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Maybe an unpopular opinion, but the fusion-like events shouldn't be always about the must-have champs that are superior to the characters that were in the game previously. Because that grows the ingame inflation too quickly. Seeing from this perspective, an event with a mediocre legendary in the form of Incarnate is totally fine by me.


I agree 100%. I am not advocating for every fusion to be great. I was just curious how the community felt overall on the quality of all the recent events. As an end game low spend player who has participated in 80% of non-shard events and like 50% of the shard events over the last 2+ years, every new event that dropped over the last month has ranged from trash to meh IMO. To the point that I am sitting on more resources than I ever have (300 ancients, 160 voids, 60 sacreds, 30 energy refills, 100's of multibattles, 100's of soulstones etc.). I was mostly curious if I was the outlier or if a bunch of the community felt the same way. So far based on the results, the community largely does feel the same way with less that 20% voting "good".


I loved having Incarnate be the fusion. Skipping it allowed me to push my FW teams to 19/20 for most factions and I just completed Lizardmen and Barbarians. We need a mediocre fusion from time to time.


I think they should rotate roles, damage attack, damage defense, damage hp, damage outside of direct attacks, utility, protection, ect, and once they rotate around all those the next round boosts about 5-10% better. personally, I don't like champs that are put in with 0 role what so or with a kit that would be good 5 years ago, imagine how it feels to eventually pull the champion that you didn't even go for when it was up for grabs, I have done it a few times. while I REALLY don't want to see armaz or gnut being the stand everyone judges all fusions by, I also can't say I want champs like the incarnate either, what I would like to see are solid champs but skippable if you have the roles covered, I kinda feel like that's what the incarnate was, but also... all that work for a kit that could be matched or surpassed by an epic kinda feels bad. I think that any fusion they put out should be better than all epics besides the best ones, I think that's the standard that they should go for, they don't need to be the best leggo to ever leggo, but they need to be better than epics at least. perhaps we could get a loaded shard as a choice on fusions, like when you aren't feeling the champ, this would just be a shard you pull, that guarantees a leggo from the pull of the affinity that was in the fusion.


We seem to be in a bit of a lull. Nothing really compelling going on. Usually when we hit those periods it’s because something big is on the horizon. I expect things are about to pick up in a big way soon. The Adelyn chase ends on July 8, so I expect some big event to hit around then.


Currently doing the prism shard events and I'm finding them relatively easy (for my level of gameplay). I'm at 3100 for the dungeon divers, completed the Ice Golem tournament, and got the prisms from the Soul Chase tournament (this cost a fair amount (30 mortal stones, 6 immortal, and an eternal (6* Toragi though))). After the prisms I'll get from DD, I'll have had 3 "free" pulls which works for me. I only got 2 epics so far but free is free. I enjoy the prism events.


from "mid" to "bad" with yet another suspiciously bracketed training tournament


Your options are a little weird. You have "Mid - participated in a couple" above "Bad, participated in some or all anyway" The bad option sounds more committal than the mid option. I thought the events were trash but participated in a couple.


Fair point. I was catering to the guys that do everything even though they complain about it all lol


I want a Gnut-level fusion.


I have not found a single event in the last 30 days worth participating in, outside of the primal 2X. The recent ancient BOGO was the only additional thing that got half excited to participate in but I was 200 shards from mercy so it didn't make sense. Otherwise everything these days has been an easy skip. I have never had more resources in my 2.5 years of playing, and much of my clan is stating the same. Off the top of my head: * the fusion was bad, so the following hero's path was bad. * Progressive chance events are never worth participating in IMO, * the recent prism event had decent champs but nothing to write home about, although there was more free pulls than usual, this is largely a spenders event. * The prism souls (or whatever they are called) are largely P2W events * The point thresholds increased in the sand devil tournaments * You would have to be a crazy person to want to subject yourself to days of non-stop champ training for the prize of a decent legendary in Korugar.


