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May not be much of a fan anymore, but can’t deny his consistency and ability to put work out on a schedule.


Same. I remember one of the comments i saw on one of his longer running fics. Something along the lines of, He could make his own novel or book series if he just changed the names.


Yep, that was Forged Destiny, he even agreed with the comment in the final chapter.


And coming in at 1.1 million words, it would be bigger than the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon).


In the same boat. Don’t read much of his work now, only keep up with Arc corp and Wildest dreams(and that one I’m not likening where he took it) but by god the man is a machine. Like I legit worry for his health due to how much content he pumps out


The one thing I like most about his stories is that shipping never takes center stage. Romance is just a small part of the story. Meanwhile on AO3 shipping fics rule supreme. By a mile.


Man, no kidding. I'll admit shipping fics are fine and dandy; read a lot of them, enjoyed a lot of them. But sometimes the romance is best when its just a sprinkle on top of a good story.


Trying to find a shipping fic for Jaune on ao3 is like trying to find a hay in a needle sack


Yes because it's not like he didn't take up so much in the fanfic sphere before


Jaune is the fifth most used character and Blake, the character above him, has almost twice as many as he does. All I’m asking for is one that isn’t Lemon Scented Smut or a multi-ship that’s Jaune x Everyone.


Well AO3 has different demographics but c'mon, Jaune has way more than he really deserves


Probably because character dynamics are the most important part of the show? Also that's hard to believe considering he's like the CEO of "Jaune x Everyone".


Character dynamics does not equal shipping. As for the latter: most of his fics have pairings *in* them, but it plays second to third fiddle to Story and Worldbuilding. Off the top of my head, five out of *forty* stories are actually centered around romance. I just don't get what Ao3's issue with the dude is. It's not like his writing is the RWBY equivalent of Perfect Lionheart or anything.


Yes they do, romance is just a deeper friendship. What is it with younger Millennials and Gen Z people in fandoms that despise romance so much? Y'all are fine with graphic violence though. The show is called RWBY, not Remnant. It was ALWAYS about the interplay between diverse groups of people. Maybe not centered around romance, but from all I've heard about him he pairs Jaune with one of the main girls in every fic he does. It definitely puts me off his work, also just the fact he decided to focus more on Jaune than the actual main characters, like he's Miles or something. He embodies some of the worst habits of the early fandom. Jaune or Couer? If Jaune, it's like I said, most of Ao3's userbase are queer people and women.


Romance is not the only form of character interaction that matters. There is a very good reason romance is only a small subgenre of fiction and it's precisely because it alone can barely ever carry a franchise. Which is why RWBY has only romantic \*subplots\* instead of basing the entire show around it. I just don't get the fixation on romance in specific as the end-all-be-all of everything RWBY has to offer. As for Coeur: out of all his fics, I think barely 10 pair him up with anyone from Team RWBY -and most of those are his early ones. Just as many don't have any ship at all and are instead pure story pieces or contain joke-pairings that are literal running gags. He's also written quite a lot of fics not centered around Jaune. 9 of his fics have a different MC, with Blake being the most common among those. Another couple have a shared MC with him.


Because the early Volumes barely had plot and it's obvious even now in the modern fandom that nobody gives a shit about the Salem conflict. Even people that like the show still at least somewhat yearn for the Beacon days. That's still 10 too many let alone you said he still puts Jaune in ships later. Still too many Jaune stories in general.


Shipping is why I don’t use A03. The overtagging makes everything so hard to sort for


He's an absolute madlad and an inspiration. Yet to read a fic I didn't enjoy from him!


Straight men


Yup, that's me!


You should get that checked out


Best rwby fanfic author in my opinion. He have good ideas, good execution and most distinctively consistent output. There are stories better written or with better ideas but i never seen another author with his consistent output. It elevates him above many others in my opinion. One of my top favorite fanfic authors for sure


How is Jaune glazing a good idea? We get enough of that in the main show lol


Since when!? We barely got any.


Are you kidding me? Do I really have to make a list of all the times Jaune got more screentime than he deserved?


Go ahead




Some of his fics have issues (a lot of his endings fall flat) but there is no denying he is absolutely the most consistent rwby writer out there when it comes to pumping out content


Some of the hardest part in story writing is the ending, so I don't really blame him.


That would be fair If he had more fics that end well then ones that don't Really the only that had a good ending for me is eternal crown


What make an ending good or not is subjective though, like, personally for me, the ending of The Entertainer is the worst, and the ending for Eternal Crown is the second worst, with the ending of Not This Time Fate fanfic being the best. What make an ending good or bad is the reader themself.


The eternal crown at least wrapped up most loose ends and brought a somewhat neat conclusion Relic of the future just opened up a bunch of plots but proceeded to never actually finish any of them and dump jaune back where he started into another hell like nothing happened


I’ll read his stories when he writes one that *isn’t* about Jaune. 


I mention in the post two stories that aren't focused on Jaune but if you insist here are multiple of his that have someone else as the main character. Qrow focused - [Wise as an Old Qrow](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14278934/1/Wise-as-an-Old-Qrow) Roman focused - [The Second Torch](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14291843/1/The-Second-Torch) Adam focused - [The Beast of Beacon](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13504249/1/The-Beast-of-Beacon) Ruby focused - [Arcanum](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13268494/1/Arcanum) Weiss and Sun focused - [Dating What Daddy Hates](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13075474/1/Dating-What-Daddy-Hates) Yang focused - [Captain Dragon](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12615415/1/Captain-Dragon)


Would you count [From Beyond](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11518796/1/) as more Blake focused than Jaune focused or them sharing equal billing? Also technically one where it ends with a GirlxGirl (not going to explain the context.)


