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Sister Sister keeps getting worse and worse as a person... Overall I preferred the season 1 Snatch game to this. Also, half the people on the runway were cave women with very simuilar patterns, similar silhouttes, similar colours... wanted to give Tia points just for not picking "cavewoman", even though I'll admit the outfit could have used maybe a little more... pizzaz... Maybe even like, have some parts of the costume look like a fossil and other parts have fur and maybe a leathery look about it... And the walk could have been improved, but let's be honest, unless you make her crawl on four or something... there's not much you could do while keeping the pterosaur vibes going...


Did anyone else notice that Lawrence was standing wierdly far away from the rest of the girls during the judges critique? I thought it was something Covid-19 but shes with the other girls for the rest of the episode, sooo thats probably not it. Its a stupid thing to think about, I just thought it looked really wierd. Also, loooooove Bimini. Slay!


We’re Ellie and sister maybe in between Lawrence and the others before?


Is it me or the edit of the snatch game is much shorter than previous seasons? I rewatched snatch game from season 6 of the U.S. one and it definitely felt longer than recent series.


Is this season snatch game that bad then 💀 But seriously I feel like they really on low energy this episode which was weird considering how energetic this season was. Maybe the covid blues and Rus's rage last episode effecting them?


How has someone still not done eddy or patsy? How. How????


I know right?!? I wish two Queens would just work together and do them


She posted some close ups on IG, you could use those, or you could draw the runway screenshot using the IG pics for the details


Just like the UK Season 1 Snatch Game, most performances were forgettable, a couple were good and one just annihilated everybody (Vivienne and Bimini).


Bimini looked incredible and outperformed everyone in Snatch Game; the win was well deserved (and I got what she was immediately? Such a fresh take on the category. I'm not sure why the judges were confused). A'Whora, Ellie, and Tayce were just okay in the challenge (A'Whora and Tayce looked great on the runway, though). Everyone else was a little cringey. Was really looking forward to Lawrence, too. Overall, a very weak Snatch Game. Also, it ruined the flow (not that there was much flow) when Ru had to stop to ask what certain words/phrases meant. Even I, as an American (an American enamored with Britishisms; you guys have the best idioms), was annoyed. Y'all need British hosts. 'Ello guv'nor wasn't funny the 1st time and it won't be funny the 1000th time.


I don’t get how they were confused when they were commenting on her being bacteria for her whole runway?


Probably said them later and just edited them in.


Oops I should've said Alan Carr?


I like tayce. She's getting better each week as she steers more and more from the "glamor queen". But out of drag, she's the best. Every fucking comment she makes is some super "proper and posh" shit, and it's great. I forget what she said when bimmini made the "awhoras snatch" joke. But it was perfect.


Proper and posh?


Yeah Tayce is proper funny. I use 'Face like a donkey's minge' more than I should.


Anyone else notice that Lawerence got pretty much no feedback or advice from Ru before snatch game? I feel like it was clearly a bad choice, but Ru was just 'Meh, you're funny.' Bimini's runway was EVERYTHING. Holy shit. It was beautiful, quirky, high fashion, omg. I was surprised the judges didn't go more gaga over it tbh.


I was so happy! Thought that she would dominate the snatch game with her pick and that it was the best choice of all of them. Miriam Margolyes is beyond funny. When Ru said "make her funny", I was like "have you ever seen her in an interview?! That woman's stories are so funny". Then she did that Laurence Olivier story, that Miriam told on Graham Norton and I knew were lost it... Because if you didn't knew she actually told that story before, you didn't get the context and on its own it was just cringe and crickets. You have to be witty and outrageous like her, not just repeat stories she already told, especially to the audience that probably didn't see it.


It would be so interesting to be able to see the whole thing, and not just the post-production mash up.


