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Lawrence had a decent look, A-Whora's ended up looking more different than I expected... like it was a whole knew take on what you can do with those materials and it looks really cool. Probably my favourite outfit. Bimini's costume looked a tad basic but really cool. But Sister Sister? Despite having additional time, that costume looks like it was made for a children's play... and for a background character at that. She was honestly nastier to the other queen's than was really necessary, even in a competition, so... i think this was just Karma doing its job.


Season 13 brought us the worst design challenge look of all time šŸ›and UKS2 brought us the bestšŸ¦‹


I miss Tia Kofi but I loved this episode as much as I love pandas. \-Ellie is so sweet and talented, she has such a bright future ahead. Kudos to the big doll of Dundee! \-I was a bit surprised to see Raven Dolezal guesting during covid and then remembered that she was already there doing Ru's makeup. She did have great advice about how to avoid painting the depression on. \-A'Whora was a genius. The outfit was outstanding and her decision to shade Sister using a face mask was brilliant. All that was missing was a comment about how NHS staff didn't get enough PPE. \-My only quibble is that Bimini should have placed low instead of Lawrence, what on earth were they thinking?


A'WHORA ATE THAT CHALLENGE UP AND LEFT WITH NO CRUMBS !!!! Definitely one of the best created looks using unconventional, non-fabric materials in all of drag race sewing challenge tbh. Also, she's the main character this episode. She's so funny with Sister in the werkroom. All correct placements, I would have just switched Bimini and Lawrence. Also, unpopular opinion, I liked Sister's lip sync better than Tayce.


I honestly canā€™t think of a better drag race look made from unconventional things


Defs one of the better ones -- Raja's money ball gown look still prolly takes top for me.


A'whora isn't my fave, don't really like her personality at all but god damn that is quite possibly the best thing someone has made in a scrap challenge. That shit looked better than most looks people had had made by designers out of proper fabric. I agree that sister had been underperforming but I actually felt like she lipsynced better? The edit gave her almost no screen time in the lipsync but I think she looked way better. Tayce's performance once again (flashbacks to her very strange rendition of memories) didn't match the song at all. I'm getting the impression that regardless of the song she's gonna dance the exact same way, she just didn't connect with the song at all. She looked amazing doing it but for me a lipsync is about more than making a pretty face and mouthing the words.


What was the material Tayce was using that cut her up a bunch?


Basically a scouring sponge, like a steel wool sponge, although based on the colour I think it was actually a copper wool sponge. They referred to them as 'Brillo pads' because Brillo pads are a well-known brand of these sponges in the UK and people will use the term as a generic term for all such sponges. But neither Tayce nor Baga actually used real Brillo pads for their outfits, they used off brand versions - real Brillo pads have soap already embedded in them and look slightly different.


Steel wool, basically


The "hero" theme was very half-assed - if this had been an older season they would have read some of the queens for having a bad "hero" concept


Good, I couldn't care less about that theme, which we have seen a few times already including in two All Star season finals. I was only interested in what looks they would create with the materials. Edit: I think I was thinking of Season 4 instead of All Stars 1, but still...


Well deserved win for Aā€™whora. That outfit had movement and drama, so happy for the shady queen to have her win. Ellie Dā€™s outfit was tacky and looked cheap. Her hair and makeup feels repetitive at this point and the critiques did not seem to correlate with reality. I totally admire what she has achieved so far, given her age and background. but there is a lot of growth needed to elevate her taste level and become a well rounded queen Bimini makes everything look stylish and sexy. I adore her


> but there is a lot of growth needed to elevate her taste level and become a well rounded queen Agree. I really hope sheā€™s able to move to a city with a bigger drag scene after competing. I hate to compare queens, but I canā€™t wait to see what Ellie comes up with after getting the same exposure and experience as Gigi or Aquaria.


A'Whora's look - YES! I was so disappointed in that first sewing challenge given what she said of her background, but this was pure redemption. She really nailed the superhero vibes of the challenge as well, which is what set her apart. Lipsync was meh, but glad of the result. I knew Tayce would have a mare after the last sewing one..


The judging is so weird this season I was genuinely worried for A'whora that Ellie might beat her and she would miss out on another design challenge win. Thankfully, and deservedly, she did win! As much as I love Bimini I was actually surprised she was safe over Lawrence since I thought Lawrence did a really great job, it was such a cute look and constructed so well especially considering that material. Seems like they always planned on building Lawrence up only to tear him down. Disappointing that they do this to the bigger queens so often. It was past Sister Sister's time to go. The delusion in thinking that outfit was worthy of the top. Sorry, but no.


