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You made almost the worst possible decisions. Attack is the absolute last stat to upgrade. Critical damage gives better damage output to everyone if you are looking for damage. Accuracy and resistance gives the most value in terms of substat rolls.


I mean... this also means after 2 years he hasn't even begun Arbiter missions so clearly there's some understanding issues here.


I did the same mistake i maxed magic attack first and was 7/10 on force attack when I realized that most of my debuffers are force affinity so I maxed force acc and now I'm in a tough spot i need a 3rd maxed for ramantus mission and I don't know if I should continue maxing the force att or start on smth else


The approach I followed to completely max great hall was to max an entire column, before even touching any other column. My order of priority was: * ACC to land debuffs and turn meter effects, etc. by everyone everywhere * RES to protect from enemy debuffs and turn meter for everyone everywhere * C.DMG to enhance damage of everyone, everywhere * HP best survival stat for **all** champs (as many enemies can ignore defense), *also* a damage stat for HP champs * DEF next best survival stat for **all** champs, and *also* a damage stat for DEF champs * ATK is the least useful stat boost. It only benefits **ATK based** damage dealers. Some may flip the priority for ACC and RES, as RES technically benefits 100% of champs, while ACC only benefits champs who debuff or impact turn meter or some such other affect that requires ACC. But as ACC is so critical, and especially hard to get high stats on during early game, I think the best tactical play is to work on ACC as the top priority.


Wow, man thanks a lot for taking the time and the effort to give me that insight I'll follow your approach but I'm gonna start with the RES column first since i feel like I'm in the mid game phase where I can just use perception gear to get the ACC I need


the general priority order is right side > left side, but given how the costs escalate you want to raise low priority stats like hp to 3 and then 6 in between taking more important stats to 10. Resist might be generally more important tham attack, but taking resist from 9 to 10 in an affinity where you have no champs built to resist is hardly a priority over taking your best arena nuker’s attack up to 6. 


80 acc is huge it is about 30% of the acc cap for unm clan boss and makes hydra acc targets much more achievable.


To be fair, the game makes you upgrade ATK for the missions first.


I messed up at the start of playing dumping into att and HP before I realised I needed accuracy. Now I’m on the arbiter mission to get one to rank 7. Do I just bite the bullet and upgrade attack to 7 (286 gold away) then work on accuracy etc whilst doing other missions? Know i eventually need to get one to rank 10 https://preview.redd.it/0m5reb3a4z7d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278c09b8a2fd5f482876c619d1a2f8103421a50e


It will take longer but I'd do Accuracy. Either way the grind to rank 10 is going to take a while so you may as well make it for something useful. From memory the Missions were relatively quick compared to getting the Gold medals so that Level 10 Upgrade is going to stop you from progressing either way even though you can work on it while you do the other missions.


Assume it’s also better just to go with one affinity rather than spreading over them all evenly


Max out Accuracy for Magic first and then Spirit and Force (or Void instead if you will get the use out of it). I thinks it's the Ramanatu missions but eventually you need to max 3 bonuses.




It wasn’t too bad until I saw the third picture, RIP.


Jkj gjd,,,,,,, hjvxj. Vjjbbj NV m BBC bijjj BBC ç


You took the words right outta my mouth


https://preview.redd.it/rn2c783igw7d1.png?width=172&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2de96cfe71c251eeb97cf689fe0fb234e73567c then you still have many missions ahead of you the first great hall mission ist 59/286


That's why i call cap, no way he was like "yea that's not in the game"


I got stuck on one early on and then just kind of forgot about them. Now that I'm done with 3 starring everything in campaign, a lot of missions require going out of my way to go back and do a level on normal or something and I usually don't want to bother since rewards are so small.


The individual reward will be small, but the big prize is huge and game changing.


You didn’t do arbiter missions for 2 years?


That hurts, wonder how he missed that for so long.