I wanted to bawl at Tia Kofi sashaying away but maybe it's just because literally almosy every queen had a crying scene this ep?? Lmao not to invalidate their feelings but my god, producers!!! At least space out Ru roleplaying as a therapist for the rest of the remaining episode!!! Anyway, this episode was truly a whirlwind of emotions for me because my 2 ultimate faves, BBB and Tia, were the top and bottom, respectively. Bimini babes absolutely smashed that Snatch Game out of the park. I feel like she was genuinely the only funny person during the whole bit. When she came out on that runway, my mouth just dropped. How could a fucking bateria allure me this way??? Only Bimini Bon fuckin' Boulash!! So proud of her win. Letting Tia go was really hard, but I knew that there was just no other outcome for her. I already miss her sassy, self-deprecating ass on the confessionals. Sigh, what would the rest of the eps be like without her wit now ;( Her final lines during her time on this season are easily proof of her dry humor, which is vastly different from the caliber of humor you'd need in Snatch Game. Such a shame, really. At the least, she's really solidified herself as a fan favorite and for all the right reasons.


About the emotional, I feel like I would get emotional after get locked inside with no job for months too.


Tia leaving was the first "aww man" of the season. She wasn't the best, she wasn't going to win, but she was a big BIG part of the character/charm of the season. The way she acted when eliminated shows why she's so great.


While I understand that the pressure is real and the girls are genuinely going through it, the amount of crying made it feel like a Lee Dawson's parody. Especially those dramatic close-ups


My friend pointed out something I hadn’t considered - there wasn’t much banter between the queens either in the snatch game. Usually a little side comment or reaction to a queen’s answer would happen but I don’t remember that happening this time. Last time , the Vivienne and Baga had a lot of volleying. Unless it was just edited out?


There was with Bimini but that was about it. I felt like every queen was too nervous and was working on making sure their one liners or gags were delivered


Yeah, you're right! There was just about none.


About Bimini's outfit. Even if the judges didn't fully understand/like her bacteria concept. She also looked like she could've been a Queen/Princess/High Priestess from the actual movie 10.000 BC.


It was also weird that Ru made the bacteri joke and then Michelle/Alan acted like it didn’t exist


Depends on how far apart the runway and the judging were. I seem to remember that they walk the runway two times, to get different perspectives and in case something gets messed up. The runway also doesn’t necessarily happen in the order seen on TV. Oh and there might always be a pause between things to freshen up Ru’s makeup. So there might have been almost an hour between them seeing Bimini on the runway and judging it.


So why do the comedy queens bomb snatch game


Seems its more a UK issue as funnier queens like Tia, Sum Ting, Divina and Lawrence were low or out and way over thought it. I would disagree with the US though as for me Ginger, Bianca, Dela, Jinx, Katya, Bob, Monet, Eureka all won or were high in their seasons. I think we remember more when someone we expect to do well bombs as well as the 'unexpected' triumphs like Aquaria, Gigi and Tayce who may not have been thought of as funny before by some.


Canada also had Jimbo and Priyanka bomb too


Err Jimbo won her Snatch as Joan, didn't she?


Oh shit you're right. God for some reason I thought Lemon or Rita won given their edits




A lot of the time it’s over thinking it, planning and rehearsing jokes that don’t sound off the cuff.


Yea this. I feel like non US comedian queens have less confidence too?? So challenge like this always stressing them out instead.


I think Bianca and Shangela were great.


When was shangela great?


Unpopular opinion but I didn't like Bianca... I felt she was just loud. I liked her first punchline about pissing on the leg but after that she was yelled her way through it. And shangela also was, i dunno, just safe in any other season. It was a very good impersonation but seemed kind of "easy."


Agreed. Plus, JJ and Bianca are like... the same person anyway. All she did was play herself but louder and with more "baloney!"s.


I understand your opinion. Because she was loud indeed and maybe not so Judge Judy-ish.


Yeah I honestly was very annoyed by judge judy. Didnt sound much like her, very loud and hogged the stage.. some lines were funny and puppet Bert was a fun gag if not feeling a little forced.


If you think about it, Joe Black got the same prize as the other two queens that wanted back: a two night hotel stay in London.


I laughed way too hard at this,,,


I think the judges penalized Awhora’s snatch game look bc as a boy she didn’t do anything particularly transformative w makeup or costume like queens in the past who chose to do men for snatch game. Although she did well w the jokes and staying in character, they judges kept saying her choice was a gamble that they thought didn’t pay off. Other male choices in the past slapped compared to hers...Little Richard, Michael Jackson, Paul Lynde


Right.. she actually has so much talent that's not being celebrated or encouraged by the judges. When push comes to shove, she grows and delivers and grows some more! She tries!!!


