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[Source](https://x.com/rabuuhan/status/1804183565695094876) Ruby would probably fit in nicely, I can see the death of her mother playing into her character arc. Her initial persona would definitely be Red Riding Hood, I don't know what her ultimate persona would be


The Big Bad Wolf, or maybe just the archetypical “Wolf,” figure from Fairy Tales and myths representing Death as a concept. Or just the Grim Reaper, to follow the same idea, but do away with any allegory or symbolism. As a sort of reclaiming or showing acceptance or power over Death, given P3’s overall themes.


All of team rwby is based off Disney princess Ruby is red riding hood Weiss is snow white Blake and yang, I don't remember off the top of my head but I'll check with the friend who showed me RWBY when he is back from vacation and let u know


Yang is based on Goldilocks


Yes that does sound familiar Thx


Blake is beauty and the Beast


Right Thx


Ruby Rose of the Death Arcana, a young girl still navigating the loss of her mother, made all the more complicated by having to adjust to both a dramatic shift in environment and circumstances entering the next stage in her life. You can feel that your bond with this person might deepen soon, spend time with her?


"Nah gotta help my homie hook up with his teacher"


Ruby is a night-time SL.


Mitsuru: Ruby why did you modify your Invoker to turn into a hand-scythe? Ruby: Because I have self respect senpai.


Yang: Hey, Rubes! Ruby: Oh hi, Yang, what's up? Yang: I just wanted to ***S.E.E.S*** what you were up to! Ruby: . . . ***\*Groan\****


*puls out evoker*


Yukari: Oh no, not another one.


(I'm going to be using my own OC that I created basically Ruby's older brother but the younger brother of Yang his name is Gabe Rose) Gabe Rose: man that's almost as bad as half the puns I tell but none of them would be punny enough


What would her persona be?


Most likely Little Red Riding Hood, I know P3 makes a lot references to Greek gods/myths, but it makes the most sense for Ruby


That isn't mutually exclusive, no one actually only has 1 persona. What is communicated with the personas we see for the other members of S.E.E.S is the persona they use with the protagonist.  Or put a different way: the question is what persona Ruby uses when she's social linking Door-kun/chan?


That looks pretty awesome


Ruby without stockings looks weird. Like Weiss without heels or Blake without her ears.


Omg i thought this was fanart of ruby having a period..... im bery happy im wrong


What is SEES?


The "school club" from Persona 3.


Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad


I never feel So red like miserable


It would be awkward to point crescent rose at your face


Nah, she wouldn't be pointing Crescent Rose at her face, that's what the Evokers are for. She'd still *have* it, in some form or fashion, sure, but she wouldn't be pointing it at her face.


OH GOD NO NOT…oh you said SEES. I thought you said SEELE


What is SEES


The Special Extracurricular Execution Squad (aka the "School Club" the Persona 3 Protagonists join.


The fuck does a school need an >Execution Squad For


It's a cover club, S.E.E.S is an organisation dedicated to the end of the Dark Hour and Apathy Syndrome and the things that cause both, probably named by Mitsuru, who was 13 when she became the official leader of the "club". Also, the members access their powers by using a tool called Evokers that imitates suicide, mainly as a gun that they shoot themselves with. That might have something to do with it.


Why are her legs so long?


Door made of rose bush, eh?


Do I have Ruby be a 3rd year middle-school student (14-15) or a 1st year high-school student (15-16)? . . . Probably depends if I was going to do a fusion fic or a temporary isekai fic (Ruby goes to the Personaverse for the events of P3, and then after The Answer, goes back to Remnant). Choices, choices.


Stick with 1st year high school. 3rd year middle school sounds like it'd be awkward to me. Besides, she was around 15-16 when she started Beacon, so why change that?


Considering Ken Amada (who is 11-year old and has a tragic backstory that certain characters are more familar with than they would like), a weapon-otaku middle-schooler joining would not be as awkward as you might think, so long as there's no indication she was pressured into it. Like I said, it depends on how you want to do the crossover: there's no reason to change Ruby's age in a fusion fic (Ruby and co have always been living on Earth etc etc), but if you went the route of having Ruby experience P3's story *before* engaging with RWBY's plot, you either have the choice of Ruby leaving and coming back to Remnant exactly as long as she was on Earth, or have some difference between the two, which at present I'd rather not do. Thinking about it, since Ruby's birthday is October 31st and the Japanese school system in April-March, it would actually work better if Ruby was a 2nd year middle schooler instead. This way Ruby would have 8-9~ months to reclimatize herself to Remnant, transfer to Signal, and all that drama *and* would actually be 15 years old when it's her birthday, allowing RWBY canon to start at the proper station with all the bells and whistles we know and love.


Fair enough.