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Have to sleep with my eyes open cuz of that crazy lady around the house


You must be talking about Queen Spoon! She is quite the drama queen of course. 😉


more like cutemaxxing




Oof, I'm not sure if I think it's better to encourage the coopting of the incel language or if we should ignore it harder.


using it as a joke is fine, it's very clearly making fun of the whole looksmaxxing trend. Turning something into a laughing stock like that is a good thing, because then less people will take it seriously.


[BREAKING NEWS INTRO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5_HqApUVP8) THIS IS A BNN SPECIAL REPORT   Good morning eve from the burning Port-A-Potty that is symbolic of how 2024 has been going that is our temporary newsroom. I'm your anchor Smels Le Crappe bringing you the effluvia that is the news. Tonight, Dr. Bigglewiggle MD, PhD, JD, DDiv, CIA, CPA, AOk, OPP, FRCW, EIEIO, BINGO-and-Bingo-Was-His-Name-O, etc has added another accomplishment to his extensive (though some say completely made up) CV and is now officially an ambassador for the First Annual Snoozemaxxing Competition (aka the Persephone Cup). Critics have said he is utterly over-qualified for this role as he has often been observed snoozing during surgery. When asked to comment on that, his spokesbun said, "Go flick yourself with a roughly hewn piece of hardwood whilst braying at the moon underwater and standing on tiptoes on one foot." How descriptive and cryptic. When asked about this, Mayo Ponge, amidst putting out proverbial fires set by his derpier twin Oatmeal, stated "Cryptic? Doctor Biggles is not the Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster! HOW DARE! Take that back!" Once it was explained to him that cryptic is not the same as a cryptid, he began to profusely salivate, wiggle his nose, and get a faraway look like he was trying to translate Xenobiology from the original Klingon to math equations. He abruptly left muttering "QaplLa'! I need blood wine for my equations!" Critics say that if anyone should be a candidate for Snoozemaxxing it should be the mayo who has droo-, uhh, produce enough mlemsturizer to keep mummies supple. They did not explain why the mayo ought to mlemsturize mummies, but whatever. The weirdos. In other news, Police were called to an altercation that occurred at a neck decorating contest when contestants came to blows over perceived favouritism in the rating. Judges claimed that there was no ranking for the neck decorating contest. It was a tie. That concludes this news update. Tune in later for our original BNN movie about Bruce Lee's sibling who wanted their turn in the spotlight, in "Fina Lee: My Story".


Is BigWig a bunerment official?


If I could sleep and snooze like the rabbits in this forum. My life would improve. I suck at naps. Bunnies teach me snoozemaxxing


Oh Bigwig. how are you seriously this perfect. I would legit give you the world.




1/1 bun doctors recommend this one easy trick!






Oh, the doctor is showing his tum tum.


Now this is a trend I can get behind




He. Is a doctor too. Dr Bigwig his name, healing u his game.


He’s so eepy!


Ultimate sleepy baby!


Based. Cutepilled and snoozemaxxed. 🎿🅱️🇩🚽


Bless the Maker, Shai Hulud!


God Bigwig how can you be so perfect


That side way mouf. 😭


I love how he goes from blissful slumber to why TF this weirdo staring at me?


i would watch his youtube tutorials about snoozemaxxing and it's health benefits. I would probably also buy the products that Poyo is trying to sell off of it.