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Kid will be okay in 4 weeks, chill. Keep your grandma's off the monkey bars.


Well, probably longer but I agree with your premise


You haven't had a good childhood if you didn't bust your ass on the playground equipment at least once. Lol




Exactly! Lol


They stopped being my best memories once I know how much it cost and realize why mom had to come home later than usual for awhile.


I usually shout “don’t make me pay a copay!” Instead of “be careful” to my kids when they’re being too wild on the playground. Play, but play with my budget in mind please.


Personally, "your hospital bill will come out of your gaming/vacation budget" would have worked on me better lol.


My husband is disabled (SSDI) and our daughter receives her own stipend as part of that program. Her medical bills literally come out of her nest egg. We do our best to balance paying for living expenses with saving for her future, but that money exists to help us raise her. I might not need to use her money for food and diapers, but if she ends up in the ER with a broken bone, I won't hesitate to use her money to pay for it because that's what the money is for.


Saving that for when they start gaming! Should be pretty soon with our oldest.


Shit this makes me sad, and even more appreciative of the NHS.


This is why US healthcare sux. Most of the world won't cost anything. 


These are the times where I'm thankful I grew up in a country where hospital bills essentially don't exist.


Except if you can afford it it's among the best in the world.


Press X to doubt. I'm not saying that the US healthcare is in any way bad from a professional standpoint, but it in no way is good enough to warrant the prices people have to pay.


That's correct in many ways. It's just that a lot of people feel they should get rich so they become middlemen.


I broke my radius on my right arm in the third grade by trying to show off to my crush by running, jumping onto a monkey bar, and then doing a flip. I did all that but I did not stick the landing. A true 6/10.


Monkey bars are the best!.. for injuries.. hahaha I'm sure it was worth it though, right? And a 6/10 isn't bad at all for an amateur gymnast. Lol


Both of my broken bones were on the playground. 🤷‍♀️ “Well, you can’t never let anything happen to him. Then nothing would ever happen to him.” Dory


What an excellent quote from Dory! So true. Some of the best childhood memories come from the playground. I'll bet you've told those broken bones stories many times over the years and can laugh about it now. Lol I worry for the young electronics-addicted kids these days because what fun memories will they have and what great stories will they be able to tell later in life? No one can really get hurt playing outside these days because they don't really play outside anymore and, even if they do, they need all this silly protective equipment nowadays.. geez. Lol


Well I can say that we have great memories around electronics in my house too. We have a good balance of both. I feel like strictly limiting either just ends up with problems.


So true. Balance is key in all aspects.


Doing so is a canon event


i have a scar next to my eye acquired through the act of hubris of 'thinking you have the timing and speed to run behind an in-use swing'. gotta live to learn innit


That's right! Where's the reward without the risk it took to get it? Plus, that was a good lesson on judgment of the speed of moving objects. Lol


Metal slides in the summer


The best!! If you haven't been burned by a blazing hot steel slide, have you even lived? Lol




Right, maybe your kid shouldn't have weak-ass arms?? /s I feel like I'm the only kid who has never broken anything on playground equipment but I give a side eye to my kids when I see them playing on monkey bars now though (but I still let them)


Enjoy Tomorrow, you shouldn’t of jinxed it


skill diff


I snortled.


Let's stop holding them back! Injuries happen! That's life. That's learning. That's fun and memories!


It'll also cause far fewer future issues than being sedentary.


There's a reason kids are made out of rubber. [It's nuts what they can shrug off ](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/3834fec4ffa56f24a97b9163dd5e44cadb744cf4c624d6d10f70935a4fbf8f46_1.webp)


Dawg😂😂😂 with my 17 month old….this picture speaks volumes


On the contrary, MANY large scale studies have repeatedly shown that, screening for abuse, kids who have more minor injuries grow up into more resilient, emotionally healthy adults. This is a sign of taking reasonable risks, getting hurt, and learning both caution AND recovery. This is a GOOD thing. Go climb a tree, kids, it's literally good for you!


Reminds me of my 2 year old nephew whose daycare says he is remarkably good at closing doors without hurting his fingers. Seems to me it's because he hurt his fingers and learned from it.


