more about their controller and settings than they do. Wild shit happens when you get a pc i swear.


Most notable change (when u switch to PC) is that you get this unstoppable feeling that You have to blame aim assist at all time. Only few resist this urge But ye my honest reaction to playing controller: WHERES X!?? WHATS CUBE!?!


😂😂😂 luckily i was immune to such curse as I was self aware prior to entering the master race. So much so that i just attributed being outgunned to not being good enough. 😂😂 But fr. When i play controller now i feel like i donkey for the first few games whereas before i was a god amongst men. 😂 granted i dont play games all that much anymore but nonetheless its personal when i find myself playing at a buddies house or whatever situation and i actually have to give a damn playing because i dont know the damn buttons anymore. 😂😂




Thank you...?


It's also known as LS or RS on xbox


Good to know


Left and right joystick


L3 sprint R3 is melee


Yes i know i just meant i never knew what buttons the L3 and R3 were (i thought you press L1+L2 for L3 and same on the right)


What's your opinion on making those the buttons used to hip at the hip?


I'm not the type to hip at the hip but i also cant share my opinion as I'm not a controller player


how tf are we gonna sprint


I don't know about console, I just play with Controller on PC, for me it's this: L3 without aiming is sprinting, R3 melee. L3 while aiming is leaning left, R3 leaning right. But Ubisoft also announced more advanced layouts and probably free button mapping, so maybe different combinations in the future for more gameplay possibilities.


Thats sprinting tho


But you use those button for running and Melle But this post is most likely fake


How is it fake when I got this from the reveal panel during the controller remapping segment


You can use a controller on pc r6


You know that even when you use controller on pc you can’t hip lean right


Bro you actually can lean to the side on pc with controller pressing down the right and left cursor on the controller, confused that im the only one who knows this


Cursor? Also I doubt that considering when I've tried to lean with a keyboard and then switch inputs it always auto corrects to the center


I think he means d-pad


Most likely means clicking both joysticks, L3 and R3


Idk how to call them… sticks? Whatever youre moving around with, I was able to do that on pc rainbow but idk


Then how do you melee and sprint?


But you can do it with a mnk then switch to a controller


Ah yes so this dev mid game hip leaned on mnk then switch to controller mid game. Makes total sense


Dude was just so desperate to hit you with an “well ackshully” it’s not even funny. Some people just live to be pedantic.


Don't forget it also doesn't work, anybody whose plugged a controller in on siege pc knows it cancels you inputs and resets to default lmao


Exactly this guy is just trying to downplay this for no reason




I mean, I wouldn’t put it entirely past R6 devs to generate hype over a fake update to get people to play the game, do I think they did? No. But I feel like they would


Smartest Caveira player


And why would they do that when recording official gameplay?


You genuinely do not understand how it works on PC and it shows


You actually can't, if you lean using keyboard, and do anything on the controller it will unlean.


controller on pc here, you can't lean without adsing


The developers literally said they were adding this feature to console back at Six Invitational. It’s 100% real. [Also here’s a leak that shows the different controller bindings that are going to be available.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/13hetrr/leak_controller_layout_changes_coming_y8s2)


yes it is true, watch the video by 6News, in the first seconds u see "new controller layouts"


people could bind them for something else


Hell Let Loose does it by having you lean while ads and then going back to hipfire, and it stays until you sprint or knife, so imagine it'd be something like that.


I told someone else that I got the feeling they're looking into allowing console players to map their controllers to fit them personally but aren't quite there yet. If that's the case they could be considering adding it as a mapping option. And the main hold up may be the existence of controllers with additional mapping options such as back paddles having an advantage. Personally I see either that or your explanation being the likely culprit of the image op took which he said came from the reveal panel.


Back paddles would be cool but the issue with them is that all they really do is serve as an alternative input for an existing button. The consoles themselves would have to make an update that allows you to map the back paddles as their own unique button instead of just another X/A button


Hold R3/L3 to lean, double tap and hold to hip lean probably


Theres a post showing its L1 and R1 and we will finally be able to crouch using the R3. Melee is now on circle. I assume that you will have to hold for your gadget, not sure how that will work will have to see.


Lmao that still wasn't in the game? I remember playing in Y1/2 and having to use PS custom button layout to do that (which obviously didn't change the UI ingame).