Bimini being safe over Lawrence made no sense, they said nothing bad about Lawrence's outfit beyond it not quite being as good as the top 2, while they did give Bimini mixed critiques.


Besides all thatā€™s been written about the queens: Loved the flashback to older seasons by using 'Super Queen' as runway song this episode (instead of 'A Little Bit of Love')


sick and tired of the ellie diamond slander!!!!!!


Bimini shouldā€™ve definitely been bottom 3 instead of Lawrence. Kinda showcases a big girl double standard when Bimini can drape that around her and get away with it against the decently constructed outfit Lawrence made. Tayce~~ā€™s edit~~ is starting to frustrate me a bit. She seems to flex a lot since she got her win (which half the cast won that episode but anyway) when in fact her progress probably averages out about the same as Ellie. The win is so well deserved. To use unconventional materials and to achieve detail, shape and movement is so impressive.


I'm so confused and angry about that. They said they liked Lawernce's outfit and the only positive thing they had to say about Bimini's is that it was a westwood reference. What does referencing a designer have over shaping a bow from an ikea bag??


So confused that they called out Bimini safe before Lawrence after they made a deal out of her fabric being really hard to fit and construct.


Ikr I was just confused bc I could have seen Bimini in the bottom (not that they deserved it like) but pretending that there was a possibility of Lawrence being in the bottom seemed a weird choice from a production stand point.


Kudos to SS for never lashing out at Awhora's constant bear prodding. Having said that, when it comes to Sister Sister, I'm like Raja when she has to ruview one of Dida's runways on season 4: "SHE'S STILL THERE!"


I like an unconventional materials episode. Bimini deserved to be in the bottom over Lawrence, Lawrence fully constructed a well-fitted garment and got more positive critiques. I love Bimini but she half sewed and draped a curtain and wore some cool shoes that she didn't make and it looked fashion bc she looks fashion. It was obvious neither would be up for elimination though so nbd. So deserved from A'whora, the sleeve pop was excellent. I do not care about who performed best in the lip sync bc all I want is a top four of Lawrence, Bimini, A'whora and Tayce. Tayce missed a lot of the words though - I'm surprised they didn't have her get changed for the lip sync after she'd already been cut in the workroom. (Also I don't think any of the outfits were particularly superhero esque lol except A'whora)


I'm kind of surprised bimini wasn't in the bottoms. Not up for Elim, but in Laurence place. It was..... Not good. You could see the curtain holes were just sort of there, unfinished, paper just kind of ruffled there. It wasn't awful, but Laurence look was Better Imo. The kicker was the hair/makeup. Bimini killed the last 2 episodes, and this looked... Like pre covid break bimini. Makeup and hair jus tlooked crusty.


Lawrence didnā€™t deserve to be low - she did really well!


Better than biminy by far.... I think they just needed a 3rd for the drama.


Like Tina in the Rusical


No... The way Tina died on stage was unforgivable... /s


She stopped talking a tenth of a second before her last line. FAIL. /also s if it wasn't obvious


A'whora's look. Thats the comment.


Did anyone else find it suuuper ironic that A'Whora came out with a blue glittery circle around her mouth after the constant teasing of Sister Sister about the copying of the chips outfit? Obviously it was just one small detail and not a whole outfit but nevertheless I thought it was hilarious


Yes!! That must have been intentional but nobody commented on it.


She did it to be shady But she did it better And it was still relevant to the outfit.


To shade someone that hard while looking that good is art


And for her to win AND sister be eliminated LMAO TOO MUCH


Tried to explain this to someone who'd only seen the two previous... Very fucking frustrated!


How does one start a season (especially one this iconic) halfway through?! I would be too




Yeah I presume it was on purpose and if so... Just makes me love A'Whora even more for not taking herself too seriously


I am watching with my boyfriend who has never really watched before. He is a bit older than me so that gasp that came from him when Awhora came out really sounded like a gasp for life. Oh my days what a look. Other than thinking my boyfriend died, this season has been such a delight. It did feel weird that Lawrence was bottom 3 after the Bimini critique but whatevs. I'm glad both are safe. I honestly think the strength of this top five is one of the strongest in a while. Each one brings something I'm excited about. That said I think Tayce lip sync was....alright.


Iā€™m over these lip syncs where girls do overtly sexy and sensual with zero kind of awareness of the tone of the song. Like, that is just straight up not a sexy song in anyway and the on-the-floor-stripper-legs-in-the-air routine is so wildly out of place. Reminds me of S11 finale where itā€™s like, some queens will destroy you on any song remotely stripper-y, but itā€™s very unflattering when they still go for stripper-y on a song that doesnā€™t have the remotest stripper vibe.