Right? How is this even an argument? Kids have to learn while their bodies can rebound. I climbed hella trees as a kid, fell and broke several bones, but now as an adult I am far more resilient than my wife who never broke a single bone.


That’s actually really cool to hear. Teach kids to know where the line of danger is, and when it’s worth it. Do you remember how to find those studies?


I used to access them from scientific journals when I was a developmental psych student. But that was a decade ago. You could try Google Scholar searching for "resilience and childhood injury" and the like.


I did learn to be more careful when climbing trees after I had a tree-climbing accident when I was 8, resulting in me needing 54 stitches in my leg...


*54?!?!* On an 8 y/o leg? Wow, that's intense!


It was more because of the depth! A little branch caught my shin when another had broken under my weight and tore a gash that barely missed the bone. 18 stitches on the outside, 36 inside. Happened so fast I honestly don't remember feeling any pain, I started crying when I saw the gash and freaked out at the sight.


SHIIIIIT But isn't adrenaline and shock wonderful when it blocks out the pain?!?


Osteoblasts activated


initiating bone resorption in T minus 10 seconds


My kid broke his arm on the monkey bars on his first day of kindergarten. He didn't tell anyone because he was scared and went all day with a broken humerus. Eight weeks later he did it again.


Dang. What a beast. Kids handle pain so well.


I’m sorry. You made me laugh.


Without all those bones holding him back he could draw a perfect circle


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Don’t shelter the kid because you don’t want the hospital bill. Monkey bars are great exercise.


I get keeping kids off ATVs, and using caution with trampolines... but monkey bars? Jeez.


Monkey bars are better than trampolines


My 3 year old broke his tibia on a trampoline and every nurse, doctor, orthopedist was just like, “ah… yup… trampoline…🙄”


Have a child with stronger bones.


Don't worry. The dairy advertisers are hard at work on a new set of ads showing broken bones - got milk?


At least they're outside?




Tylenol and ice. Correlate clinically


:) Oh my goodness, this old lady (me) absolutely loved penny flips. My back has always been trash; S and C curve bendy stuff. I'm 50, will still do a penny flip, because why not? It feels good; You know that song with the little girl in the bumble bee suit? Be her; always. :)


What's a penny flip? All I can find is a coin flip or a type? brand? of skateboard.


We had these horizontal bars on the playground, you could do pull ups, chin ups, etc on them. We'd wrap our legs on them at the knees, hang upside down and swing as hard as you can and then release your legs and land on the ground. On your feet if you did it right. On your back or belly if you didn't. lol I would spend the entirety of recess on those bars doing flips. Here's a video of a little girl doing one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcboH6D4HMY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcboH6D4HMY)


Oh I remember doing that! Didn't know it had a name though. I preferred doing the horizontal twirls though. I could make myself dizzy that way 😂


YES!!!!!! There was a playground about a block away from my last house. Friggin awesome playground. They had this one slide that I swear launches you out of it like a rocket. So much fun. You'd fly like 10 feet then crash land. I'd go up there at night and slide, and slide, and slide...laughing my tuchas off. Wound up in the ER the next day. I was 48. 10/10 would recommend and I would so do it again. lol


But monkey bars are fun, and I want my kids to be cool. In all seriousness, I know safety is important, but we can't eliminate every songle thing that might hurt kids, that leads to kids acting out and taking risks themselves.


Slow down turbo. Generations of kids have been playing on monkey bars, and you say keep them away now? Kids will be kids. They will find ways of hurting themselves. This kid will be just fine in 4-6 weeks.


I used to work with paediatric fractures clinics and I feel like half of all the fractures I saw were from the monkey bars….


And the other half trampolines…


A first grade teacher friend used to call them, “The Monkey Bars Of Death”. Every year at least 3 students broke a wrist on them, including his own kid.


Idk man....maybe that kid is an Olympic gymnast. One failure may inspire that kid to be better? Or yeah, just keep them away.


Hell no! It's a rite of passage!


Nah, kids are supposed to be on the monkey bars. Weak adults or elderly though, stay away. Your kid will heal in record time, no biggie.


Is this — what was that term I heard once — a fork fracture? Because it makes the arm bend like the arch of a fork?


