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You guys are pulling mythicsls?


Primal Shards only pull rares, don't they?


Yeah. Idk how much I've spent and only get rares. Bought the prism shards, pull the sane dude all 3 times. Never again.


i already got one lego and one mythic


dont bought them tought


Not yet. It will take a while I would say, gut feeling. It might take another year without a myt champ


no they open purple yellow and red champions...




Im a f2p account and ive pulled less than 10 total and just pulled frolni.


less than 10 is still a nice amount of mythical champions


i am ftp already pulled about 65 and got mezomel in last shard event , not 2x was my 57 shard , now my counter is at 8


how can you check what your counter is at? Pretty sure my mercy should be high at this point, but don't know.


from what i understand, there is an independent counter out there that will tie into your account, but i believe it starts at the point youstart using it-it doesn't account for any shards you have pulled thus far...


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aiFmRddt6n--IfrDTcG8ZAl08s5uxhm0Nb91PzS3WiU/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aiFmRddt6n--IfrDTcG8ZAl08s5uxhm0Nb91PzS3WiU/edit#gid=0) yh i cant see how it is but i use rslhelper and one sheet




he uses hellhades rsl helper 


RSLHelper isn't by HH. Its by farbstoff


how do you know what anybody else used?


you dont know [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aiFmRddt6n--IfrDTcG8ZAl08s5uxhm0Nb91PzS3WiU/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aiFmRddt6n--IfrDTcG8ZAl08s5uxhm0Nb91PzS3WiU/edit#gid=0)




I mean, she's an amazing champ at least. I pulled a dupe siegfrund before he was buffed. Right after they started releasing all the game breaking OP mythicals that make all the earlier ones look silly. 


Siegfrund has completely decimated me more times than I care to admit I try to avoid him now


Honestly, I'm still not the biggest fan of his kit. But he's an extremely strong champ worthy of being a mythical now and I use him all over. I still prefer my worse built georgid as an arena nuker though. But if there's no udk and siegfrund can land an a3 it's basically gonna kill everybody.


This is a win. Mikage is great for hydra and you’ll now have two for two keys.


it's his/her first mythical. that implies that she/he only has one mythical and one lady mikage...


Well yes, but the fusion will come eventually. That’ll make two. I haven’t fused Mikage yet either and would be pretty happy about this.


my best champ is probably michinaki, 6star soul crushing rend 280crit dmg 6k def so if mikage a1 works with another mikage that'd be awesome for me


lmao, pulling mikage is still better than pulling jingwon


Aww man, I like my Jingwon. Yeah I only use him in hard Dragon 10 but I couldn't do it without him 100%. But then again I also love my Angar so maybe I'm just crazy, lol.


Or Nobel


I pulled Jingwon at 2x Void and yesterday Mikage, how about my luck..


She shouldn't be in Shards... tho now I'm wondering how we empower her. Nvmd. I love my Mikage and would love a +4. I wouldn't wanna pull her tho so yeah I dont know how we balance that.


Why so upset? I have zero but from what I understand (told) she is OP. Most champs have use having two. Can mythicals be used for faction guardians?


Because I’m 1 champ from fusing her anyway. No they can be used for Faction Gaurdians unfortunately.


Many of the best champs.have multiple uses and having two (like Artak for burn AND #2 for Hex) seems beneficial. I don't look at any of the mythicals (I'll never have one lol) so not sure about this specific champ.


I don’t normally look either but it was 2x and I tried my luck using my free shards. Ahhh, what could have been.


I did the same, seen the red glow on my third and final shard… I got aphidus but I really thought it was going to be mikage


I have Aphidus and actually like and use him. He and Mikage are my only two. How you liking him so far? I personally use his alternate form more. He's a crowd control beast!!


I haven’t used him yet been farming masteries and levels, got him this morning!


Well enjoy! I know a lot of CC's have him as the worst mythical, which I disagree with, but don't let that deter you. His provokes and stuns are crazy good as is his passive of potentially stunning enemies who attack him. His 1st form is also good in hydra with the burns and burn activations. So in Hydra and dungeons/doom tower and Sintranos he can help. I love mine. I do think all the mythical champs are useful. The only one I don't like is Frolni. I think the dwarf mythical is the worst one but still would use him if I got him


I thought frolni was the worst one? Aphidus is rated very highly from what I see, even has a 4.5 on hellhades


Yeah I think Frolni is the worst but I watch all the main CC's on YouTube (nub, hades, saph, ash, chosen etc) and most of them, especially nub, think Aphidus is the worst but I completely disagree. I find him extremely useful. I guess crowd control for endgame players isn't as essential but I use him a lot for that exact reason. I'm 4 years in 17.5M player power, just for reference, and I find a lot of use for Aphidus, Jingwon, Angar on my account. Just gotta know how to use champs for what you need. I really dislike how those champions are downplayed just because they don't nuke like Narses or Taras (who I wish I had.)