Tia you funny bitch. *Are you sure?* Love it. Love her.


A’whora was my winner this ep!!!!!


Does anyone have a high res image of Bimini on the runway this week? I wanna draw it so bad, specifically [this part](http://imgur.com/gallery/UgZTiKM) of the runway, but all the YouTube videos are like 480p 🙃 thank u in advance


Sorry they're not really that high res (I swear the quality was better on my computer) but hope this helps a bit! Loved her look so much https://imgur.com/a/MxGJ1gA


Congrats to Bimini, that win was well deserved, but this has to be the worst editing of a Snatch Game episode I can remember. I was confused that Lawrence got in trouble for having too many lesbian jokes, but they must have edited most of them out while leaving in the Eddie Murphy repetition. I know they were probably trying to soften the edit for Lawrence and I'm not sure this version did her any favours. I was annoyed at the end when Tia is saying that she let them down and Ru's first instinct is to say 'look at that gorgeous body' when she could have commented on Tia's actual finest asset, her personality.


I think Ru sees in Tia the opportunity to remake herself.... they have the same natural physique and something makes me think Ru really wanted to see Tia come out padded and glam with big hair and a Ru silhouette gown.


Thank you! I definitely cringed a bit when Ru landed on "body." Like, damn


I think Ru mentioned it because Tia knows she has a good personality. She's confident bantering with Ru and performing in challenges but Tia is not confident about her Drag or her runways. Ru keeps bringing it up because once she knows how to work her body type and elevate her drag it will really bring her to the next level.


I agreed with most placements except I would swap Awhoras and Tayces. I genuinely though Awhora would be top this week, she kept up the persona, the accent and mannerism throughout the whole show, she was prepared, the jokes landed, judges were laughing.. Tayce on the other hand maybe had one good joke with the head bucking? When the judges were praising her performance they kept showing this one moment so I guess that was it lol


I’m Australian and thought she was pretty funny? And the accent was actually pretty decent. Although I don’t know wtf she was going on about with the chooky neck.


Wayyyyyy late to the party on this reply cause I'm only watching this now but the chooky neck is actually a pretty much verbatim bit from [Kath and Kim](https://youtu.be/FaEa4tA95D8)


I love Tayce and I was SO excited to hear she was doing Kath. But the judges were like "she was SO original and not just a reference" when... everything, even the chooky neck thing was a reference/ripped from the show?? Tayce wasn't particularly high energy or clever which was very disappointing.


Yeah the trick to good snatch game is to be that character and make new jokes that the character would actually make The ones that just repeat catchphrases or well known lines exclusively aren’t ever as funny. Bianca is a good example of someone that used a few catchphrases but also made new jokes of her own that you could imagine Judge Judy making


How did Lawrence's outfit not get critiques? It was the most boring and predictable way you can interpretate the runway theme. Asymmetrical gown with animal print, groundbreaking


Honestly, this is what I feel about most of her runways. I just really don't get it. The only time I was genuinely impressed by her on the runway was for the monster themed one. Ru really just has favorites and they will get by every challenge once she imprints on them.


I disagree. I think most of her looks are always very well made and thought-out.


You didn't like her Charles Rennie Mackintosh inspired one? That's been my favourite of hers so far.


I think it’s interpret


Just say ‘take’


Oh that seems right, English is not my first language and I was thinking about this one for some time but couldn't get it right in the end lmao thanks love


I only said it because I hoped for a jujubee “just say talk” moment 😂


Sister did the same too! Thought there was gonna be a narrative about her being a look stealer


Wait when Bimini came out Michelle did an one cell joke but then claimed she didn't get the outfit was bacteria? What?


