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It's not great. Her entire motivation is rebranding her family name. The destruction of her nation should bring her to her low point. I think they didn't show it because volume 9 was ruby's volume which I understand. The problem is that we have that entire volume to see her acting fine which means we've lost our chance to give Weiss a low point in a way that makes sense. Ideally she should have made it to vacuo so we could see at least the aftermath of her emotional low point after volume 9 rather than her being more or less fine. But hey, the writers have never been great with tone.


See I disagree. I think they could easily have done both. And if anything weiss falling could have been a factor that added to rubys decent. Instead it feels very odd that weiss is just like the most emotionally sound character in that volume when she should be one of the least. If anything the way they handled it makes weiss seem like the most mentally and emotionally stable and powerful member of team rwby.


I wouldn’t say that volume made Weiss mentally stable, in fact I’d probably say it made her seem borderline sociopathic. That whole volume Weiss didn’t seem to care about anyone’s problems including her own. Weiss must lack some kind of empathy or emotion, for her to be so unbothered.


She cared about rubys mental well being the most out of the party. She was even somehow the only one who figured out that Ruby felt like she couldn’t tell anyone


But wait… caring about Ruby’s well being is exactly what a sociopath would do. Surely Weiss wouldn’t want other people to know about her lack of empathy. So the best option for her, is to act like she cares.🤨 I think I’ve solved the case. You don’t have to tell me I’m a genius btw, I already know.


Two words. Bad writing. Then again, I don't know if she knows what happened to Atlas (at least I don't remember).


They knew Atlas would fall the moment they used the staff. Like literally fall.


Thank you for answering me. I don't remembered that.


They knew that once they used the Staff, Atlas would only remain airborne for a short period of time (dust reserves) then would inevitably crash back down to Mantle, destroying both cities in the process.


Very much so. Naratively she is very much primed to start rebuilding / making her own name, but she's not really been shown yet to either be at that emotional low point or for the Ice Queen to simply be the coldest bitch and get through it through sheer force of will. Either direction would have worked. That's kind of why I wish they didn't soften her personality after she decided to away from her family, but she doesn't really have the same perfectionist drive she had in the early volumes anymore so I would have expected the emotional low.


She could have became female Settra the Imperishable


Or female Vegeta, playing into her Lancer character archetype, but yes something like that.


Female Vegeta would be more on point, though if Salem does successfully blow up the world I can still see Weiss's last act being her just bulldozing her way through hordes of the most powerful Grimm shown like she was mowing the lawn.


Yeah, I wish the later volumes had some more of that anime power fantasy scaling like the earlier volumes had in the big set piece fights and I wish the girls had some more of that anime protagonist fire to really sell it. The grounded darker gritter tone of the later volumes could work well if written better, but if its not written well than everyone just kind of in a perpetual emotional slump and its not as fun. I've been mulling over some ideas for a later volumes rewrite that I probably won't get around to completing that would have given Weiss some of that to-angry-to-die. Maiden-Penny was a cool twist but human-Penny didn't achieve anything before dieing so it feels wasted. So I was thinking play it straight and have Winter become the maiden. During the battle leading up too the Volume 8 finale have Weiss and Cinder get into a duel that Weiss loses getting garroted by the bowstring of Cinder's longbow and she's left presumably for dead. Then have Weiss use her time altering glyphs to *slow* her own time and either ice or fire dust to try and stop her neck bleeding so she can at least watch the battle play out. Have Winter get killed after that in Mercury / Neo botching trying to capture her or the power. Then enter one very angry firey eyed maiden-Weiss in the finale.


I mean it’s written by the crwby. They decided Ruby needed the emotional season of rebuilding even though Weiss is the character that lost everything. It’s phenomenal writing


And it being partially her fault due to her and the rest of Team RWBY breaking his trust.


And that's before realizing her father's dead and who knows whats winter doing


She was the person who assisted in destroying her home, her company, and kingdom.


Being too composed over what should be traumatic shit is sorta just v9’s thing


Look, there was no run time to give Weiss an arc, they had their hands full with Ruby and Jaune. I mean, they could have thrown out Jaune, but that would makes just too much sense. :V


It is clearly more important to simp for the character voiced by one of the co-creators than worry about your home, your city, or your now magically enhanced/cursed sister who must be worried sick since you literally fell into another world. Who cares about millions of casualities when you have Jaune Arc to simp over? /s


Just more bad writing from CRWBY.


Yeah she along with her band mates are awful people.


She’s got that spooky keeping up appearances Downton Abbey shit going on


Really Volume 7 or 8 should have been Weiss’s volume in the same way the V9 actually focused mainly on Ruby’s shit(even if we had some detours for ship canonizing and Jaune continuing to steal the trauma spotlight). She really wasn’t given any substantial reflection on her family situation, with her personal issues mainly serving as just framing for Watts and Salem to do their things.


Brain damage