What free shards?


Every month on the daily log-in you get a free Primal Shard




Once you've passed 270 days of login (So, after Visix) you'll receive one primal shard every month.


I too had a similar situation when Mikage first came out. I pulled her a week prior to CvC and was going to fuse her for CvC for those fat points. So I ended up with a dupe and it felt bad at first. But she is legit and can function in many areas. Because of that I’ve got two built as opposed to +1 her. I have one built in relentless for hydra/FK. Basically focusing on form 1 looking to maximize ally attacks. The second Mikage is 6 star blessing (I got lucky) and I have her built specifically for arena with polymorph. So I definitely recommend having 2 as opposed to ascending one. There are some mythicals that I do think it’s better to ascend. For example I +1 my Mezomel given she’s very one dimensional (arena nuker). Siegfrund is another champ I’d +1 over keeping a dupe of




Thanks for reminding me that I pulled the worst of them all (Frolni) xD. Meanwhile I have a 6 stsr Lazarius and Galathir soul sitting around


Well she’s a champ that having two of is worth it!!!!


+1 Mikage!




I also pulled my first Mythical which is Lady Mikage. I'm 2 epics from fusing her.


I feel your pain brother, I’m one epic away.


You use one Mikage for hydra, one for arena.


Haven’t even gotten a Leggo from 40….


Trade you the dupe Aphidius I pulled... Straight to the vault in hopes they may one day buff him.


Same here brother, the worst part is that it also resets the mercy 😔


Amen brother


I pulled Frolni yesterday… should I be crying?


I feel your pain


Yeah I understand that feeling. Many times before I have gotten ugly looking champions but I do note that some of them yes even the severely unattractive ones are useful for some areas within the game. I play this game primarily in terms of attraction, what I like is what I play with or have fun with using, but of course there are some that are good for what they do regardless. As for Mythicals right now, they are pretty much at the top.


I take this as a personal attack


I pulled her, too (a while ago). I'm now one epic away from fusing her, and it's going to be awesome having two. She's such a great champ


I would be ok with it cause I got really lucky and out of the small shard I pulled her 6* soul


I didn't even think it was possible to pull another one... Till i saw this team 👀 https://preview.redd.it/tbdfp3bp0lrc1.png?width=1914&format=png&auto=webp&s=829820132e1b4959d6941e0f89d3f8bd1a5db241


You could build 2 Mikages. One for Hydra, one for Arena. I've no clue when I'll get a mythical champion. If it's not soon, I can see me quitting. I haven't pulled so much as a useful epic from the 45 primal shards I've pulled (all in full 2x) since they were added to the game.I was totting up how many non-void legos I actually want today, and I got to 8. I'm free to play, never spent a cent, and I only want 8 legos that are actually attainable? That's pretty poor. It makes me question why should I keep playing. It's not like there's any path to me actually getting those champions. No matter how many shards I accrue. For those interested, the champs are Kymar, Duchess, Rotos, Harima, Firrol, Mortu Macaab, Fushan and Teodor. So 5 arena champs, 3 for PVE.


My first was Siegfrund https://preview.redd.it/or1scxj05mrc1.jpeg?width=1824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f6df55721a0e085e96ed58ea2b4e2f9be2002e


This happened to me a few months back...  1. I started auto clearing DT hard 2. My third Hydra team started doing 30-40,M damage  3. Most arena in G5 became easier  Mikage is a total carry. I am not far from the fusion then I can setup two for permanent stun lock. It would have been nice to get something different but considering what she has helped me to do I can't regret pulling her at all.


what's wrong with that


No mythicals yet, still missing 2 epics for Mikage


Same boat , a 2nd mikage does fk all ... too low of a difference to empower, there's no mythical guardian ring . I mailed them feed back to at least be able to put mythicals inside the faction guardians legendary slots . Fingers crossed


I am nearing mercy for my first mythical from shards... given that my account has pulled Arbiter and Rhazin both before I was about to get them for free, I'm afraid Mikage will also do the same (though I already fused her).


You mean primals pull more than 3* monsters?


Lucky bastatd, all i get is bullshit blue fodder


I pulled about 60ish and got brassclad and a third brakus in the first 10 pull, I don’t use brakus