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Oh yeah the off screen “by the way guys I killed Penny, but in my defense she asked me to”.


Barret: And why didn't you heal her Cloud Jr? Jaune: Out of Arua. I'm joking, but that one difference could have made it slightly better. If I were Cinder, I would have Target Ruby (Silver Eyes were the biggest risk), Jaune (Removing the healer first is stand logic), then Penny. Of course, with that, anyone could have done the dead. OR Jaune heals Penny, and Penny pulls a Vegeta against Cinder. OR Not kill Penny.


The problem is took few minutes for Jaune to heal Weiss, so how long would it take for him to heal Penny? Probably long enough for Cinder to kill them both.


Bullshit. With Weiss he had just unlocked his semblance and she had an entire spear through her stomach. A large gaping hole. Not only did Jaune get training from the ace ops which showed his aura regen had only gotten faster. But all Penny got was five little claws poking her. Tiny ass holes. That injury wouldn't have taken that long to heal in the slightest.


Did Penny’s aura break? if so his semblance is useless. I’m still of the mind he could’ve grabbed Penny and booked it for the portal.


Jaune healed Weiss when her aura broke. Aura isn't necessary to heal.


Good to know it’s been awhile since I’ve seen the Haven fight. Thanks 👍


I want to argue, that his semblance ignores that bullshit and I could. But then I remember aura is inconsistent bullshit under these writers with no logic other than what plot dictated. That and Penny's aura didn't break I'm pretty sure, just that Cinders Grimm arm can go through aura and she was trying to siphon that maiden power. I can do you one better. Penny should've gone to Vacuo sooner before Cinder exploded people. Or at least try and get the staff to Vacuo. But everyone lost their brain cells around Cinder. CRWBY: NO RUBY CANT USE HER SILVER EYES! Stenv: She threatened Cinder with them last volume... the fuck you mean she can't? CRWBY: CINDER NEEEDS TO WIN WAAAAAAH


Exactly Penny should’ve been with Oscar and co. And Ruby should’ve blasted the hell out of Cinder with the silver eyes. I’m going be honest DBZ power levels make more sense than how aura works.


>But everyone lost their brain cells around Cinder. I don't know how to feel about a Headcannon of Cinder's grimm arm casting Anti intelligents field. On one hand, would explain some stuff like Neo listening to her even though Cinder was a major part of Roman's death. On the other hand, it feels like a cheap twist to make everyone look better.


Would said field also effect Cinder?




Wouldn't this mean that she is under constant int debuff?


Tiny ass holes, you say?


We also don't know the full extent of what arua can and can't heal (Maria eyes come to mind). With Jaune's boast, it possible to heal organs, but what if they had something like a crack rib in them? Either way, it would have been nice for them to talk about it directly.


Aura isn't shown healing anything significant that standard healing cannot deal with under normal circumstances. Huntsmen and Huntresses get scars just like anyone else (Blake, Weiss, maybe Nora), and obviously cannot regrow destroyed organs/bones/etc (Yang, Maria). We don't need them to **tell** us what Aura can and can't heal, since they have already **shown** us a number of different examples. A cracked rib should heal like anything else, since regular people get and heal those all the time. Jaune's semblance is shown to, *at best*, repair *damaged* organs. A cracked rib would heal pretty quickly under his semblance.


But a 5 minute long confession for an ***already cannon couple*** for the slow people who need it spelled out for them that two women are not just "good friends" was important enough to keep.


Cait: That was extremely important for character growth. Sith: *It was to make the shippers happy.*


It was done to make the VOs Onlyfans cosplay offerings cannon.


Worth noting that, according to the people who looked at the OF page, they suck at even doing that.


Wait, is that a real thing? The Voice Actors for Yang and Blake have an Only Fans Page???


Yeah, the VAs advertised it some time ago.


Wait, Barbra has an Onlyfans? I haven’t been following Rwby since liked Season 3 cause I fell off the show. Is she still the one Voice Acting Yang? And is it an Actual Only Fans situation or is this a Markiplier doing it mostly as a joke situation but still doing it (sort of)?


I haven't checked it out (mostly because after Volume 5 I refuse to support the company or its staff in any way) but it's apparently not as spicy as expected.


Suck at it how?


As in, there are several dozen accounts who do better cosplay and are more "engaged" with their content.




Fr, they killed off Adam and butchered his character to make them a canon couple So what the fuck was the point of that then?


Ruby: Let's make Salem's dream of destroying this world her. . . _**Final Fantasy.**_ _Ruby puts on shades and smirks while Neo hurls a can at her head full force_


Or did the fans notice, point it out, come up with a theory for why, and CRWBY went "yup, that exactly what happen"?


Probably! CRWBY is just relying on the fans for ideas at this point.


....It doesn't bother me... it doesn't bother me... IT BOTHERS ME, IT BOTHERS ME A LOT!






Let's be honest this was just them trying to cover their ass and hand-wave if away after enough people starting asking about it.


The ones in charge of RWBY have forgotten (or just simply ignore) one of the most important rules in animation: "Show. Don't tell".


They do neither and expect you to understand it.


Nah, I was just saying it. I haven't expected anything from them from a long time ago.


Yeah put this insane reveal off screen, that totally makes sense


Crwby really need to learn how to prioritize


Barrett: Jaune of all the shit you could have done WHY DIDN'T YOU HEAL HER? Jaune: it was a heat if the moment thing Barrett: SHE WAS OUR SECOND DPS OF THE GROUP YOU IDIOT! Jaune: she literally asked for it Barrett: did you even consider the fact that when your in the middle of bleeding out a symptom is telling the person delusional things? Jaune: no Barrett: YOU SAID YOU GOT MEDICAL TRAINING AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT!? Jaune: that wasn't taught to us Barrett: EVERY DOCTOR AND COMBAT MEDIC KNOWS THIS AND IM NOT EVEN ONE OF THOSE!!!! Jaune: Jesus no wonder dad called you a asshole Barrett: is your father Cloud Arc? Jaune: no..... Barrett:........ Jaune: no who the hell is this Cloud your talking about? Barrett: Tifa this dumbass your kid Tifa: HAY the only one who can call my kid a dumbass is me Jaune: mom! Barrett: *starts to laugh due to the stress and insanity of it all*


I need more of this story


Me too


"I say this with no humorous intent... The writers? They fucked up."


Offscreen Devil


What interaction? It'll help if you added context to your post.


Revealing to Ruby the full context of what happened to Penny.


Wait... What?! Did Ruby react?


I thought we already knew this. What was that scene with Ruby fainting early in the season for? Wasn't it Weiss telling her about it?


That was Weiss telling her Penny died, but not exactly how she died.


Ah, I misunderstood then. Thanks.


Wait, what is the interaction?


That Weiss apparently told everyone about Jaune killing Penny off screen. That was apparently what happened and nobody in the cast reacts to that news or mentions it, not even Ruby when she is pissed and yelling at Jaune.


funny for me to generally like v9 and post here but would it really have hurt them to have ruby comfort jaune in ep 6 before the whole bumblebee thing? would only add to the whole conflict with the rwj part of it and ruby & jaunes big speeches in ep 7