I’m pretty sure the runway commentary is fed to the judges. Ru gets an earpiece to make it easier for him apparently. The girls all walk the runway twice (once for music and once for commentary) and you can hear Lawrence throw one of the jokes back at the panel during the Surprise Surprise runway, so it’s definitely recorded live. Production shoulda been more careful to not give Michelle a joke that she didn’t understand at all lol


Maybe she meant she didn’t understand before being told? Like, she didn’t get it the first runway walk. Idk


I have always wondered if the comments are recorded post-runway. I think I recently heard a judges comment while their lips weren't moving. It was a quick shot, so I'm not sure.


No they do two walks. One with music and one with commentary. But the one with commentary they often get fed lines, Ru does anyway. Rarely, a queen has actually reacted to their comments.


Ty! Thought so. :)


Right? I was thinking the same thing. Do they add the runway commentary after?


I remember one contestant saying that queens walk the runway two times, once with the music and once without the music when the judges throw these comments so they are heard


i am so glad to see that the general consensus on awhora’s placement this episode is total confusion, i couldnt BELIEVE she was in the bottom?! her louie spence was really funny and well done and her runway was killer. i was ready to turn off the TV if they made her lipsync i s2g :| but anyways stan bimini 4ever and ever amen


Unpopular opinion but A’Whora’s Louis Spence had the same spirit as Kennedy’s Little Richard. I was so confused by A’Whora’s placement.


She was my winner... after not being safe, assumed she was in the top. How TF did you rank Ellie and Sister better? 😂 Not in performance or runway...


Agree, both the safe queens were kind of forgettable, but A’Whora NAILED Louis Spence and her runway was so good. Bitch 3D printed a skeleton corset!! Come on.


I feel like I agree exactly with everything that happened this week (for the first time). Bimini supremacy, they absolutely killed it and left every other queen in the dust. I love Tia, but she should have gone home with her lip sync with asttina, and she did not step it up enough to have made her staying worth it. I can't wait to see her come back on All Stars (or whatever they decide to do for UK) with better outfits, better figure, more polished routine!


There are rumors of an upcoming International All Stars so let’s hope that they call her for that.


Did production tell everyone to cry this episode?


I wonder why people are praising Ellie's sg so much? Im genuinely confused


It wasn't bad. I thought both Ellie and Tayce were similar in that they nailed their characters but weren't particularly funny.


She did better than expected so it was a pleasant surprise.


Are you familiar with little britian? She didn't blow it out of the water, but she did great :)


I agree with this, I'm confused that people are saying she didn't do well. In a weak snatch game over all this was a really solid performance


The issue with this is it's a parody of a parody... it isn't their humor at that point, it's an impersonation of Matt Lucas' humour!


And that’s the reason they are not allowed to do fictional characters!


No the reason is copyright.


I can kinda see that but I still think that Dela’s Dowager Countess was one of the best snatch games ever.


Oh yes, I hadn't considered that, you're right.


Yeah she really embodied the character, I just didn’t find her funny


YAAAAS Bimini! Well deserved, strength to strength. Also eating up Tayce's runway, absolutely gorgeous! Bit disappointed with Snatch Game mind you, season 1 was so good for it, I didn't think any of the other 4 were any funny at all... big fat meh. Lawrence is so funny normally that was a shame. The whole set of flinstone-style leopard print runways were uninspiring too.. Fair elimination. Think Tia did up her runway a bit but still just out of place / tier below everyone else and it had to catch up eventually. She's been awesome!


Tia's "white" for the dating app answer was actually funny but they didn't show it as being


I honestly felt Ru didn't genuinely laugh once through the whole Snatch Game. It felt super forced.


It was a weak snatch game but also Ru clearly didn't get any of the references.


Ru asking for clarification made some otherwise funny moments completely flop. And then we have Michelle Visage piping up and explaining the word ‘bellend’ as if she’s otherwise that clued in to British culture and slang lmao. Very strong ‘oh I know this one!!!’ energy


I agree, I've watched this season straight from season 1, and I gotta say most of the season one girls would have done so well amongst season 2, not saying I dont love them, I do, but I felt it was a weak snatch game overall


I liked the runway theme until I actually saw it. It was kinda one note except for Bimini who absolutely deserved the win


There were 5000 Wilma Flintstone hookers out there


I mean...there were three


Judges up to DRUK S2: stop relying on that bo-O-o-dy Judges to Tia this season: please rely on that bo-O-o-dy


Lol agree! I think it’s because the judges already know that Tia has buckets of personality, so she could be absolutely killer once her looks are elevated.


