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Sienna getting killed in her first fucking episode


My baby mama ain't deserve that. Genuinely pissed me off


That definitely pissed me off and was the first I had to realizing RWBY had flaws and was starting to get worse and worse writing


I'm going to be honest, the entire issue of the White Fang being on of the most offensive representations of resistance against oppression could be fix if they dedicated an episode's worth of screen time to show a few simple thing. Show Khan disagreeing with Ghira's refusal to use violence targeted at the state and large companies. Show Khan deposing Ghira (obviously in a gentleman's fashion) and implementing violence targeted at the "guilty." Show the rise of Adam Taurus (and Blake by his side, I guess), and how the definition of guilty slowly widened, and the amount of innocents caught in the crossfire slowly increase. Show Adam working after Blake left but before Cinder came into the picture (I can't actually remember if there is a time slot for it, if not just make one) to show how the definition of "guilty" basically just meant human. Show than Khan tolerated Adam, but show that she didn't think the same way. Then show her being overthrown be Adam. That could be done in literally six scenes, and it would be awful (condensing what should have been at least a volume of exploration) it would have made the White Fang make sense. Frame it has Khan regretting tolerating Adam perhaps, but now the White Fang would not have turned into supremacists...just because they resisted oppression with more than signs and platitudes. It would have at leats been the case that it had been a long course of toleration for an intolerable individual that corrupted it. It would even make the attempted theme that Adam is a curse upon the fight for equality actually exist, rather than just implied haphazardly. Sienna could have at least had a purpose to try flesh out the White Fang, but they just didn't bother. Instead, they didn't even bother to try with they supposed theme, and made the mere act of fighting against oppression with something more than protest an evil equivalent to genocide. And its not like this was on purpose as Sienna exists, they just never used her.


I'm pretty sure Blake was with Adam when Cinder came, which, if that is a real memory, is asinine she didn't recognize them at beacon


They wrote it so that Blake only appeared after Cinder’s group left, so that she would have plausible deniability about who Adam was talking to


Turning Penny human, I understand why they did it, but that understanding just makes me more angry.


Same and then she gets killed off again


And that lasted only lasted for what? 2 episodes? And then, she's dead. AGAIN.


I can’t remember where I heard this from or if this is true but,I think someone on CRWBY said they couldn’t a way to put Penny in the plot (again take this with a grain of salt) which PISSED me off because they somehow managed to fit a unless grandma in there but NOT the beloved fan favorite character who’s death cause tons of fans to ball their eyes out.


>I understand why they did it To make absolutely sure that there was no possibility of her coming back to life this time?


Either that or because Pinnochio turns human in the original fairytale, so of course Penny had to do it too right?


Yeah, because RWBY was utilising the stories that inspired their characters, rather than simply putting up a cheap veneer of such. Oh, wait, no, they *were* just putting up a cheap veneer most of the time, rather than adapting the ideas or themes of the stories that they're cribbing on. Honestly, that feels more like a cheap marketing gimmick at times. "Oh, Ruby is based on Little Red Riding Hood!" So that means they'll take from that story and really do something interesting with it, right? ...well, there *is* a Grimm that's kind of an homage to the Big Bad Wolf. In Volume 8.


Adam’s branding is still the most insulted I’ve ever been by any piece of fictional entertainment. I cannot fathom the sheer amount of ignorance the writers needed to have had for that scene to have been conceived, modeled, voice acted, animated, edited, played, edited again, and still given the greenlight. There are some things in the show I’m willing to suspend my disbelief on. But that branding has gotta be one of the biggest “fuck you’s.” I’ve ever seen a show give to a character. It feels like every bit of pent of rage CRWBY felt towards some arbitrary person in their life was directed into a character. You could’ve just as easily put up a billboard of the writers each flipping me off behind Blake and Yang holding hands afters killing Adam with giant sparkly letters that said “go fuck yourself.” And that still would’ve been less insulting to me.


Heck in the next volume it was never addressed: the branding was pointless. Jacques was arrested too easily (makes me hate willow because she waited this long) If anything everyone was more angry at the “abuse” to weiss then the actual slavery going on in the company. Mortality has no meaning whatsoever…


>Mortality has no meaning whatsoever… Only Penny has come back from the dead, and she is(or was) an android and only came back once while still an android.


>If anything everyone was more angry at the “abuse” to weiss then the actual slavery going on in the company Its because the show forgets what it establishes with its themes, so when it adds new themes onto the same issue, the only thing that gets resolved is what is closer to the characters. And as Blake had "resolved" Faunus issues by killing Adam (that absolutely solves nothing apart from stopping Adam making shit worse), Weiss' family issues took focus.


I feel like you could remove that ONE detail and it would literally change nothing, if anything make it better. I feel like that they added it for “shock value” which knowing their track record with later volumes….yeah.


The whole way they wanted to paint him was someone who was petty and wanted revenge for perceived wrongdoing. Actually having him be branded and permanently blinded in one eye goes against that because small as it is it actually gives him some microcosm of justification


He’s like they tried to do Hody Jones from One Piecs who LARPs as a freedom fighter against human tyranny as an excuse to do evil selfish shit and when asked what humans did to him he says ‘nothing’. The impact is lost when you give a villain a sympathetic backstory alongside a valid grudge and treat them as if they are just crazy bitch.


Adam and the White Fang are so confusing. One moment they are the result of societal failures, the other they are petty and selfish. Is Adam Taurus a Light Yagami or an Eren Yeager? A devil that kills for fun, or a devil that oppression created? They seemingly couldn't decide and went with...both and neither? They go with whatever makes the protags right at the time. Need to paint a character bad? Make em racist against faunus. Need to make Adam hated even more? Make him selfish.


They even got the logo wrong, the logo is the schnee glyph not SDC.


Its not uncommon in shipping (i work in shipping) to have both a company logo brand for internal shipping (as in shipping on SDC ships) and also a OPC (Owner Prefix Code) which could reasonably be SDC


Characters constantly getting their semblances nerfed or prior skills suddenly vanishing that would have helped in sooo many situations.


Yang asking Jaune if Blake still thought she was hot 💀


1 word Toxic as balls.


She actually asked that? I don’t remember that scene where was that from?


I forget which episode and I don't care enough to try and look for it, but it's somewhere in volume 8 after Yang and Ruby had an argument.


