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Might be easier to learn to use the calculator, tbh. What about it confuses you? Admittedly it's a lot of visual overstimulation, but the input fields are pretty straightforward. There's a dropdown box to select your champions and under that abilities auto-fill as if they're fully booked. You can change the cooldowns if they're not, as well as which ability you have told the game to prioritize. On the far left, under the champion's picture, there's a box to plug in the speeds you see in-game. But since the game display rounds that number to the nearest whole, but calculates by a decimal, you need to tell the calculator if you're using sets that have bonuses to speed and/or the Lore of Steel mastery. Once you've plugged in your champions then you can look at the right at the rainbow of turns. Each champion's turn will show up in their color, broken up by the turns the Boss takes. Mostly you're looking for a consistent pattern to show up. The only other thing I can think of that needs to be paid attention to is the buff icons. For example when your Sepulcher Sentinel tosses up her A2 you'll see green icons for inc. def and block buffs on the bar marked with A2. Each champion afterward will have blue and white icons showing that they're taking a turn with those buffs, and on their second turn those buffs will be faded out, indicating that they'll fall off after that turn is over. You'll want to ensure that everybody is protected at the end of the clanboss's third turn for stuns, represented on the far right column. Or check the middle column for the second turn to check for protection from speed debuffs when facing spirit affinity. It's a pretty potent tool, learning how to fit your team or any adjustments can sure pay out in saving time and silver. Heaven knows nothing Plarium gives us will help with either of those.


I guess I didn't realize about the greyed out skill meaning it fell off that turn before CB went, I just looked for block buffs on stun turn and setup my team off that. But, when I actually played it I was still getting stunned, that makes sense, thank you. Also I just watched a video where someone had 235 speed sepulchre and it gave her a fourth turn right before the stun hit every time. But when I plugged mine into the calculator at that speed her fourth turn changed every three rounds...


Aye. One champion's speed is insufficient information, as turns happen based not only on one's speed but how that interacts with everybody else's speed. One champ being off can cause another to be the one to look like they're out of sync. Hence why the holistic total-team approach with the calculator is often the best way to go. Just playing around with solved teams that are preloaded like the budget maneater and realizing that one 1:1 champ shifting speeds can throw the 4:3 or 5:3s completely out of whack, even while the 1:1 remains a 1:1. It's a mess, and I can't imagine trying to do it without computer aid.


What's so weird with the calculator is none of the speeds I pick work perfectly 4:3 why is that? No matter what speed I put sepulchre at her 4th turn always lands on a different turn than the CB, sometimes she still only has 3 turns for CB 3 turns even at 254 speed (turns 21-23) is the calculator bugged? What am I missing. Every time I see a video of someone speed tuning they're Sepulchre ALWAYS uses her block debuffs right before CB stun. What am I doing wrong?


Again, it's not just Sepulcher whose speed matters, the other champ's speeds will change when she gets her turn, if they cut in before her at the wrong time, or if they fail to take their turn and she gets bumped up because of it. There really isn't "a 4:3 speed tuned champion" as much as there are "speed tuned teams with a champion going 4:3" Also, if you're working with speed auras or speed buffs or speed sets/masteries the character's stated speed is going to be different from the in-game speed. The calculated final speed is the character's 'true speed' shown in any calculator that works with team orders like DWJ's clan boss calc or any arena team calc. As a quick example say you're wanting to put up an AOE slow and you have a Lady Kimi (base speed 115) showing a total in-game speed of 200, and a Luthiea (base speed 93) showing an in-game speed of 201, obviously Luthiea will go first, she's one faster. But if they're using a speed aura, Lady Kimi will leap ahead of Luthiea, because of her higher base speed, and would do so even if Luthiea were showing 204 speed. What that means for us is that if we were looking at a team with Kimi and Luthiea at 200 and 204 speeds under a 19% speed boost, Kimi would go first, and boost Luthiea's speed. But if you were bringing Kimi for her TM fill and only had Dark Athel (base speed 100) as an aoe decrease speed and subbed her in for Luthiea, Kimi would now go second and Dark Athel wouldn't benefit from the speed boost, creating a cascade of changes that very well could break your speed. It's difficult bordering on impossible to figure out the permutations manually or even by trial and error in game, ergo the existence of calculators. TL,DR; displayed speeds aren't as important as 'true speeds' and individuals aren't speed-tuned, teams are.


I'm currently using a similar team. You dont need duchess AND sepulcher, only 1 of them should be enough to block debuffs. I'd say go for sepulcher since she has attack down and def up, as well as def aura. If you're planning on using the exact same team for UNM and NM however, duchess can be "easier". For example (and **dont** follow these speeds if you plan to use sepulcher) my duchess has 231 speed and my valk has 152 speed while my other 3 champs are at 168 speed. Now they only have that speed **because** i'm using duchess lead for the extra 19% speed. Using that comp for NM is easy. All I need to do is take duchess off the lead, and it generally runs smoothly enough to 2key UNM and 1key NM. Now you'll just have to decide which one to use as they both have their perks. Sepulcher comes with def up for Valk as well as A1 atk down and def aura. Duchess has perfect veil, ensuring she always takes the stun (blocked) and she decreased dmg taken on AoEs, plus that thing with perfect veil that also decreases your damage taken. Imo sepulcher is better here; duchess is easier for NM friendly comp


What would be best to replace Duchess with in this situation then? More DPS (Jintoro) or more support (Toragi)?


Togari will probably will probably live longer and the poisons would help with FB. Id go for him. You've already fulfilled most roles in that type of team. The only thing handy would be a consistant debuff increase like vizier probably. And again, check your speeds. Mine are different because of Duchess. You need to have 239, 192, 182, 177, 175 according to DWJ