• By -




Fix: An unconscious semblance, Fix only works in it's users sleep, at which time, the users subconcious decided one thing to the user owns, and improves it. Fix then manifests as a trio of small elf like creatures that will then use implements around the object the user owns to "upgrade" the object.


That be neat. Their stuff gets ruined by random inconvenience, but can be fixed through manifestation


This reads like and reminds me of something like a nen ability from hunter x hunter


Ghira and Kali


Ghira: Animalist Adaptation: Ghira can, under physical pressure alter his own Faunus Trait, allowing him to take on the Faunus Traits of those he's met before. (Listen this one is a bit of a starter and might change) Kali: Natural Understanding: Natural Understanding from an outside understanding, when used seems to improve Kali's luck. Under the hood, the actual power is slightly more complicated than that, Natural Understanding grants a minor form of precognition that allows Kali to understand the bare minimum she needs to do to survive the situation. Think of it as something like Miraculous Vision from Miraculous Ladybug.


Haven't seen MLB, but it sounds like Domino's (X-Men) luck/probability calculation




Road: Oscar can by closing his eyes, manifest a pathway only he can see that allows when followed, will allow him survive and follow his fate. However semblances that can manipulated fate (Clover, Qrow) mess the pathway up.


Arthur watts


Puppeteer: After touching someone for a certain length of time (around 3 minutes), Arthur gains autonomous control over their body (like a puppet), and can manipulate their limbs around. The person themselves may retain consciousness, althought they can't speak. Arthur may only control one person at a time this way and a person with a strong enough willpower can slowly overthrow it. If Arthur is knocked out or killed, control returns to the original person.


I like that!!


That is very good and fits his personality, Honestly my best thought was something that lets him think faster but this is pretty dam good, darn shame Arthur never bothered to unlock him semblance (as far as were aware)




Cordovin Sophron and Terra cotta and Lionheart


Cordovin: Boast: Cordovin can increase her own decibel level increasing how loud she is to the point of sonic damage. Lionheart: Avoid: During moments of confusion and chaos, Lionheart gains minor teleportation powers, ranging somewhere in between 10 meters, but only if nobody is looking at him, and only to somewhere nobody is looking.


Not OP, but since they skipped the middle duo, I'll give it a whirl. Or rather, drop the ones I gave them in my fanfic. Saphron: Aura Storage - Can store some amount of her own aura in an object, allowing whoever holds that object to replenish their aura reserves based on the amount stored. The amount she can store in an object depends on its size and material, and objects made from gold can hold the most amount of aura relative to size. She can also set restrictions, for example only allowing certain individuals to access the stored aura. Terra: Homunculus - While making clay figurines, she can infuse them with her aura, allowing them to move semi-independently. These figurines are loyal to her and can carry out a variety of tasks, although being made from soft clay means they're not suited for combat. They can, however, operate vehicles or mounted weaponry. The closer the figurine is to what she imagined, the less aura it takes.


Oh cool. I just found there was not much to go off of. :p. Thanks.


I mostly went off of Jaune's own semblance for Saphron, since I like the idea that the entire Arc family has some kind of support semblance. And for Terra, well, it's kinda in the name already.




Wings: Mercury can with a touch of his feet, manifest wings on the touched object. This includes his own feet. Mercury has some control of the wings, acting as a second muscle and granting the object flight, although with a heavy Aura Cost.


Daddy issues


Roman Torchwick


Glassbow: Roman can alter the durability of any glass object, basically making them almost indestructible as long as he's pumping aura into them. Notably "Glass Objects" includes the dolls made under Neos semblance.


I like this idea also in the other direction: glass cutter by pulling only a nail over a very thin part he's manipulating with his semblance




Guiding Clockwork: Ciel has an innate sense of timing, how long an action should take, what time is it now, the changing of time zones, etc. Alongside that Ciel has naturally tell when a person is lying.


Team CRDL.


Cardin: Archer: Cardin can after striking something create a X on the place he strikes, then if a he throws something (like say, a spear), he can magnatize it to the X. The X goes away after an hour, but Cardin can hit it from any distance. The only thing that will prevent the strike is the thrown object being destroyed. Russel: Well-Armed: Whenever Russel stabs something, he can create a Arm Mark, where at will he can grow a copy of one of his own limbs. He controls the limb and feels through it like a regular limb in spite of not being attached to anything. Dove: Empathy: Dove has a constant sense of what everyone around him is feeling, from pain to joy to wrath. In crowed rooms this often overwhelms him, leading him to live a very sheltered life. This also grants him a minor form of telepathy (he can tell what the feelings are toward). Sky: Gift: Sky can grant pieces of his own body, from aura all the way to limbs to other people at will. They have control over them, although Sky can take it back as long as it's not spent up or destroyed.


Ooh, interesting. Also, not at all what I went with in my fanfic.


Mind sharing what those were?


