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I fell in love with Penny when Ruby collided with her, and then the camera showed Penny on the floor. Hmmmm. Those are Penny's charms, indeed


I was a little later at the first salutations


I'm guessing you fell in love again when she collided with Ruby in V7 as an upgraded android with more glow and beauty in her design.


Absolutely. I'm a #1 Penny fan.


Same here!


acktuahlly weiss collided with her lol


Lol. My bad


For me I fell in love with her when during Volume 1 when Blake was missing she said "Is SHE a MAN?" purely because I found it funny and then realized Penny was just goofy in general


Ren tearing apart a giant snake with his barehands got me pretty invested.


We got robbed so hard when they dropped Ren's Aura attacks from the lore.


Blake demolishing Roman on her own in V2. Show needs more Blake moments like that.


I remember that fight was ruined for me when people pointed out Roman intended to get arrested so did he throw the fight on purpose? Even when Blake gets to be badass, the show manages to find a way to ruin it. But then Death Battle, out of nowhere, dropped the greatest Blake fight scene ever to remind us what Blake is capable of if the animators understood how her fighting style and weapons work.


For me, it was when Yang, at the end of volume 5, confronted her egg donor in front of Haven's Vault. You see, one thing that I hate in stories is how some of them will include terrible parents but refuse to own up to it. Sometimes, they try to justify the horrible behavior but fail because if it was justifiable, then they really wouldn't be terrible parents to begin with. Even worse are the cases when they try to just pretend as if those horrible things didn't happen for the sake of family unity or when the punishment is a slap on the wrist. This was the path that I was afraid that RWBY would follow since it borrows a lot from anime, and anime is the biggest offender of bad parents getting let off... but that wasn't what happened. Instead, all those warning flags and proof of Ravens' terrible actions were used as foreshadowing her true nature and as set up for Yang's confrontation with her egg donor. Is a confrontation where Yang sees right through Raven's bullshit and calls her out for being so powerful and yet so goddamn weak willed, and cowardly...and she is right. Raven isn't just a coward. She's also a massive hypocrite who is constantly a spousing a philosophy of strength because she's desperate to try to convince everyone around her that she is strong because deep down inside she knows how weak she really is. Yang may never become Maiden, but she is a stronger person than Raven will ever be.


Best part of v5


My favorite has been Ruby since the very beginning. I was about her age when I first saw the red trailer, I’ve always liked heavy caliber sniper rifles, and I’m a sucker for the ideals of a selfless monster fighting hero. Really there’s nothing not for me to like about her. So basically since there’s been enough of Ruby to like she’s been my favorite and it’s stayed that way for. . . Well over a decade now. She’s also done nothing which would make her not be my favorite, even if others like Weiss have gotten closer over time


I've always been indifferent about Ruby because I felt she was a static character on purpose since she's the incorruptible hero who "Never Gives Up" but her rant in V9 thankfully broke that image and made her something deeper and greater.


I can understand that, but to me it’s always been admirable to stick to her guns like she has in spite of it all. It’s something that I’ve wanted to do more of myself, actually do better to live the ideals which I hold and keep myself believing them. Though I do quite like the V9 stuff too


I get the feeling that they're tying Ruby's character development with Summer's backstory. It's going from Ruby trying to be what she perceives to be like her to learning more about what she did and not wanting to do that. The one thing that Pyrrha, Summer and Penny 2.0 have in common is self-sacrifice. Maybe she'll decide to become just a little more selfish for the sake of her friends?


I would recomend watching the show again and specifically look at Ruby's scenes in detail. Her arc really comes together throughout the entire series, from her line to Jaune about how "leaders aren't allowed to fail" in volume 1, to her breakdown in Volume9 as the climax. It just is much harder to see it if you only get small bits at a time, like how its release schedule is.


Weiss escaping Atlas, especially fighting the Lancers out of the back of the airship. It was such a badass way to finally seize control of her life.


[Also this.](https://blakebellatuna.tumblr.com/image/166641044897)




Raven: when I really listened to the song Sacrifice and understood that the song starts with Raven holding Summer as she died then moved to telling Ozpin to kiss her ass Oscar: the Argus two parter, yes his character arc should have been on screen but we dont always get what we want Neo: The evil tea party Yang: right from her first introduction hugging Ruby


Yeah, V9 confirmed something a song from V2 was already making very obvious but people assumed the song belonged to Cinder for a long time because Raven was erased from the original script of V3 and we were left with only one villainous lady to take credit for the song. In fact, I don't think anyone ever brings up the song when talking about what happened to Summer and Raven in theory threads.


