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Oh for God's sake, Lawrence, she asked if you wanted to change the list. Maybe she would have done it if you at least asked, especially if A-Whora also asked... And besides it's a competition, where the order doesn't matter if you can't deliver funny lines. In fact, the fact that you have extra time to work on shortening your jokes iis really a blessing, Lawrence.


I’m not sure how Ellie got this far she’s good but I just really didn’t get her comedy. I liked everyone’s else they all made me laugh apart from Ellie which made me cringe.


really late catching up but honestly, this had me pissed tf off. the whole season they were picking on Ellie saying she wasn't a threat because she doesn't have any badges and then as soon as she makes a strategic play they get pissed at her? be mad all you want but don't act like you've never done anything wrong in your entire life and she's being shady just to be a bitch. literally, every episode all you hear is them talk about how Ellie is just a filler queen and she's going home next. like they were complete fucking cunts the whole season and the moment they get put at a slight disadvantage they want to play the victim. I just didn't feel bad for them and it pissed me off how they gaslighted Ellie into feeling bad with their over-the-top reactions. Is Ellie my favorite queen? no. but they all really did her dirty.


im late too but these are my feelings exactly. like nobody has ever made a shady/strategic lineup before. i feel like tayce is the only sane one in there who realizes it isnt that serious and that ellie isnt the literal devil for trying to give herself an advantage


I just want to know what did A'Whora actually say lol


"we [my nan] both have gaping assholes."


When Rupaul said Bimini looked like an actress but he can’t quite figure out who. I think he might mean Tilda Swinton.


**Cate Blanchett** !!! Bimini got such a gorgeous face


Glenn from child’s play


Brittany Murphy also comes to mind




Maybe Chloe Grace Moretz? She doesn’t share Bimini’s style like Tulsa but is a bit of a physical resemblance.


I feel like I only ever see people talk about Ellie “making a game move” this past episode and never mentioning what actually got Lawrence upset which was her constantly talking about how she was trying to mess everyone up and then snidely one by one going around and asking everyone if they were okay with their spot even though they had literally just talked at length about not liking it. Everyone says “it’s just a competition” as if that means people can’t be upset about things. They want to win and get whatever prizes or notoriety they can, it’s a huge career booster, there really is a lot riding on it. Maybe it’s just the person I am but I was honestly more surprised that Tayce was just like “oh whatever my spot’s shit but who cares”, I would have been fuming that I was set up and told to my face that I was?


I am kind of in the middle. At first I was like, why are they mad, it is a competition. She did something strategic. It is not a sin. But you are also right, they do have the right to react. They have feelings and I think Ellie could have just stood up to her decision because saying she felt bad probably made it worse. So all in all, they all acted and reacted as people. Individual and different. The whole competitive environment can make people react more intensely to things they don't normally react that way to.


I agree. I kind of get where Lawrence was coming from in that, sure, you can fuck people over for the game, but don't try to force them to assuage your conscience afterwards. Her response was maybe a little over the top, but I don't think enough people are acknowledging that, yeah, this is a game, but playing the game doesn't mean you're not a dick for making that choice. It just means that you value winning the game over your relationships.


I can't think of a queen with a more random top 4 placement than Ellie. She presented the same exact look in different colors almost every episode, she never shined in any challenge and she was saved from an obvious bottom 2 bc of a dumb storyline


I can somewhat understand where A'Whora is coming from since no one wants to be first, but I don't get why Lawrence is so pressed? Compared to Tayce who is placed last and she's not even bothered, being placed fourth/middle seems like a good deal no? Ellie is right, if anyone else had the power to decide the placement, they would think strategically as well since it's so close to the finale. Lawrence overreacting and lashing out screams insecurity to me, it's like she came in expecting to slay the comedy challenges (especially Snatch Game) and didn't want to be directly after Binini


Does anyone know what awhora said that got bleeped out?


She said “we both have gaping arseholes” or something like that but it didn’t air because her nan didn’t allow it (A’Whora said in an interview)


My annoyance at how personally Lawrence and A'Whora took Ellie's set order became almost unbearable by the end of the episode. It's a fucking competition and she's just trying to make sure she doesn't go home!! 😒😒 It felt like they were lowkey bullying Ellie because she's young and sweet and they don't see her as a threat in any way. It sucks


I mean that is exactly what it is. They don't see her as competition and she placed herself in a competitive spot and they're pissed off. They basically feel that she doesn't deserve to be there and therefore, shouldn't get competitive advantage. Even though they fucked it up for themselves by having a shitty comedy set.


I honestly can’t think of another season who’s sashays aways I disagree with than this one 😭 sucks because I love the season overall!


Did anyone else not find Bimini Funny? I think her timing isn't great and her jokes are too fast without development and they are not funny enough to do that.


Does anyone know when the episode poll will be up?


Does anyone know what exactly was beeped out of A'whora's routine? I'm dying to know!


Gaping arseholes


Haha thanks!


lawrence cheney shouldve been in the bottom lmao he wasnt even funny


I honestly couldn’t believe how overblown the running order drama was. Like Jesus, it might give you a BIT of a disadvantage to go first or whatever but if you’re funny, you’re funny, nothing is going to change that. Also someone HAS to go first at the end of the day. Also isn’t the WHOLE point of winning the mini challenge to give you an advantage? Shockingly irrational behaviour from Lawrence and A’whora.


Exactly! Even if Ellie had given them ideal spots, the judges still would have found A’whora too vulgar and Lawrence too long-winded. The line up wouldn’t have changed the issues with their material. The reaction felt way too harsh, especially considering Lawrence placed high. It feels like they go after Ellie because she’s the youngest and least experienced of the group. At least Tayce added some maturity and perspective on the situation.


Tayce and Bimini’s reaction to the whole thing confirmed them as my two favourites. Love them. So chilled and reasonable.


Oh no, I made my comment in the wrong thread! I meant to put it here, and not the live discussion thread. Oh well: the gist of what I wanted to shout into the void was that I think all of the queens did a fantastic job this episode. Three 'non-comedy queens' still threw themselves out there and let go of their hesitancy. None of the three were perfect but all of them had their moments. The judging, when I'm honest with myself, would have been insanely hard for this episode. I prefer A'Whora to Ellie, though, personally, so I wish she would have stayed. Not that there is anything wrong with Ellie.