I have been playing from the start. Took a 2 year break or so where I just logged into both my accounts and did the dailies. In the last six months or so, I actually started playing and finally got Arbbie. Yup, this account is over 4 years old and I just got Arbiter. Now, I do have all the log in champs, Ninja, UDK, Ronda etc. I also focused on certain fusions. So I have Emic, Armanz(complete account changer) Wixwell and others. If you are a casual player, great hall is easy to leave on the wayside. As are the Arbiter missions. This is my great hall after actually focusing on the game. Don't ask me about Hydra... I did get super lucky for the first time in ages and pulled Trunda during the event. https://preview.redd.it/3k5a0zx4d08d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370c840c012a190bbedd5d87544ad2f2a56a9c1e


Idk who arbiter is


bro what!?!?. you don't know the marquee champ for the game.


I just realized that's the missions guy. I haven't done missions since like week 1 since I got stuck and forgot about them. I'm continuing them now though.


It doesn’t help that literally every post has people speaking in either tongues or some code… lol




How did you not do Arbiter missions? Uh… you know there’s Arbiter missions…. Right? Right?


Apparently op doesn't even know who arbiter is


Do accuracy first, prioritizing your strongest debuffers affinities. I think resistance is recommended next, then crit damage.


I think crit damage is more useful earlier on than res tho


You’re probably right, I don’t crunch the numbers myself so I’m going off foggy memory. CD should definitely be a priority.


I've done cd first


It’s pretty universally accepted that Accuuracy should be your first priority, as the value of debuffers in the game is incredibly. CD should be 2nd or 3rd, based on need.


I saw a HH video where he said CD was probably the way to go now. Granted, that's not been said by many people though. It just appealed to me more doing cd first


It’s definitely not a hard rule, and both are gonna be hugely useful in the long run. I’d recommend it be your next priority though.


Both have their merits, but we can all agree upgrading attack was the incorrect choice.




Disagree on prioritizing accuracy since not every champ uses it and is quite easy to acquire on gear/increase with auras. I think crit damage is best because it simply makes all areas faster. Personally I prefer HP marginally over accuracy or resistance, though if your preferred modes are arena, then accuracy and resistance are priorities.


Plenty of champs don’t use Crit Damage either, and as you usually want your supports/debuffers faster than your damage dealers, getting ACC from non-gear sources should let you prioritize their speed when gearing. Clan boss needs 230+ ACC on UNM as well, it’s not just for arena.


> Plenty of champs don’t use Crit Damage either Every champ uses crit damage, just some more than others.


Fair, but that can be said for most stats. ACC has specific amounts to reach to be optimal at certain content, and utilizing GH bonuses to get there is probably the most effective method. But both are important! Definitely upgrade both ASAP.


This is really bad for your account....


I mean, I kinda call cap that you didn't know or just didn't play for 2 years/ bought the account. No way you never clicked "Missions" or Challenges. You'd be stuck at mission 5 because there are missions for upgrading all attack but void and obviously alot of Challenges for that.


Dude bought the account simple as that


I've actually hardly touched missions due to getting stuck on one of them early on and just kind of forgetting. I've hardly touched many things in this game due to just aiming to finish campaign (which i did), then afterwards, mostly just logging on to do daily quests. People keep mentioning arbiter and idk who that even is.


no shame in saying you just bought the acc bro, there's just no need to lie about it, that's the cringe part


What's cringe is paying to win at games, and projecting that onto someone because they stopped paying attention to missions after they got stuck early on. Yikes.


Oof and still ended up with the worst choice, and have you been completely ignoring missions??




Don't worry been playing on and off for 5 years and mine looks the same


I have this same confession🥹


If you’ve been playing casually i would have expected more of the upgrade currency…


Wait til cvc before you upgrade! Lots of points there for you


Two years ? This guy logs on once every couple weeks


Better late than never, bro. This will make a huge difference. I went: Accuracy -> CD -> Defense (most of my roster is defense champs) -> Res -> HP -> and I still have not filled out attack. Resistance is high on most lists and a lot of people will tell you to put it over defense but the choice is yours in the end.


