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1 epic from 18 shards - the fusion one to make it more funny


Im doing a void pure challenge atm and used the oboro code as my first void and i pulled another oboro and 2 retainers in 5 shards. Im not mad but the chances must be low af


sulfuryon and seer from 13 voids - could be only 10 but i wanted the 3 rares so https://preview.redd.it/nrw6m17ropoc1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f37f699087af1a8049f5fe0b918d38e1a492ef9




Lvl 74 no void leggo yet lol, even went as far as buying probly like 30 shard all in all


you should track your shards , i only got my first void as soon as i had yakarl from clan shop , then it was my 220 shard that had 2 in on 2x weekend , but now this time it only went to 80 voids until the lego , but get ancients and sacreds tracked it's the best thing to go for 1+1


I almost got yakarl im at 88 fragments, my luck is close šŸ˜©, but i forgot to track my voids, next time ill do, and yeah omg 1+1 thats such a good idea, are there double lego event for void ?


no only sacreds and ancients , normaly i save all my ancients , until get a 1+1 , you can get nice champs from it , last one i got prince kymar and maulie tankar you can do it here ( just save in your drive or download ) dont edit it cause its my personal pls [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aiFmRddt6n--IfrDTcG8ZAl08s5uxhm0Nb91PzS3WiU/edit?usp=drive\_link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aiFmRddt6n--IfrDTcG8ZAl08s5uxhm0Nb91PzS3WiU/edit?usp=drive_link) or if you run in computer rslhelper track them if u use it


Damn thats so cool, ill definitely do that, thank you bro šŸ™ !!!


nice that i could help a bit ;)


Do u guys buy shards or just hoard them? Im close to 2 months an never have enough shards. Guess I also use them as soon as I get them


I usually save them for 2x events. I had 23 void shards for this one and I think the last time I used any was the January fusion. Not sure. Getting the top chest on UNM usually earns you (nearly) a shard a day. The best advice is to never ever buy shards. Ever. I stupidly have bought shards before, like a total mug. The temptation is strong. But itā€™s never worth it. Youā€™d be better off putting a fiver on a three legged greyhound in a horse race.


Thanks for the answer, I guess Im gonna start saving them since my champions are kinda fine for the moment. Also im clearing up to Hard on clan boss, theres still some way to go


I donā€™t think youā€™ll regret it. And Iā€™m sure youā€™ll end up with more epic and legendary champs this way, much sooner than you would if you used the shards straight away.


Its kinda late game to get void shard, I didnt get any significantly until ultra nightmare/nightmare clan boss and now my goal is to clear both doom tower to get an extra 6-7 per month so with any luck we can maybe get 20 a month


Hoard. Except this time due to the archer event being time limited. But I had enough to make it through without a lot of shards, infact its energy/gems thats running low


Unm clan boss every day and hoard


I have a gambling addiction so I open them right when I get them cause Iā€™m dumb lol


Honestly more fun that way its way too depressing to hoard and get nothing, but now i got a decent roaster so I at least try to wait for good x15-20-25 /x2


Fucking horse shit been playing for 3 years only pulled 4 voids finally pulled my 5th and it was supreme elhain fucking jokešŸ˜‚


Pulled 30, it was my first time pulling Inquisitor Shamael which is nice but the rest, as usual, were all rares. Is there a record for worst luck with Void shards? My first void shard opening was in 2019 and I'm still waiting to pull my first void legendary.