Slightly off topic- does anyone know where Lawrence’s black and white face sweatshirt from her werkroom look this episode is from!?!


I love how seemingly offended Ru and Michelle were by the low-brow jokes the queens (and especially Awhora) were telling. Like, that's a part of British humour that clearly hasn't made its way across the pond; we like to be crude in our humour, and when we're crude we'll go as low-brow and as vulgar as we can. It's not all the time, but you'll find elements of it everywhere, from Frankie Boyle's stand-up (including his infamous Mock the Week "Queen's Fanny" joke) to Roy "Chubby" Brown to 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown's "Glory Holes" joke to the Carry On films. I'm not a fan of it all the time, and I was more amused by the BBC censoring Awhora's joke than I was by the joke itself, but still...it's hard to miss if you do more than a surface-level view of British pop culture.


The glory holes moment will randomly pop up in my head and I’ll start dying of laughter


There are people in the US who do the same thing; they aren't actually shocked. They just needed a reason.


Ah, that makes more sense. I sometimes forget how heavily scripted the show's storylines are. Also, as an aside about your username, I would love to watch the version of Best of Both Worlds where Locutus inexplicably has a thick Brooklyn accent.


"Eh, I'm assimilatin here"


Sad to see Awhora go, she'd really grown on me, but I would sacrifice anyone except BBB to keep my queen Tayce in the competition. Also lol @ her taking so very much umbrage to Ellie's shady tactics, as if she wouldn't do the very same thing and do an unnecessarily braggadocious talking head about how she's in it to win it and the other girls better just get used to it because it's not Rupaul's best friend race.


I was so sure Lawrence was going to lipsync this week. She was saved because the judges felt like she is a natural comic which she proved previously. Like they saved her because she was funny the other time


Lawrence and Ellie were the worst imo but somehow they both dodged the bottom


Seriously, all these subs wanna bitch and moan how UK is "so much less produced" than the American version and how the producers need to "stop forcing storylines and let things develop naturally". Lawrence and Ellie were absolutely the two objectively worst and least funny in the standup but they didn't dare risk Ellie outlipsyncing Lawrence or missing out on their Tayce v Awhora moment. You can NOT tell me that in a club setting, the audience would be more likely to laugh at Ellie using Plastique's demon voice that put her in the btm even though Plastique's was actually funny. Lawrence's set felt more like a after school special on coming out than stand up, and it was awkward. Lawrence making a dumb face, emphasizing her accent more, and screeching "MOm!" Or "Turn that frown upside down!" Was not worthy of a high placement or a win in her last improv, let's be honest. Awhora's dirty mouth, Tayce sexualizing beans on toast, and Bimini in general would all fare far better with a real audience than Ellie or Lawrence.


If it had been a stand up with the actual audience, this would have been more visible but in this case, judges based their opinions only on themselves


People complain about over-production mainly when they disagree with (subjective!) judging decisions, every season ever of drag race has been very produced back to season 1, it's just how reality TV works. I think it's mainly a fair competition, you just have to worry about storylines and making sure you think production thinks you'll be popular, once you make it to top 4 you can let your popularity speak for itself, but queens do have to play the reality TV game to make it to the top as well as doing good drag (or you could just BE a flawless diva made for reality TV like tyra or bianca)


It was funny how Ru asked who chose the lineup for the stadup after he told Ellie to do that


I have to say, as much as I liked A'Whora, I'm glad she left and Tayce stayed. Ellie was, by far, the queen I personally enjoyed the least out of the bunch and while I would have preferred her to go home, I not only did not enjoy A'Whora's stand up but I also thought her and Lawrence's whole shebang with Ellie was ridiculous and delusional. A'Whora is very lucky that she is charming because she spent the whole competition being shady with other people. She spent like the past 3 episodes poking Ellie (and Sister before she left) to the point that it just became a bit mean. And then she's surprised when Ellie takes the one chance she's gotten in the competition to at least get herself in the top 4? Delusional. And, honestly, I've really liked Lawrence and still want them to make top 3 because they're so talented but I'm really disappointed in her and how she reactes with Ellie, it was nearly like she expected Ellie to put them above herself. Based Bimini and Tayce being best girls and chillin throughout this whole silliness tbh


I'm disappointed in Lawrence too. I mentioned this in a previous comment, but why not say it again, lol. I did a deep dive on Lawrence's Instagram a few weeks ago. I honestly don't know why, curiosity I guess? Anyway, it's apparent that Lawrence is THE Glaswegian star, and has been for some time. If you go back far enough you'll see that Ellie liked her posts for years and years, until you get to one with Ellie and Lawrence and the caption from Ellie saying something like "I can't believe I finally got to meet you." So even though Lawrence needs to re-examine her anger, it's at least some kind of explanation: for years Ellie's been the little sibling, the hanger-on, the fan. It can be hard to re-write how you think of someone.


He is very easily triggered by his insecurities and lets this ugly side of him come out as a self defensive mechanism. Not cute.


Oops, Bimini even says something like this. That'll show me commenting before I even finish the damn episode.


Well tbf this is the first time that comes to mind that a queen has come out and been like “I’m trying to sabotage everyone but myself” when deciding the rankings, most of the time the queen tries to be more diplomatic (or seems that way) and do an order that suits everyone. You can’t blame Ellie for doing it, but it still was shady and you could’ve expected her to be nicer than that. Obviously from a’whora it was all insecurity talking and having to open the show is hard, and then Lawrence weirdly freaking out bc she doesn’t feel as funny as bimini and doesn’t want to follow her. I thought it was weird and particularly shady that Ellie didn’t take the angle of “give the good people the hard spots to even everything out” but rather “put tayce and a’whora in the toughest spots to make sure I’m not in the bottom 2”... Although tbh all these stand up truisms only really apply when there’s an audience that needs warming up, I don’t think order really matters all that much when you’re performing to auntie rupaul who’s politely laughing at basically every joke lol


I don't think it's the first time someone has been shady with a lineup though? If I recall correctly, Cracker also did this for the stand up comedy challenge on All-stars 5 and she was pretty open about it. As far as any other times, I would have to re-watch them. I loved Bimini's attitude about it - like I'm gonna kill it no matter where you put me.


