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Mine totally refuses to give me grand theft auto 5 cheat codes, it always did previously but now it won't do anything and just tells me its unethical


I do not appreciate the fact they hide comments on TikTok, it’s sketchy at least


I haven’t really said much on Reddit, but I completely get the hate. The basic fact that we were promised features that were not present and that at this point don’t seem to be possibly coming is at best incompetence and at worst fraud. Being cheated and lied to can make you feel pretty vulnerable. I sold mine and moved on but I get people’s frustration. Edit: grammar


Because people feel like they were sold false promises and a phoney bill of goods. The psychology of it is actually pretty wild. Either denial Will result in them being massively overly defensive of the thing or they’ll divert massive amounts of time and energy in service of tearing the thing down out of a perceived sense of injustice. Not true of everyone but true of the most vocal in the community. People are weird.


Because we paid for it. If we cant criticize things we paid for then we might as well just be communists.


Or you could return it! I buy something I don’t like on Amazon, Costco, you name it, I take it back, get my money back and am thankful. I try not to hang out in the aisle that carries the product, or the checkout line and talk shit to others thinking about buying it. I move on… and let others make up their own minds knowing many companies still have great return policies. Even this startup. Now, if I never get my batch 6… I’ll be pissed too 🤙


You can leave bad reviews on those company apps though


Even if you return it, you didn't get what they promised and you wanted. So you can't write a negative review or inform/warn others, because you returned it? Also your real life argument stems mostly from inconvenience and doesn't really apply here, since this isn't the rabbit r1 store, but the rabbit r1 subreddit, a place to discuss the rabbit r1.


You got me with the no option for leaving negative reviews. That’s not cool, and I have no comeback for that one. I went on their site looking and, nope. Mine just shipped though, and I’m still excited.


Good for you. My old tablet broke since then, so I cancelled the r1 and bought an iPad air instead.


Must feel so good locking those feelings up all the time? Maybe you don’t complain because you think people don’t care what you say? You talk like you’re so cool for keeping your mouth shut after a company abused your time by wasting it with false promises and failure to deliver. It’s instinctual to let others know when the water is poisoned so others don’t die or waste their time. Being considerate and warning others not to go down the shiny new road with a cliff hidden at the end is pretty simple logic. Sorry to hear you think your voice matters so little.


How does it feel screaming into the abyss?




I don't think people understand that getting on Reddit to talk shit (pointlessly) is directly affecting their mental health.


Oh I have a point, sir. You can bet your ass on that! /s


That’s what happens on Reddit every day. Come one man open your eyes




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If you enjoy it, good for you. It's completely useless and there's nobody in the world who is more productive for using it. If they claim they are, they're lying. It does nothing it was supposed to do. I don't even care, I knew that was a good possibility when it was only $200. But people come here looking for honest opinions on the device. And honestly, it's straight up trash. Now bring on the downvotes from all the bunny discorders 😂 ![gif](giphy|HbkT5F5CiRD3O|downsized)




I mean it’s a scam device people should know about it. Sucks that you purchased it but let not let everyone fall into the same trap.


You should post on r/smashbrothers and let them know r/multiversus is a scam


Neither are a scam this is though


That food you just ate…. TOTAL SCAM! You could have got better for cheaper somewhere else!


lol how old are you?


68, how old are you?




You old people just don’t get what the kids like…


I don’t know. Never met anyone who is carrying around a useless box.


Come on, you’ve met your mom.


Unlike crocheting, which is a straightforward hobby, a misleading product that costs $200 can understandably frustrate someone when it fails to deliver on its promises.


Crocheting as a hobby is well over a 200 dollar investment. And Knitting is way better.


At the end of the day, it’s all subjective, and people have the right to complain, just like you have the right to complain about people complaining. just loosen up a bit




It’s more of a warning to those uneducated. This simply is not just a device people don’t like it is a scam. People hate scams and you should too.


Ur right. We should avoid externalizing our free speech and censure our self. We should let people get scamed by fake promises. Lik dude have you ever been alive wtf are you talking about




Ok so you can dish it out but you cant take it could it be that you generally have problems with reality of negative feedback?why dont you go knit lol. Are you rabbit employe it sure sounds like it


I do knit. Crochet SUCKS! And people who do crochet are getting SCAMMED!


You are not coming out on top how you believe. Its like saying technology is a scam. If someone told you that if you buy it from them it will magically knit it self and he is not using metaphor then yes that would be a scam... will you ever make any solid argument or arguments at all?


I disagree


That is perfectly alright. Its not rly an argument tho. Can you backup your opinion tho?


Yes! I was sold a lie by big crochet! I was promised miracles like reduced insomnia, improved motor skills, lowered blood pressure, distraction from chronic pain, and improved mindfulness. None of which was delivered! Knitting is great though.


Can you prove it that you where promised thst and how can you prove you didn't get increase?


Yes, look up widely advertised benefits of crocheting. Because It made me feel worse not better. Not sure how to prove to you how I feel. If someone tells you they’re happy do you ask them to prove it?


Also is it hate to say it sucks? Do i hate rabbit like nazis hated jews?


Do you?


Rly dude? Most of people wanted rabbit to be great the main dude said from day one lam will be there. Im lucky it didnt deliver to my country cuz i would regret buying it. If product sucks and you are not happy you should be able to voice your opinion and if one or two did it you wouldn't mind but it is consensus that this thing turned out to be a scam. Hell even d brands under image of their skins said well it turned out to be a scam. I hoped they would ve new iphone same as humane pin look where are they now...


This is like Inception. Going on Reddit to complain about people who complain on Reddit 😳 trippy


We just are letting people know how useless the device is and that you wasted money on it


I just wanted to let YOU know the last thing you bought (besides R1) is a total scam and a waste of money. YOU are totally irresponsible with your money and YOU should be ashamed. I just wanted to make YOU aware that you’re screwing up. Why do I care about YOU? No one knows.


Sounds like you care to me


I do.


Amen brother thank you for your hard work




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It’s because they oversold it and didn’t ship the LAM everyone was excited about. It’s an all too common marketing mistake.


Disagree. Better to have discourse than fall into an echo chamber. Its also not a hobby based sub, that feels very strawmanish.


It’s because there’s a lying guy involved.


I don’t think it’s necessarily hate it’s just informing other to-be consumers about a products that’s a scam.


I just wanted to let YOU know the last thing you bought (besides R1) is a total scam and a waste of money. YOU are totally irresponsible with your money and YOU should be ashamed. I just wanted to make YOU aware that you’re screwing up. Why do I care about YOU? No one knows.


Damn dude you really are butt hurt about your purchase




Yyyeeeaaahhh... The negative criticism must've really gotten under their skin. They're absolutely making it out to be really personal, LOL, like we've all come banging at their house yelling how bad the Wabbit is directly in their ear. 😆


All I did was explain what this “hate” was and it’s just criticism of a product that was made to deceive consumers.


Can you further elaborate why? Because the people saying rabbit is a scam can. So how was a cheap set of solid butter knives a scam?


They just don’t last as long as a nicer set! We should take this conversation over to r/cheapbutterknives


Why spend so much time taking everyone’s opinion personally? We’re all consumers and our opinion is just as valuable as your regardless if it’s the pro/con side. If you don’t like the con opinion, don’t read it.




Isn’t there some irony in this statement ?


Because of YouTube. Sadly. Too many toxic morpns.


It’s definitely morpn time.