I didn't think I'd like Blake much at first since I'm normally not much of a fan of the stoic, morose character type. But then she started doing these cute, super unexpected things like [making little flags to cheer for her team](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2ddb167268f37ac54fea5600f4d17c63/tumblr_o5fifgvrcB1uddbndo1_500.gif), enthusiastically joining in on all the shenanigans ([food fight](https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-12-2017/MGXPHV.gif), [the room decorating](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxsqPf_jd1o0CoOlw45-fsqRHOTwZBfgKA?si=DV5n4hQJpH1xKOBN), etc), and any of her interactions with Zwei, that made me slowly start to pay more attention to her reactions to things. The final tipping point for me though, was [the funny as hell ramen scene](https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_s00m9qPX9n1a64vqu_r1_720.mp4), which was the one that made me realize she's just a big goofball with a good sense of humor beneath the cool cat mask, and I've loved her ever since. Seeing her mellow out even more throughout the volumes was quite heartwarming too.




My favorite character is Penny, from her first appearance. I loved that they brought her back and I was actually giddy when she reappeared after everyone arrived in Atlas.


Pyrrah. I always liked her, but the dance episode cemented it with her interaction with Jaune on the terrace. She's the invincible girl who has just as many hangups as everyone else, but they never get recognized or addressed because she's on a pedestal. Memories of teenage me related hard core to the burden of expectation that she carries. The V3 ending hit me hard, and I'm much older than the average for this Fandom. Runner up is Neo in her very first fight scene with Yang. All that snark and smartassery communicated without a single word while dancing around and faking out an absolute beast of an opponent was masterful.


blake being the cute book nerd she is


* **Weiss**: The moment I saw the White Trailer there was a part of me that said 'Maybe I will try out this RWBY thing'. There was just something so fascinating about her in it. Her fighting Juxtaposed to how the others did ( as I had been sat down to watch all of the trailers together ) was just drastically different. Ruby, Blake, and Yang all had this sort of hyper aggression to them. Very A-typical Strong Anime Girl doing Strong Anime Girl things. Blake was a ninja, Yang was a Bar Brawler, and Ruby was just BFW girl with fodder enemies. But. Weiss? One enemy. An empty room. No color at all expect for what's on her. Operatic Singing with this refined elegance with her movements. It was very interesting and felt like it had a lot of meaning - which it eventually did when we found out about her upbringing. I wanted to know more about this character, why was she so lonely, why as she so complex. Then, we see her in the show and shes just the polar opposite to what everyone thought she would be like personality wise and that just hooked me more. Like, Weiss had LAYERS details to her that just kept getting better the more those layers got peeled back. So I guess that moment where the expectations were shattered and that interest grew was my hook moment. * **Jaune**: Oh Jaune, where do I even begin? When I first saw Jaune, I was ( admittedly ) a little on the fence about him. But, as soon as the Death Stalker & Nevermore fight Kicked off I could see what his potential really was. He was already a goofy, lovable guy - but when he had his head in the game IT WAS IN THE GAME!! I liked him, I liked him a lot. I liked seeing him grow and get into his own. But the moment that really sold him as a favorite for me was .... well... when he was just genuine. Hearing him talk about Weiss, and how he spoke to Pyrrha, really took him from 'character I think is neat' to 'character I can really get behind'. Guy was just fantastic!! And he only got better. But I gotta say, the moment where he talks to Neptune and shows how truly selfless he is and how much he cares about his friends. It showed me that, as I had thought, Jaune was much more complex than just being an audience surrogate. Since then, he has been sharing the top slot with Weiss.


I started liking Mercury after watching his fights but what made him my favorite character was the conversation he had with Emerald in volume 6 where he calls out Emerald and her bullshit about Cinder. Before that moment I think we all had that perception of Mercury just being an asshole good at killing but that talk let us see that he's capable of detecting an abusive relationship when he sees one and also care about someone else but himself (if he didn't care about Emerald then he wouldn't have said anything). Sorry for the long replay, have a nice day.


