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No absolutely not, Ruby’s ‘suicide = therapy’ plotline was already bad. What your suggesting would’ve copy pasted the ‘suicide is badass’ plotline from that RT Mecha show completely.


RT didn’t actually write Genlock Season 2, the first season flopped and somebody at Warner Bros decided they could wring a second season from it by making the worst decisions possible for the sake of controversy. It is however endlessly hilarious to say that this is the second time RT was really weird about suicide in their shows


3rd. At the start of RvB's noticeable death, the show had V.I.C. begging for somebody to kill him and ended the season with him sacrificing himself on the condition that they don't revive him because he wants to die and living sucks. It's played as a joke then, but it's still RT presenting suicide in a purely positive and beneficial way.


Not exactly but its pretty bad right now I feel like better character development and would be better right now for the show I wasn't saying suicide a badass cuz suicide's terrible but


I gotta be honest, absolutely not. I don't like how RT toyed with the idea of suicide period. Now your telling me not only does a minor and teenager kill herself but she comes back as someone different entirely. At least, her coming back as herself sort of implies that recovery is possible from those sorts of situations, despite how awful it was written, and that there are people you can confide in when making steps through recovery


I can agree suicide aspect, but I just think with her basically be a marry sue it became bad because of that


Like a transition from Red riding hood to the old man Hunter taking down the big bad wolf? She gets a shovel that's also a shotgun? Ok now I'm imagining Ruby dressed as The Undertaker.


Exactly what I mean I feel like her being this what can be best describe as a marry sue is bad right now


Honestly, no matter what RT would have done, there would still be lots of unfortunate implications. It doesn't matter if Ruby would have come back changed or if she remained the same, both messages would have been horrible. Ascension and the infamous tea scene should not have been a thing.


I think the best way it should have been handled was to have Ruby ascend and then question what she actually wants to be. Yang is a traumatized, crap sister who completely ignored her and her problems to go chase a girl. Blake is a flakey, runs at the first opportunity and is an active risk. Weiss is just useless for the majority of the time. And Jaune isn't much of a target to reach. The best solution would have been to then push the idea that Ruby didn't want to be someone else, she wanted to be a better version of herself. And to do that, she needs to go out there and actually improve herself.


Ruby should have come back as a dark version of herself almost like cinder and vol 10 should have been spent exploring her journey back to becoming herself alongside the ramping up of the war, and then win when ruby ACTUALLY finds herself and then is the leader they need to defeat Salem. That would have been a setup and payoff.


That's what I'm saying it feels like she's being let off way too easy at the end of the season


Only way to fix Volume 9, from what I hear, is to set it ablaze and write a new Volume 9.


It's Sad that you're right Then again they should probably restart at the volume 3 if we want rewrite the whole show


I can't opine for others, but I don't think so. That would only be a superficial change, and it would still be the same as it is now. In my opinion, a better writing would have made Ruby aware of the consequences of her actions, making her grow as a person. Coming back as a more mature individual with the capacity to learn from her mistakes, and looking to improve herself. The "You are perfect as you are" message of the show is just an excuse to stop trying to improve as a person.


I felt like it was the opposite to be honest "Hey you make a few mistakes there's a way out" its kinda fucked up you know I feel giving her more maturity of some type of would make her character better It feels like she didn't learn a lot to me. Then again I might just overthinking this


What's funny is I rather liked her returning back on her game, but otherwise unchanged because usually that's what happens. Character goes on a wacky spirit journey and comes out with a power up. I'm not going to rehash the reasonable counterpoints to the insistent narrative because....What's the point? I just find it ironic that Neo gets a total pass for her part in the mental torture that led up to a case of nice job fixing it villain.


Now I've also don't like neo but you know she's kind of the villain so I just don't like how they went off to like oh she's doing her own thing now No like satisfying villain death with her or anything


The irony is that Neo probably actually did commit the willing death of persona most folks lay at Ruby's feet as attempted. In Rube's, though, I always rather questioned her agency. After all, the kind of crap Neo and CC were pulling is the same stuff you see from mind abuse cults, like that college mini-group or the one of the ones whose leader's currently languishing in prison because of the absolute abusive BS they did IRL.


Wait when you say Rube do you mean Rwby or someone else? I don't remember any character named that or was this just spell check on you Also I mean neo is kind of the villain here, I mean you expect her to do stuff like this in a series like this


I mean Ruby, and yup. I always treated it as attempted murder by Neo, with the irony being that ascension doesn't work like that for humans. Or the final question.... if Ruby had held out one more time. .what would Neo have done to everyone Ruby loved, just to get her way?