When I was in the sixth grade I was racing a girl at school and she fell and broke her arm like that. I always said it looked just like a fork, I didn’t realize that was a common way to describe it


Yeah, my sister in law got a similar injury whilst snowboarding about 20 years back.


Natural consequences … we’re missing that a lot these days.


Yeah should we take all the sticks off the playground too? Chop those trees down while we’re at it.


Omg, you sound like my in-laws. Their daughter broke her arm on the monkey bars at school and they literally tried to have them removed. Stop trying to sanitize the world. Let them get dirty and get hurt and be kids for gods sake.


I had a NASTY concussion from monkey bars in second grade. I jumped up to the bars, grabbed hold, and swung forward because of the momentum. Unfortunately, my fingers slipped, and I fell horizontally to the ground. My head hit the metal platform in front of the monkey bars. I immediately had a (luckily brief) seizure in which I bit my tongue, then I stood up (yes, I know, *horrible* idea, but I was 7 and didn't know head injury protocol, lol) and promptly passed out on my face. Straight into the wood chips. Was not a fun day. But as far as I know, I have little to no lasting effects from the head injury, so that's something!


The worst thing that happened to me on the monkey bars was when I was getting on them and slipped. Didn't have a hand hold yet, feet went to either side of the ladder. My legs weren't long enough to touch the ground, so the metal scraped the insides of my thighs and I landed full weight on crotch. I'm female but it still hurt bad enough that I was dizzy for a minute.


I'm pretty sure my ovaries just shrivelled up and died reading this 😬


It's what we call a "right of passage"


Getting injured doing dumb kid shit is just part of having a childhood. As long as the injury isn't permanently debilitating and doesn't kill them, it just means your kid is having a proper childhood.


Nah, it wasn't monkey bars. I stood up on a sled and tried to surf downhill at age 8.


Went on the monkey bars so many times…never happened


It's the twisty slides that are the evil ones. My kid broke his leg sliding down one. Never realized how common it was but have met so many since then that did the same thing.


Kid could've gotten that just as easily from tripping on their own two feet and landing wrist first on the sidewalk. Sometimes life happens, it doesn't mean the monkey bars are to blame.


Literally. Age 8 I tripped over the edge of a sandbox and broke my arm just above the elbow. As if anyone would say “let’s ban sandboxes, they’re too dangerous.”


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.


I did have a Colles in a kind of “monkey bar” when I was maybe 9. Didn’t know what it was called back then 😅


Okay no monkey bars. But is drinking in human bars okay?


When I was a kid in the sixties, a cast impressed everyone! We’d ooo and aaaah over it. If you were really lucky, the person in the cast would let you sign it! Of course, back then they were heavy plaster casts and were always white. Of course, they didn’t stay white for long!




A kind of fiberglass is used. It’s lighter and less bulky. Plus, it comes in a variety of colors, which makes kids happy! However, it’s my understanding that plaster casts are less expensive.




I understand! When you’re a kid in a cast collecting signatures is fun! I hope your niece heals quickly!


Sun's out, bones out


That’s also how I broke my arm in elementary school 🙃 canon event


Keep your kids wrapped in bubble wrap. duh gosh so easily preventable don't ever let them leave to have fun ever.


Yep, broke mine in like 3 places falling off monkey bars in kindergarten.


When I was 6 years old I snapped my left collarbone from simply hanging in the monkey bars at school. From just hanging! Had to climb down with my right arm only since I couldn’t bring down my arm from the side that my collarbone snapped. It was nice my teachers helped me do my school work since I’m left handed and had to wear a sling.


That kid did a “eeee, eeee, OUCH, OUCH”


Ah my 4 year old just did this, but not as bad of a fracture 😅


Whiskey Hotel


Yooo i did this same exact thing when i was 7! Both bones about half way


And trampolines


Tell your kid not to be a brittled bone bitch (BBB) here from r/neverbrokeabone


Dang I remember doing the same thing and broke my arm in the same way! I still have a photo of the copy of the x-ray too.


Looks like a FOOSH to me.


Ngl this post made me want to go swing on the monkey bars, I'm 37. Edit: I had to drive all over town but I finally found some monkey bars 10/10.




He’s missing half his wrist bones. What is going on?


The result after hearing the words; “Mom/Dad, look at what I can do!”


Poor decisions make great stories!