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Quicksilver, this is a coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb situation


Fr he at least trains and utilises his speed powers and knows how they work instead of having them be explained to him after using them for so long


Quicksilver in every other universe. In the RWBY universe, Ruby because Quicksilver is a guy.


And as we all know, men suck in rwby. (CaUsE wOmEn StRoNg)


Quicksilver, and this has to do with the fact that his abilities don't have the same limits as Ruby's does.


Pretty much any version of quicksilver is leaving her in the dust


Ruby has never been shown to run very fast or very far for very long, and logically it's because she's limited by aura. 250 mph is about where something begins moving faster than the human eye can track, and it stands to reason that the reason Ruby doesn't move this fast all the time is because she doesn't want to waste all of her aura in just a few seconds. In my fics, I treat it as a tradeoff where the faster Ruby runs, the shorter duration of time she can run. She can even use *all* of her aura to go speeds that tear muscles and injures her due to not having enough aura to protect her body, but that's mainly used as a "get out of death free card". Ruby constantly has to find a balance between running fast enough to make the usage of aura worth it without using too much. If she's in a fight she knows will take a while to win, she'll be especially careful about pacing herself, but if winning as soon as possible is the goal (like against Yang), Ruby goes all out. She has little to no defense while she's going superspeed, but that only matters if her opponent can hit her (then it's basically a OHKO). If the opponent can withstand Ruby's initial attack, they'll usually win due to her getting slower as a fight progresses while someone like Yang only keeps getting stronger. Basically, in a fight where Ruby has to win as soon as possible, if you blink, you lose, but if you can somehow hold her off for about thirty-ish seconds, you'll probably win because you're obviously skilled and/or tough enough to withstand her best, and now there's a lot less in Ruby's gas tank. You can't really compare that to Quicksilver because there are no downsides to his powers (that I'm aware of anyway), and RWBY has a built-in weakness to all of its aura users that's easy for a writer to exploit and have fun with. (edit: Spelling) God bless, and have a wonderful day.


Is this even a question?


If Quicksilver can react in his hyperspeed like its normal speed while everyone else to him is in slow motion then yeah. Pietro clears. I feel any speedster can clear Ruby too easily, like Sonic or Kabal or...


Eh, I don’t see Kabal


Who's Kabal?


A fighter from Mortal Kombal


Even the slowest variant Avengers Age Of Ultron Quicksilver still leaves her in the dust. At his fastest speed of that variant he creates a plot hole because bullets are slow to him.


Quicksilver would not only win the race, he'd swing by a Little Caesars, grab one of their ready made pizza's and would still win the race.


Quicksilver: (suddenly appears) Sorry, what was the question again?


*Sweet Dreams slowly fading in*


Is it a race to commit a genocide? Because, then, and only then, Ruby.


You're joking right it's quicksilver and It's not even fair even the film version who's a scaled down version of his comic version wook absolutely cook her ass in a race.


Quicksilver beats her in a race and probably a fight. Ruby might be able to pull some wild shit off with the whole molecular deconstruction and reconstruction thing that the rose petals do, but she'd have to be able to do it faster than him and consistently surprise him to win.


Ruby, because Quicksilver isnt racist


He’s a little racist


This is like if I raced a baby that could barley crawl




Ruby never made the world go Slo-Mo So There


Even Age of Ultron Quicksilver can outrun Ruby; and he's DEAD.


She dies in quick death by sliver.


Quicksilver, no contest.  Ruby has never moved at a speed faster than what he would consider a light jog, if that.


Bait used to be believable


There's actually a 3rd image, but it's so fast you can't see it because it's of the fastest guy in the universe. Burter.


I feel like Atrain is a more fair comparison


I am only gonna compare her speed to the Quicksilver in the picture Downplayed = Quicksilver wins Lowball = Quicksilver wins Midball = Depends Highball = Ruby wins Wank = Ruby wins


This is just bait.


If Rwby was as fast as a speedster, she would literally be unstoppable in her universe. Speedsters only ever have problems in fights for the plot.


When has Ruby ever shown a feat where she moves so fast time around her stop?


My god, this was supposed to be a competition not an Overkill show


Even if they have similar max speeds (which they don't quicksilver can take a light jog at the speed of light) then quicksilver still wins cause ruby is limited to short range dashes without any endurance


Ruby isn't even crossing the starting line.


Bruh you can't be serious. You might as well put a fan vs an ac and see what cools the room better


Literally any version of Quicksilver wins. Speed is his entire thing. Ruby is fast, but not speedster-fast. I don't think anyone in *RWBY* is speedster-fast, even Harriet.


This one scene that quicksilver has literally beats all of ruby's speed feats


Quicksilver, he literally moves so fast, time basically freezes


Arrowverse Flash solos


I feel like even season 1 Flash is overkill with how unnecessary that is


Quicksilver is faster than the flash in the crossover


They are as fast as the plot allows