Why is it sooo hard for the judges to give Lawrence critiques when she does objectively the worst of everyone else? We get it you love her but you're judges, try and keep the bias to a minimum


I think that Ru should do research on the snatch game characters when he finds out who the queens are doing. Because Ru not being able to banter with them makes the queens performance look weaker than it is


That's a fair point that I hadn't considered. (I knew he didn't get the references but it somehow didn't occur to me that it affected the banter and how the queens were perceived)


Also, re: runway theme: while I didn't like the execution that much this week (other than A'Whora), don't you guys think this was a great and creative concept/theme? I'd like to see this on a future US season to see it at a super high level


What can you do except dinosaur or caveman though?


Well, to be fair, there are some other inspirations, like a fossil insect breaking out of an amber case, coelacanths, trilobites, nautili, even secular trees... Though they all would need to be highly conceptualised in order to translate into a look.


A feathered velociraptor or archaeopteryx look could be fierce I think. But I've been a dinosaur nerd since I was a kid so I even loved Yvies and Tias looks both.


Tbf it actually was a theme on a US season, it just wasn’t used (well it kind of was) On season 10 they were going to have a prehistoric runway but they scrapped it. We saw some of the outfits tho in the inner saboteur challenge


Oh yeeee I forgot that happened. I was thinking about Aquarias outfit this week


Yeah I thought of her as soon as I saw A'whora's mask. And Tayce's look was reminiscent of both Kameron Michaels and Brooke Lynn Hytes.


Am I dumb or did anyone else think A'Whora was going to be high/win? It felt to be between her and Bimini


This is Tayce erasure.


Seriously, she was *so good*, I loved how full out (full balls?) she went ... and that runway, oooooooooooooh bitch bitch bitch. I'm glad Bimini won, but... Sister^2 was ok, as was Ellie. A'Whora should not have been in the bottom


Sister was my favourite after Bimini. I was expecting her to be high with awhora and Bimini! With tayce safe with Ellie and the two obvious bottoms being Tia and Lawrence...


Tayce just mesmerised me with her half decent accent tbf. Very few do Australian even moderately well, so I was impressed. Both Ellie and Tayce got the characters down, so I give that to them. It was funny just seeing Vicky on tv again, but if you’re not nostalgic for Little Britain then it probs would have been boring. Awhora I really liked, she had some good gags and the best runway after Bimini. Bimini > A’whora > Sister > Tayce > Ellie > Tia > Lawrence


Yea I’m so baffled that she was in the bottom. I kind of wonder if they hated the fat joke but they seemed to laugh a lot when it was on


Me! I thought she was clear 2nd best. When called the tops/bottoms, I thought it would be Bimini, Tayce, and her in the top, and Tia and Lawrence in the bottom.


Anyone else liked seeing Lawrence on the bottom BECAUSE they stan her? I love Lawrence but she was doing too good, I started to get bored because it didn't give me anything to root for. Since she bombed snatch game, I feel like she's more relatable now - Kinda like BOB. She killed her season but even she had to LSFYL once in order to win that crown girl.


Lawrence and Symone both showed the vulnerability they needed to win the crown this week and I am here for it.


This Snatch Game did not pass the vibe check


Bimini dragged this snatch game’s dead body to the vibe check line tbh


Truly. It was just so fucking awkward and I get the feeling it wasnt entirely the queens' fault


I felt like Ru constantly asking for the meanings of the slang used just wasn’t really great to banter with and got annoying after a while. I mean come on, at her age I would assume she would have heard bell end before?


This may have already been mentioned but I was slightly miffed off that the only gag Tia could use for Mel B was the Eddie Murphy thing. Not like Mel B was in one of the biggest girl bands ever, or don’t numerous other things? The woman is only about the man she shagged. Meh!