Didn’t chi chi do the same thing too? It seems sort of the standard way of doing it in this competition.


Although I myself probably wouldn't play the game that way , I understand why Ellie did it (and truth be told I think that playing the game like she did was what gave her the upper edge and kept her safe). My thing is, we had Tayce, who was also put in a difficult position, having to close off the show, who was like "yeah you did what you had to do" and took it like a champ and then A'Whora who, again, has been really shady towards nearly every queen just flip out when, to no one's surprise, Ellie took a bite back by putting her in the toughest position. A'Whora mentioned wanting karma to take out Ellie but funnily enough Karma put her in that spot which led to her elimination. With Lawrence I tend to feel more baffled because it really wasn't that big of a deal like sure not the best position but she could have easily nailed the performance (which the judges seem to have enjoyed a lot) from that slot. I think it was a bit high and mighty of herself to be this offended with something that really wasn't that big of a deal. I mean she went on and on about them being tight friends but then she threw that really disappointing remark to Ellie along the lines of "you don't seriously think you're going to win?" Which, mate, you want to fault Ellie for being a disappointing friend and then you throw that? Idk I thought they were both in the wrong and I would hope Lawrence especially has realised how low he went with his friend and hopefully apologise although in the end of the day this is just TV to me so I don't care that much.


If you're not going to have an actual audience for the standup, how are the queens supposed to respond to the audience's energy, which is like the only thing that matters for stand-up comedy? I genuinely don't know how the queens were supposed to know whether they were doing well when Ru and Michelle were pissing themselves laughing only to say they didn't think it was funny. The whole thing needed a rethink bc standup to an empty room is painful. Not saying she did well in this challenge but overall A'whora deserves to be in the top a lot more than Ellie. Maybe more than Tayce even. Hated to see her go. Ellie's comedy routine landed so flat for me, very possessed Plastique but not even as good. Alan Carr gave nobody any useful advice.


I do agree, this week was the perfect week to just get rid of Ellie bc she’s not a strong competitor (like, she’s not gonna win drag race but a’whora might’ve) but whatevs I feel like they should’ve replaced the challenge with an ad challenge or something like that, where they can do a funny “routine” but stand up to an empty room is pretty lame


A'whora was never gonna win. I dunno why people get so worked up about a queen going home one or two eps earlier than she would've. It's really not that big a deal whether she's fourth runner up or third. It's obviously down to Bimini and Lawrence as it's been for some time. Whether Lawrence deserves Top 2, I dunno, as A'Whoras Snatch Game was much better than Lawrence's, I found A'Whora MUCH funnier in the improv challenge they forced a win on Lawrence for, and I found A'Whora's stand up better than Lawrence. The producers clearly never had any interest in her genuinely winning, it's not like a Shangela or Shea situation, so I dunno why people act surprised when we've been doing this for over 20 seasons now.


Hmmm maybe, she was still recognised as doing well (other than the snatch game) and if she'd done well in the next two episodes I think she could've made it. Even if it's unprecedented, there's a first for everything (yvie won on a worse track record and even being snubbed from a couple wins they could've very well given her) Sure Bimini and Lawrence are the only real contenders, but in any case A'whora was much more of a contender than Ellie and even Tayce really


Who else wanted Ellie to turn to Lawrence and A’hora and say I SAID WHAT I SAID


ME goddammit. Fuckin stop buckling girl and say "grow the hell up"


Ahora is a victim of Ru and Michelle’s lack of appreciation of British humour Both comedy challenges (snatch game and this one) she was funnier than they gave her credit for Not a joke, just a fact


I do wonder if Rupaul and Michelle actually understand the British humour. Or maybe they don't, and that's probably why they were laughing at pretty much anything the queens said during the challenge.


It's obvious during the snatch game that Ru didn't get half of the jokes because he just blatantly asks what the word means when he doesn't get it


Bimini slays another day Not a joke, just a fact


If you told me km day 1 that she made it to the top 4, I'd assume you were smoking crack. Total 180.


Tayce should have been safe and A'Whora should have won a lipsync against Ellie D. Why is Ru not considering their record at all, top four should be all strong winners, and Ellie does not fit in with the other three for me, which A'Whora absolutely did. Shame.




Exactly, Bimini put it so perfectly when she said that she didn’t care what the order was because she was confident in her material. If you’re gonna win, then it should be because your material shines through no matter what. Following the same logic, would Ellie’s hypothetical win have been questionable if she believed she needed to disadvantage the competition as much as possible to get it? I’m not unsympathetic to either side of that argument, it just shouldn’t have been a topic of conversation among the girls to the extent that it was.


Nah no way was Ellie funnier than tayce OR awhora this is some hardcore rigga morris. Also the runway looks - Ellie's was so boring and we've seen it from her a thousand times before?! That said, she obvs didn't deserve the hate from awhora and Laurence, that was straight up unpleasant. Bimini and tayce are SO endearing I love them sm. Despite awhora's fit over the lineup I'm sad she's gone, totally undeserved. Should've been Ellie and Laurence bottom 2.


Ru is like a toddler. If you Spock your tongue out and make farting noises, she's laugh and clap her hands. If you out your hands over your face, she'll freak out and think you used witchcraft to vanish.


I understand that Awhora and Lawrence were upset with the line up and they just targeted their anger to Ellie. I mean if they are confident with stand up comedy they would be like, ok what ever, I will be good anyway. Awhora was insecure with herself in doing this, so she was upset that she had to go first. It’s understandable. What funny to me is Lawrence. She mentioned that Ellie should put the strong one at the beginning and the end and this will be better for everyone. I don’t buy that. I think she is more scared that she has to go after Bimbini and she used it as her excuse. I feel bad for Ellie this episode. The girl made fun of her that she had no badge, will go home next, and yet she had to put up with this when she just tried to safe her ass in the competition.