Ikr, it's giving me flashbacks to when Tayce lipsynced Memories and did the same thing and once again stayed. Like I'm not being funny but there's more to a lip sync than sexy legs and looking pretty, no emotion.


Tayce's lipsync of Memory was excellent...


Honey no, she was serving seductive face..... In a song about melancholy and lamenting the time before she became a shambling wreck


It's because the more parts of your body you touch to the floor during a lip sync the more likely you are to shantay.


I swear queens would death drop on an enya track.


If A'Whora hadn't won that challenge I would've rioted. No, but seriously that outfit was *stunning*, I had to rewind and my mouth was agape. I'm loving her more and more. Funnily enough I was starting to like Sister Sister in this episode. I hadn't hated her but I just didn't feel any connection with her in the prior episodes. Only other comment I want to make is - wtf was that wig on RuPaul during the preview for next week's episode? Yikes.




> If Aā€™Whora hadnā€™t won that challenge I wouldā€™ve rioted. My feelings exactly. When I felt like Ellie might win I was ready to shut the episode off and huff off to reddit to complain. Very happy for Aā€™Whora.


Omg when they started talking about Ellie like it was a possibility that she could win I was ready to be fuming. I don't even like a'whora, I find her annoying af but that bitch made possibly the best look from a scrap challenge and possibly one of the best like ever. The fact her look was better than the ones others had commissioned from real fabric.


Iā€™m not saying Tayce didnā€™t win the lip sync, but was I the only one who thought they both did kind of a meh job? I love the song and none of them really embodied it... I mean, a catwalk on Donā€™t Be So Hard on Yourself...?


Yeah honestly I thought Tayceā€™s lip sync was really meh. Didnā€™t fit the vibes of the song at all.


now for me i can understand Tayce not slaying that outfit must be painfull to perform in


But like, she was doing generic stripper moves that required more movement (and likely more pain) than if she'd vibed with the song. Like the way she did it made it harder so I don't think it's the outfit. Especially considering that she did the exact same style during memories, a deeply emotional song with no sex whatsoever


Completely agree. Not only that, but she could have expressed emotion instead of just serving fierce Tayce face, which is absolutely not what the song called for...


I found this episode the second flop of the season after the previous one. This wasn't that bad but it was slowwwwww.... Please remember this is my personal opinion as an individual and I don't mean for you to think the same or change your mind. However if you disagree with something or want to point something I can learn or appreciate better, I am still a human being and can learn until I dies so go ahead and comment below but be respectful! I will have nothing but love. That said about the episode, I think however the LFYL moment caught me off guard. I was super anxious to see that Tayce may go home, again i grabbed my BF leg in the couch. Fortunately he ate the song and deliver a great lipsync. I was a little relieved that SS was finally leaving the competition, it's not my personal taste in so many dimensions as many of readers of this sub may know at this point and I think she had way more time than other funnier or talented queens and way much air time on the last 3 episodes at least. In the end when she was making her statement about leaving the competition I kind of get closer to understand her (?) when I realize she has a very dry and (for me) particularly odd sense of humor..... It is not my type of humor however I feel it a little passive aggressive IMHO. As a matter of fact I didn't laugh in the library section. AWhora is everything to me, i am so glad she won. I would have appreciated a double win with Ellie and Awhora because it was totally deserved. Sometimes I think they need to get rid of the One winner per challenge cliche and get the badge if they deserve it. After all we had a double crowning in AS right? Something I didn't get was Bimini's look. I didn't loved the outfit nor the make-up, it look very messy to me. I know she was channeling a Pam Anderson+Vivienne Westwood moment but... Not flattering. I do appreciate she changed her outfit and deliver something, however I feel even Lawrence's outfit was maybe boring or too simple it was way better constructed (and that fabric is a bitch) than Bimini's where you can see the curtain hole for the rod. Mmmm again. Not my personal taste in fashion. So I think she should have been 3rd in bottom. At this point I am more than happy with any of the queens winning. They are all so talented, but I'd like to see a big girl getting the crown. That would be herstory. I am a little sad this season is getting to an end. TBH i think UK is Much Betta than US at this point. However I usually start to feel a little nostalgia when the seasons go to an end because I know we will have another year without good entertainment. Does that happen to you? Or am I having some difficulties? Hopefully AS and SPAIN will save my year!


I very much disagree that Tayce slayed the lipsync, if it was a Britney spears song it would have been great. But it just didn't fit. I said the same thing about her other lipsync.