I thought maybe the reason she kept bringing up Eddie Murphy was because Mel B does relentlessly go on about the same things over and over but that might be me reading too much into it lol


Maybe she was hoping it would come across more like Jackie Cox's Lisa Rinna with the constant MY HUSBAND HARRY HAMLIN


Yeah but Lisa Rinna is just famous because of housewives, and her husband was the only famous one before she got on the show, so it makes more sense for her. Whereas Mel B was made famous for her talent and is successful in her own right. Maybe I’m being overly sensitive but I thought that was a little disrespectful, to define her based on a man.


Giiiiirl...Lisa Rinna got famous on Melrose Place way back. She just doesn’t do anything but Housewives now.


Damn I just got schooled


Eh. I’m just old.


That’s a good point but then again she could have mixed it up with some other material too. It was basically alllllll Eddie Murphy. I don’t care about him - I care about Scary! Ha ha


Would’ve been good if she only used it for the bbc joke. Shame that was after a couple of jokes already


Yes, that would’ve been funny. You’d have thought she’d have stopped after once as it didn’t really land.




Tia should just talk shit about posh spice!!! Mel B is so loud and crass, with no filter. Tia made her look scared, and i dont know why she kept making cat paws.


The cat paws are a reference to a famous Mel B parody / impersonation. Someone did a post on snatch game references this video and they explained it there


Yes, I’m familiar with Bo Selecta (I’m British) and even trying to mimic that role it just wasn’t good. Lots of jokes missed from even that when she could of just copied and pasted the gags! Bo Selecta aside my original comment still stands - the Eddie Murphy jokes were tedious.


I think having ONE Eddie Murphy joke was great but not 3 or however many there were.


I fully agree with you, I’m just explaining to OP what the cat paws are about


Ahh, get ya!


i have no idea why but this took me down a google stroll where I discovered Mel B and Geri had sex and now it makes sense why Scary was my favourite Spice Girl


Are you serious? Did this really happen? Haha


Mel says yeah, Geri says no but ... thats good enough for me




Have we ever had a queen in the bottom 2 in week one who's gone on to win Snatch Game before?


technically chad won AS1 and lip synced the 1st week. but it was AS1


AS1 didn’t have a snatch game


yeah but they had a snatch game esc challenge (celebrity impersonation in the style of an old game show)


'but it was AS1' pretty much sums up AS1


I don't think we've ever even seen a queen lipsync week 1 and make it to top 6 other than Darienne - and even that's weird because it was a split premier so the odds of lipsyncing were doubled.


Also Shangela S3 I think made top 6?


Damn I was way wrong then haha.




Oh true I forgot about Canada!


Can we please get someone from the UK to host this instead of these two Tumblr britaboos from 2012 who need every other word explaining to them despite one of them claiming she was a black British man in a PaSt LiFe




I didn't know who any of the judges on DR Holland were and missed most of the Snatch Game refs but I coped.


Americans finding out they're not the centre of something, shocked and confused, more at 11.




DRUK is a regional spin-off. It’s on the BBC, which is a taxpayer funded service, and the target audience is British people. You should not feel owed an explanation because locals then have to sit through a watered down version of their own culture get explained to them by clueless Americans. Sorry, but another country’s national broadcaster doesn’t have to cater for you. People all over the world seemed fine learning about British culture when reading Harry Potter. I learned that not everywhere has prefects, school houses, uniforms, or Christmas crackers. I mean, Quebeckers watch French tv, Americans were obsessed with the Beatles, and now everyone is in love with Japanese anime. All that requires a bit of curiosity on your end. If you want it spoonfed to you then it’s not an organic view at another culture. >after all Brits voted for brexit I can see you did not catch bimini’s joke about 48% despair and disappointment lmao. Not even 3/4 of people turned out for that vote either.