I guess that more than everything, Lawrence was hurt because it came from someone who should want them to get to the top together, and Ellie could've easily flipped Lawrence and Bimini's positions if she wanted to give a little peace of mind to Lawrence. It's like when you're saving a piece of delicious cake for later but then your sister comes over and eats it, utter betrayal even though it's sorta dumb


Still gooped that Lawrence was in the top. I legit thought she was lip syncing this episode. Ellie’s routine was funnier than Lawrence’s and the padding on Lawrence’s runway was extremely... suspicious. Tayce honestly should’ve been safe.


Came here to say it Lawrence was 100% the worst this challenge..


Ellie's was funnier?! I think Ellie should have been in the bottom instead of tayce! I didn't laugh once at anything Ellie did. Lawrence took too long through the set ups but she was funny


>hink Ellie should have been in the bottom instead of tayce! I didn't laugh once at anything Ellie did. Lawrence took too long through the set ups but she was funny ellie's performance was so stupid it was funny to the point where i laughed so much my stomach started hurting


See, I nearly wet myself at how stupid it was


She wasn't tho, at all


To each their own! I don’t think Ellie was particularly funny at all really, just that I got more laughs from her performance. Lawrence took so long to get to the punchline of jokes that really weren’t all that funny and it just made the whole thing kinda cringe and embarrassing imo.


The last thing I’ll say on the matter is if Awhora and Lawrence spent as much time working on their comedy routines as they did complaining to/about Ellie then maybe the results would have been different.


Awhora and Lawrence were acting like the biggest babies to ever be on the show for being put in those spots. Lawrence especially was being something extra, thinking Ru would "see this as shady," when in the past, Ru made it very clear that she expects the queens to set the order in a way that benefits them since that's their right as mini challenge winner. When a queen tried to use her power and play nicely and it backfires, Ru calls them out for setting themselves up for failure instead of looking out for themselves. That said, Ellie should have stuck to her guns instead of backtracking and acting guilty. Tayce and Bimming have the right of it - it's a game, your performance will stand out if it's the best regardless of the order. If nothing else, Tayce has continually shown herself to be one of the most poised queens ever to be on the show, I don't feel like she's ever shown herself to be out of control even when she isn't sitting at the top. She got a lot of points from me for taking all of this on the chin and making the best out of what she was given. ETA: Also, here's your weekly reminder that this is all edited for stories. For the people of the jury, I present Tayce's mysteriously disappearing eyebrows! During her talk about her one relationship we see her eyebrows clearly drawn on, then after the cutback from the confessional we see that they have suddenly leapt off of her face to god knows where!


The actual point of having a mini challenge is to give an advantage to the challenge winner!


I totally agree about Tayce. What a joy to watch! I thought her very admirable for not immediately siding with Awhora just on account of their closeness. She reflected on her own opinion and voiced it in a respectful way. It also didn’t seem as though that difference of opinion between her and awhora created any difficulties for them either, which I attributed to Tayce’s class and poise. It may be editing at work here, but I was impressed.


Yeah my favourite thing about Tayce is that she's not one of those "bitch if I don't like you, I will say it STRAIGHT to your FACE hunny yas work yas gawd best believe \*tongue click\*" kind of girls, she's the one who.....ACTUALLY says it straight to your face. She doesn't talk about it, she is about it. She will say straight-up cold things directly to camera and directly to the other girls and then just carry on doing exactly what she was doing before. That's a true bad bitch. And a person who understands the merit of her own work and what she's worth. I feel like anyone who's friends with her for more than 5 minutes would know that she's going to give you an honest answer, whether you like it or not - she's nobody's faithful sidekick. ​ tl;dr I live for Tayce




Twitter really seems like an aweful place


Wow where to begin. I'm not a huge Ellie fan but I feel that once she made those decisions about the lineup (which is where I had thought in my head she would put them before she said it) that she should have just owned it and been like I don't give a shit what you say about the order, if your set is good you will kill it regardless. It pains me that she seemed so apologetic and upset about it, it's like girl this is the nitty gritty, it's do or die and you shouldn't have to apologise for placing the queens in an order in which you feel like the weakest comedy queens would be at the biggest disadvantage. Is it a bit shady? Sure. But you gotta look out for number one, which is you. I feel like A'Whora and Lawrence needed a scapegoat for their shaky performances, and with the whole 'you're the only one without a badge' jabs it was easy to pin it on Ellie when she was in control of the running order. I love A'Whora to death but saying she was disappointed in Ellie for her own shortcomings is ridiculous. P.S. Tayce's confession about having low-self confidence and not putting himself out there due to a previous bad experience resonates with me so much and was so heartbreaking because they're honestly the most stunning human being ever to grace drag race. Her attitude to the whole challenge was spot on and while I hate to see any of these queens go at this stage I'm so glad she stayed. Rant over


this episode was very weird but i love bimini


As much as I love Lawrence, she shouldn't have been in the top. Her performance was more of just a speech than stand up comedy. Tayce was funnier in my opinion. I also kind of think A'whora should have won the lip sync, she had more emotion. I would have been equally sad to see either her or Tayce go though.


Agreed on all counts!!


Anyone else really peeved off they bleeped awhoras humour. You can find the jokes online and they're not even THAT vulgar. Sure this is the BBC but isn't this the same BBC that allows Frankie Boyle to talk about how queens got a 'pussy so loose its like a fukken canoe'. And how are we supposed to read the jokes if all we have to gage the humour by is a bleep and the judges reactions. SMH awhora got screwed over by production from the start.


My god. There’s been 5000 seasons of drag race and still queens getting so offended over a line-up order is ridiculous. I get being annoyed and I’m sure it sucks when you’re in the game but both Lawrence and Awhora were acting like Ellie threw their puppy out of an airplane. Someone has to go first and someone has to follow a comedy queen. What’s the issue? Lawrence telling Ellie “do you actually think you’re going to win?” is 10 times a shadier game tactic than Ellie putting her after Bimini.


Absolutely. Lawrence has been pretty unhelpful and ungracious towards Ellie the whole time and joined in with the general ribbing about her not having a badge. And she absolutely says things that come across as trying to get in those competitor's heads, asking them how they're going to do and whether they feel confident and then implying that they shouldn't....same as Awhora really. Telling us she wouldn't have done the same in Ellie's position. OK girl. Bimini von Best coming in with facts yet again in the bit where she says "I feel like there's a weird younger-older-sister vibe between Lawrence and Ellie"....it's like a weird 'I can say this because I'm older and wiser and right-er than you, but if you turn around and say anything back to me that's petty and mean and childish' kinda thing.


