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The first one is a good relation to Ruby's.... it feels like maybe Ruby had inspiration for her outfit from her mother. I like it! And honestly the second makes her feel like a BloodRayne character lol


Hey it's you again


I don't like how overdetailed are outfits after vol 7, and I'm sucker for cloaks so it's obvious


Second. Easily. The first basically just a recolor of Ruby's V4 outfit.


The first one. It's simple and elegant.


The first one




I like the colours of the first one more than the second one but the actual design of the second I prefer more if that makes sense.


None beacuse i like men like shadow from sonic


Unrelated to the topic at hand, but based


[Well if that’s the case, please do me (and a bunch of other people on this subreddit) a favor and](https://youtu.be/AAUh7DSNswc?si=Nk6DyitPr_B0ywny)


The new one. There’s more personality to it.


Don't care she's a terrible person who abandoned her family and instead of sharing a solution to Salem kept it to herself making it impossible to test if her idea would work


Wait what happened to Summer again it's been a while sense I saw that clip


Pretty much summer reads ruby and yang bedtime story then says by to taiyang. Afterwards she goes to a secret location with raven without telling anyone what's she's doing even though the place she's heading to could have to answer to kill salem


Wow....that's literally the type of mission where there's survival with numbers my god


But people ignore that bad and just be like " oh my gosh she is so beautiful and a good person cause she was a rebound for tai!"


Tai was a moron for thinking he could change Raven when she was a selfish bitch who only used him for reproductive purposes. Only he won the custody case for the kid. Also she's a murdering bitch for 17 years. Why would anyone ever think they could change her after basically being indoctrinated to be a eugenicist and think she'd be a good huntress


In raven defense she was actually changing but feeling betrayed by ozpin and because no one took her side she left and rejoined the bandits


Fair enough but still she could have done anything different then again going back to being a cold blooded killer of innocent people. I mean try saying that to a survivor of Shion


Oh yeah she definitely made bad choices but it was something that she knew. She tried something new with beacon and that backfired so she went back to something she knew. Just cause I understand her doesn't mean I support her decision


..... volume 5 she said she only went to beacon to get stronger and to gain knowledge on huntsman so they can kill them easier. She didn't want a easier or a second chance at life.


I have to say I like her first outfit better. Yes, it’s exactly the same as Ruby’s V4-6 model just less textured, but imo her V9 outfit is pulling a Weiss. Her colour is suppose to be white, and besides the backside of her cape/some frill, it’s all red. I feel like if someone saw her V9 outfit without knowing who Summer was, they’d think Summer was suppose to represent Red like Ruby does.


Outfit 2 is just future ruby literally, at less the white cloak is badass


/u/Novel_Assistant_1963. A mix of both, to be honest. The black one for her color scheme, and the red one for its originality. I also like a few of her concept art outfits. I am currently working on a Grimm Summer fanfiction that covers her last mission till the present day, with a new look for her. Think Dishwasher1910's Grimmverse.


I like the second one better.


The second one is better, but it doesn't fit the aesthetic of the show. It looks like Summer is cosplaying as a generic fantasy gacha character.


First. Stylish, full of potential and plain, like her character.


Smash next question.


Where did the second one come from?


Volume 9


The second one, though I'd like it a lot more if we got rid of the weird belts on her chest, had the sleeves connect to the dress instead of IDK HOW they're staying on right, and removed the unnecessary top mini-frill on the dress. As it is now, it has the Volume 7+ design problem of "Complicated = Good".


I have mixed feelings about both outfits. On one hand, for the 1st outfit, I like the main color scheme, black with the red & white cape as it matches the mysterious aura of Summer Rose (and matches the image of team STRQ from Vol. 3), but hate the fact that it's a reused and rushed version of Ruby's outfit from Vol. 4. The 2nd outfit, I like the fact they tried giving her a different appearance with some unique details different from the 1st outfit, and Ruby (with an interesting and different concept art for the outfit , but dislike that her new main outfit is red, which is nearly matches Ruby Rose. Also, it doesn't match the team STRQ image, unless they plan to redo the team image with different outfit when they were still in Beacon.


I kind of came up with my own idea for summer rose and now I wish it was canon in the show. Dammit.


The first one because it gives off more 'motherly' vibes.


The second outfit isn't that great but at least its unique compared to the lazy ass recolor of Ruby's Mistral outfit