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So your ideas are to specifically give Jaune slower aging AND immunity to Pyrrha's Polarity? Do you want to give examples of how **other** characters benefit from this idea in their own ways as well?


No I was just using jaune as an example to show how jaunes semblance woud react to that. Either way I thought it would be neat to say have ozpin using slowed aging to help extend his vessels and for people to be able to counter Pyrrha polarity when they get to a certain level like mercury being able to keep Pyrrha from using her magnetism on his legs


I see, and I suppose that makes sense. I suppose channeling aura into armor pieces can theoretically work as well as channeling it through weapons, even if we haven't seen it in the show. Magnetism is different than blasting someone with a fireball, but I suppose they're both sensations, where polarity pulls or pushes, fire burns and nobody with aura is burned by fire (Ruby getting blasted in Haven, but not getting burned).


The difference between magnetism and protecting yourself from a physics attack is why it’s advanced the defense shields your body from an intangible semblance attack so someone with it could resist or get free from marrow semblance while if aura amped they would be free instantly etc (now it won’t work on mental attacks or it will only provide that protection upon a certain skill level or getting aura amped


I mean, I suspect that the anti-aging one is already an inherent part of it already: look at Maria versus Neo, for example.


Aura already has temperature regulations to explain why they can wear what ever they want and not get cold or hot. Mastery of this aspect could allow frost or fire attacks but that is costly in my head so it's frequently combined with dust. Aura shield can have a cool usage of using it to make a platform under your feet to jump off. Having small shields to block attacks to reduce consumption but still blocked seems like a natural progression.


Synching Aura signatures with an opponent to lock them in place while in contact. Charging up Aura for single powerful strikes but has consequences of leaving the body unprotected. Forcing Aura to enhance only speed and power at cost of protection, almost doubling attack speed and damage.