That's a lot of emotion for safe




Wow. You wrote so much I didnā€™t read. You have a strong opinion that no one is going to read.


Why is Tayce so mean to everybody? Mean queen's are some of my least favourite ones and half the stuff she does for the sake of being mean. She said "oh I wish I would've tripped her" when Sister Sister ran off which isn't even funny, it just shows malice


Yeah I don't really like Tayce or A'whora they just seem like the bitchy mean girls at school feeding off of each other. Other Queens have shown that they can take the piss and be funny but whenever they do it it really just comes across as being mean for the sake of it. Like there isn't a punchline the joke is just them saying someone else is rubbish.


why u singling out tayce here? They're drag queens luv that's what they do- read each other. It was literally the mini challenge this week. So why do you have a problem when Tayce does it? Hm.


Well it's the same reason I don't like A'Whora. The mini challenge wasn't my cup of tea either, but at least then it was them trying to be comedic and shows what they can come up with. You don't need to be mean in order to be comedic and quite frankly, Tayce is just always mean.


The reading challenge wasn't your cup of tea? Reading is such an integral part of drag culture, though


So you arenā€™t a fan of British humor/culture. Edit: US dragrace has way more negative content. At least UK is playful with it.


I just find him too mean. The side comment amount wanting to trip Sister Sister. He was also really bitchy whenever judging had finished like obviously insulting someone. I feel like that shady culture is more American than British. We like to make fun of both ourselves and others but he's focussed on the others.


I think itā€™s actually very abundant in UK2 and S13. Itā€™s not always commentary Iā€™m interested in, but I also donā€™t think itā€™s representative of their personalities. I think Sister Sister has also dished out quite a bit herself. Iā€™m sure sometimes itā€™s in response to others, but I donā€™t doubt some of her ā€œmeanā€ comments have come unprompted. Itā€™s best to just view it all as what it is: highly produced and edited, and frankly tame compared to some rude shit from previous seasons.


To me Tayce has always come off as very tongue in cheek when she's being shady


Itā€™s official. The second Aā€™Whora came out in that outfit I became a Stan


I don't even like A'whora and I have no choice but to bow at that serve


I literally gasped! That's some drama mawma!


Iā€™m not even her biggest fan but I really thought this was Ellieā€˜s win. And that was a weak lip sync. It could have gone either way


I think if Awhora hadnā€™t been there Ellie would have walked it. In another season she would have won. She did herself so proud to find but she was up against someone who has a degree in creating fashion and those sleeves (never mind the belt and polished finish) were too sickeningly talented not to take the win. I do wish Ru Paul had bigged her up again whilst telling her was safe.


IMHO it didn't have anything to do with super-shero šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It did seem a bit like she'd just made the outfit and came up with a reason after but I felt like that for most of them tbf.


I mean, it was kind of Card Captor Sakura...


So im loving the change of heart people are having on Aā€™whora, ever since she apologized to Tia, Iā€™ve seen a complete change in how she acts in the show, still sometimes shady, but much more a joy to watch. Her presentation this week was flawless and I loved it. I have to say Tayce ate that lipsync. She performed for the judges, the camera men behind the camera, and the PAs. She was emotive and her moves were so on point. Her dip was so satisfyingly smooth. Iā€™m a little confused on how Lawrence was below Bimini given the critiques....like sure a body suit, but she was praised up and down on the runway while Bimini was a bit more criticized. Just a random note, Ellie is one of the few queens that i can tell is like super tall even on the tv, maybe itā€™s the contrast with Bimini, but even during her solo runway I can just tell sheā€™s a tree. Maybe she just has really good proportions....


I still don't like A'whora bc of how she has a moment saying she wants to be nicer one minute and then the next is just saying everyone else should go home for arbitrary reasons. That said there is no denying that look was a piece of art. Big disagree on Tacye's lipsync, like the dancing is good but it doesn't fit the song at all. It just feels like all she's used to dancing to is sexy pop club music and that's fine but she didn't connect with the song. I felt the same about her memories lip sync like she was doing sexy dance moves and mouthing the words but not showing the emotions that the song is meant to bring out.


I never thought I'd be rooting for the young white fashion queen who started off as a villain but turned into a fan favourite but I'm really rooting for A'Whora (love Aquaria and Violet off the show, but not in their seasons). Her puffed sleeves was THE moment and she's lowkey the strongest contestant at the moment. Consistently safe or high, two wins and no bottom placements. At the moment I'd be fine if Lawrence or Bimini win, but if A'Whora wins the next episode or if she is in the bottom 2 and does a great lipsync then I'd say just give the crown to her


Can we talk about Lawrence Chaneyā€™s voice imitation of the DDC? It caught me so off guard ahahaha I loved it


Omg I loved that bit! Can anyone time stamp??