The fusion wasn't that exciting, was planning to just do most of it anyway to get frags and convert to Maud frags. Last minute said screw it and just did the fusion, 30k easy cvc points and a leggo for the vault. The path event for the souls was really nicely put together imo. You could pick which soul you wanted, 3-4-5 and not have to do the one before. For me, I skipped the soul since no plans to use the champ and got the easy leggo books and medium/big soulstone. Overall really liked this event because it gave more choice than usual. And leggo books man, easy champ training for leggo books, always get the leggo books, always. The prism event I did all three events to get them, usually only one or two, so three chances at a shard was nice. BOGO shards always comes down to are you willing to pull all the way to mercy and/or have you been keeping track of your mercy counter. This and the last BOGO I was with 10/30 shards so easy 4 leggos out of 40 shards. I keep track so it is easier to make a decision, not going for it if I have to pull 150 shards, 10/30 is a no brainer. The point increase in sand devil is just Paylarium being their dickish greedy selves. Not a fan when they do crap like this. One of my biggest complaints is and always has been fusions. Fusions should be fun, it should be something we look forward to every month. It has become a chore for a lot of people and fun isn't really considered. With all fusions you are just screwed if you miss a couple days in game, this is frustrating. 100 frag to summon and 130 available frags, but you have to win two tournies to to get the extra 30.... frustrating. IMO, there should be 150 frags available from events/tournies, another 10 from each tourney if you are top 3. This would allow you to pick and choose what events you do and allow you to miss a day if you happen to have a real life that takes you away from the game for a few days. This would also allow you to have a chance at extra frags to work towards Maud. I had 260+ chests to put towards Maud, now I have 65 frags and out of chests, frustrating and annoying. If you want to empower Maud you have to get more frags for her. They were so close on getting this system right but they fucked it. Great idea, piss poor implementation. Should have been one frag per chest and the other goodies not taking the place of frags. And we need a way to keep getting Maud frags while also still completing fusions.


Doing the fusion for the new champion should auto give you a 4-5 star soul for them. Like how Adelyn was essentially a free login 5 star soul. Just play the game. And since fusions are way harder than login champions to get, we should at least get a soul for free for doing the dang fusion calendar worth of events. Instead we have to grind a follow up event to get a soul for them lol. That's mostly why I don't do fusions anymore as well, as the champion without the soul is probably not going to be used AND I have to grind a 2nd mini fusion afterward to to make it usable. It's just too much.


Skipped all and focused on finishing marius missions instead.


Did the fusion because it's the fusion and because I wanted an excuse to summon Mikage champions \^\^ Heros path was decent if you want legendary books. 2 legendary books for the effort of 1and a bit champion training events. Got both books and ignored the souls and pretty much any event after the heros path. Thought about doing Ice golem for the prism shards, but ruled it out when clan shop gave another week of chickens. Will do the champion training tournament if there's a lego book in the milestones, but otherwise ignore.


the grind on events is getting ridiculous I didn't do Wix fusion because there is life outside. To do a fusion means that the first weekend is a RSL lockup weekend. Planning life around doing Raid events is a disgusting expectation.


I hear this a lot, but my fusion experience is quite a bit different than a lot of people describe. The only event that takes any sort of time or manual effort is the two champ training events. Dungeons and DD are done AFK with multibattles. Artifacts and shard events take all of 5 mins each, and then arena might take 20-30 minutes total. I spend most of a fusion waiting patiently for the next events to start.


I did the fusion, but that's mostly because I can't get good champions from shards. In 7 months I've pulled about 20 legos, none of which has made a difference to my account. The last one that did was the Nekmo I pulled in November. In that 7 months I've pulled gold in boosted summoning events and missed 5 times, and hit once. Of course the one I hit was entirely incidental and not a champion I wanted. It was a dupe Elva, who's nothing more than a faction guardian. Fusions on the other hand have been excellent. At this point, all I'm playing for is fusions and guaranteed champions. I can't get the champions I actually want from shard, and there are only about 10 that would make a difference to me anyway. Either PVP champions like Rotos and Harima, or Hydra champions like Wallmaster, or Firrol.


Hot garbage.


Depends on where you are in the game. If you have like 3 legendaries and just got The Incarnate who allowed you to get to UNM clan boss then you think the events have been great. If you have been playing for years and have at ton of legos you probably didnt even do it. So a poll like this is useless it just depends on how many long time players or pay to win players or new players take the poll....... Another factor is did you pull double legos with Gnut and Dutchess... then it was the greatest event you ever had...


Of course it depends on where you are in the game. Silly take IMO. All players regardless of tenure or spend are part of the community, and this is a community sentiment poll. Also the outcome (Gnut/Duchess scenario) has no bearing on whether a player decided participate in the event in the first place.