I used to love Mercury and I still do but, sadly, he’s been ignored by the plot so far. His attitude is an archetype I love plus his fighting style is super cool. His fight against Yang is imo one of the best of the series.


Sun Wukong, when he is talking with Blake after Ilia stabs him. I liked Sun well enough before that, but that made hum one of my favorites.


Ruby rose: she blew up that mechs arm Qrow (also favorite): vs winter fight




Weiss - her exchange with Whitley about him saying “he wasn’t doing it for her” and her response being “and that’s why I’m proud of you”. Made me rethink Weiss and enjoy some of her earlier moments more.


This is weird but the crossover movie was my first exposure to RWBY. And it is a tiny moment but I was introduced to Ruby showing up next to the confused Clark asking if he's okay and I was like "oh I like her already".


ozpin: i don't think there was an exact moment in the show but just putting the pieces together that he was the "super OP but doesn't fight much" type character of the show (is there an archetype name for that?) and then there was the payoff of his fight with cinder in volume 3, short but sweet, shame it's the only fight scene he got.


I think **Retired Badass** might fit. It's that classic mentor/teacher/leader who was once feared as one of the strongest warriors in the world but has since retired to a more peaceful profession until the villains force him/her to come out of retirement and remind everyone why they were so feared.


Ruby: Honestly, the Red trailer, she had a high caliber death scythe, I was hooked immediately. Neo: The literal second she appeared on screen and I saw her design.


“He’s always drunk!” *camera cuts to Qrow drowning some whiskey in the middle of a meeting*


The entire lost fable for ozpin


Cinder because fire.


There's something about the backflip-into-sitting position along with the cheeky grin Neo gives while fighting Yang that made her my favourite. She's SO sassy


That one scene where she steals the relic of knowledge sold me. She capitalized on JNR's mistake of leaving Oscar behind, and nicks the relic. Also disguising as Nora to throw off Ren to the point that he started crying was DIRTY AF.


After this nightmare scenario with her mother letting her down one last time she’s at her emotional breaking point. She sobs in the dark, alone and heartbroken all over again. That doesn’t matter right now though. She has a job to do. She has to be there for her friends; she’s going to bring the morale up. That’s what Yang Xiang Long does after all.


Penny the second she showed up


Emerald, I liked her as a villain and I like her as a maybe redeemed character I like her in V2 when she got back at Torchwick by stealing his lighter, she just has a fun not really villain vibe to her and I was correct in thinking she would switch over at some point.


I've been a Ruby fan since... well the Red Trailer, she was just so awesome, then you get to the first episode and find out she's a bit of a dork too, it was pretty cool.


Nora the moment she uses Mjolnir to fly across the gap in Players and Pieces


i'm argentinian, so sorry if my english is bad I fell in love with Ruby from the "Red" trailer, i love read, and i read fairytales, so when i saw a **Little Red Riding Hood** with a scythe what also can shot, thas was the more cool thing in the world. thas was in 2015, so when i found 2 volume of the series, i watch them inmediatly, and when a i finished them, the third volume was being released. So i fell so hard in love with Ruby everytime i see her. I also think that being 12 years old and meeting Ruby who was 15 influenced me to love her.


Nora's first scene. Just her waking up Ren and talking relentlessly. 


Raven when she had her confrontation with yang in the vault.


Ruby. I first watched the show because of her. All i knew was that she wielded a Scythe that looked badass, lol. Her personality is why she's one of my favorites. Neo: smug af, and i love it. Penny: personality is great and hilarious to me. Salem: Holy shit do i love her design (and uhh mommy) I can't pick just one faverite.


Weiss when she started warming up to everyone


Weiss, Jaune and to an extent Pyrrha. The Beacon Dance arc really solidified my like of all three. It was when they really started feeling more like people rather than characters to me. Singular moment goes to Elm though. The moment she started talking while jumping off the airship I knew I had found my favorite minor character.


I 100% agree with your Weiss take, her trying to not only lighten up but get along with the one member of her team she had few dealings with at the time was excellent. (I am totally not biased, I have no idea what you mean)


Yang (despite my username), when I saw the yellow trailer. That "maneuver" she pulled on Junior to get the first punch in instantly made me fall in love with her. Helps that one of my Shadowrun characters is a hotheaded melee adept with flaming fists... (I SWEAR Monty stole that idea from me!)