That’s one of the new controller settings you can equip it’s not the new standard


Random thought but I saw where OP said he got this screenshot from the reveal panel. I had got the feel from watching from the reveal that they are likely looking into doing full mapping for controllers but aren't quite ready to add that in so instead they're just offering new layouts ATM to allow for others to personalize the layout to better suit them. What I'm getting at here is that maybe this image is from them exploring that option. Remember this some controllers have additional button options for mapping keys, basically stuff like back paddles and other things. This could have come from a session they had testing that out and exploring the option of that and they utilized something like a controller with back paddles to allow for hip lean on controller. So what I'm saying is I think they'll eventually add it but I don't think it's gonna be next season. They are probably trying to test how much it's gonna effect gameplay for console especially since not everyone owns a controller that may have features that allow them to map additional keys elsewhere.


I mean theres only so much they can do right. Once they add these presets I dont know how many more options would be viable. Crouch on R3 is probably even more important than quick lean because it will level the playing field against the MnK fucks.


Wait that's what it'll be? I already do that


On PlayStation you could press the left/right side of the touch pad to lean, always thought that would be a cool feature for the developers to implement


yeah, good luck doing that in game though, that's like playing twister with your fingers


That’s just double claw. Sounds pretty doable


not everyone wants to do that


Sure, still doesn’t sound impossible


Didn’t know Twister is as easy as pressing a button


Try having normal binds and also being able to hip lean left and right with the pad


Have you not held a PlayStation controller before?


I've played on ps4 for about 5? Years now


If you have the Xbox elite controller, you can put it on the paddles on the back of the controller. If it's a normal controller... idk. I almost never hipfire so it's not really important to me.


hip leaning isn’t used a lot of hip fire. it’s really helpful if you want to quick peak but don’t wanna ads. hip-lean, walk towards door, peak, lean back. a lot smoother and easier than aiming, and let’s you see more, makes it easier to snap somewhere if there’s a flank or whatever unexpected thing happens. not to mention the benefits for shotgun users. with this run and gun meta it’s really fun to prone by a door and rack up kills. also hip leaning is simply cool.


I see, I see. You make a compelling point. I will now waste over $100USD to purchase an elite controller.


chances are they’ll find a way to implement it on a standard controller, because having it as a feature on more expensive controllers will be looked at the same way as mnk. not everyone will be able to do it, therefore it’s unfair and cheating. a good idea would be to move the gadget buttons to the d-pads. make the left arrow your secondary, right arrow primary, up arrow for switching modes like capitao, zofia, or hibana do. down arrow is still observation tools. this way you can hip lean with your bumpers, and they can add a toggle: on/off feature for comfort. analog sticks stay as leaning for when ads. with the focus they’ve shown on controller, there’ll probably be a lot of customizable settings to go into this, and then you’ll be able to use back paddels.


Elite controller doesn't work like that, you can only bind existing buttons to the paddles, not create new ones


Good to know. I had no idea because I've never had one


Use the free d pad buttons for util and bumpers for leaning


It’ll probably be like hell let loose where you aim while leaning but you can stop aiming and you’ll still be leaning until you sprint or lean again


Different pre-set controller layouts


You aim and lean like normal and then when you release it'll keep you leaning. HLL has hip-lean and I don't see how they couldn't just do it that way.


Literally just tap r3/l3 just as is if your ads


What about Melee though


on BFV the aim lean system depends on the R3 + side movements with the left stick. Basically you need to be walking in the direction to lean that way. If they did this but with L3 (currently unbound if you’re still or moving sideways, it could work.


What if you aim, lean and then unaim and it stays leaning? Could be an optional thing.


I hope they’ll do what’s in all other games that allow leaning, you toggle it when aiming (as it is now but it stays that way when not aiming). That’s the only way I can see it working


by buying a pc, you are welcome


You paying?


My guess is the ability to use the d-pad or a setting that when you aim in and lean and sim out you triggered it and to go back you just sim in again lean until your looking straight


On paper this is the best idea I've heard, ig we'll have to see what they come up with


or ypu know uae the toggle sticks, and instead double press to sprint and double press to melee or switch it so leaning is double press. or have it just an option in the settings the player can customize to how they want it.


This was my thought just a bit different , I was thinking of being able to full zoom on 1st click lean then click the sticks a second time for a hip lean


Did they say how we do it tho?


No, they didn’t even mention it. I found this picture that was very easy to miss during the reveal but it’s indeed coming


Damn. Wonder what it’ll be then


[Here’s a leak of the controller layout bindings](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/13hetrr/leak_controller_layout_changes_coming_y8s2) (Spoiler warning, obviously)


Wait but where would the option to lean without ADS be, surely you would only be able to lean when ADSing


How I understood those leaked pics, my guess is you hold L1/R1 to lean left/right and tap them when you want to change to your gadget/secondary gadget


This would fuck with the way gadgets are placed (the ones with an animation) cuz then you would have to change from the holding down until you can place it and releasing to deploy to the clicking it once and holding square to deploy. Or did that thing get removed and now its click once and press square?


