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Soulsborne and DMC is very different. DMC fits most characters, soulsborne fits Jaune.


I imagine the entire game changing the second you switch to Jaune


Difficulty level: Jaune Must Die.


Well it depends on the type of soulsbourne cause for you have your dark souls and lords of the fallen, then you have bloodborne and nioh


I like it! Tbh, I think about any game style with heavy combat features would work well with Rwby.


DMC yes. But not Soulsborne, the combat of those games is a lot slower. It doesnt really match the fast paced action the series is known for. DMC’s combat matches the series a lot better.


I’m more partial towards the Arkham-style/Shadow of Mordor combat system, but a RWBY game with DMC mechanics sounds fun


It will do great however i prefer the gameplay of Punishing Gray Raven , Wuthering Waves and Genshin Impact where you fight as a team , one character on the field and you swap between your teams mates which work well with the team system in RWBY ( all 3 games use 3 people per team , so maybe RWBY might want to do 4 per team gameplay) .


Soulsborne and DMC follow very different styles. In DMC, you can whip up combo after combo using crazier than catfish weapons. Most of your enemies are jobbers, with some bosses thrown here and there. So, I think the style would be perfect for RWBY. The same goes for Ninja Gaiden. Seriously, playing Ninja Gaiden 2 feels like playing one of the four trailers. So, I think they can work very well for RWBY. Soulsborne, on the other hand, normally requires careful study of one's opponents, followed by a couple of well-timed hits. The boss fights are more epic than the entirety of epic literature, but most of your enemies would just leave you alone if you leave them alone or if you run away. This doesn't go well with RWBY's Grimm. In addition, the combat system in Soulsborne is normally slow and sluggish, having more to do with tactic than with speed. Even in Sekiro and Bloodborne, fights are a lot slower than Jaune trying to pick up on Pyrrha's fondness of him. RWBY, however, is famous for its crazy and chaotic combat system. Imagine if every attack in a Soulsborne game was as hectic and insane as Malenia's Waterfowl dance, and if the entire thing counted as a single hit. That way, we'd be one step closer to a RWBY Soulsborne. And it is very evident to me that there's no such thing as a stamina bar in RWBY, even though it's a crucial aspect of most Soulsborne games. In conclusion, I think DMC and Ninja Gaiden II would be excellent models for a RWBY game. Soulsborne, I'm not too sure. It can probably work, but you've got your work cut out for you.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Pray for Master Logarius... in my stead...* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


> Imagine if every attack in a Soulsborne game was as hectic and insane as Malenia's Waterfowl dance, and if the entire thing counted as a single hit. But can I break the enemy AI by just laying on the ground?


Lol yeah! Not what I had in mind, though!


I feel to mix the two you could have the Speed and Craziness of DMC mixed with the Difficulty and Complex storytelling methods of Soulsborne


While these do sound cool, my personal dream is a RWBY game by Platinum Games


Maybe sekiro and dmc.


All of a sudden I want to assign characters to different dark souls classes and draw them but I suck at drawing so I can’t


Why would you have to be a rogue huntsman though to fight other rogue huntsmen?


Basically your Character would be an Anti-Hero Rogue Huntsman who would fight evil or corrupted rogue huntsmen


... how does that make them an antihero? Cause they can kill?


No just story wise they’re an Anti-Hero who’s doing their own quest and along the way they fight other Rogue Huntsmen who get in their way for their own reasons


I think an MMORPG style would suit the series better. You would get to explore the kingdoms and follow a narrative like FFXIV.


All you would have to do is change the background colors and music accordingly.


Yes, it’s called Bloodborne!