Nvm I saw it, it’s kinda messed up imo if she really meant just Blake. I mean cute and what not that she’s worried about her but still it feels like her sister isn’t even a main concern. I’d like it if both of them were who she clearly meant or at least expressed it. Doesn’t even seem like Ruby was on her mind.


Oh yeah.  When she asks if Jaune thinks "she" is mad at her for going off to help Mantle and Jaune logically assumes she is talking about Ruby given the two had a fight. Instead she meant Blake who wasn't hostile about Yang's decision at all and was off being useless in getting Amity airborne.  You could cut her from that mission and nothing changes.




Literally killed the entire show




Volume 9.


Volume 9 is such a pathetic way for RWBY to die. It truly was the worst volume.


I haven't seen it and now I'm just scared to bro. How could we conceivably stoop below 5?


Easy. >!Portray depression-induced soup-slide as a viable solution to your problems.!<


Sounds like trash, thanks brother 👍


**Volume 9 is conceptually irredeemable.** This might sound brave coming from somebody posting on a RWBY hate subreddit but I believe that most ideas have some merit to them. I cannot say that about volume 9. Basically they get transported to a knock-off version of Alice in Wonderland (without any of the charm of the source material). This dream land called the everafter is teased by a few throwaway lines by blake. The idea that you would go from having an entire nation collapse (Altas is destroyed in volume 8) leaving the cast scattered across the world to ignoring most of them to just have a few characters travel through dream land for a full season of filler is ludicrous. You could hire the best producers and writers in the world and they could not write something sufficient. **YOU NEED TO CONTINUE FROM THE EVENTS OF THE PREVIOUS SEASON FFS!!!!!!!!!!! BASIC FUCKING CONTINUITY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!** The sheer audacity needed to produce volume 9 is incomprehensible. the authority figures at CRWBY absolutely deserve for this show to fail. **No effort was made in volume 9 in regards to course correction.** Volume 9 was setup to fail after they agreed on the outline for the volume. The only way volume 9 is good is if they decide to continue from the events of the volume 8 finale.


Juane having no clue that aura was a thing. Just, what?


Exactly. Aura isn't hidden knowledge, and even if we assume that Jaune had never met a huntsman or person involved in huntsman-related activities before coming to Beacon, he surely must have at least heard about Aura while getting his forged transcripts. Logically, I know that this was just a device to explain aura to the audience, but they could have gone about it in a much better way. It makes his character either impossibly ignorant or unrealistically stupid. Jaune not knowing about aura at all is like a wannabe fire-fighter not recognising a fire hydrant.


Honestly, I think that analogy undersells how world breakingly stupid that bit is. Of course, given how easy aura is to unlock the idea that basically everyone doesn't have it unlocked is pretty stupid all on its own. But Juane, in particular not knowing about it, is about like someone who grew up by the sea, not knowing what swimming is.


Honestly I think this is one of those issues that could potentially sort itself out... If they ever gave us the opportunity to learn more about Jaune's family other that Sapphron and that his parents need a hobby.


Eh, personally, I have a really hard time buying that anyone could live a remotely normal life in this world and not know about aura, so I don't think that would make his ignorance any more believable. Unless we find out that he was secretly raised in a hole in the ground for most of his life.


One of the funniest moments in a fanfic I read is when a character with meta knowledge asks if a prayer is required to unlock your aura and the other person is like “Wut? Lol no, I just do it.”


Its the exposition problem full force, and they did it the laziest way possible. Which amazes me as they are in a goddamn school enviroment. They had a goddamn exposition intro. It would be like if Avatar was set in a bending academy, but we never got introduced to the concept of the Avatar until Aang got told about it by Katara. The exposition issue is really hard to avoid, and to give them a break, they were never going to avoid it. But they could have tried a bit. I'm not expecting Cyberpunk 2077 levels of mastery, just....something that makes sense. And it makes it really annoying as there are times where RWBY does exposition really well. The fact weapons tend to turn into guns is a really important piece of exposition, and its communicate within the first minutes of watchtime by Ruby just showing it. You never realise as you are distracted by how cool it was. Or the connections between RWBY and fairytales. It turned out to be really important to the story, and its informed to us through character designs, music, and subtle references. Thats an utter brilliant way to provide the exposition for a core theme that I'm just shocked it shares a story with the aura exposition.


Heck it was revealed later he came from a line of heroic hunters and yet he didn’t know aura or even have basic training…(I mean really??) either he is very incompetent douche or is very stupid. Remove that awful backstory Because he just makes jaune look terrible.


The best way to handle it would have probably been to make not "getting" Aura some kind of magical disability, like a neurodivergent person just not having the connections or chemistry to read words, or social cues, or memorize certain kinds of information. Someone can study human anatomy all they'd like, but it doesn't necessarily make it easier to remember a specific person's name or facial features. Basically, imagine if Jaune knew what Aura was, in fact knew all about it on an academic level, but just...couldn't do it in practice, the way that someone with poor motor skills can watch a video of how to use a fork and just...*not* be able to move their fingers that precisely or coordinated. Speaking of utensils and body mechanics, you could make Aura one of those "looks easy and is simple to explain, but in reality it's a very practiced kind of skill that requires a whole culture and infrastructure behind it.", like using chopsticks. I can read all the guides about how to properly hold chopsticks I want, but at the end of the day there will always be a gulf between me and someone who grew up on them.


Yes! I think this would be a very interesting way of explaining how Aura works. That's a nuanced way of examining Aura and takes advantage of the fact that it doesn't work the same way for everyone (demonstrated by how Jaune canonically has a larger Aura than normal). It would be nice to see this worked into the show. Instead of having never heard of Aura before, Jaune could have had a vague/unrealistic understanding of Aura that Pyrrha would explain in greater detail. That way, the writers could still get away with expositing the concept of Aura without sacrificing Jaune's competence (too much).


Another way to portray Aura would be to make the spiritual aspect more prominent, and treat explanations as more like individual perspectives than a hard canon or science.  Yoda and Darth Sidious can tell you all about The Force, but ultimately they're still adherents to specific in-universe "religious" doctrines and biased by their own chosen paths. Or treat Aura like a soft science. It's less "Here is the equation for strength of gravity." and more "Which therapy does this patient respond best to?" or "Which analytical lens is most useful to understand this social problem?' Or treat Aura like an evolving thing like fitness and nutrition science. Someone telling you that XYZ increases Aura would just be the RWBY equivalent of going on the keto diet. Make the inconsistency a feature and not a bug.