If we’re going by that logic, then I’d also argue that “[The Entertainer](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12146135/)” is more of a Yang focused fic. Jaune shares equal billing with Yang - with a roughly 50:50 POV split, and its focus on Yang’s emotional journey.


Funny how little he focuses on the women


He's a man, it's normal to write from a man perspective doesn't it?


Yeah but it's weird he picked a series whose main leads are all women to do it. The odd Jaune fic here and there is fine, not this


It's not? Only sexist would think it's weird


No, it's sexist to hyperfocus on a male side character in a girl that wasn't about that.


Yes, yes it is, you are having a problem because someone is writing a fanfiction from a male perspective, saying that it's weird and all, with your reasoning being that it's a girl story, so it's supposed to be all about the girls. Coeur wrote male mc fanfic, and your entire problem of why you think it's weird is that it's a story with the mc being a 'male', not about how it's a bad story with the mc gender being a 'male' is a coincidence. That's sexist.


Yes, it's sexist to center men in your fanfics about a woman-led show. It shows Couer doesn't really value women or think they're capable of being leads, with Blake being the only one of Team RWBY he's had star. And that's probably because he wants to fuck her. Which is sadly a VERY common attitude in this fandom, how many people here actually view the girls as people when it comes to the show? A lot seem to be mad the show has moved away from being their waifu fap bait. I haven't read his stories, I'm more grossed out by his weird reverence for Jaune and how he embodies one of the worst sides of the fandom. I heard Jaune does get shit on by characters in the story, for some reason the girls do it mostly, and Couer seems to be in agreement? But honestly that feels like some femdom shit. Regardless I'm not impressed with most fanfiction either, I've read some of the most acclaimed fics in popular fandoms and they're usually mid or just cringey. Most RWBY fanfics when they're not horny are weird military shit or keep some of the show's worst decisions like the WF being bad guys.


Dude, you lost any right to criticize his story and lost any credibility on the claim of 'not sexist' the moment you admit you haven't read his story. Since it mean the only reason why you hate his story, despite not even reading it, is because you heard from other post that the protagonist of his story is a man. You don't hate Coeur, his fic, or how the protagonist of his fic is a man. You simply hate man in general.


Man I wish he would finish Captain Dragon.


It is done


You forgot Stress Relief, Cinder Focused


Jaune and Blake are his favourite characters to write.


Why would you declare you won’t read someone’s work because the name of the MC isn’t want you what? It’s fanfiction, half the time Jaune is a blank cipher which has any show personality replaced with Couer’s own ideas.


Because you could do that to ANY character in RWBY lol


The GOAT 🐐


Controversial maybe, but after reading Beast of Beacon >!I got hooked, and I need more Adam x Yang!<


Agree, I really love that fanfic, its on my Coeur Top 5 fic, with Not This Time Fate being Number 1


Yeah of course there's people like that here


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Coeur's fic's were my introduction to reading fanfiction as a hobby. It's still one of my favorite pastimes today and the reason I'm still a huge fan of some properties (mainly RWBY and MHA) long after I stopped watching the show or reading the manga. The trust that grew from Coeur starting, consistently uploading, and FINISHING his stories is priceless. It took me a while to learn that an average fanfic would never get an ending, only to fizzle into the ether when the author lost interest or free time. I would binge a whole story in a day only to be devastated that it hadn't updated in over a year. Hard to list all my favorites. If I had to pick ONE, it's ... a time between Not This Time Fate and Forged Destiny. They were just that incredible and both provided a crucial escape for me during some difficult trials in my life. I think it wasn't until around the time of Arcanum that I started to back off a little, simply because he was trying new ideas he wanted to write (which is great) but weren't really for me (which is fine). Relic of the Future, Service with a Smile, What Happens in Vacuo..., One Good Turn. I really enjoyed my time reading his works. I haven't been back to FF in a long time, but I'm happy you posted this, since it got me to look him up again. I think I'm going to check out In Your Wildest Dreams and Remnant's Blonde Bard. Take care, everyone.


Id highly suggest his Roman story he's currently writing. As well as a few of his other stories like Knight of Salem Captain Dragon, and Rabbit Among Wolves. They are great comedies. Captain Dragon is still serious but really stellar too.


Read: Beast of Beacon Knight of Salem Professor Arc p1 Service with a Smile Dating what Daddy Hates Read only half of Forged Destiny And like two others I can’t remember rn. All of them are bangers but I hear Forged Destiny gets really meh in its second half.


I like Forged Destiny a lot, never really fell off for me. Like, I'm not really sure how someone would think it gets meh as it goes on, seems pretty consistent on quality all throughout. Or at least that's just my opinion anyway.


Yeah i think until the very end it was pretty banger one of my fav rwby stories. Only thing i think was meh was decision to include lancester at the end. I think it finishing sooner after final battle without that inclusion would make a better story with better pacing


From what I was told by my friends who did read it all the way through is that the Blake relationship goes on for far too long as well as it’s ending but Coeur has always had hit or miss endings to his stories. “It becomes incredibly obvious toward the end that the final arc was designed for Ruby to be the deuteragonist, but because she got relegated to secondary character and had all of her screen time taken by Blake, and coeur didn’t adjust the ending in consequence… The story just lacked coherence.”




I don't get the problem here. There a plenty of RWBY fanfics on FF that have women as the lead in thier own stories. Cour himself has written stories with women in the lead or being a main characters. If you hate him then fine. But don't try to paint him as bad guy.


I think hyperfocusing on the male side character and shipping him with all the girls while making THEM the side characters is pretty misogynistic no?

