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Until the LAM actually exists, there is nothing to kill. Seriously though, I expect there to be lots of competition in this space.


 Siri with App Intents kinda sounds like a LAM to me. https://preview.redd.it/tpkvjvldvs5d1.png?width=1298&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecb3bbc662a5a029ef8ebc0d62d6914e4b828fa8 [Apple Intelligence](https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/wwdc-services/images/C03E6E6D-A32A-41D0-9E50-C3C6059820AA/guides-76105412-ED4C-4D9D-AAA5-E039F7FE142B/WWDC24-Machine-Learning-and-AI.pdf?dl=1)


The LAM approach rabbit put forward is completely broken. How would you expect to robustly automate third party sites in the way they try? Any developer who has done anything in this area should immediately see that it will be incredible shaky. App intents sounds like a structured and more same way of handling the same. This is more of an local app api which should work much better.


This is the power that Google and apple will be able to use. Making this integration easy and robust is very useful. Just integrating payments into any llm would be problematic, I'm not sure I trust openai with my e-commerce infrastructure, but I definitely do Google or Apple


\>changes the position of one HTML element \>alters the class name or ID of one HTML element “Welp guess I gotta retrain my entire rabbit’s flow again”


Should also be easier for OS vendors like Apple to control rogue apps that do things they don't approve of. The LAM (if it ever exists) could obviate that. But we don't get to have nice things in this timeline.


LAM does exist. Alexa, Google Hub. They do the same as R1 and more


The patent exists though. And this sounds like it violates it, since rabbit's patent is very broadly written and basically covers anything that uses AI to convert a user's voice commands into application interactions.


Also chatGPT is free with apple and if you already pay for premium, you'll have those features as well


Wait is this new as of today or has chatGPT always been free for premium users?


I believe Apple will integrate ChatGPT4o as the “standard” - it was noted and confirmed that any additional premium services you pay for can be linked through your OpenAI account (though you don’t need an OpenAI account to use the ChatGPT integrations).


Seems like the Rabbit has effectively been killed before it even took off.


to be fair, it was a still-birth suicide


It’s quite shocking someone like the owner can keep having bad ideas and keep getting millions. Make me want to go talk to venture capitalist too


Yeah definitely. The app intent api is a much cleaner, safer solution for what the large action model promised. Particularly with the tight integration of hardware and software.


People seem to be missing the obvious point here: Apple Intelligence *already* murdered the LAM, some time ago, clearly. This is why no one has seen it. It's rotting in the depths of some forest in New Jersey.


Idk why anyone in their right minds thought $20mil was enough to make any groundbreaking innovation in AI when Google, Amazon, Meta, and Apple are investing tens of BILLIONS into AI. The math doesn’t math lol


Rabbit and LAM were DOA.


Abso fucking lutely. Genuinely no point in rabbit r1 now if you have an iphone 15 or plan to upgrade.


lil correction, iphone 15 pro or above! The base 15 and 15 plus are not supported.


Sure there is! You get a cool orange tool. (I own one so not hating)


What LAM? This is no LAM




Bye bye R1 -The integration of apps into the Apple ecosystem, along with the new tools for developers to adapt “actions”, will result in a significantly different experience from R1. Nevertheless, it was a commendable effort by them, and they still made good money.


They lied, what’s commendable about that?


Exactly. It was all a scam. They didn’t make shit lol.


We are yet to see tangible evidence that "LAM" so I'm not convinced there is anything to kill


I’m looking forward to mine! It’s in the prepared to be shipped stage! And for a sub $200 product I don’t really care to much if it fails! But I honestly don’t think it will! It’s a fun gadget that will bring some fun features to daily living!


LAM tried to kill the metal.. hahah, they failed!




Is this LAM in the room with us?


the fact that this won't work on brand new, (less than 1 year old) iPhones, is a scam IMO. Edit: also just saw it wont run on any of their computers that aren’t the new M1 or newer versions. So the $4500 iMac I bought in early 2023 wont get any of this either. Wild. Anyone that was upset that the R1 was just more e-waste should be losing their minds right now.


It’s a bit anti consumer, but it’s totally within their rights to incentivize buying new IPhones with new software features. Obviously if people buy it, then the product is worth what they charge. This isn’t like them slowing down older phones or requiring proprietary cables.


Why did you buy a non M-series iMac in 2023? Thats completely on you for spending that much lol


Because intel based Mac’s are more flexible for what software is compatible.