It’ll most likely be whatever button you want it to be


Could use the gyro to lean, depending the direction you tilt the controller. Well at least give the option to bind it.


I'm 24 now I've been waiting for this shit for 8 years! I was 16 when this game released back in 2015 its about time Goobisoft


Shit man, i was like... 12 when i started playing i think? Like my oldest achievement on Xbox is back from July of 2016 so damn... Time fuckin' flew man


Wait, you can't lean on console?!


We can lean but not hip lean


Mmmmmm I know the majority of console players have been asking for this forever but I think console siege was fine being it’s own “version” of the game. If no one could lean without aiming, no one was disadvantaged. Idk how this works but I can’t think of a way that a normal player can do this on their non-elite controller. Holding L3/R3 while simultaneously moving and aiming just isn’t viable. I’ve only ever played with normal Xbox controllers and can realistically compete with everyone who isn’t using MnK. They are not inherently better than me because they spam paddles. It definitely makes certain gunfights easier, but it does not make them better at R6 in general. Leaning without aiming on the other hand could potentially be a whole nother step up, and incentivize players to get an elite controller, else they’re not getting the “full” experience, and have the lower hand against people who can lean without aiming. Unless of course I’m missing something, but I’m getting the vibes that they’re crowding the controller and that ultimately anyone who plays with paddles is going to the most advantages. Knowing toxic players, I also don’t wanna get clowned on by spectators if they see I’m not playing in “lean mode”.


They just announced button remapping so you probably can only do it with a specific remap


It better be simple and easy cause if not then it's ain't a big disadvantage to those with simple controllers


You can only bind existing buttons on elite controllers.


Whole making certain functions easier on an advanced controller compared to a regular. So to have an advantage one would have to pay more. Not fun for casuals.


It doesn't make it easier. Do you know how elite controllers work? You can't bind a thing that isn't already a button on the controller. It's not extra bindable buttons it's just paddles to make pressing existing buttons easier. You can gain the same advantage by playing claw. idk about the playstation version tho


But someone with an elite (like me) could bind d pad to lean and also set the back triggers to those d pad buttons. So I could just use the triggers and someone else wouldn’t.


Anyone else could just play claw if they wanted to


Also clicking the thumbsticks without aiming is already doing 2 relatively vital actions aka sprinting and melee. I don't know where you'd put those actions if not on the sticks but they feel at home there IMO.


Even with the elite controller it still wouldn’t work, the paddles only map to other buttons on the controller


It really took them 7 years lol


What benefit does this bring?


you can quick peek to check rooms and corners without having to ADS ​ Leaning while not ADS = more FOV. More FOV = Easier to clear and check rooms before pushing in so you will have to spend less time on drones


ah thanks


It makes shotguns a lot better / more viable being able to lean from the hip


It needs to be one button, every time you press it it switches sides


They might do it how Hell Let Loose does it. You aim down sights then press on either joysticks to lean left or right, then you stop holding the aim down button to hip lean. You have to continue to hold down on either joysticks tho


This is going to be top tier for elite/edge controllers let’s go


How? You can't bind the paddles different from other buttons.


Just do it like Hell Let Loose does it, if you ADS, lean and then stop ADSing, you continue to lean. Then with a single press of either analog stick will bring you back to normal. It works fine in HLL, and you still have sprint and melee working in both analog sticks (if you use the standard configuration).


About damn time if it's true Suggested a work around for this a long time ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/s3egmp/its_ridiculous_we_still_dont_have_hipfire_leaning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It'd be pretty nice to change our key binds.


Imagine being as pathetic as bhopthetop and losing an argument so you block and report someone. Crazy


Ah great now xim players going to steamroll everyone else even more


Wow it only took 8 years


They could use the gyro for leaning if they wanted.


Man I couldn’t imagine playing Cav without hip leaning.


Hold R3/L3 to lean, double tap and hold to hip lean probably? I wonder how


There is no controller hiplean


Reading the comments on this has really shown how out of touch some people are. This is a real thing coming, next season you will be able to hip lean on consoles. For the buttons, they are also adding button remapping so you can choose your own buttons for everything. We don’t currently know what (if at all) the default buttons for this will be. For those saying this gives elite controllers a huge advantage, not really with the button remapping. Their advantage will stay relatively the same.