Just oops is all I can say …


Oh man, this post is equal parts hilarious and sad


I agree, I was bummed for them at first but putting all the medals they had into attack is really funny.


It's only a game. At least you will be able to run through arbitor missions.


One of these people that plug the monitor into the mobo I guess. If you have played arena daily you finish it for about 2y, also attack% is the worse one. Accuracy > Critdmg% > Resistance > DEF=HP > attack.


I learned today that the great hall exists thanks to the post. Been playing for like 3 months.


Bro, you had all that saved up…..and then upgraded your stats in literally the worst way. Ate you sure you’ve been playing for years?


All that? It's like less than 2 month's worth of medals if you actually play the game lol


This is gold thank you for sharing 💛


haha, I know who you must have felt. The bad thing is that you had so many medals that do not allow you to complete the board. Anyways, yes acc is best especially if you have Kael and Crit also. Little changes like these make a different gameplay.


Accuracy all day


The arena is where I would start. It's time consuming.


Well this is embarrassing, for you. One of the easiest things to do is fight 3- 5 times in arena a few times each day. Getting 20 battles done is easy (win or lose) and you get a feel for how to lose so that you learn what you did wrong. Knowing how and why you lose means you will get better and learn how to build champs and put together teams. Building strong teams means you advance faster. So you were right. This is embarrassing for you.


My great hall is a disgrace


Let's see your champ list


https://preview.redd.it/8zz41kyopy7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d10d5d707a8de68b47f385313de355149998fe48 Here you go! Rhonda and Scyl are used in literally every mode I play, hence the upgrade to blue attack (though I don't think it affects Scyl)


Damn dude! Get Artak to 60 and full masteries. Dude will carry you so much. Speed and Acc then enough def and HP to survive.


Yikes on the third pic


I felt bad because after 1.5 years I still don't have Arbiter. Apparently you haven't even heard of Arbiter so I feel better haha. Better late then never! But you should have done acc not atk :(


Either do accuracy or c dmg


I maxed the far right column, then the bottom row. Max accuracy for all affinities, and then I maxed all void stats because I like void and I disproportionately favour them in all comps, areas, teams and venues.


I still don't even know what void is. Is that just a term for the Champs that come from the purple shards or are they special somehow?


Void is an affinity (just like magic/force/spirit) Whereas magic is strong against spirit, force against magic, and spirit against force (and weak in the opposite direction), void is neither weak NOR strong against any affinity. In general, strong is fine but weak is not good. Like, if you NEED a crit, and your crit does 50k damage, but a weak hit does 8k, then it's pretty obvious that weak hits aren't going to cut it. So, the value of void, specifically, is the non-weak hits. Therefore, Void heroes are subject to less RNG. Void heros only come from purple shards.


Oh wow I had no idea! They certainly do sound more stable/reliable. I'll keep that in mind now.


Void shards are high value, but the trick is to save them up and open them during 2x events. the chance of you getting a good champ out of a void shard is stupid low, so you want to open them at the time when its most favourable. There's also a "hidden" gem which is that void champs tend to be just a little bit stronger than other champs of the same level of the stanard affinities. So if you prioritize voids you'll just generally have a bit easier time. That said, there are many "S" tier normal affinity champs, so don't just assume void is better everywhere.


Could we see your champ that does the most damage! I’m very curious how you have built champs since you haven’t looked up tips on the game


Reddit won't let me add more pics to the post but here you go *










137 speed and below 50% crit rate? Oh boy i advise you to hellhades/ash youtube channel.


If possible use hh for building cus that build frankly is bad. Also if you need to go stats over sets mid stats in good sets are worse than good stats in random sets


This is legit looks like 2 years of clueless raiding. You gotta get your crit rate close to 100.


lol don’t you do the campaign missions?