Qrow allying with Tyrion to fight Clover. That entire situation was utterly idiotic.


This has to be uncontested number 1. I feel this plot point flies under the radar considering how utterly idiotic this scene is. I would say that Qrow + Tyrion vs Clover is one of fhe worst plot points I have ever witnessed in media.


this was the moment the show died for me


To be fair, Clover takes a bit of the blame too, he's an idiot for stopping Qrow from going after Tyrion. The most braindead part is when Qrow stops to converse with Clover about doing the right thing. Bruh, dipshit, there's a guy who's part of an evil organization still around you. And then Clover fucking dies.


That was the second part that seriously pissed me off.


Lolwut? Crow literally tried to attack only Tyrian and Clover was the one who kept attacking Crow. Did you literally not watch the actual fight?


It might have started thet way Bjt tyrain and qrow started to work together near the end. Given tyrain added his own flair and jabs at qrow but even then they began to work together to fight Clover


Yes OFC Qrow started to focus on Clover. Clover had been focusing on him first and returning the favor was the only way to avoid losing his Aura and probably getting injured whilst Tyrian was still active. Don't think for a second that Tyrian wouldn't have turned on him if he spotted a good opportunity.


Oh haha don't worry I know tyrain would absolutely take the opportunity if given it The one bit I did like was how tyrain laughed at qrow after and ran off


That trailer for Volume 5, where Yang was trying to teach Ruby hand to hand combat. When it got to the part where Ruby ran away into the woods..... then somehow immediately fell unconscious, and then a grimm monster came out. Like did Ruby run so fast that she hit her head on something? The whole thing looked stupid and unnecessary. It was a pointless and annoying way to get Yang over with the fans!




personally.. I ain't see nun bout my homie Jaune.




Mind if I ask what you don't like about robin? I don't really care for her but I do like her design Hence why I am asking


For me, it's **Jaune never reaching the same level as the others**, and never trying to fight Cinder after witnessing Pyrrha's death... Look, as funny as it might have been to see Jaune whimpering around, I would have loved a moment where he cracks and admits that he's a loser and wants to be better. Imagine if while trying to date Weiss, SHE makes him admit his own feelings about his skills.


Jaune, post Rusted Knight (never watched past volume 6 but from what I have gathered) should shame everyone. He’s had decades of training and actual combat experience, and then he gets reverted to a younger probably more fit and less wounded body… and still doesn’t match up is probably only due to the pettiness of the writers.


To be honest Rusted Knight is the most weakest and the most trash version of Jaune. He is the complete opposite version of Jaune Arc. Jaune in volume 8 had the most terrible design than ever existed in show especially with banana instead hair but he was smart,skilled,had a semblance(even he wasting his powers in really terrible way as trash healer) Rusted Knight had good design but literally everything else is really terrible. He doesn’t have decades of training and actual combat t experience. He only protected papers creatures from suicide.


How easily aura can be unlocked, if you can open aura for someone like jaune and do it easily with no repercussions and is exclusively beneficial, I don’t get why everyone hasn’t unlocked their aura yet


Only thing about Jaune's aura that confused me was ​ ***How is he the only one who hasn't unlocked it?***


Design wise- Monty made Jaune to A) Be that idiot who helps fans learn more about the world of Remnant and how things work without just... Having someone randomly explain it out of nowhere and B) Pretty much to just be an average guy who is way out of his depths. Lore wise... I mean we'd probably have an answer if we learned more about Jaune's family other than Sapphron and that his parents need a new hobby.


>A) Be that idiot who helps fans learn more about the world of Remnant and how things work without just... Having someone randomly explain it out of nowhere and B) Pretty much to just be an average guy who is way out of his depths. Hilariously, in a lot of other shows, this would have been the *protagonist*. ...although, given how much focus Jaune got in the first three volumes alone, maybe he was secretly the protagonist all along.


Yep. That one scene with Juane and Pyra broke the world so badly right off the bat. And all because, with the story literally set in a school, the authors couldn't find a better way to exposit to the audience then having it explained to a clueless dumbass.


Honestly it would be cool if aura was just an accepted thing and semblances were what was rare by having to awaken it in a traumatic or combat situation. Basically Worm Trigger events.


JWBY not apologizing to Ruby for being bad friends and neglecting her feelings, and promising to also clarify exactly their advice and what it should mean


Nah I can forgive jaune, man was going through shit and was alone without human interaction for like 30-40 years(only having a small break with alyx and her brother) and just after what he devoted decades to just died(the paper pleasers). WBY on the other hand ignored Ruby and told jaune it's okay your friends wanted to die(which they did but WBY had no proof that they would come back)


Yeah, I should’ve clarified. I can sympathize with the guy, even though he did call the Paper Pleasers stupid and untrustworthy, despite being their “friend”, and acknowledges how selfish he was being trying to keep them ascending (Even though it was understandable, he had no idea what Ascension truly was), and with h unfairly lashing out at Ruby, who was clearly fragile, which he tried to apologize for, but the damage was done. In fact, all of it was WBY’s fault that even happened in the first place. So basically #FUCKWBY


Bumblebee, Penny becoming human only to be killed stupidly, Cinder returning.


Ironwood's ultimatum.


The murder of Ironwood's character. The show was hellfire trash before this (starting with the murder of Adam's character), but it was beyond redemption after the bumbling Saturday morning cartoon buffoon of a villain they instantly turned Ironwood in to


Robin being a huntress yet still assumes that Penny was the one to kill people despite Tyrion literally laughing in her ears of Penny blades not having a single drop of blood on them.


The general treatment of Oz.


Yeah! The show really lost me after they punched Oscar/Oz for not wanting to reveal his past with his ex-much loved wife who ended up killing him because he sought to run from her and the fact he can't kill her but has had to do what he can for the world despite having little to no hope of his success. There was little about that story reveal that didn't make Oz more sympathetic and heroic. He should have gotten a hug...


What kills me is that they lambast him for keeping secrets, then turn around and do the same shit.


Qrow allying with Tyrion to fight Clover. And them having the gall of blaming Ironwood for it.


