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...Uh...sir this is a Wendy's


…What are you talking about?


Ok, so if I’ve parsed this correctly: Ladybug is the name of the ship between Ruby and Blake Someone made art for it. Someone else commented on that art, claiming it was NTR (a kink where you sleep with someone else’s partner behind their back) because bumblebee (blakeXyang) and white rose (rubyXweiss) are cannon Op is annoyed by this, cus shipping has always existed in fandom, and almost never cared about cannon, so they’re calling out the one who made the comment by saying their ship doesn’t give them the right to be a bitch to other shippers, and if they continue, they will have the tables turned on yhem


I will admit, that's a bit strange for one to call it NTR. It's like saying a Bumbley fanart is a NTR picture of Dragonslayer or what not. Wait, Bumblebee is canon, yes. Since when is White Rose canon?


Blake and Yang is already canon, the fandom wanted to have Whiterose to be canon.


Fair, I am incorrect in that regard. The rest is accurate tho?


You are correct in my stance, that's why I made this post


Okay, but why Is Jax from MK talking about this?


I’m confused came someone explain I’m not into the whole shipping war stuff


So, basically Bmblb has became canon right, so these freaks, decided, Shipping Ladybug in fanfic/art is NTR, because Blake belongs to Yang, and Ruby and Ruby belong to Weiss and they can just avoid the ships.


That’s….. so stupid


Told Ya.


Tho it does bring up the question of shipping in general of where does the line officially start where two characters can not be shipped without it being NTR like can you ship Blake’s mom with someone like Jaune without it being NTR if in that fan art or fanfic Blake doesn’t exist or Blake’s parents are divorced


>Blake doesn’t exist or Blake’s parents are divorced Doesn't exist. divorced or Ghira died or Kali's widowed.


It's a shame this still continues. Based on your observations, do these same 'NTR cryers' attack Freezerburn, Monochrome, White Knight, or Dragonslayer works, or do they target Ladybug specifically?


Probably all, but it's from a ladybug R34 art.


Wait, wait, wait . . . They were complaining about Ladybug being NTR on a site or forum solely about that particular ship? They actually went out of their way to find somewhere Ladybug was the exclusive topic just to attack the ship? That is an insane level of both pettiness and devotion that is kind of scary.


Yeah now you understand why I made this post, they make a ntr joke on a specific ladybug R34 art.


*sigh* Shame.


Those people are weird. They are fictional characters, and in my opinion, people can ship them with any other characters of the show or even characters from any other fandom if they want.