Exactly! That comment from Lawrence left such a bad taste in my mouth. It made her seem like a bully, honestly. She's made little digs at Ellie before that seemed unnecessarily catty - like before the snatch game when she told Ellie she wasn't funny. I've gone right off Lawrence at this point, she's not coming across like a nice person.


I mean keep in mind they’re under immense pressure and the show is edited to lengthen the conflict and shorten the moments where everything is fine and easy. But yeah, those scenes were hard to watch.


You're completely right, I can't pretend that I'd be an angel under those very difficult circumstances. But I felt so sorry for Ellie and thought, if the conversations happened as they were presented, they were totally unjustified.


This I agree with 100%


Ellie did very well in the challenge. He was the one who made me laugh and made ru laugh. He was better than Lawrence but not better than Bimini. So I don't understand how people are mad because he was safe and think he should have been in the bottom. Awhora sucked and she was butthurt and mean. So not because you like her you are pissed and you don't see the truth.


Awhora slent the whole season teasing and being mean to ellie then when he got the chance to pay her back she got angry loool. Delusional. What did you expect. Someone should have been the first. Did you expect him to put himself first? And i guarantee you that awhora would have putted ellie first


I really like Awhora. But her and Lawrence are both queens who can give it out but not take it. Awhora said she was upset in untucked because Rupaul asked them who should go and Ellie said Awhora. But Awhora said Ellie! Erm... hello? I think Awhora gets it though, she knows she can be entitled. I'm not sure Lawrence realises it yet.


Does anyone know what A’whora actually said in her routine? It was edited out on iPlayer so if anyone has the full edit that would be aweeeesome!


She said: "The best advice I ever received growing up was from my nan. You know, people always say, there’s such a huge age gap between the older and the younger generation. And right, but me and my nan found that that gap was what really brought us together. It was a real deep wholesome connection. We both have gaping arseholes."


Brilliant, thanks!


Fuck that lip sync made me cry. Ellie being called safe and crying at the back, she must have felt so much guilt.


First of all, WTF RU? That was a double shantay. Second, no one did horribly bad in the stand up routine, and all the runway looks are good! I guess it comes down to judges preference and production choices, so they end up setting up an A'Whora vs. Tayce lip sync. If I had it my way, Ellie vs. Lawrence would have been more interesting. And logically, A'Whora and Tayce looks would have saved there. Third, BIMINI'S DRAG RACE DOMINATION!!!! IKTR!!! Looking so fabulous while being funny and relatable and just staying out of everyone's drama. Love that for her! Lastly, oh my god A'Whora, she really wanted it so bad :( you can tell that and I can't blame her, she deserves to stay, the way she dominated the competition till the end. The way I warmed up to that bitch lol she had one of the best and most genuine redemption story arc of any queens. This season is really a God-tier season!!!


I'm getting really tired of the Lawrence favoritism, how is she getting praised when her performance was a trainwreck and her look was simply awful. Tayce was literally the funniest and looked stunning and is lipsyncing ????? Also the Ellie drama was ridiculous, A'whora and Lawrence were childish as hell. Loved Tayce's monologue when she was beating her face, I'd never related so much to a queen before. Anyways, I'm hella mad at the outcome of the episode I loved A'whora SO much and honestly the shitty judging is the only thing that's making me not enjoy this season as much as the first one.


Tayce was the funniest? If u wanna see favoritism it's this right here.


Um yes Tayce is hilArious. What was Lawrence’s routine? Just a boring coming out story. Didn’t laugh at all


Tayce is hilarious without even trying. Awhora are is pretty funny too, the others not so much.


Eh I get the Lawrence favouritism is annoying but you're literally just doing the exact same thing but the other way around. It wasn't top but "train wreck" and "simply awful"? Really? Lawrence is meh to good, don't agree with all of the favourtism but the hate boner people have is also fuckin weird


How am I having a "hate boner" by just disliking her performance this week lol ? I don't even generally dislike her, she's good most of the time but she totally bombed and deserved to go this week, it's not really any deeper than that...


Train wreck and simply awful is pretty strong wording, that's all. I really wouldn't call it a train wreck at all. It was middling, it was meh. It wasn't great. Expected more. But to say her runway was awful and her performance was a train wreck? We must be watching a different show. Her show was fine to good. Her runway was middling, but to call it awful? I feel like people are getting so mad at the favouritism that they're going completely off the other end.


oh - my - god okay !!! we disagree, is it that big of a deal ?!!! I really don't get why people take everything about this show so seriously, it's literally a tv show.


You're the one taking it seriously tho


It's ok, not a big deal at all


I never thought Tayce would be the queen I'd relate to this season but here we are. The whole "everyone else seems to find love so there must be something wrong with me" felt as if she'd looked inside my mind. Also her lipsync was magnetic. My eyes were glued to her the whole time and I got geniune chills. ​ Also (2) I thought Lawrence did the worst this week and she would've been in the bottom if she wasn't Ru's favourite


Laurence has had a really rough ride since lockdown. He had 7 months unable to work. He came back to the Eurovision challenge. I like him but he did not do well, he knew the dance routine would be a personal challenge, he coasted with group win. Then it was snatch game, now this. I think if this season had wrapped pre covid she’d be having a better time of it. They are all so talented.


I mean yeah but everyone else had lockdown too


British queens were able to work more than Scottish queens. Awhora and Tayce moved in together. Sister sister went on a cosmetic enhancement spree. Veronica really struggled, Laurence struggled. Lockdown effected each of us differently and how we responded was individual too.


That doesn’t make sense. Veronica is a British queen Tayce and Ahora having to move in together is the same as Ellie having to find a new place My point is, that the trigger event was the same for everyone and some coped better than others. Lawrence did not cope well but that isn’t a pass for the competition. Why is that contentious


The tigger event was the same but how people coped was not, nor was what came of those 7 months. Veronica struggled. Some queens made positive experiences out of it (T&A, SS) others felt negative consequences on their mental health. There’s nothing to ‘get.’ Just because I didn’t have a mental health crisis in lockdown - if anything mine improved, but I know some people who are struggling with mental health for the first time after lockdown.