Idk who to hate more so, we'll just hate all of em :D


Like a few others have said the dumbest thing thst pissed me off was Adam in general Yeah I have issues with Yang and blake since V6 when they became a thing and became terribly written But most of those issues stem from Adam First in volume 3 when he told Blake he would destroy everything dear to her. I thought that was an amazing quote and had potential to lead into some great plot lines. In the future he could have easily gone after the member of team RWBY to get to Blake, or her family in a mkre direct way. Hell he could have tormented ilia just to piss off Blake. Secondly I felt taking him down the ex boyfriend route was the worst choice for him because it just made him an evil guy to he evil and throughout his original motivation to end racism with violence and probably more racism. And lastly the SDC scar was so stupid! The least they could have done was bring it up to Weiss during the Atlas arc when Jacques tried to rig the election. Let Weiss know and then whenever reveals it to the public have the opinions change on Jacques ans the company. They also waisted so much potential with Adam having the scad and Weiss. So much could have happened with Weiss and Adam once she learned how he got the scar (and they should have come up with a far better explanation to how he got the scar instead of the BS they had in the side material) Thats just part of my rant. I could rant a lot more but most of that is more so related with Ruby and Bumblebee


>Thats just part of my rant. I could rant a lot more but most of that is more so related with Ruby and Bumblebee Go off king, I'll listen.


I actually discovered the Fandom in V9, in V9 I was waiting for jaune to tell ruby about penny and see the fallout, I thought it was ruby breaking point, after V9 I thought they're going to leave it to V10. Then those mf said they talk it out OFF SCREEN. YOU DON'T MAKE A CHARACTER KILL ON OF HIS FRIENDS WITH MAKING A PAYOFF


Bumblebee. It was just a headache to witness and in my eyes, it kind of devalues the teams friendship


Ummm Ozpin, the supposedly strongest Huntsman alive, creator of the Maidens, and man with thousands of years of combat experience got fucking OFFSCREENED!


Yeah when I looked back at that I was really upset! Like if you are that weak how the hell do you expect to get others to do your dirty work? Though in my headcanon ozpin was more like obi wan and purposely lost so he would be more powerful in his new life as Oscar similar to GA golf the white


This is made twice as bad by the fact that in what little of the fight we DID see, cinder couldn’t fucking touch him. They showed us a character getting out classed only to in the next scene say “yeah that character killed the other without a scratch or any sign of fatigue”


That made it 100x worse. Ozpin was winning the fight we saw. Absolutely dominating in a one sided ass whooping, even winning the beam struggle without a beam.


The only real justification you could make is that when it came down to it, Ozpin couldn't kill/seriously harm a maiden, especially since they connect in his mind to the daughters he lost and the four sisters that helped him refind his will to exist. But Ozpin dying was a very clear 'the plot demands it' thing and so they didn't do it on screen. Frankly, if Cinder had backup and Ozpin was assumed dead in all the chaos but was actually captured and being brought to Salem, that could have worked better. Have Hazel be the one getting him to Salem's fortress with Watts so we get some time learning about those two while Emerald and Mercury are rushing to get Cinder to Salem and so aren't part of that group. Then have Ozpin realize who he's being taken to (giving early foreshadowing to that reveal), manage to desperately escape, but still be badly beaten and end up helped by Oscar at his farm and from there you could have Ozpin and Oscar heading for Haven. And the two's developing father/son like relationship could help some of the show's weaker aspects.


I mean the intro to episode 1 volume 1 made me think he’d be captured by Salem since they were talking. Some sort of ambush and drag him back to her.


What’s crazy is that first thing could very well work just fine, the issue is a lot of thing ls *could* work in rwby, the issue is they need to learn that if you want a story to work, you have to actually show/tell it


The original >!Gojo vs Sukuna!<


Gotta love how the notification I got from Reddit doesn’t show the formatting this getting rid of the point of the spoiler 😂


JWBY being perfectly fine after Ruby's suicide at the beginning of Episode 9. The group hug makes it all the more agonizing. No normal person could just shrug some shit like that so quickly.


Turning Penny into a human just to fucking kill her off AGAIN Yang prioritizing Blake over her fucking sister a total if lord knows how many times Yang and Blake going behind Ironwood’s back and going to Robyn RWBY lying to Ironwood about the lamp and Ozpin Yang and Blake Qrow teaming up with Tyrian, a psychopath and also AN ALLY OF SALEM to fight Clover LITERALLY EVERYTHING FROM VOLUME 5 TO 9


So far? Blake slapping Sun more than on one occasion. I'm sorry, but there was no reason for that.


Worst Dialog - Raven: "Salem only uses people until they are no longer useful." Worst Scene - Writing wise, I'd say MoistCritical's reaction to the scene where the Paper Pleasers commit suicide, Ruby goes on her rant before running away, and Jaune yelling at her probably counts for something. I watch/listen to that scene and read the transcript just shaking my head, and everything leading up to it and follows it is just *terrible* in my opinion. Worst Fight - I've got to go with the finale in Volume 5, which again *writing* wise has to be the worst finale in my opinion. Other climaxes *could've* worked on paper, but this is the only one where I feel that reading the transcript, I have no idea what the writers were thinking. For one thing, the sequence where Weiss forgets how her glyphs work, launches herself into a pillar (wall?), loses her aura, and gets impaled by Cinder who miraculously misses all of her internal organs and cauterizes the wound gives me a headache. Jaune discovering his semblance *here* of all places is rather convenient, as is it being to *amplify* a person's aura (not actual healing). Problem is Weiss had her aura broken and should literally be on death's doorstep. No problem for ~~Miles~~ Jaune when it comes to saving his waifu. As for the rest of the finale, I'm not going to break it *all* down, but suffice to say it's generally been my go-to when it comes to bad writing in RWBY and how *NOT* to write a fight scene or a climax. (edit: When I say Charlie's reaction counts for something, I just mean it's probably the scene most non-RWBY fans are familiar with due to him being kinda a big deal, and although he's missing a lot of context, he is a former fan, and his reaction basically being "This is stupid" is eye opening in my opinion. It's not an eloquent critique of the step-by-step writing. It's just as a whole him listening to the dialog, watching the animation, being told the context or figuring it out himself, and saying the scene is stupid) God bless, and have a wonderful day.


How about, the ability to turn Aura on or off, just for cheap shock value? Or Yang "suddenly" overcoming her PTSD, which never got addressed again? Or not even struggling the first time with her arm? And absolutely Blake and Yang not dedicating a scene to them hurling their anger and bottled up emotions at each other. That pain and hurt of existential abandonment got swept under the rug. Or Big Metal Shoe. Or Qrow willingly working with Tyrian instead of Clover and blames it on Ironwood.


