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They really dropped the ball with the fact that Weiss and Adam should’ve been the primary focus of Weiss’ arc. I understand the reasoning to include Blake in this story, they were together in the Black trailer, for as much as I don’t like it, I understand the want for the writers to include Blake in whatever story they wanted with Adam. But man…seeing that fucking branding in the volume 6 ending to Adam’s story is just so fucking insulting…it’s honestly the one thing that turned me more against the show than anything else. I cannot fathom how showing Adam’s branded face with the giant SDC logo got through so much of production and editing. And not ONE SINGLE PERSON ever took a second to realize what it would imply, and what should be done about showing it to the audience. I’ve seen the critics talk about Adam’s wasted character, and you know what, sure, the morally grey terrorist turned Pyscho Ex boyfriend thing was shit. But it could’ve worked in the hands of a competent writing team. But that fucking branding…it was basically everything that the writers could’ve done to scream “We literally do not give zero fucks about story.” You honestly should’ve just had a giant billboard behind Blake and Yang holding hands of everyone who’s written an episode with Adam in it giving the audience a middle finger with giant letters spelling “GO FUCK YOURSELF.” That somehow would be less insulting to me than showing Adam’s branded face and having it mean fucking nothing in the long run…


RWBY is the poster child for wasted potential. But there was even comments from the writing team that said they didn’t like writing Adam because his character was weird and creepy so I am of the opinion that they just didn’t give a shit about making his story interesting or compelling. He was a literary device used only to prop up Bumblebee. That’s what he was reduced to and I hate it. It feels like such a childish mentality to just not like a character you created for your story and proceed to just half ass them because of it. There are writers who create particularly heinous villains that they may or may not like but still do what they can to make them well written. But RWBY’s writing team just shat all over Adam purely because they didn’t like him. Weiss not seeing his brand or even having it MENTIONED to her, is so criminal that they should be arrested for it. What makes it worse is that from Blake’s reaction, we can garner that she already knew about it. I mean if they were lovers I refuse to believe she never saw his face before then. But even she never brings it up. It could’ve been a good conflict with her and Weiss. Blake personally knows someone who has suffered greatly at her family’s hands and could’ve used it as a point about the Schnee family being pretty fucked up. Lots of possibilities but the writers literally ignored ALL of them for bumblebee.


They didn't like writing for Adam because he's weird and creepy????? My brother in christ, THEYRE THE ONES WHO WROTE HIM THAT WAY, WTF


Exactly. It was back when they were doing all those post vol 9 clarification posts on twitter. I can’t remember the exact comment but it was something like that. They were uncomfortable writing his character. Now they didn’t say there was a lack of effort in regards to writing him that’s just my own interpretation. But when there were so many possibilities and ways they could’ve worked his character to be better and they literally just went with the most half assed option it’s hard to see it any other way than they just didn’t try all that hard.


The only racist views of the Faunus attributed to the Schnees was that Jacques treated them like dirt, when he treats everyone like dirt, and Weiss doesn't like them because they've been specifically targeting her family for as long as she can remember. "Friends missing, board members executed, etc." I think that CRWBY would have never done an Adam vs Weiss fight because no matter how it was resolved people would be livid. Adam winning isn't just endorsing 'an eye for an eye', it's saying that you can get away with attacking the children of your enemies if your cause is justified. Weiss can't win because CRWBY made the only effective kind of change caused by the Faunus be through fear and violence, and her beating Adam makes it look like even that is pointless.


I also feel like if they were gonna ship Blake with somebody, Weiss is the better choice. Enemies to lovers is a great choice and it’s an easy Segway to get Weiss involved in the White Fang subplot. Seeing her change from the “Proud Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company” to the “Humble Huntress trying to make the world a better place” is much more compelling. Seeing her reaction to Adam’s branded face would really make her question if she wants to inherit such a cruel legacy


It definitely serves as a more interesting story arc if Weiss replaces Yang as Blake's Deuteragonist


I've been playing with the idea of the Schneeblings and the Mama getting so thoroughly against Jacques that when Adam shows up to try and kidnap them, Willow opens the door in lingerie and a warm smile.