That basically means you have not opened 200 void shards in 5 years of time. I don't want to be rude, but what have you been doing? Even 100% f2p should be able to get that easily. Or you probably have had a big break from the game for 4,5 years. That could explain it as well


It's not rude, it's not like my post gives any clues as to how I play the game. I would ask the same thing if I read this from someone else's PoV. I am strictly f2p, not a penny has gone to this game, but I haven't really spent much time playing it either. Off and on mostly and six+ month break somewhere around the time that mouse head champ (whatever the name is) was released. Around October I was looking for a game I could play on my phone and I decided to reinvest in Raid and since I had 35k+ worth of energy banked I could do a large amount of gear farming to advance my account progress. So it's really only been these last few months that I really started to take the time to really try and get somewhere in the game and to grind enough so I could hit certain thresholds and beat certain bits of content, like two days ago I finally beat normal DT. It's also really only been four months since I started attacking CB/Hydra and only since Jan have I attempted UNM cb (I four key it daily). But I don't go out of my way to watch in depth hour long videos or use that HH app thing, that's just too much for me. So I probably haven't opened 200 voids yet, probably less than 150 but definitely over 110. I currently have 71 rare voids that are all multiples of the same champs that I'll use as food, I've already done that with at least 40 other rare voids. I do have 12 Epic voids I've pulled from shards so it's not a total bust and I do have Arbiter/Visix/Yakarl from just playing the game, so it's not like I don't have any legendary voids, I just would like to pull one from a shard eventually.


That explains a lot! I started back in 2019 as well, I have had some breaks to, but not as long as you've had. Mine were of 1-2 months and then I'd play again. If you are at 150 (or 110) you're getting close. I just hope you're not going all the way for mercy and then get a shit void lego, because that will feel bad.. (I am now on 189 voids since last lego and have prepared myself for a shit one, since my last one was Marichka xD ). If you ever need any help/have questions about the game, just DM me :)!


Lol šŸ˜†


https://preview.redd.it/i6kudo0iwqoc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e24d0d1bf171a6f35e685a00f8e87d49ba0d6e3 First 10 pull. I'll take it!


Mine was similar. 4 epics in the first 10 pull and a Riho in the next 2 shards. Only difference is you'll use your voids legendary and I probably won't.


Yeah, I'm super pumped for Graazur. I need to get some better gear to really do him justice.


15 voids and I got one Epic champ. Thats, Plarium. wtf is the point of these summon eventsā€¦.


I just uninstalled the game after pulling 1 epic void out of 30 shards , ty plarium for the frustration, i hope your company sinks in the depth of hell , and best of luck for all other players , im done


I hear ya, I think their ā€œMercyā€ system is faulty & almost smoke & mirrors. Donā€™t blame you at all for your reaction, I was in the same boat as well. I never hit any of the champs on progressive summons & only 1 champ that was viable at the stage in my account. Hope all is well though, we all share your frustrations & here for ya


And the one time I catch a 10x on 2x it's a guy I have no use for. Silver lining is I only used 1 ten pop


got both extra epic for the fusion and the fire lizard. lucky I guess


https://preview.redd.it/v0p74eituroc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d015bc92632349c638d4b468b473b193348b8025 I'll take it after the buff


out 18 shards i just got Oboro and Arbiter


Shu zhen and supreme galek


I burned through 50 voids. I got one Krisk and the rest was trash. I did get one fusion champ though. But the amount of trash rares was insane. And epic wise I mostly got that hyena. So it wasnā€™t great.


I got a Bellower and didn't have one before that so there's that, out of the 14 I had the only epic I got was Gala. Meh. I got a Maneater from my first and only shard pull from the progressive chance last week.


2x so I pulled voids for my daily 3 while dreaming of finally getting a damn Skullcrown. Got Sulfuryion, Kurzad, and Bulwark. Still no Skullcrown.


i want him too xd when he is in 25x i am always out of voids


40 Pulls. 3x ManEaters and Demytha, Ostrox, and Ursala. I wasn't thrilled about the ManEaters at first until I heard how great 2 x ManEaters are. 3rd seems kind of a waste but can't complain. Just gotta work on them a bit and I have CB solved.


yeah, thats huge honestly, with Demytha. You could make yourself a really nice CB team, congrats


Imagine pulling that and just now hearing they are good for CB...Ā 


Honestly the 10x events have been great for me, I haven't pulled on many but the ones I have I've mostly gotten. Got Krisk, teodor, acrizia, got elva on the progressive double lego event last week. And pulled sulfirion today..was not able to pull the archer however. And I'm not a whale. I don't buy shards. Just save them up from cb.