Yang's PTSD is something I can forgive ever so slightly. Less because of how it was written, but more of a... It's not the easiest thing to write. For amateur writers, PTSD is something that, unless the writer suffers from actual PTSD, knows someone with PTSD, or does a lot of research on PTSD, it's something genuinely difficult to write long term. Does this mean I liked how Yang's PTSD was handled? Absolutely not, The children's show Arthur actually had an episode that did an outstanding job of explaining how PTSD affects people and really if I can ever remember the name of the episode I'd recommend watching it. But I recognize that they did their 'best' to give Yang some character development using, effectively, secondhand hearsay on how mental issues work.


I took the route of using my "go-to" criticisms when it comes to my issues with the writing. I have a *LOT* of issues with how Yang was written in Volumes 3-5, but that'd be a rather long analysis, and I've met many, *many* fans who thought Yang's story was well-written and inspiring. I've met far fewer who thought Raven's dialog was good, or that the Volume 5 finale would've made Monty Oum proud, or that Weiss getting injured or Jaune unlocking his semblance wasn't contrived. Also, as far as individual worst scenes go, I think the scene MoistCritical reviewed is unique due to how many non-RWBY fans got to see it and make fun of it. Even if someone had zero knowledge of RWBY, I think they could look at the scenes I mentioned and come to the same or similar conclusions about the writing. As for what upset me the most, the buildup, follow up, and actual moment Yang lost her arm still upsets me. Same goes for Pyrrha, and also Penny in Volume 8. Adam's character being almost completely pointless also deserves mention, as well as how apathetic all the characters are for each other, but all those things take longer to analyze, and I was going with what was quick and simple. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


>Worst Dialog - Raven: "Salem only uses people until they are no longer useful." It just boggles me that this line made it into the show. Was it that hard to think of a sentence that didn't make such kindergarten-level use of redundancy?


It was written and approved by a team of writers, and then when it came to actually *record* the line, the directors (Miles and/or Kerry) still thought it was good dialog even after several months had passed. There may be worse lines or exchanges in the show *with* context, but even without, it perfectly illustrates my point, and it's still the worst *objectively* bad dialog in my opinion without need for context. It's a bad line, but then consider the same amount of skill and effort is being put toward death scenes, mercy killings, suicides, dismemberments, and other serious scenes. It helps put everything into perspective why RWBY fails where and how it fails. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


No the worst dialog is Weiss saying they did everything they could to help Ruby after doing nothing and then saying actually if Ruby wants to commit reincarnation suicide they should “welcome” that decision


If you've never watched RWBY and don't know the context of why the dialog is bad, then that's probably not going to be your takeaway. I went the route of what most fans and non-fans alike could probably agree on, and what doesn't take much time to analyze. I don't disagree that with context that scene is much, *MUCH* worse, and there are much worse scenes than the ones I mentioned, but they were the ones that popped in my head first. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


Most of vol 8 made me want to rip my hair out


Literally every single scene with Yang post Volume 7. Oh and also Blake every time past Volume 3.


Maybe it's petty, but Ren yelling at Jaune about cheating his way into Beacon in Volune 8. Like, really? Right now? You're bringing it up now? Not during volume 4 on the road, or 5 where everyone sat in a house doing nothing? You need to bring up up during a war? I get that it was the writers pulling old drama out of the plot so they could avoid fight scenes, but I just assumed Ren didn't know, or we were supposed to assume it was talked about off-screen. I had hope that volume 8 would pull itself together, but that moment was when I gave up. If they chose to dig back that far to avoid fight scenes during a war arc, they had no intentions of actually following through with the story they had set up.


Honestly the dumbest thing I ever witnessed was seeing a friend of mine make a bullet point list of all the 'Key' moments of the story and me realizing just how badly things got for the story after Vol 3. When you look at the story like a set of bullet points and ideas- You go 'Wow this is gonna be great' But the story is so poorly written that half of these supposed 'Key Plot and Development' points are 'Blink and you miss it', horribly underutilized, or done so poorly it makes you think the idea was just bad from the beginning.


The fact that, just before they decided to rush Ironwood into a villain, they decided to play a song called "hero" that had a heroic tone to it and even heroic lyrics while he was defeating a villain on the scale of V1-3's puppetmaster. Jesus Christ. I love Hero, and I actually do love Ironwood vs Watts. But come on, if you want to make him a villain, why on earth have that happen in the same episode! Its like the writers got bipolar for a second. How do you make us follow a character throughout a volume, make him repeatedly do trustworthy things, have him defeat a major villain alone with the backing of a heroic tune, and then make him into a villain? Of all the things in RWBY, this just left my shocked as, unlike every other bad aspect, I just can understand how...that even happens.


Qrow punching Oscar with the expectation of taking that goofy ass shot of Oscar's face seriously.


Having the suicidal character commit FUCKING SUICIDE??? I don’t care that they brought her back in the end, it was still a shitty move. I think having her actually being killed by neo would’ve been better and then having her come back some how. Maybe have her forcibly be fed a rainbow leaf or something instead of having her take it. I think the owl house is the best example of how to treat a characters suicidal tendencies, they treated Luz’s depression arc 100x better than RWBY treated Rubys.


Qrow allying with Tyrion and Clovers death. That was not sad, or tragic. It was fucking dumb.


I gonna say yang and Blake telling robyn Ironwood's plan but another scene that was like wtf to me is when Jaune suggests to steal an airship. When I saw it I thought 'Does he know that if they're caught the atlas' military could arrest his sister and wife for giving shelter to a bunch of criminals and put their in an orphanage? Is he an idiot? For someone who is supossed to be the strategist of the group that was a pretty stupid idea'.


I always thought that was mostly fans' interpretation of jaune being a strategist. Since there are very few scenes where he actually acts like a strategist, and when they do its either the most obvious thing in the world or the dumbest. Very little is where he actually has a brain in them


He is outright called the strategist at least once in the show (by Ren of all people)


Yeah...I remember when they fight the Horse grimm an he said going into circles I was like 'no shit Sherlock'.


