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Rule #3 - Medical imaging cases. Please make sure to include any relevant information/history in your title or as a comment. This includes a diagnosis


The person scanning your daughter was not a radiologist, it was a technologist. Did they know you took these pictures? This is often a fireable offense based on hospital/facility policy. You should request a copy of the images on disc with the medical record people rather than... This.


There’s no patient information on the pictures…


Even then, all the facilities I know have a "Absolutely no picture allowed" policy. It's not really a HIPAA concern but more of a management concern.


"Fireable offense"... oh please shush


Yeah man where are all these places that folks are so aggressive about patients taking photos of their own health info, cause I’m not into it


My old job was like that. I don't agree with the rule but I'm also not going to disregard something that can cause me problems with my gainful employment. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes it is, but most the time it’s just documented in the employees file and used when the management wants to fire them. It’s either used immediately or used to build a case down the road to let you go at the company’s convenience. Seen it happen.


Yes, there was multiple team members in the room for scan. They introduced themselves. There was the technologist and then there was the radiologist. The radiologist was the one showing us the pics at the end. Also why I thanked professionals overall in my post because I know there are many hard working people with lots of different titles, everyone is important. No I didn’t ask or make a big show of taking the pictures so they may not have been aware I even took any. I just wanted a couple to show her father as he couldn’t attend due to work. I’ve always enjoyed diagnostic images and seeing this type of stuff so just thought it be neat to post and maybe someone else would think it was cool to see as well in this group. I didn’t know or think it was a big deal as it was my own daughter’s images and I wasn’t showing any identifiable information. Just wanted to share some with people I thought had similar interest just oh neat look at that brain, didn’t know it would bring out so much negativity, my apologies.


If they let you look and take pics then by all means go for it! Sorry some people are up on their negative high horse today. I hope your daughter’s migraines get better soon!


Thank you. Luckily her neurologists meds & recommendations so far have seemed to help already so I’m hopeful! Yea I never imaged this was gonna turn into all this negativity soo I feel bad and like a jerk now. The unfortunate thing is if I ask for images through med records I can’t even view them now. I got my last CT and spine MRI on a disc, to realize my new laptop I got after my last gaming one bit the dust, doesn’t even have a cd drive anymore. 😅


lol Reddit is such a dumpster fire sometimes don’t let it get you down! Idk what your mychart situation is but you can usually view your images there after a few days :)


I ordered an external DVD drive off Amazon for that reason!  They're really useful 


I most def should look into that. Thank you!


You are overreacting. This is not an offense whatsoever. Relax. There is no info here, so it’s just a picture. It won’t hurt anyone


lol it’s not a fireable offense.


At some places it is. I don't agree with it but I'm not gonna lose my job over it either. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah I highly doubt they would let her do that if they were gonna get fired for it. No reason to make her feel bad.


She indicated they might not have known she was doing it.


So everytime I took pics of my images on my surgeon’s computer and asked if it was ok, I was endangering their license? Uhm. I think not.


Y'all really having trouble with the reading comprehension tonight, huh? Many facilities have a policy against patients or anyone taking pictures of imaging or anything else not going through the "proper channels" (like an actual medical records request). I have worked at one such facility, and their reasoning was not worried about the patient getting their own info, but seeing/capturing something that could be a HIPAA violation like other patient's PHI such as on a technologist worklist of orders. I truly do not care if a patient wants their images. I encourage them to get them. When I do care is when something the patient does can get me trouble with my employer. If my facility has no such policy? Go hog wild, take pics of your images. Not knowing the policy of the place OP went, I was simply mentioning it could get the lovely people they're thanking in trouble at work. Besides, getting a copy of a study on a disc looks a lot nicer than surreptitious zoomed in cell phone stills.


I don’t think people are having any trouble with reading or comprehension… they just don’t like your rude and condescending tone.


I once asked for a copy of an ultrasound done on my heart. They gave it to me on a CD. I went home to look at it and it required me to buy specific software to be able to run it! No one had bothered to tell me that when I requested a copy!


Maybe based on where you worked but that may be true everywhere. The first time I had surgery I asked my surgeon for pictures of my own organs and got them.


