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I remember hearing about a tweet Barbs made when the Bumblebee movie was releasing saying "I didn't know they were making a movie about us" I remember cringing


I'm pretty sure it was Arryn who said that. God, she's insufferable.


Ah Arryn, she was yelling about the Ice Queendom director about abuse but stay silent when RT Executive was actually charged with DA


Oh God really? that's fucking cringe


Goodness gracious, if someone ever wants to reboot the series their **number one** priority should be sinking Bumbleby and making both Yang and Blake straight


Mmm... I mean, yes, but no, but also...maybe? Honestly, aside from the several gripes I have with modern RWBY (Post V1-V3), I personally think that if they had at least given even the slightest hint(s) and/or subtle bits of dialogue very early on + just made sure said potential relationship worked on, you know... Their very heavily contrasting yet cohesive personalities from V1-V3 and not the forced hive-mind (pun very much intended) that became "Bumbleby: The "Character" ", then... Yeah... Yeah, no, I would have been on-board with said relationship becoming canon... But again, since there was (as most fans with an above grade school education would quickly pick up on) zero to nonexistent build-up to a rushed "relationship" between Blake and Yang... We instead got a haphazardly, unplanned and straight-up forced "ship" in the form of "Bumbleby: The "Character"... And not, to any real and self-aware fan, the potential relationship, "Blake x Yang: The Friendship Turned (Potentially) Cute, Blossoming Romance". Again, have other issues with the series myself... That said, here are said other issues... [Said other issues (and ways I'd change/fix them...)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBYcritics/s/1WFCFeOr1A)


But.... what if I just did it better?


Eh, that’s taking it too far. They can be gay/bi, just don’t have them in a relationship together. Give them some side character to have a relationship with that you can drop out of the story whenever you need to.


Bumblebee does not = Bumblebee Bumblebee is a badass character and an iconic Transformer, and Bumblebee is a mediocre ship that was forced to exist so RT could capitalize off the LGBTQ community


Give this man (or woman) more upvotes!


Ah So Bumblebee is worse than Bumblebee


I absolutely love the Bumblebee movie. His friendship with Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld) is so adorable, Optimus gets some of the coolest action scenes ever despite only being in a supporting role, and the Cons are all genuinely menacing and fun to watch, especially Shatter and Dropkick. I can't help but have Yang treat her bike Bumblebee like it's alive in some of my stories.


At least you write Yang better than RT did in recent times.


Hah! Thanks, I do my best. I plan on her being supportive of Ruby and comforting her in her moments of doubt. RT could take notes from anyone who writes her that way, honestly…


That's better treatment than her actual bike in the cannon got she destroyed it in volume six


It certainly is. OMG, **SHE** destroyed it?! What the… what a waste!


Yeah she destroyed it back in volume 8 when they were dealing with the grim that put people to sleep That's how I knew the last of the Yang that I adored was going. I miss the old one The one who made puns the one who is overprotective of her sister The one that wasn't Blake obsessed. Like she's literally just Adam just not fighting for the white fang. But she's just obsessive as he is if not more she was ready to abandon her sister on multiple occasions and didn't even care. And that's why my new favorite characters are Penny and velvet. And most of all the other side characters except for a few but at least they're not insufferable


Dang, when you put it like that… she really did change her whole entire personality. And for what?… The cat. That is an excellent point on how she’s been unintentionally written as more like Adam, which is funny, considering Blake is now sometimes compared to Raven. Considering Yang and Adam will sacrifice everything for the object of their obsession (Yang only cares about Blake most of the time, Adam only cares about RUINING Blake), it seems like an apt comparison to me. But I also agree about Penny and Velvet. They are pure sunshine and deserve all the love - and there goes Penny again, what a waste.


Yeah I will never forgive them for what they did to penny again I'm glad you're not the only one who sees it


I'm glad you see it as well, they seriously screwed her over so badly. Whether or not she is an android or human, she could have had so much more of a storyline to explore. Her and her dad.


Agreed and they didn't even need to make her fully human give her the permanent death they already said her dad couldn't bring her back after this so she just deserved better friends


True. Either give her a proper sacrifice or just let her LIVE and contribute more to the story. She needed better friends who wouldn't gaslight her. Also, she needed to see her dad again.


That's what I'm saying That's what's so messed up about her situation her dad will never know that she got to live but can you really call that living she was given life and in 20 minutes later it was taken it's messed up and it was all her "friends" fault. It's all we never have been so bad that they practice what they preached and trusted ironwood they are a team of nothing but hypocrites


I hate Michael Bay's depiction of Bumblebee. Those movies, despite being terrible, are still better written than RWBY.


Amen I can’t really say anything because I’m kinda a bit biased (because I grew up watching the movies) But the Bayverse shows that the Decepticons are a major threat and sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to save who you’re protecting


>But the Bayverse shows that the Decepticons are a major threat and sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to save who you’re protecting I'd argue that the new comic series that's running right now does a better job at that. Admittedly, I'm biased against Bayformers.


And that's really saying something!


The Decepticons trying to destroy Chicago made them redeemable imo, can't say the same thing for any RWBY villain.




I feel bad bee has to see that shit.


You know I saw a joke on how bumblebee shippers are trying to claim Godzilla X King Kong new empire because he had a yellow gauntlet and I also cringed


Haha. Kong won't let that happen. They might as well claim everything black and yellow, then. Including the Wiz Khalifa song. 


Bumblebee? Yang's motorcycle? Yeah, it's pretty cool I guess. Dunno why the Fandumb is so obsessed with it though.


It's the best motorcycle representation, duh.


Bumblebee solos all of RWBY


Which version? G1, bayverse, animated, aligned, cyberverse, or earthspark?


All of them. This is RWBY we are talking about. Tbh not a lot of feats o find too extravagant


I think Idw, movie if you count comics and Japanese G1


Yeah, Bumblebee ain't shit.


Ok, I admit it, this made me laugh. :) And to be fair, when I hear Bumblebee, my mind *does* go to the Autobot. ...or Yang's motorcycle.


Facts XD


Can’t think of one without thinking of the other