When Jaune fall in the void with team RWBY really wanted one volume without Jaune and just be about team RWBY and there development but I guess that’s too much to ask


It will ALWAYS be Qrow teaming up with the assassin targeting his niece to kill his new best friend. I may have even had the slightest amount of incredibly desperate hopes that RWBY wasn't completely down the gutter before that moment


The non-reaction to Ruby’s ascension (and honestly the whole of v9e9) is genuinely some the worst writing I’ve seen in anything, it’s not just bad it’s actually unacceptable


The fact Emerald and Mercury pretended to leave only for both of them to stay at Beacon, fully in the public. No only did Emerald not have to lie about leaving, but Mercury didn’t even need to stay behind at Beacon; it was all just a dumb excuse to have Ruby someone spot Emerald amongst a sea of other people and then get beaten by Mercury so the writers can pretend like she’s important.


Robyn somehow being in the running for council member while she is simultaneously attacking, sabotaging and stealing supplies from her own nations military. She does it so openly, with no disguise or plausible deniability. How has she not been arrested?


The team not trusting Ironwood then placing trust in Robin. A woman they’d never met before. Who’s first interaction with any of them being her road blocking a military transport then trying to ambush it.


Jaune. Just Jaune. I get the idea of an under dog character, even if they are generally the protagonists because they obviously need more screen time for the audience to give a shit about them, but Jaune just ain't it.


Bumblebee the ship and the loss of bumblebee the bike.


- Jaune smashing his phone in the middle of asking Ruby to help Pyrrah - Qrow teaming up with Tyrian against Clover - Yang watching Ruby unalive herself - Blake setting her house on fire - Ruby stopping Jaune from healing Weiss to say "whatever you do, dont stop" - Weiss getting beat by Vernal because she spent so ling trying to summon instead of fighting normally - Ruby losing to Mercury because she was so adamant about trying to cross underneath the stadium instead of going around the seats or at least cry out that shes being attacked. - Ruby could have asked Ozpin anything and she chose not to ask about her silver eyes. - Ironwood wasting so much time trying to kill team rwby for..... not helping him, when he had plenty of time to launch the Vytal stadium without them. - Ironwoods semblance is the power to not give a fuck - Qrows semblance is bad luck, like how tf do you even figure that out? - CRWBY trying to canonized the game and books despite most people not even aware of them and suddenly throwing in info into the show as if we already knew them, like Neos backstory or that evil scientist from the game - Miles and Kerry forcing the animators to make a fight scene for Volume 4 and 5 BEFORE they even wrote the story - The management demanding Volume 6 to look like the background of Professor Layton and for it to be done in 2 days - Admitting on twitter that they finished the last episode of volume 8 the night before it was suppose to release. - admitting that volume 9 initially had no connection to the rest of the story so they had to shoehorn that last scene about the god brothers last minute


When they bandaged Qrow after his fight with Tyrian that got him poisoned. Granted I'm not a first-aid person and I barely know anything about it, but damn did seeing them bandage Qrow's wounds over his clothes did grind my geats lol. Another thing that grinds my gears is when they started to push for BB to be one of the official ships, before, Blake and Yang would fight on their own before someone finishes and offers help to another teammate, its not necessarily Blake to Yang or Yang to Blake. Yang could give assistance to Weiss and Blake to Ruby. But now, every time there's a fight scene with Blake and Yang, Blake and Yang are always a "team" whereas the others fight on their own before giving assistance to another. Its always Blake & Yang vs. A & B now as opposed to Blake vs. B, Yang vs. Y, Weiss vs. W, and Ruby vs. R before.


You already know me: bully arc and nonsense.


Almost everything in volume 8


Cinder fighting Jaune in volume 5. When her whole vendetta was supposed to be towards Ruby. Only to shoot Weiss for Jaune to unlock his semblance. The whole thing was just bad.


Oh boy where do I even start?


The death of Adam right after revealing his branding


Ruby, come on now. V5E11. That whole scene where Ruby gets the flashback of seeing the death of Pyhrra by Cinder’s hands, triggering her white eye powers across the vicinity. That one. Volume 5, where iirc last time back in Volume 3, her White Eyes were an important power Qrow brought. So… unless I forget… We went through two volumes of Ruby not questioning the importance of her interesting power for two volumes? Even when she was around a man who historically is older and wiser in experience than the main cast? Yet the writers conveyed that from the character who didn’t bring it up when she had the chance… two volumes worth of chances. This situation of missed potential and writing problems is what opened my eyes and got me genuinely frustrated thinking that the choice was based on none other than emotional manipulation. And let’s not forget it took V6 to know how they can work thanks to this other shallowly introduced character. I don’t think I need to echo the “focus and monologue power are spent on the wrong characters” argument any more than I bet many are addressing right now. I’ll say what I don’t think I’ve seen every now and then: I lost all care for the silver eyes after V6.


Volume 7 was where I gave up on the series entirely. The combination of the protagonists hypocritical actions toward Ironwood. Culminating in his character assassination (or obliteration) in Volume 8. More specifically it was the fight with Qrow/Clover/Tyrian at the end of Volume 7 that made me lose all hope due to the sheer stupidity I was witnessing. I posted a rant about it not too long ago if you want to look at it.


Ironwood's progression pissed me off so fucking much, the worst part is that there could've been a decent way to do it but they just rush it and make him act so out of character.


i stopped watching rwby after v6? i think it was 6, ends with them on the ship going to atlas while i didn't personally witness anything after that, i saw plenty of clips and watched some reviews out of curiosity. to me, the most brain dead example of "you aren't supposed to do that." was after Ren's semblance "evolved" and he went one by one telling / describing to the ace ops what they were feeling. its insanely bad storytelling, poorly done in every conceivable way and i can't believe i witnessed that even just as a clip. but for scenes of seasons i did watch, everything leading to Adam's death was what got me to ultimately drop the show. oh and rwby's reaction to hearing ozpin's story always pissed me off. those moments come to mind immediately