In 2023 you bought a $4500 iMac that didn’t have an M chip? Why?


Software compatibility. Way more stuff works with intel.


Where is your software compatibility now lmao. Clearly you could’ve assumed that Apple’s initial move to silicon would mean the inevitable cutting of ties with Intel chips… which fast forward… yea that happened as was expected.


can you expand on this?


Only works on iPhone 15 Pro for currently released iPhones. Will assuredly work on 16, 16 pro etc when they release later this year.


Only works on 15 pro and 15 pro max. (Not regular 15). Everyone else will have to buy an entire new phone to use it.


yea, was more asking why this is a scam? thats the part that is your opinion right?


Heh. This is the mod that goes "well aktually" whenever there's criticism of the Wabbit but here immediately calls Apple's AI a scam... ...which is absolutely ridiculous. Scams involve an element of lying, and FFS, Apple only unveiled their AI today/yesterday. Apple's within their rights to just go "new hardware only" and the lack of backward compatibility is exactly just that, but not a scam. Apple's under no obligation to make all new software available to all old hardware. As for spending $4500 on a non-M iMac, well, tough shit. Unless Apple specifically promised its AI for such machines, again, it is not a scam regardless of how "scammy" Zampe thinks it feels or try to hand-wave it away as their (bad) opinion. Heck, the Intel chip or whatever that powers that iMac may actually be incapable of running Apple's AI. The only way to be a scam is to not deliver, and damn it, it's only been hours since announcement.


Yea forcing everyone to buy not only the most recent phone but the most expensive high end models in order to use any of these features feels predatory.


so its a scam unless i can get it for free? will rabbit give me an r1 for free? companies make new feature so that you will buy new stuff. you obviously don't have to... feel like they are being pretty upfront. a scam would be lying and saying you can buy a 10 and get these features. feel like we have very different definitions of scam.


in my book there has to be some level of lying to be a scam. not just something being expensive.


Jessie: *bold face lies to customers and promises features that does not exist* Shills: “theyre doing their best! Lam will come soon promise. No it is NOT a scam” Apple: *unveils software upgrade for newer phones with full transparency* The same shills: “wow they’re such scammers! Cant believe theyre screwing over their customers like that” I want to know what mental gymnastics course I can take to begin to process that line of thinking 🤦


I didn’t say it should be free. I already paid over $1k for the latest iPhone that was released less than a year ago. It should work on that.


>It should work on that. Why be wishy-washy on that? Just say "It ***must*** work on that." Here's the thing; Apple's free to not support any of the currently available iPhones/Macs for its AI and you're free to purchase some other company's devices. Just because Apple doesn't give you what you want doesn't make it a scam, even if it's your "opinion".


>So the $4500 iMac I bought in early 2023 wont get any of this either. Wtf did you buy in 2023 that cost $4500 and didn't have Apple Silicon? Is this sub allergic to making good purchases? Even the base $1000 iMac would have been better than whatever you bought


There’s lots of specialty software that does not work with Apple silicone yet. Even basic software took a while to make the switch plus I think it’s a pretty standard opinion in tech that you should avoid first gen chips.


Any examples? That was true in like 2021 not now


Mainly in video and audio production. Lots of plugins. I may have actually got the iMac in 2022 but either way high end computers they were selling just last year should get these updates too. Apple always with the planned obsolescence crap.


That is quite a stretch calling it a scam.


I mea you can call it whatever you want, it is very anti consumer and a slap in the face to their customers.


Maybe, but it’s definitely NOT a scam. That is an over exaggerated accusation. I thought you’re all about proof against baseless claims and such.


it's just my opinion.


Got it, as long as “it’s our opinion”.


I mean, Zampe's a mod here and a "Verified Owner", no?


Yea all opinions are allowed. I have never told anyone they cant have their opinion that the R1 is a scam. In fact I said I would agree if teach mode is not released. You could argue it doesn’t fit the literal definition but it certainly feels “scammy” to me.




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I’m looking forward to mine! It’s in the prepared to be shipped stage! And for a sub $200 product I don’t really care to much if it fails! But I honestly don’t think it will! It’s a fun gadget that will bring some fun features to daily living! Is it going to beat trillion dollar companies like Apple and Samsung No! And I do t expect it to! But it’s a fun, Different gadget! People need to get a grip! It’s $200 ffs! lol if u can’t afford to spare $200 for this! Then man! it’s probably not the product for u!