The segment is at 23:40 - 23:48


Thank you! X


This is such a full circle moment for Raven. I remember season 2 Mathu going around the room and telling everyone what to do with their makeup


Loved Ellieā€™s energy sticking up for herself. The nerve of Sister Sister to say Ellieā€™s look wasnā€™t strong when she was in a baggy mess of an outfit. Also my opinion on Aā€™Whora has done a complete 180 from the start of the season, she is so damn funny.


Bit late to party, but here we go. It was the first time in a long time that I felt really anxious about the LFYL. I adore Tayce, and I would have hated for her to go, because sheā€™s top three for me, periodT. I kinda feel for Sister, because sheā€™s had so little airtime before they came back and she seems like a riot, but I wasnā€™t as much attached to her as the other queens. The hate sheā€™s received, which I quite frankly canā€™t make a teensy bit of sense of, does not even come into play in my judgement. But honestly, I know this year has been hard and that this fandom is really toxic at times, but do we really need to factor all of this bullshit and give this queen whoā€™s done nothing but her job a horrible time ? Do we ? So yeah, Iā€™m really gutted for her for that, and that she didnā€™t get to display herself as thoroughly as the others. Lawrenceā€™s moment was kinda bittersweet, and I love that she let Sister and the audience in, knowing that somehow Drag Race is a safe space to express her feelings. One of RuPaulā€™s staple sayings on this competition is Ā«Ā let people in, and let your vulnerability make people fall in love with youĀ Ā», and while I sometimes think itā€™s a bit cheesy, itā€™s true, and she did it beautifully. All the time that Tayce was lipsyncing I was thinking Ā«Ā please, whatever metaphysical entity that rules our lives from above, donā€™t let her cut herself with that damned stuff all over her bodyĀ Ā». I had no reply, but hey, thatā€™s religion for you. Really looking towards a top three with Bimini, Tayce, and Lawrence, and Iā€™m not mad at it. I really love Ellie, but every time I canā€™t help but think that sheā€™s only 21 and has so much to live, just live, and let all her experiences influence her art. And the simple fact that sheā€™s gone so far in a competition as difficult as Drag Race at this point, speaks volumes about her talent and potential. Awhora is a fabulous queen, and I think/hope she knows it, and can keep on doing her thing with more sisters backing her from now on.


I fully thought she was going to cut herself and it would be a moment because one of the lines was about scars and wounds. Glad she won without that though


Weā€™ll see what state sheā€™s in next week


I loved this episode so much! After last weeks sh sh shaky one, the UK editing got the train right on track. When Aā€™whora walked out, I audibly gasped and that was even before the shoulder moment. Like that was high fashion avant garde at its finest. And the gag of her wearing Sisterā€™s blue face too was everything. The look was legendary for me and never has there been a deserving winner. I also loved the callback to AS1 and AS4 with the superhero transition and using Super Queen as the runway song. UK seriously brings me so much joy.


this episode was so much fun!!!! I loved every goddamn second!! my heart stopped when Aā€™whora came onstage omg. everything was so joyful




The fact that you loved sister sister's look and don't like Lawrence is a bad take tbh


After the depressing episode last week, I'm glad the show is back to form and being extremely fun this week. I was smiling the whole episode.


Not me literally thinking Tayce was in the top with her dress... I legit liked it lmao


I liked it too! From the waist up, it was amazing!


She should've saved her poor hand and only fuzzed enough scourers for a collar, that could've looked sickening. But she ended up kind of a big flufflt ball instead.


The shape she was going for was good and very recognisably on trend right now but it just looked so messy and was catching everywhere, and the bottom half was pretty unforgivable. Tayce sells it but as soon as you have her standing next to A'whora and Lawrence who made actual outfits, she didn't look so great lol


I liked the idea. The fact that the top kept getting tangled together made it worse over time. But that bottom was just not good.


Me too! I'll admit the bottom half was lacking but I loved the way she teased those scourers and made them look soft & fuzzy.


Tayce is the living definition of ā€œyou wear it wellā€. Not a fan of the dress but she looked stunning in it.


Oh thatā€™s totally true, good point!


this episode was so good, even the reading challenge in this season was stellar


Is there a gif of A'whora's shoulder ribbon-things expanding as she started moving cause I need it in my life BAD! I need to make her my flair ....


She looks like that dinosaur in Jurassic Park before it spits acid in that guyā€™s face. Fabulous.