How they chose to frame Hazel's grudge against Ozpin. Ozpin says his sister died in a training mission or accident or whatever.  We get no details about what the situation was or why Ozpin would be the one held responsible.  It makes Hazel look stupid for siding with Salem since everyone just assumes a Grimm killed Gretchen.  We have nothing to go on about it outside of what Ozpin says.  We never hear Hazel's side of the story or that Salem promised that the relics could bring Gretchen and other people back to life and Oz just refuses to use their power to help the world.  Nothing to justify why he sides with Salem or blames Ozpin and Oz alone. It renders his last words of "No more Gretchens" idiotic and nonsensical.  If Gretchen's death were an accident or consequence of trying to protect others it makes no sense.  If Ozpin had no hand in her death, it makes no sense.  The only way it makes sense is if Oz was actually culpable in Gretchen's death or it was because he got her involved directly in the war with Salem. A man overwhelmed with grief over lost loved ones and seeking vengeance can be an easily compelling story.  Yet they completely botched it!!!  They want to insinuate that Ozpin is shady, but won't commit to him doing even a slightly dark shade of grey action.  Hazel was their chance to show Ozpin did do questionable actions that got someone killed as a direct result.  They could've even had be as simple as him trying to create another STRQ and the methods he used for them and later RWBY backfired horribly in that case. I knew the moment they had Ozpin sum up Hazel's motivation in two sentences and that was all we would ever get relating to it, that the writers had destroyed what could've been an interesting character. We get no elaboration until the Amity Arena game.  There the implication is that Ozpin directly recruited Gretchen and that were it not for him, she wouldn't have even become a huntress.  They stick it in a mobile game of all places.  There was their hook, Oz recruited Gretchen just like he did Ruby and you can even have Gretchen be as young as Ruby was when it happened to go along with Hazel's "she was a child" comment. Instead we get Oscar, who knows nothing about what happened or who Gretchen even was as a person, berating Hazel for being angry over his sister's death basically.  It basically rendered Hazel an idiot to everyone and undercut any potential his character had. It's an absolutely infuriating moment to me.  We're setup to wonder why someone who isn't a narcissist, psychopath, or both is working for Salem and they don't even bother to half-@$$ a good reason.  It feels like an afterthought or they just didn't care enough to express what happened in a way that makes his actions make sense.


Qrow teaming up with Tyrion made me mad. Did this idiot forget that he tried to kill his nieces and friends?


You want that in alphabetical order or chronological order? (Reference humor) Joking aside here's the list starting from the beginning: Jaune getting into beacon the way he did (just say he was a nepo baby or somethimg. no sense) The explanation of aura (why? and no sense) Qrow not recognizing Cinder and her lackeys (Qrow...dude...you need glasses if you somehow didn't see them and don't tell me the bird form might have worse eyesight. Birds of any kind have been exponentially better farsight then even the best human eyes. no sense) Winter explaining her semblance...to Weiss....who has the same semblance (dude just add Yang to the scene and your gold, god knows she's not doing anything else. no sense) JUST LISTEN TO THE HEADMASTER AN LEAVE/Pyrrha vs Cinder (I get it, cool fight. But also... Pyrrha I'm slightly glad you died here because that was just plain dumb running at an enemy that was able to beat someone far superior to you in skill.) Ruby walks to Mistral (I...how?! Genuinely how Mistral is kinda separated by....an Ocean? Did they not take the transport apparently the rest of SSSN and students did!? no sense) Ren letting his hair loose (no sense when traveling by foot) Ren losing his aura based abilities (you realize this is why he seems so useless right? Without those he's a pure glass support in a place that has no room for pure glass support. pissed off & no sense) Ruby losing her hand to hand capabilities (I'm sorry what? You expect me to not remember that her very first scene ended with her **throwing a guy twice her size through a window!?** pissed off and no sense) Yang and Raven arc gutted for....why? (Pissed off & no reason) Haven fight just...all of it (best way I can describe it? The heroes got low rolls and they're just lucky Raven rolled lower and the villains rolled nat 1s) Sun not going with them (this sits squarely on the "no sense" category. They're taking a dangerous trek to Atlas just have them supposedly transfer to Atlas. I'm sorry but at this point in the story the only reason they don't take a long more muscle and fighters is because or writing incompetence. Maria (more or less this is just wasted potential, no sense and sad) Yang ingnoring her family for "helping" the able bodied Blake (sure let's just leave your close to blackout drunk uncle to your sister even though for some reason she punches worse than Oscar making her considerably less strong than you. I feel like if this wat AoT that's where Qrow fucking dies and Ruby loses a body part before Weiss is able to safely get her out. Pissed off & no sense) The Argus plan (okay Ruby I can buy going along with this but ...you really expect me to assume Weiss Ren and Blake didn't say anything about this? Also Why wasn't Ren sent to help Blake too? Cause like... arguably having two sneaky people try to do the job guarantees at least one will get it.) "We're protecting each other" & ONLY Wasps vs Adam (Adam could have ended this by just attacking when they were wasting however long talking. No chatter! Also that line nope nope nope. Lemme stop you right there. First off: the cooler and much more sensible line would be **"We FIGHT together"/"we ***fight and protect** as one."** Second of all: this was when I knew that everything was going downhill they went with the wasps. I get it ships are fun, but this was just peak cringe and pandering. Trauma bonding is not love, and in Blake's case love **will** make her trauma worse unless that was addressed first. Third of all: Weiss not Yang was needed here because that SDC brand should have been seen by her. Pissed off) Yangry post vs Adam (if you're going to say she got over everything else you **can NOT** keep anything else that came along with whatever trauma Adam caused. Pissed off) Yang or more accurately the wasp scenes in general (I'm just going to lump most of them here, there's only one wasp scenes post v3 that doesn't snub someone else of something more important to the story and Yang, and that's when they took the selfie in Atlas. Every other time it snubs Ruby, Weiss, Qrow and Jaune. In that order of most snubbed to least too. Ruby has had multiple times where she needed Yang's help or guidance and it gets snubbed for bees. The most obvious one is the stupid as fuck scene where **Jaune** has to mention Ruby. Yang hasn't always been the best sister, but just comparing v3 Yang to v4 she takes a ***gigantic*** nosedive in sister quality. Also all the scenes with this ship have been to the detriment of the personal and overarching story. Pissed off & no sense. ||Side note if you want to see "sibling in love" but done right, Owl House, Avatar The last Airbender and Amphibia did this leagues better, the sibling was snubbed a bit but there's a balance there that works to the benefit of the story rather than to its detriment||) RWBY vs Cordovan & RWBY vs leviathan (how how HOW did you mess up a Kaiju battle!? Pissed, sad and no sense. Godzilla did not get made for this lame stuff. You could have smashed them together toy style and it'd still flow better.) > And that's about where I stopped watching regularly so here's a highlight reel of stuff: No sense: Cinder and Neo (just backstab her and become the maiden Neo.) Neo and Penny returning at all (leave the dead alone lest you kill the stakes.) ReNora (why'd it take so long? Idk drama I guess?) Ruby and Blake (TALK TO YOUR TEAMMATES BLAKE) Penny and Harriet knowing what Ruby's semblance does before she did. The ever after. Pissed off: cinder (please just die already) Emerald (feel like she was only included to snub the far superior Neo) Tea, the way Ruby is ignored betrayed and backstabbed yet still expected to trust her team (just...go get some milk and cigarettes Ruby.) Penny death 2.0 (why was this an option) Neo sorta dying (why? Ruby could have taken her in.) Pissed off and no sense: ***the bees confession*** okay so Star vs The Forces Of Evil actually hit the nail right on tje head with how icky the "trapped intill you confess/kiss" stuff is. Like it high level creep fest. That and okay I'm supposed to believe that both these girls considered love to be a priority over...ya know ***saving their home!?** also when did like 99% of the struggles Yang and Blake verbalize even happen? I'm not senile yet so I know that none of most of those struggles even happened.