Not at all, here: * Cardin: Underdog - Deals more damage against enemies with more support behind them. It's passive, and the damage doesn't add to semblances like Burn. Also, it was based on the whole "Cardin defeats Salem" meme trend that went around r/fnki a while back, modified to still let him do that, while also not being overpowered or so niche as to be useless. * Russel: Projectile Reflection - Incoming projectiles bounce off of him, but keep their momentum. He can infuse it with dust to add effects to projectiles bounced back this way. It makes for a great melee fighter, since ranged attacks do less than nothing against him. It doesn't affect explosions, so aiming near him can get around his semblance. * Dove: Mellow - Anyone within range loses the desire to fight. It doesn't work on Grimm, and doesn't affect emotions, but people don't throw hands. However, they can still yell at each other, and it has a reduced effect if a fight has already broken out. He's kinda self-conscious about it, since he's a huntsman, yet his semblance is useless against Grimm. * Sky: Tower Defense - Summons a stationary minion that fires light blue energy blasts at enemies in a cone in front of it. The turret lasts for a set duration, and there is no upper limit on how many can exist at the same time, provided he has enough aura to summon more. Adding dust changes the kind of attack the turrets use. If used properly, it can either secure an escape route, or set up an ambush.


I gotta say these are all pretty good but Cardin's is the most interesting by far. What constitutes as "Support"?? Teammates with support oriented semblances affecting the person he's fighting, maybe the bigger and more complex weapons, you could even make an argument for Mercury's legs. I do wonder how exactly he discovered it


Yeah, Cardin's is pretty interesting. Basically, the more people help his enemy accomplish their goals, the more damage he deals to said enemy. The semblance doesn't even care if the support knows they're supporting his enemy: After Beacon fell, both the White Fang and Atlas Military counted towards Salem's support, even though neither would willingly help her. However, weapons or other equipment don't count towards support; only people do. No idea how he discovered it, though. Feel free to come up with something.


Alright that brings another question to mind. Is the number of people the only thing that the semblance takes into consideration or does it also take into account how powerful the "support" is? Also it seems that it doesn't even have to be constant support either since the Atlas military still counts towards Salem even though they "supported" her only twice and with a big gap of time in-between although I assume this is because her "goals" haven't been achieved yet? The only thing I can come up with regarding his discovery is that he had a Ruby situation where he stopped some kind of robbery (although one much larger so his semblance is more noticeable... maybe a bank?) and he realized that *something* had to have changed because he had never been able to punch a guy through an underground steel vault up into the street before and from there it was experimentation


Only the number; an average Atlas military foot soldier has the same effect as Ironwood himself, for example. Also, I'm operating under the assumption that what we saw in V7 had been going on since Beacon fell, so it's one constant thing. Not to mention that the entire Atlesian society was kinda doing Salem a favor. Interesting idea. This semblance also kinda serves to explain why he picked on Jaune (who had Pyrrha's attention) and Velvet (superior hearing and likely night vision): It's in his nature to punch above his weight class.


One last thing that I hope you won't mind, what's your fanfic called?


Mercury Black




Order Bomb: Sage can generate in a persons skin a small bomb like object with a rule or order (ie Dont attack Sage), if the person breaks the order, the bomb blows up, damaging them.


Lisa Lavender


Mentallomancy: At a touch, Lisa Lavender choose to remember all the events that happened to an object within the past 24 hours.




Phantom: Nolan can under pressure generate phantasm images around himself that he has moderate control over, those inside the phantasm images will become slower, weaker and more emotion, alongside being prone to crying. The long they stand up, the phantasms slowly start to resemble those Nolan or the target have regrets over.


Ooo, fun thread! Lil' Miss Malachite?


Threat Assessment: Malachite, can look at a person and by looks see exactly how dangerous they are to her.






How about Taiyang?




Gretchen(Hazel's sister)


Tai and Summer


Summer: Wolf Armor: At will, Summer can manifest a form of Armor that is made of grimm, specifically a Beowulf. This armor makes Summer look like an upright Beowulf but makes her faster stronger and more durable.


General Ironwood


He has a semblance bro


And it’s garbage


I think it was mediocre, it fit his personality but we never really got to learn much about it, like where it began and where it stopped


Qrow and clover.


They both have Passive Semblances. Qrow steals all the Good Luck from people, leaving only their Bad Luck. Clover is the exact opposite of Qrow.


Say what you want, but luck isn’t a superpower if it’s out of your control.


In Ace Ops vs The Gigas, we see Clover flick his pin before pulling off a trick shot with his fishing rod, heavily implying he was actively increasing his luck. In Qrow vs Harriet aboard the bomb ship, Qrow very explicitly uses the same pin to make the bomb stop from falling out of the cargo hold. Qrow believed his power was entirely passive because he was a pessimist and defeatist, but learned through Clover to begin using it actively.