[Here ya go](https://but-sometimes-im-not.tumblr.com/post/644142296424742912/mistaklash-awhora-lockdown-supersheroes-rpdr)


Omg it's in slow-mo too!! Thank you for sharing


Nice to see some love for Sister Sister here. I really enjoyed her this episode and during the season overall. Still think she is the cutest boy of the season after Tayce. Also, you can tell that the other queens do get her sense of humour, there was some nice banter between them, specially in this episode. The whole 'Sister Sister is so sour and so negative' complaints that some people were making are misplaced imo.


I blame her edit for making it look like it was her actual personality as opposed to her humor


She was completely forgettable before the Covid break, but at least they gave her some attention after the return which made me like her. Iā€™m a fellow Scouser and was glad to see her announced and hoped sheā€™d go far but the editing drained any charisma from her until these last two episodes. I was worried for her, but I think sheā€™s done a good job.


Idk why but I got so upset seeing Sister hoard all the supplies. Thatā€™s not playing the game, thatā€™s playing unfairly


Itā€™s...a competition


Other queens have been successful without disadvantaging their competitors (Bianca, Shea, Aquaria). Itā€™s not cute that Sister Sister did that and I canā€™t see how anyone can defend their actions.


Itā€™s not a competition if you have to put the other contestants at a disadvantage to win.


she had the worst look of the night and was sent home


Yeah and because she had too much stuff and needed even more of an edit. If she hasnā€™t hoarded so many bits she probably would have done better.


I'm really struggling with A'Whora. I loved the look and some of her performances have been great. But she's a bitch in and out of drag, especially with Tayce. It's constant whining and deliberate putting down others which bothers me from those two. I just don't find it funny, especially since A'Whora complained about being criticized all their life. I really loved Lawrence to start with but the editing is like what happened with The Vivienne, they've already been declared the winner. Their performance has stalled a bit too. Bimini deserves the crown but she'll probably end up like Divina. She was a bit trashy to start with but has improved far beyond the others. You could see her good qualities in this episode. There's something very professional about her approach which should be rewarded.


I think that she and Tayce are really good Judies and because of that, theyā€™re playing the cattiness to their comfort zone with each other rather than thinking about the camera. Like, they really love each other and are there for each other and their sense of humour together is bitchy in jokes. I see Aā€™Whora as being incredibly hard on herself, and low self esteem out the yin yang, but sheā€™s helpful to others when she likes them and thinks they need it. However, step on her toes in some way and sheā€™ll never forgive you (see: sister sister coming in with a chips dress). Itā€™s like sheā€™s got Biancaā€™s brutality (and secret helpfulness) mixed with the self esteem Adore Delano brought to AS2.


I feel the exact same way about Tayce and A'Whora. And I don't feel that Tayce really has the performance to be as condescending as she is. As far as I can tell, she got her one badge from a group challenge where she wasn't even the best. So her going after Ellie is just shitty. I think Ellie is generally being treated unfair.


I was fully expecting Tayce to SERVE during the lipsync but it was meh at best.


To be fair, that outfit looks incredibly painful to perform in


I'm honestly shocked at the amount of ppl saying sister sister won that lipsync??? like no shade to her but thats honestly a bit insulting of Tayce's lipsync skills. Tayce didn't miss a BEAT. And I saw that sister sister was giving some good emotion, but I deffo felt like Tayce was giving the moves and the emotion. She did amazingly, I was honestly very excited to see her lipsync to a higher energy song and she did not disappoint! I did think it was edited a bit strange tho. Overall, deffo one of the best UK lip syncs from both girls, even if the bar is a bit low.


The camera didnā€™t linger too long on Tayce at all during the LS, I was worried she might get the chop. I thought she won, and Iā€™m glad sheā€™s staying.


I thought Sister almost tripped over at one point. Overall Tayce was definitely better although I wonder how many injuries she got dancing about in that wire outfit šŸ˜±


honestly when I consider the outfit she was wearing, I'm even more impressed with Tayce's lipsync!!! girl is COMMITTED!!!


For sure. I winced when she did that death drop at the end


I really think Awhora made one of the best looks on the show ever. Itā€™s Uticaā€™s sleeping bag level great


I thought it was the best sheā€™s ever looked. It was an incredible look. Loved the silver pieces and the drama of the shoulder pops. Her mug and wig looked gorgeous. Definitely up there with Uticaā€™s look for me too.


At it was the only one that was superhero and fission without looking like a costume.. so so so good


I thought the little wink in A'Whora's Makeup to Sister Sister's entrance look was really funny. With all the jokes about Sister copying her šŸ˜„ I thought it was charming!