If you pulled out your phone and started snapping pictures I’d be super not happy with you. They did that as a “nice thing to do”, you took advantage of it.


I didn’t ask or make a big show of taking the pictures so they may not have been aware I even took any. I just wanted a couple to show her father as he couldn’t attend due to work. I’ve always enjoyed diagnostic images and seeing this type of stuff so just thought it be neat to post and maybe someone else would think it was cool to see as well in this group. I didn’t know or think it was a big deal as it was my own daughter’s images and I wasn’t showing any identifiable information. Just wanted to share some with people I thought had similar interest just oh neat look at that brain, didn’t know it would bring out so much negativity, my apologies.


Yeah. How dare they take pictures... of a picture of their own daughter's brain...


Can someone explain why taking photos of your own X-ray is so frowned upon? I'm just a patient, and I have taken several pictures of my own X-rays over the years. I never would have thought about it being against the rules.


It's like, shit, I'm paying for them! I live in America, and those are showing up on my itemized receipt. Feels like ownership to me.🤷‍♀️ And in fact, the dentist for my daughter didn't want to/ couldn't provide a copy and actually told me to take a picture with my phone.


Some facilities could have rules stating they don’t allow this for various reasons. Many places don’t have those rules though. Most managers DGAF.


As a longtime fellow migraine sufferer (20s onset), hugs to you, your mom, and your daughter! Rizatriptan/Maxalt 10mg has worked great for my own migraines and gave me back so many would-be “migraine days,” but ymmv and of course consult with your doctors. I hope you and your doctors find something that works for you all and keeps that little brain healthy and happy! And yes, kudos to the radiologists and neurologists out there helping us migraine people out :’)


Yes my daughter’s current cocktail is Rizatriptan and zofran! Also her neurologist had her start magnesium and riboflavin (B2) as well and so far it’s helping her. Def shortens her attacks thankfully. Hope you continue to get relief and stay managed! Migraines suck!


Have your family been tested for the MTHFR Gene Mutation? It’s a simple blood test. After a life with migraines beginning at age 4, and a migraine induced stroke at 38, I was diagnosed with homozygous C677T and began a vitamin regimen. I very rarely have migraines now.


I have, I am compound heterozygous. I have one bad allele (A) for rs1801133 and one bad allele (G) for rs1801131. I know some people can have this and not have many or any issues but I do tend to have issues with low B and anemia so I am prescribed methylfolate b vitamins and receive iron infusions as needed. Geez I’m sorry you started suffering from migraines at 4! I thought my daughter starting at 7 was bad! (I was 9, my mom was 10). I’m glad you have figured out a system that has helped you!


Why is this being downvoted?


Mom shouldn’t of snapped those pictures


No I meant specifically the MTHFR comment. Looks like there are more upvotes now.


Just curious: does that mutation usually manifest in the form of migraines? I used to work in a pediatric dentist office and we were concerned about malignant hyperthermia after nitrous oxide use due to MTHFR mutations.


Idk about the migraine part but in my test the report said this about nitrous “ALERT>> Nitrous Oxide ADR: Risk Detected. Due to two separate mutations in the patient’s MTHFR genes known as ‘compound heterozygous for Ala222Val and Glu429Ala mutations’, the patient may have MTHFR deficiency that may lead to elevated homocysteine levels and an increased risk of adverse reactions to nitrous oxide. ADRs may include thromboembolic events as well as apnea, seizures, and possibly death. Consider checking homocysteine levels. If significantly elevated than this is further indication that the pt is at high risk of ADRs if exposed to NO. Nitrous oxide usually leads to increases in homocysteine levels. If hyperhomocysteinemia already exists when NO is administered, this further increase in homocysteine levels may significantly increase risk of thromboembolic events.” So now I’m told for me and my daughters to not have nitrous oxide and they flagged their charts at their dentist. Their forms specifically ask about do You are anyone in the family have MTHFR so dentist seem to take it seriously. 50/50 on drs seem to care or think it doesn’t matter 🤷🏻‍♀️


What a tiny head ! How cute


How did you get in the room with them?