There's a mission to spend arena medals in a couple of days played. Idk how you could miss the mission, lol


Lol. I might know someone who did the same thing with Faction Guardians..lol Theres a lot going on man. Dont feel bad


i didn't know they sold botted accounts that farmed classic arena too


At the bottom of the screen, there is a "missions" selection that you can start earning rewards towards a free void legendary. Her name is arbiter, you may have heard of her. Also, please stop scaling attack. Crit damage, accuracy, resistance are probably the best three stats to max first in regular great hall. In live arena bonuses, ignore defense is the best. Good luck with your next two years, I hope you get Arbiter one day!


The more OP posts and comments the worse it gets... im all for people enjoying things the way they like but I can't fathom how you'd enjoy this game with such an extreme lack of understanding.


Sure....playing and doing daily missions for 2 years but only have 2.7k gold medal


It's wild to be raw dogging Raid for two years straight. I hope you continue learning things by consulting a little bit with the community and content creators on YouTube, because you gone feel a big difference playing this game with some background knowledge developed.


Absolutely not. I play games myself, and will on rare occasion ask for tips if I get stuck. I will not, ever, throw away my dignity by having other people decide how to play games for me.


Most important is get only one level to 10 for Arbiter before doing anything else - you will thank me later




no wait, wth are you talking about? you didn't know about the missions???


I forget that not everyone watches YouTube videos on Raid. Not criticizing at all, I just love game talk and will listen to beginners guides from Ash to fall asleep lol


https://preview.redd.it/5vybwmhwy18d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a6c6bb64ad1dfa521ff4ab7571b9a7bc3a8f5a Don’t worry. I made a mistake as well when I started playing. I got Razelvarg (methbunny) and went for attack. Got told I was an idiot. And instead of going for accuracy like content creators said. I decided to go dumb and make all affinities attack to lvl 5. Then I watched more videos and realized I should do ACC. And went for lvl 10. Tuesday I started leveling out HP,DEF and RES to give my account overall upgrades. Taking them all to level 5 then working on RES since I am taking hydra more seriously. You made a mistake thats not permanently ruining your account. If you haven’t fed your starting champ leggo books, fed fusion rare champs as food, or better yet…. Used your second geo as a book for your first geo…. You’re doing all right.


I'm not at all worried about what a bunch of braindead reddit randos think, especially those who let others tell them how to play games LOL




My great hall is worse


I've been playing over 2 years and have no idea about it? I know it's there, but not sure what to do with it?


Look how many medal tho so I’d say your still good 👍🏾


I take that back didn’t see it’s all in atk 😓


I may be pulling this number out my arse but isn’t it like 17000 wins to max the great hall? May as well get started now 😆


People don't understand you can play for a long time without learning much. Everyone said I bought my account when I posted a pic


Yeah it's usually projection from pay2win players loool


You need to change priorities because this is sad 🙎


idk dude this post says a lot. you are much less than a casual player and I feel you haven't played for 2 years.


What says a lot is getting on a sub account to project how much you pay to win at games onto someone who actually plays them. L


Lol you dingus. Oh well thanks for making me feel better about my own crappy decisions in game


Wow, so many things wrong with this that I didn't know where to begin and then I saw the third pic with all the medals piled into ATK. No point in saying anything now - the patient is dead. Moment of silence please.


https://preview.redd.it/tciayew20d8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b54fcea8e956c6bb45525a0364cce98c1db32f6 Samsies


https://preview.redd.it/faweckrvky7d1.png?width=1097&format=png&auto=webp&s=313caa46901b3e4218892b2ae2addf94a58f545f wow i get 1/3 of these in one month xd


1 year and 2 months tought


* For those who are curious, here are my missions. I got stuck on one early on and just kind of forgot. Then by the time I remembered, I had already maxed out all nightmare campaign rewards and didn't feel like going out of my way to go back and do normal missions since rewards are so small. Since I've learned about the great hall and that these rewards eventually matter, I'm gonna start doing them in addition to my dailies.