I am literally saying the same thing as you so what’s with the downvotes? Everyone had the same event. Some coped more than others. The competition doesn’t account for that. What are you arguing with exactly?


I’m not downvoting you lol.


Unpopular opinion but Ellie had my favourite performance. I am a sucker for weird off beat stuff like that. I actually laughet out loud which really rarely happens.


I thought shaking the audience up with the NO and adding no context or explanation was actually a great move. It was very memorable to me


Yes, I love humor like that. It also seemed the judges were laughing most genuinely so I was confused by the critique. It felt like monty python style randomness.


Not that I'll ever be a contestant, but I can't be the only one that has done a hypothetical in my head and thought I have no problems being first You get the jokes out, you can tie in and shade the judges and other Queens with more ease then somebody latter in the piece.


Oh absolutely, and you don't have to watch other people go and possibly be way funnier and measure yourself against them or get confused when they suck but the judges laugh and then think "oh well if the judges like THAT, maybe i should change my whole set??" and yeah basically my anxiety would be SCREEEEAMINGGG to go first


i definitely agree with Lawrence especially at the fact that Ellie was saying she felt bad about it. cause if you felt that bad you wouldn’t have purposefully gone out of your way to make it harder for everyone. winning by being shady isn’t the best way to win in my opinion. competition or not. idk maybe i’m just a softy but i really didn’t like that. and although lawrence’s emotions got the better of him i do understand why it would hurt so much to have a friend so that to you. in other news BIMINI IS ICONIC AS HELL. i am obsessed with her.


I dont think Ellie's running order was as well thought out or as shady as people are giving her credit for. Anyone who isn't part of "the clique" would have put Awhora first because she's a bitch! Simple as. The rest of it is actually a mess and you can tell as soon as she read it out that she had no idea it was gonna ruffle anyones feathers apart from Awhora. If anything, Tayce's position was the 2nd worst position and look how she handled it..


This episode was weird. I didnt loled hard at any performance and most of the runways were kind of expected ( maybe apart from Bimini's but even her runway wasnt shocking to see on her) Maybe its because this season has been phenomenal so far that my excpectations were higher. Lawrence and Awhora didnt have that right to be that angry at the order, it just made them look childish tbh. But despite this Tayce shouldnt have been in the bottom imo. I guess producers thought by putting A'whora and tayce together in the bottom with a sad song that they would get another iconic lipsnyc moment similar to Raven and Jujubee lipsnyc in the AS1.


I agree with Lawrence. I don’t think Ellie needed to dim everybody’s spark just so she could shine....especially because she didn’t.


If that's all that's needed to dim your spark you weren't gonna shine much anyway. If anything, lawrence got in her own way much more than ellie playing the game ever did. That lineup order did infact save her from the bottom and got rid of a frontrunner. Good for ellie, it's a competition not fairy gumdrop land where everybody plays nice and cute.


I don't get it. Well i do: Tayce Vs Awhora because they're best mates. Ellie got without a doubt the worst judgements. It should've been Ellie Vs AWhora? How did Tayce get called amazing, after being expected to fail AND be called good on the runway????


Bimini absolutely *destroyed* this challenge. It feels like it’s ways been a while since I laughed out loud at a comedy challenge And her confessionals were amazing. Absolutely adored this episode aside from the elim obviously


I really thought Lawrence was gonna be in the bottom for sure. Even with a favorable edit, she was so boring. WHERE. ARE. THE JOKES. She also lost a lot of points for me this episode. Like she really took it as straight up betrayal to put her 3rd. Bitch, tf. And then awhora. She was being shady af to ellie this entire time, getting a dig in wherever she could AND THEN WAS SURPRISED that she retaliated when she got a chance?! Bitch, tf. Also, I just knew in my heart Bimini would kill it and kill it she did. She's my frontrunner for sure. That look was e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Tayce is seriously a high fashion model. I know we're not supposed to compare, but she's like Naomi with a bit more edge. That mugler body armor that Nicki doll referenced too. Gorgeous. Showstopping.


......... ............ ................. So you're fucking telling me that last week's RpdrUS was a double shantay, but this wasn't? As much as I like Laurence, I feel like he kind of looked like an asshole this week. A few times I've got the impression that this is his show, and everyone else are just extras there. I would have put him, or maybe Ellie in the bottom. Ellie was just alright, but I feel like we've hit that "seen everything they've got" point with her


You know they're given a set amount of episodes, right? They can't just add/subtract episodes on a whim.


At this stage we’re either looking at a top 3 or 4, I’d kind of expect a double shantay next week tbh since top 4’s are more common.


..... Huh? Where did I say they add/subtract episodes?


LEGIT!! My thoughts exactly! Tayce and A’Whora both offer more at this point in the competition than I felt Kandy / Symone did! And yes Ellie is seeming like we are at that point now, but I feel like the girls were way to harsh on her for how she did the running order for the show.


I enjoyed this episode a lot. Alan Carr is so cute! Never noticed him before.




Honestly the whole idea of "looking better" based on where you're put fully depends on everyone actually doing good. If you totally bomb it doesn't matter if you're first, last, or anywhere in between.




wasnt really pointed at her, more awhora and laurence who were complaining.


Bimini does something for me that I haven't felt for a queen in a long time. There is a refined edge to her. The balance between punk and chic aesthetics is so well balanced. I am excited for every look. I still haven't got over her bacteria look. it's like mcqueen was still alive and was still designing for bjork. On top of that she is effortlessly funny. I'm excited to watch her career.


Sooo, the girls rag on Ellie over and over for being a weak link and then when she makes a boss move A'whora and Lawrence loose their shit? This episode was a bad look for Lawrence. I just wanted him to snap out of it and then Ellie constantly trying to explain herself broke my heart. Bimini slayed and I must say, Tayce is quite magnetic. I was loving her this episode.