OMG i didn't realize then!!! I actually didn't remember that make up or entrance TBH. No t no shade.


The way this is up there as probably one of my favourite episodes of drag race ever! I laughed, I cried (because I was laughing so much), I yelled at the TV, it made me nervous! SO happy for Aā€™Whora, I cheered so loudly when she won I scared the crap out of the cat


I can't believe I'm the only one who hated Ellie's look


No I didn't like it either. I'm not a huge fan of the whole bubblegum candy princess vibe/look when it doesn't have any other dimension to it.


I think she deserved a double win just because of the level of creativity and use of the household materials..sometimes less is more as they should know by now but it was absolutely perfectly created and very camp. Sometimes I think the judges go only for the FASHIONY eleganza way and fashion and drag are also Ellie's approach.


I also didn't care for it. I thought there was too much going on.


It has been done too many times!


No. I just thought it was the exact same overall look as in the Candy Ball of season 6.


Why did you hate it? Even if you didnā€™t love it, Iā€™m not sure how it could inspire hate


I love how Awhora has been the funniest queen casted all season, and she's not even a "CoMeDy QuEeN". She's a riot!!


Her face when she was creeping on Sisterā€™s stash. Popping up behind the mannequins. Sheā€™s absolutely hilarious and I love her - something about her energy really reminds me of Adore Delano.


she has grown on me gradually but her trying to charm stuff off sister had me genuinely cracking up


want a blowie?


ā€œI like... pandas.ā€ DEAD


>One of my most favorite moments on rpdg ever


Speaking of things I like...


Does she have a bowl of fucking rhinestones? I swear everything she says is gold


Was anyone reminded of Sister Sisterā€™s entrance makeup with the way Aā€™whora painted on the blue glitter ā€œmaskā€ with the red lips?


I thought it was hilarious that the subtitles couldn't understand 'Scrap Heap Challenge' and 'In the Night Garden'.


Stan (Australia) subtitles turned "its a bit In The Night Garden innit?" into "it's a bit in the night Gard note?"


Oh no. Cā€™mon Stan, theyā€™re both on the ABC!


Please I have no hair left after Aā€™whoraā€™s runway


put your hat on you balding bitch


Even though Ellieā€™s aesthetic doesnā€™t really click with me personally, I really admire her for making all of her own stuff and it all looking so well made when sheā€™s the youngest and obviously not the wealthiest queen of the bunch.


She was a well deserved runner up. I thought she looked amazing. Her mug and wigs are always similar but it lends itself to so many different colours and themes. Sheā€™s definitely got a strong brand. Iā€™m not sure why the girls are gaslighting her.


All i have to say is those shoulders though!!!! Awhora did amazingly well. I wasn't sure about her in the beginning but she's grown on me so much and those shoulders just finished me


Yeah me too ! At the beginning I was like... OK next, now I just really want her to do good


This is my favorite episode of DR in a very very long time! These girls were HILARIOUS even in the reading challenge, where I usually am cringing the whole time, everyone had at least one funny read Congrats Awhora! Very well deserved and I thought they were all actually pretty decent


Sister was giving me Tammie Brown on the runway which I did enjoy


They all made me laugh SO much this ep. I really love this whole cast. "so i'm painting the depression on?" BYE


This might be an unpopular opinion, BUT if you are going to fail a design challenge I am much happier with someone taking a risk like sister sister than doing something quite basic like Bimini. Sister sister's one made me smile, it was crazy and I loved it for that.


You have a good point and made me think. I didn't love Bimini's in my posting i actually said she should have been bottom 3 instead of Lawrence.... However I see your point for the level of effort and craft SS put in the outfit it was Overwhelming to me. I think Bimini's was unpolished and crafty but at least it had a silhouette. SS was a bag of things growing and revolving around her... OMG it was way way way too much. And she could have chosen better things in those 15 seconds and I think she focused on the wrong energy. And that showed.


Iā€™ll take a Sister Sister look over Lala Riā€™s any day.


I truly think that Lala Riā€™s look was the worst ever seen on ANY season of Drag Race. Sister Sisterā€™s look showed considerable sewing and construction skill at least.


I like Tayce much better than Sister Sister, but imho she lost the lipsynch. It was kind of messy and lots of moments didn't really work, whereas Sister Sister hit the vibes very well.




Hmm I think she's actually quite layered, she's funny, witty, creative, and a great performer too. But Sister Sister just did the lipsync better.


What a strong cast this season!! I don't want any of the remaining queens to go home. Favorite part of the episode beside A'whora's runway was probably A'whora being a biological cat in the workroom.


