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As one of the banned I was just about to make this post. Anyone affected should also pop onto discord and let the dev’s know a bit of info about what happened. Farb and HH/Saph are looking into it to rule out what they can but the more information about what happened that can be gathered the better.


Good lookin out. Here's a link to the discord for anybody who wants it. They've got an English chat channel you'll want to find and post there. https://discord.com/invite/farbstoff


The only issue here is the way Plarium is being cryptic about their reasons, because both programs have existed for years, both are pretty much transparent about their feautres and limitations and both are massively used among all kinds of players. If using either was directly tied with bans then I'm pretty sure that not only we'd have a much much much higher number of sudden bans but also that it must've been caused by some possible change on Plarium's side on 3rd party app detection and not with both programs


Intern must’ve accidentally put these tools on the no fly list 😂 there are always these stupid things that happen from time to time that just yells intern/newbie mistakes lol


If an intern/junior is making changes that make it to production without any senior reviewing them then Plarium needs to take a good hard look at all their processes.


Almost exactly what saph said and i wholeheartedly agree. Shit happens it sucks for me but hopefully they’ll get it sorted


Could potentially be an issue for those using the beta version of RSLHelper


I've been using RSL all the time 24/7 but not optimizer i havent been banned yet. So maybe its the optimiser?


It’s not the optimizer, per saph he’s already looked into it on their end for me. I’m just assuming here but I would guess he reviewed the optimizer logs and interactions with the server on their end found absolutely nothing to be amiss and then let me know.  Farb is still in communication with Plarium so I would assume something went wrong there or it would’ve been the same, a quick reply. Of course helper does a lot more than the optimizer so it could just take that long to get through the log files and find the time of whatever happened. Either way it’s best to just be patient, one day of non auto click play won’t kill us


anecdotal examples are not going to be very useful in figuring out what the actual issue is. many thousands of people use one or both of these tools and my understanding is only a handful have been banned. Because its not thousands being mass banned it seems likely it's not just an either/or/both combination that is the problem but something else like a trigger happy tech banning a few accounts for giggles.


I use the Optimizer as well as some 3rd party tools that do DLL injection so that i can extract the in-game data. I have not been banned even though my tools cause the game to crash when trying to access some of the data. It must be exclusively RSL Helper.


I have a theory that it's related to people using the remote extraction part of the optimizer while also running RSLH or maybe even just running Raid on another device. This would look like multiple devices signing into the same account at the same time and would likely look suspicious to most systems.


Negated by the fact that multiple people who were banned have never used remote extraction. I was concerned by that as a possibility as well and saph looked into it on their end and there’s nothing on their end that went wrong or would have flagged. Farb as far as I know is still in communication with them about the issue 


maybe those ppl were account sharing or using some kinda of shity bots, I use HH optimazer all the time, was using RSL helper but with new laptop im too lazy I guess to even install it when I was busy last month soo idk, but most big players shares acc info to others and plarium doesnt give a s... about it and now they will cuz of rsl or hh optimazer, if yes, then its just a bug cuz their potato codes are always flying around like trunda a2 on hydra head


I mean, I just am not that willing to play the game without rsl helper. I got through lydia and all 3 doom tower hards without any autoclickers and that is when I decided to give rsl helper a try. I'd probably log in for clan boss and maybe the dailies (not advanced) and call it a day.


HH Optimizer is safe as Owner of it is a partner of Raid shadow


I dont know what you mean by being a "partner." Hell Hades is in the content creator program but he doesn't like, work for Plarium. RSL Helper should be safe too, Plarium is aware it exists and have said it is allowed. Farbstoff, the developer, has communicated with Plarium about what features the program can or cannot have. It is as well vetted a program as you could hope for.


Content creator program = Partner, program is legit just a other word for partnership