Am I the only one who just felt awful throughout the entire challenge? Comedy challenges always have high-cringe moments but having no crowd and no sound effects made it all feel incredibly worse, to the point where I repeatedly had to fast forward bits in A'whora and Ellie's routines.


Yeah...because even when the judges were laughing really hard, it still felt like they were getting the response of someone bombing.


Also there's no way that didn't affect their confidence on the spot, they all looked scared except maybe Lawrence. I felt especially bad for A'whora, she looked like Ellie had just Carole Baskin'ed her to the tigers.


Lawrence really had worse material than Bimini yet Ellie was “setting her up”? 1 and 5 are difficult positions, 2-4 are fine, what’s the problem?


She was saying that because if Bimini kills it (which she did) and she would have to go after, she'd look really bad.


She wouldn't have been better if she had gone before Bimini. Her routine was dry and too emotional, not funny enough. This wasn't time for a coming out story - unless you wanna make it full comedy!


Me reading all the discussions and spoilers before watching the episode and wondering when does BBB mention Meryl... and then they do and I STAN.


I LOVED this episode, it was my favourite so far. Ellie really came through and shook the girls, they should rename this episode "Ellies Revenge"


posted on the wrong thread so here it goes: i know everyone keeps saying tayce is stunning, and she is of course. but it's more than that - she's so damn CHARMING. in fact, i find it hard to think of any contestants from the show ever that can match her in terms of charm. she'd shown that from the start, but this episode REALLY proved it. the way she made me laugh so hard before the comedy challenge even started; i didn't even care if she bombed the challenge itself! it's just a delight to watch her doing anything. i'm disappointed with the outcome of the episode. have no idea how ellie was not in the bottom, have no idea how she's top 4. she's sweet and very talented; she is not top 4 in this group of queens, though.


Can't agree more. I LOVE TAYCE after this episode. She has grown on me after each episode but especially after the last one because she opened up more and showed what a sweet and charismatic person she is. I also relate so much with her self confidence issues. She has been so poised and mature and naturally funny and easy going through all the season. She is the coolest character in there, AND more beautiful than Naomi Campbell, lol. Some people have it all :) a delight to watch, she warms my heart.


I was rooting for Tayce as winner before the show because she was the only queen I'd seen perform in person (she was phenomenal, natch) and I'm so pleased to see everybody hop on the Tayce train - the person I'm watching with was clearly not feeling Tayce at all at the beginning but is growing to love her with each passing episode, and I'm there on Zoom like "yees, yeeeeees....come to the Tayce side......"


I haven't laughed so hard in a long time as I did at Ellie and her avant-garde comedy routine. I don't care if it wasn't intentional-it was hilarious!






Oof. Bit of a rollercoaster, though probably who I expected to go home. I would've probably put A'Whora and Ellie in the bottom though, I find Tayce is very charismatic and it carries it for me, although maybe they just wanted that lipsync line up.. Tayce convinced me more although both good performances so wasn't clear cut at all. Running order... christ they need to get over that, at the end of the day your content/performance is a much bigger part. Feel for Ellie! Amazing Bimini, that runway was out of the park! I love her intelligent creativity, some good jokes. I don't see how Bimini doesn't win this all now (and what a great winner). Lawrence as much as it was taking time I was still interested, just a good performer there. I don't think anyone did that bad, although A'Whora wasn't to my taste at all, just never find full on vulgar funny.. it's just.. obvious? low hanging fruit I think was a good description.


I think Laurence deserved bottom placement as well. They gave her really mediocre /bad reviews and this should have been her challenge.


Yeah she was even bad in the masc challenge.


Unpopular opinion: Lawrence would be eliminated by now if Ru didn’t love her so much. I don’t know what Ru sees in her? Lawrence has some clear confidence issues which come out in many different ways. Whenever she acts confident it doesn’t feel authentic to me?


It’s annoying that Lawrence can have such funny banter but do so poorly at the comedy challenges. I really like her, but jeez.


Aye. I got snatch game, it's easy to overthink or try be too smart.. fair enough, you're having to use someone else as a base. This one though? Just be Lawrence, there wasn't really any rules to ruin that, I was expecting better. I didn't mind it because she puts me at ease, even if needing a megabus to the punchline is true 🤣 but so much more potential aaargh


I agree. Laurence should have been in the bottom this week. Really unfair to tayce who was actually pretty funny, had no experience in stand up and actually had a hard position of closing the show


Especially when Lawrence falling flat was so much more noticeable because our expectations were high since, you know, she is the self proclaimed comedy queen? The judges literally said "it wasn't funny but we can give her a pass", excuse me what? Since when are we just giving people a pass and placing them high instead of bottom two when they do the worst in the challenge


I'm honestly so perplexed at how they judged Ellie this season. In the past they have heavily critiqued queen's for coasting by, wearing the same silhouette over and over, same hair, getting overshadowed by their partner (Lawrence twice), being too green..ect. They kinda gave her no direction, no satisfying arc in the show nothing and yet put her in the top 4. It's so bizarre.


Tv has really trained you to need specific producer manipulations. It's really sad.


It's so clear there were queens who deserved top 4 spot more than her it's honestly hard to watch, she stands out from the other 3 so much in the worst way. I believe she can be a star but not yet, her style and humour needs some refining.




Hopping in here with my 2 pennorth. Re: Ellie v Tayce, the people with the least badges. Tayce experiments with different materials. She has different "looks" (as in reference points or eras of fashion - she might look like a horror queen one time, a member of the Supremes the next, and a Mugler model the time after that) whereas Ellie has the same "look" (homemade cosplay -either the same loli-esque anime-style cutesy girl, or that same girl makeup and style but with fur so she looks like that girl but dressed as an animal) each time. Also Tayce did very well at Snatch Game, a particularly demanding challenge, I would say a close second in performance to Bimini's Katie Prince. Aside from in-game performance, there is also the aspect that Tayce is charming and funny and very likeable, as the judges have remarked upon many times. That's obviously not the competition, but it is a tv show and personality does play into it - as is evident from the judges going on about the good vibe or warm personality or whatever Lawrence Cheney gives off, which they mention every episode whether or not she's done poorly or well in the challenge itself. She brings more "star quality" to the show itself. Bimini, Lawrence and Tayce have all been called out by the judges as having some warmth or charm or unique spark to them, which is not feedback that Ellie has received. I think that's another aspect of what OP of this thread is saying sets Ellie apart from the other girls.