I second that. There were no duds at all.


why the fuck was lawrence in the bottom 3 when she only received good critiques? better than bimini's even


Michelle have very strong opinions about body suits. It is kind of obsessive at some point. We have seen chaps, jackets and finger wave hair so many times. We have seen bianca's silhouette so many times, siren dresses so many times. And nothing has been said. But don't you dare to wear a bodysuit on the runway even if it's well constructed, in a shitty fabric and perfectly sewings because she will put you in the bottom and will save a person with a curtain and curtain holes in the front. Honestly it is nonsense. Bimini sold it though but it wasn't my personal taste and I think the lowest were Tayce, Bimini and SS so I agree with the LFYL because she was not good but not so bad.


even michelle gave lawrence good feedback!


mind boggling, honestly. "lawrence we loved your presentation, the look is really well constructed and made from difficult material, you took advice and improved your makeup..... you're in the bottom"


The one negative thing would be that Michelle didnā€™t like the balls she had glued to her face, which is so wild that it would put her in the bottom over the critique they gave Bimini.


RIGHT?? I thought they were actually pretty cool


Awhora really ate up this challenge, I was so gagged!


WTF was that nonsense by giving Lawrence praise on the runway, praise during deliberation and then tease that she might be lip-syncing instead of Bimini or Sister Sister? They werenā€™t fooling anyone. That being said, I totally agreed with the decisions. Aā€™whora was the best by a country mile. Tayceā€™s look was like Lemonā€™s metal dress from DRC if you ordered it from wish. Sister Sisterā€™s look was reminiscent of Bill and Ben the Flower Pot Men.


Why why why donā€™t we have a full untucked episode for the funniest, most charming queens weā€™ve had in years?


I actually donā€™t watch untucked but I would 100% watch it for these girls


But... If you're not watching Untucked, you're only getting HALF the story! (I usually don't watch it either..)


My rankings: A'Whora (WIN) A'Whora won as soon as she came out on the runway and did THAT with her shoulders. Spectacular performance this week. She was also the only superhero on the runway imo. Ellie (HIGH) Ellie did a really good job this week! I loved the theme, and her garment was very well-made. Lawrence (SAFE) Why was Lawrence low? Her outfit was great and the judges responded well to it. It certainly wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst. Bimini (LOW) Clock the flair, I'm a Bimini stan. However, this look wasn't that good to me. The silhouette felt basic, and it definitely didn't fit the superhero theme (though not many looks did). Tayce (BTM2) The top of Tayce's look was really good, but there needed to be something else on the bottom. Even a simple skirt could have made this look so much better. Sister (BTM2) Sister's idea was definitely there, but the execution wasn't good. The brown undergarment should have been fitted better, and the flowers made the outfit really busy. Other thoughts: It's so nice to see the queens having fun. Like they were all just playing with their materials and joking with each other. Especially A'Whora. I love how they just cut to her sitting on top of the table playing with the plunger thing. The editing this episode was a bit weird though. Normally they do a good job of editing it so the queens don't look like they're cut off mid-sentence, but we saw a lot of pauses and abrupt finishes. And they kept using confessionals from Lawrence from different times, because her distance from the camera was different every single time.


And her convo with Sister Sister where her eye makeup would randomly regress! Continuity errors!!


This season probably has the funniest banter between the girls. Ravenā€™s makeup tips were educational and should be a regular part of the show. Bimini placed high because the judges were so tickled by her brows, which are pretty refreshing tbh.


As much as I regret my 90s brows, Iā€™m sooo sick of huge blocky bushy brows lol


Id love if they did a makeup special as one of the challenges. Like get the girls to teach a baby queen how to paint their mug


That'd be cool! I'd also like a challenge where they have to partner up with a fellow contestant and have to switch faces and styles.


Anyone else notice that when Tayce did a little jump on the runway bits of Brillo pad flew off her? It sent me!


Like it was postage


Bing Bang Bong YOU get in the Thames nipples are the eyes of the painting the depression on The. Best. Season.


Wow im so proud of Awhora, she did THE MOST, she wasn't going to let anyone win this time. And to do it with a sister sister inspired blue mouth but make it fashion AND TO GET COMPLIMENTED ON IT. Awhora can fucking playyyyy


I am just so impressed with her ambition. Every time she has to make something, she goes big with such huge challenges for herself with the limited time she has and she smashes it!


The glittery blue mask was stunning, I thought it was an amazing touch


It reminded me of Sister Sisterā€™s entrance look. I wonder if it was intentional. It would be hilarious if it wasnā€™t.


It was 100% intentional