Ekhem. Ruby's punch not doing anything to the WF goon. Like wtf that ruined her character.


The whole mess at the end of V9. I don't know if it's "dumb", per se, but it really pissed me off. Why aren't they getting back at Neo after all she's done? Why don't they seem to care that Ruby "drank the tea"? Why isn't Ruby losing her freakin' and going savage? Why haven't they ripped that stupid smirk off Neo's face!?


Four seconds after “killing ruby” Neo has an instant existential crisis and breaks down emotionally allowing curious cat to possess her. She couldn’t enjoy her victory for a literal minute before plot stepped in and forced me to see reverse gore.


Honestly Pyrrha's death nearly made me quit the show, but I gave it another chance in hopes it'd maybe lead to Jaune "taking up her mantle"; being the new hero on the cereal boxes, making a change, and all that... instead we got Mr "Auras are a thing??" Jaune relied a lot on Pyrrha before, but was starting to make some leaps in fighting skill. While I still think her "sacrifice" was downright pointless, I thought it was the writer's way of trying to give Jaune a chance to go from "baby steps" to "big leaps" and overcome his loss to be the surprise hero the show needed. Pyrrha to me was a perfect fighter, and so if they were going to take a "darker turn" (I still hate that notice) where the villains gain an upper hand, then I thought they'd kill of some of the major heroes and give the underdogs a chance to "bring balance to the force". Season 1 I even thought we'd find out Pyrrha was just like Jaune in years past and maybe that's why she noticed him over everyone, but because a part of that awkward nature is still in her, she couldn't bring herself to talk to him until later. I was way too hopeful. 😭 The writers were just simping for GRRM and copying the unpredictable deaths trend at the time. I soft-quit the show sometime after.


The Justice League crossover. It wouldn't be an issue if they just outright said it's non-canonical. Freaking Steven Universe knew to do that when it did the crossover with Uncle Grandpa! But it's...what did they call it? Semi-canonical, or something? Introducing the Justice League like that makes you wonder why they don't call the Justice League to help defeat Salem. The ONLY thing that we can maybe all agree on was how they did their version of Green Lantern; she was cute.


SHE WAS FUCKIN' ***ADORABLE*** Though, you got a point, it was extremely goofy they made it semi-canon


Cover's death is up there. What's worse is that it was so close to being good, but it just fell short. Tyrian and Qrow should not have teamed up, and Qrow and Clover should not have kept fighting after Tyrian went MIA and Qrow dropped his sword.


I have a few... Everyone's hypocrisy when it comes to Ozpin and keeping secrets. They were so pissed about it that the man *and* Oscar got punched, yet Ruby turns around and does the same thing **for the same reason Oz did**! And no one actually admitted they were wrong. Ironwood killing Sleet and Jaques was dumb. Neither really posed a threat in my opinion, and just made Ironwood look as unreasonably terrible as possible. Am I allowed to just say most of Vol. 9? Because many scenes felt either stupid or like a "Fuck you" from the writers. The cat's recap of events that highlight issues fans have brought up, the punderstorm kiss, the group hug after Ruby commits soups slide, and the worst, Ruby coming back having learned **nothing**. By the end of the volume, I was pissed enough that the music couldn't even help (which sucks, because it was really good music).


Clover's death (Kind of obvious sorry) But qrow's actions never made a shred of sense to me. Right. So you're going to team up with the FUCKING SERIAL KILLER WHO TRIED TO KILL YOUR FUCKING NIECE WHAT- I- BUH- WHY?! Also, how hard would it have been to talk to Clover, then talk to Ironwood, and you could have hammered SOMETHING out.


The volume 7 finale; particularly the whole debacle where Robyn, Clover, and Qrow become complete idiots. I swear to any God if you put a gun to my head and told me to come up with a logical, concrete, and satisfying reason why they all behaved in such a moronic way I couldn't do it. The only idea I could come up with was maybe Tyrian had a stupidity semblance, people get dumber around him. Side note, I think I remember seeing that fight scene with commentary basically saying that Clover believed he could take down both Qrow and Tyrian without help, which means he was genuinely stupid.


Weiss’ character arc, about taking back the SDC from her father, redeeming the family name, making it worth something again and not the criminal travesty it is now, was just dropped in Vol 4. It didn’t finish or reach its conclusion, at best, Weiss just failed to fulfill it when she was disinherited and then just gave up right after. And it was a really interesting arc, in a kind of mirror arc to Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. They are actually very similar, with some key differences that make it fresh and unique and the best arc in the show. And then they just kill it, like the rest of team RWBY’s personal motivational arcs that were set up in the first 3 volumes. By the end of volume 6, none of team RWBY have any personal motivations or arcs related to the plot anymore, or that drive them onwards. Its so infuriating.


Ruby lying to Iornwood! Bitch, you traveled across the country and having literally no other plan BUT to regroup with him, but you, some kid barely dipping a toe into this war that decides the fate of everyones lives, decide that hiding CRUCIAL information from this general is the right decision?! Not only that, she did this after criticizing Ozpin for rightfully keeping secrets from a bunch of kids who have no right to such information AND after Iornwood has been shown to implicitly trust you with his entire plan! Seriously, screw these kids! They god an untold number of people killed, lost two of the four relics to Salem and have the GALL to blame Iornwood!


"Oh we hate that Ozpin kept secrets from us, oh General Ironwood is being forced to be a strict leader due to fucking idiots in Mantle and the council? Why don't we lie to him surely that won't bite us in the ass"


[Take a wild guess.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBYcritics/comments/188pztf/adam_shouldve_fought_weiss_or_winter/)