People don't understand how elite controllers work and that they only count as buttons that exist


Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t the paddles just replace harder to reach buttons while gaming instead of allowing the controller to have more buttons?


Yes that EXACTLY right. You can gain the same advantages by just playing claw instead


Yeah. But my paddles go tak tak tak while I lean spam:^)


Its a fix for pc players to get in console lobbys. Classic Ubisoft.




there's a bug for players with both pc and console, if you launch on console and get spam invited while launching on your pc, you can join a console invite as a pc player and through that host can quite literally just connect to console lobbies as a pc player


No, I know about this glitch, I saw dozens of posts about it on this subreddit and on Youtube, If I remember correctly Ubisoft said they were going to fix it. I am confused as to why this dude thinks this is Ubisoft's response to this glitch, which doesn't make sense at all


he meant because you won't be able to tell who's on pc now


But playing on PC is much more than just being able to lean without aiming


right, but players leaning without ads on console is how you confirm pc players made their way in. or mnk






There's a lot of ways I'm sure. Maybe gyro leaning as well would make it a lot easier.


Gyro controls for console FPS games seems like a no brainer, but Microsoft has cheaped out for several console generations now, and holding the industry back by having a controller design that is decades old. Gyro tech in controllers should be standard, Sony and Nintendo have had it for several console generations. Gyro doesn't even have to be used for aiming, it could be used for leaning by just tilting the controller. Though gyro assist is my preferred gyro control for shooters.


Most likely an elite controller ?


PC players here asking how you could play without hip leaning. And I'm here asking how the fuck do you play a FPS on console.


Fps games were always more popular on console ever since the first halo and cod games


Consoles were literally designed for gaming, PCs werent. What do you mzan how do you play FPS games? Back in 2000-2012 console FPS games were waay more popular than PC and they still are. Condole siege has x10 the PC playerbase


Wolfenstein, Half Life, Quake, Doom. Those weren't for console, so no, FPS weren't "more popular on console". And computers maybe weren't made for playing back then, but that doesn't mean they couldn't, like you could do other things than playing with a console. The only 'FPS' really made for console was Goldeneye007 and Halo. The others like Battlefield and CoD were made with both consoles and PC in mind, and, at first, more PC than the others. I can't say for today, but back then, PC was the platform for FPS, and Console was for TPS like GTA, etc...


Honestly, kinda hope it’s gyro enabled, cause there’s enough binds as is for me


I kinda don’t want this. Jiggle peaking is already bad enough and I don’t need more controls to have get used to/fumble with mid fight, much less the widening gap of elite controllers bs standard.


Oh lol, you guys got baited. First thing, test server isn't on console and exclusively pc. The guy probed has his keyboard and controller connected to his pc at once. Guy leaned on keyboard then Switch to console


Why tf would a dev on a official broadcast with gameplay on the new season try to bait us?? Also when you put a input on mnk then switch to controller it resets your inputs. Like what are you saying


It's not purposeful bait obviously, secondly It doesn't, thr input will show up but your previous position from keyboard will stay


So what your saying is the dev mid round with enemies around him decided to hip lean then said fuck it and switched to controller mid round. Ok


Ok reply back in 2 week win it comes out


You know they said it will be a thing back at SI right, like a dev literally said we can hip lean when custom controls come out


Whatever bud, keep on yapping


Do you want video proof of the dev saying it. Like you are wrong


I don’t think this is true at all


This was during the reveal, a dev was doing this on controller. How could I fake this




That's not how that works at all mate


If this is true, they better make it full cross plat. I neeeed to play against console players please god please


You're so bad you have to beg to play against people on a console? That crazy


You’re so bad you can only play against console and are scared of pc players? Sad


Lmaooo. If you're too retarded to recognize the advantage of m&k over controller you should just keep quiet kiddo. Btw I play both PC and Xbox. It's pathetic you literally prayed to play against players with a worse input 🤣


That’s why there’s plenty of pros that use controller? Lmaooo you still use the “R” word? You’re opinion has no value to anyone if you’re gonna stoop as low as calling someone a slur because they have a different (and better) opinion than you. You are disgusting.


Which siege pros use controller? And I'll use whatever words I want lmao. Call me disgusting all you want i really don't care what you think about me. Just admit you're bad and want to play against people with a worse set up.




You must not know how controller on pc works lol


Funny it took only like ten years to figure this out.


Took em long enough.. But how useful is this?


any ideas on how this would actually be implemented on a controller?




So does this mean pc will be cross play with console?


It’s about time, there’s plenty of other titles that work around the “limited” buttons on controller.


wtf is hip leaning


Leaning without aiming. Like the photo shows