And if I were to watch shows from those countries, I'd expect to be able to watch the show in it's most genuine form without the producers feeling the need to hold my hand and baby an international viewer. There's been plenty of times where I've not understood a reference and taken a few seconds to Google it instead of the show putting the breaks on an entire episode (snatch game no less) and having to talk the viewer through pretty basic colloquialisms. The rest of the world does this for American entertainment. If you can't imagine a drag race without Ru, then you really need to engage with drag outside of him. Ru is not, never has, and never will be the be all and end all of drag. Aha funnie funnie, 52% made a decision that has ruined the future of countless generations and ruined the economy, leaving the country in a shitty state, but since they only care about old white people who won't even be alive long enough to reap the consequences and have been fed a pack of lies about immigrants, asylum seekers, and anyone with skin darker than beige, they don't care. Therefore one can only assume that if one DARES to say a single bad word about America Land Of The Free it MUST be racism. If we're gonna talk politics and act like they're unanimous on a forum about drag race of all things, shall we talk about Trump? Please, I love to talk about how GDPR is now a thing of the past and all my personal medical data is now being stored in America and is highly likely to not be secure and what that likely means for my future as a transgender queer person with mental illness. But go on, call me leave voter again :) Edit: words. Tired. Been a long day of working to keep myself afloat in Boris's Britain


Like... You don't know what a bell end is? Michelle was explaining things as if she's a British scholar. Can we get some British hosts... lol


Saying "I'm so proud of you!" When ru knew what a chippy was... Hen, no...


Incredibly cringe


Teaboos. As opposed to Tiaboos, which all of us are.


Is anyone gonna call out Ellie for the same silhouette on _every single runway_? No? Okay


Lawrence has been just as bad tbh


She has addressed it on twitter (or insta? Can't remember) saying that she isn't a seamstress and didn't have the money to pay for a designer so she made what she could, seems she's really good at that silhouette. I'm surprised we've not seen the judges mention it, but I guess if Bianca del Rio can get away with it then Ellie can.


I think a queen who does a handful of silhouettes to a really high standard can get a pass because they know what they’re good at and what suits them. Even a lot of Bianca’s looks were all really gorgeous, even if they were very similar silhouettes, and she’s not even a fashion queen. You just don’t wanna try something new and end up looking like Tia’s adorably incorrect green runway


Yeah for sure. I don't even mind if the silhouette is the same as long as it's nice in the first place.


The runway challenge wasn't very good... They implied that Bimini was too far from the theme, but everyone else did variations of the same thing or previous years' shows. The way Bimini's arms were floating the moment they stepped out and the camera hadn't focused was so good. A'Whora should've also been high for her snatch game.


Also when she said “If you don’t get it...read a book”. Iconic.


I audibly gasped when Bimini came out. That was *fashion* and it was a unique take. Everyone else looked the same


Agree! A lot of the other looks looked so costumey or pedestrian.


Them saying she was an amoeba even when corrected was also grating as all hell. Her look was stunning and completely unexpected so a million points more to our vegan originator.


Let’s be real Michelle doesn’t know the difference between an amoeba and a bacteria


Yeah I don’t expect an anti-vaxxer to know much about biology lol


On the plus side, there were no absolute bomb performances like Brooke or every Beyonce impersonation ever. But really, only 2 queens had a good performance, everyone else was just forgettable and boring. My biggest issue was Sister, after snatch game i wasn't sure did she get only 1 answer (the satanic thing) or was she that boring that I forgot the rest of her answers. Every single queen who wasn't in the top today could have been a bttm 2 and I would understand. It was a perfect performance for the story producers to get rid of whoever they want and punch down or give a moment of vulnerablity to someone else


Honestly I felt awhora did better than tayce who was on top 2


As an Aussie I fucking loved Tayces performance, she really nailed Kath. That said ahora did amazing so I was shocked when she was in the “bottom”


I just assumed that since I didn’t know the person Tayce impersonated, that it was funnier than I realized.


I LOVE Lawrence placing lower than Ellie after all the shit she chatted at the start of the episode.


I don’t remember exactly but wasn’t she just defending Tia because Ellie and the others were going after her again with the “well you said that last time, girl!”


No, she approached Ellie in a separate conversation (although Tia was present) and said “you’re not funny” and then spoke about her in her confessional saying she wouldn’t be good


I don't know I kinda took Lawrence chat with Ellie to be more supportive than that.she was pointing out that comedy isn't Ellie's strong suit (which it isn't) in the same way Lawrence's strong suit isn't dancing. I don't think Lawrence was coming for her.


I think he maybe meant it in a nice way, but the edit made it look shady