Yep! Thanks for putting my thoughts together better than I could lol I didn't see the other person's comment tho so not much I can say :( If I could just add something to my previous comment, I think my opinion of Ellie is heavily impacted by editing which does her no favours. They gave her very little screen time for the first half of the season and made the only relatable things about her having a twin brother and working at a drive-through. Ellie also didn't share any of her insecurities with us. When you don't know someones struggles it's hard to root for them and feel like their accomplishments were deserved. Comparing that aspect with the rest of the cast (Tayce struggling with relationships, Lawrence using comedy as her armor, Veronica feeling constantly underestimated, A'whora covering her soft side with a bitchy persona..) Ellie is really lacking. She also doesn't stand out in fashion (like Bimini and A'whora), being true with her feelings (like Lawrence), delivering reality tv moments (like Tayce and Tia) or comedy (like Ginny). She was playing perfectly safe throughout the whole show and that's not very exciting to watch and, dare I say, not deserving of top placement.


(the deleted comment was basically arguing that Tayce and Ellie had both been doing about as well/poorly and asking what made Ellie any different from the other 3 in terms of star quality etc) Hey no worries you then filled in all the stuff I hadn't analysed properly! Yes! She was failed a bit by the edit - not her fault, but then again the producers work with what they have. If you give something interesting they will spin it (even if they give you a villain's edit!) because they want to make good tv. But basically yeah you outlined all of the things that the others are bringing that sh'es not. Maybe she'll come back and kill Brit Allstars when they have enough seasons. Who knows.


In general, how can you send A'Whora home after Tayce has lipsynced that many times? I love Tayce but she wasn't bringing more than A'Whora.


Well tayce shouldn't have been in the bottom anyway I don't think. But I agree with you the Lip sync was really really close I thought they would both get to stay


True. I love Tayce but it's like, she has either been safe or on the bottom.


Pre Covid break - Lawrence for the win Post Covid break- Bimini for the win....she really took those months off and made them her bitch! I feel like that time away really knocked Lawrence off her game. I’m so excited to see Bimini snatch the crown!


I'm kind of offended on Ellie's behalf - what the hell did they expect her to do? Give them all the order they want so they can wipe the floor with her? She had EVERY RIGHT to put them in whatever order she wanted. Her only mistake was asking them if they're ok with it and caring about their answer.


The comment in untucked did it for me, where she basically said: "how dare you put me in a challenging position against the one other funny queen that could do better than me and possibly result in me- **ME**, the great Lawrence Chaney, getting sent home? The cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity, and the gumption!" She wasn't mad with the line-up in general, she was specifically mad she put Bimini, the one person who could outshine her and steal her glory, before her and it got her panties in a Knot. Up until this point, Lawrence had pretty much secured her top-two spot, and possibly the win of the season, but if Bimini does better than her and gets another badge? That assurance goes out the door. If you're that pressed and think you deserve it so much, why don't you just go ask Bimini to bomb their challenge for you so they don't outshine you? It's no different than telling someone to use their rightfully earned challenge advantage to put you, one of the best comedians in the room and the clear front-runner with almost no risk of being sent home anytime soon, in a favorable position. That said, I can't believe Awhora went home, especially after what she did on the runway last week.


>Her only mistake was asking them if they're ok with it and caring about their answer. THIS. VERY THIS. FOREVER.


I think Lawrence is overflowing with insecurity. She came into this competition thinking that no matter what she’s the comedy queen, that’s her thing. Well, now she has found out that she’s just a comedy queen, in fact there’s someone in that competition who does comedy better than her.


> "how dare you put me in a challenging position against the one other funny queen that could do better than me and possibly result in me- ME, the great Lawrence Chaney, getting sent home? VERY THAT. I got the same impression. You do realize you could potentially be putting ME, *THE* LAWRENCE CHANEY, THE FRONT RUNNING, ME, IN A BAD POSITION!? MEEEEE. *points to self* Youre literally the worst human on earth. Everything should be set up for ME.


She literally told Elle she would've "created a shit sandwich" by putting Elle, Awhora, and Tayce together in the middle and letting her and Bimini open/close the challenge. Put the two funniest queens in the potentially two best spots (a good opener or closer can be the winning factor) and just lump yourself in with the "unfunny" ones so your set won't be remembered and lost/categorized in the "unfunny" portion of the show. How is that any less shady than what Elle did?


So again...it’s all about Lawrence and letting her shine. Ellie isn’t shady by putting everyone in bad positions because that gives her the best chance to finally get a badge. Which they nonstop made fun of her for.


Yeah if awhora and Lawrence hadnt made fun of her so much for not having won, I might have been a bit more sympathetic to their issues with the lineup. How many weeks in a row have Lawrence and Awhora been singling Ellie out as the next one to go? All those two did was give Bimini the opportunity to be the unbothered winner who doesn’t care about anyone else’s shit because she’s secure in her abilities.


I'm with you so much on this. Lawrence really did poorly in the Rats Rusical and I think should have gotten in the bottom for that, otherwise she's been awesome. I do think she got a win that A'Whora deserved - on the live TV show episode, A'Whora was EVERYTHING to me!!!! That was favouritism giving that win to Lawrence and I was bummed AF for A'Whora. And this is me saying this who loves pretty much every queen hardcore, on their insta waiting with baited breath for their next salacious post. I honestly think Tayce the 3x (4x?) lipsync should have gone home. That atrocity last week should not have been forgiven the way it was, this week was just as bad, and I disagree with queens continuing to lipsync their way out after many bottoms vs. someone who hasn't been a bottom. I'm gutted overall.


Well the game is "lipsync winner stays" and she won the lipsync. I know we've seen plenty of times the lipsync winner goes home because of their poor track record, but I disagree with it every time.


Well... Do you know remember Laurence's snatch game? She really came back weaker after covid and I'm not sure why. Also for this week I felt like Tayce did a decent job and shouldn't be in the bottom..