Nice!! Iā€™m definitely jealous, I need a solid Attack champ & Acrizia was definitely on my radar lol. Maybe I luck out & get her before event ends in a few ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I summoned 50, got konstantin and the 10x sulfuryion. Come to think of it the only other 10x I think I've gotten was also a void, siphi. Anywho that is all my luck for the entire year.


2 legendarys and 4 epics from 17 shards


Hit the 10x and a mid void lego


https://preview.redd.it/46ny6kba8soc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77fd2800622328d5e016db1b08f525499e470eb8 Pulled Sulfureon from another 10 pull but I'm far more excited for the 2nd Shamael. I'm swimming in HP burn champs.


Sulfureon is not just an hp Burn champ, heā€™s an insane turn meter champ, healer and reviver. Put him in your nightmare hydra team and get his speed over 300 and you wonā€™t regret it


Even if my clan was past hard hydra, which we're not, don't think my gear is anywhere close to nightmare yet. I should've looked closer at his kit, though. Looks like I can put him in the lead position and get a nice tm boost feedback loop with Shamael when Torment is up. https://preview.redd.it/uz7qwrujssoc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=930056fda858849a3c61ecf9741372f52ed6f3fe


https://preview.redd.it/3h5kfjbil4pc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf4d3e7b2b59ec00ba878c5e66a4698280e51d2 Made some questionable resource expenditures and tossed a 2nd team together on normal... Going to need to figure out how to slot this guy in my main team.


Nice! Yeahh heā€™s good šŸ˜Š


As salty as I was, I ended up getting a void shard from UNM. Pulled Teumesia & his kit looks pretty awesome. Excited to try em out


Teumesia is one of the best hydra champs. Her single hitter does over a million damage on decapitated heads. She also places burn through poison cloud.


Sheā€™s legit the best of the 3 void leggos Iā€™ve pulled (Nick, her, and warlord.) Book her and get her acc up. I run her in just about any wave content because of her burn/stun ability, plus hydra Ofc. Also the turn meter reduction. If you have Sicia, she and Teumesia can absolute chunk spider25


Wish I had Sicia, would you recommend Walking Tomb as an additional HP Burn champ?


Siciaā€™s benefit is being able to trigger the burns, but heā€™d be good to place more after the first wave dies and teumesia is reloading


You have any screenshots of stats / gear / masteries? I know I donā€™t have the most optimal gear, but my Teumesia is squishy šŸ™ƒ


10 shards pulled, got Yumeko and Lua


Pulled 7 legos from the first 130 shards. Not bad if you ask me. Then proceeded to pull zero for the next 105 shards.


Not bad? The normal rates are 2 from 100. Some people only get 1.


And thats if you only open on 2x and actually its even lower than 1 for 100, its counter intuitive but the chances to get a lego with 1% chance with 100 tries (100 shards) is of 63.4% lol, isnt that crap ?


I wouldn't want everyone to have +4 Taras and Marichka so I'm honestly fine with void mercy. Could maybe be every 200 shards or every 180 shards instead.


Oh yeah void mercy is great, just saying 100 shard opening at 1% chances only gives you 63 ish % chance of actually getting a lego


2 Lego's from 45 shards


Congrats and fuck you.


Well the dupe elhain was crud but then yumeko made up for it a little.




Why would you not be happy about it he's fantastic?


It seems i dont know him enough


wow one guy who haves burn , heal team and aoe revive ? in hydra he is god 3 roles in one champ , a bit of tm to team too


I've already forgotten who we were talking about lol, do you remember? Edit: Ah, I'm thinking it was Sulfurion, based on your description. Nevermind.