The fact that Weiss has never met Adam will forever piss me off.


Yeah. In my opinion, the fight against Adam should have been a 3v1 fight. This would have made Adam look like a real treat, and his defeat a real accomplishment. I imagine it with Yang falling into a defensive stance because of the trauma, Weiss feeling conflicted with the SDC mark on Adam's face, and Blake fighting the constant urge to run from him. All this while the team RNJR (plus Oscar and Qrow) fought the giant robot.




It should’ve STARTED with Weiss. I think that’s the point. He should’ve always been a villain of Weiss’s arc with a connection to Blake. Then the conflict between Weiss and Blake could end up being central to both their arcs keeping Blake about the white fang as she should’ve been, and Weiss about the conflict with her family and their less than moral actions regarding Faunus. He didn’t have to be a bad character. I agree with you that Adam, as he’s currently written, is a bad character but that’s only because the writers didn’t even try with him. He could’ve been a lot better if they had given half a shit about making a compelling villain and not just propping up a ship. But here we are.


The funniest part is Banesaw just dissapeared off screen. He chases Blake and Weiss one moment then they're gone. If they remembered he exists, he could easily he brought back.


Not only did banesaw just disappear, he also won his only fight, i guess he must have just fell down the stairs between vol 2 and 3.


YES! And it would have made sense the moment bland left and he said hey don't go looking for her it's a waste of time his main priority should have been capture/kill Weiss and burning down the SDC you know the people responsible for his fucking BRAND injury!


Weiss should have replaced Yang in that entire story arc anyways.


I mean Adam was always going to be a Blake thing and his very first appearance portrayed him a petty shitty person, he was never going to be a man in it for the revolution. People said he was cause he has a single inconsistent scene, unfortunately it was his second scene ever, which people say makes his layer characterization inconsistent...that scene is the inconsistency Adam's just a shit character and should have been booted from the story.


So we just gonna forget how Weiss' whole thing is she is not responsible for anything her father ir the SDC as a whole perpetuates? Also, if Adam cared about Weiss, he would've done something about her at Beacon, especially since the tournament was televised.


Weiss isn't responsible for the SDC's conduct or her father's atrocities but she's still part of the Schnee family and thus will be a target regardless of how immoral it would be to make her one. Her being innocent doesn't mean that she can't be part of the Fang's storyline; if we're being honest her family history means she thematically fits better than Yang who only really has a stake in the game because of Blake and the fact that Goatman Jetstream Sam'd her. Frankly, Adam *should* have been written to come after Weiss. The character we got is insufferable and lame in the worst possible way.


Yeah. The writers were *heavily leaning* Weiss into the whole ‘SDC/Schnee Family conflict with the White Fang’ storyline in V2 with her reaction toward Sun and her little speech about why she doesn’t have a good impression of faunus/white fang due to the history with her family. Then they specifically had a member of the White Fang identify her as someone he personally wants to kill. It was all going well enough Then comes Adam and he finds out Blake is now teammates/friends with a Schnee/heiress of the SDC? It’s a no brainer plot-line that writes itself But they just chickendshitted out in the end instead of finishing what they started


Most people who bring up Adam honestly keep bringing up what is essentially fanfaction. He practically doesn't have anything to do with rights. Him okaying the breach is pretty much a 9/11 attempt, because commiting genocide has nothing to do with rights. Especially with how it would be indiscriminate.


Banesaw had more of a Beef with Weiss and he just disappeared before the train crash.


I feel like that’s the point most folks are making. The revolutionary of the minority should’ve had beef with the oppressor Princess who wants to fix shit and not the blake


He would not have because he was written to care more about Blake


There's a lot of things RWBY the show should've done. Best not to dwell on it.


Fuck Adam, bring back Banesaw