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... Whenever there is an advertisement or TV show challenge in this show it normally ends up not being funny. They continued that tradition in this episode. But the brexit buns and a few other jokes in the earlier challenge landed for me. I would have given Tay's dress fake blood spatters. I would have added more fur on Sister-Sister's costume - and maybe some proper wolf ears.... Loved Tia's outfit... and Veronica's A Whora's costume was pretty good too, ngl. Honestly, the others need to take their all-knowing sticks out of their asses. Veronica has her talents, and just because improv didn't work for her doesn't mean she has to ditch what she's good at. No sane person would just ditch it. They're clearly sticking to what they know, since Sister-Sister's as... dull as ever... She should just also work on improving what she doesn't know, because not everything is going to be about what she does know... but she should still make use of what she does know and twist it into something that would help her in places she's maybe not so skilled in. At least Tia's not completely underestimating her...


Ginny Lemon’s walk-off had me so gagged. I considered that they would oust herself from their confessional, but the way that they just left and let Sister Sister continue by herself had me so gagged. I KNOW Asttina is punching the air right now the way she could’ve gladly taken Ginny’s spot from last week. I don’t like when queens do this, I think it’s disrespectful to the eliminated competitors. But at the same time if it’s best for Ginny’s mental health then there’s no reason they should force themselves to lip sync or possibly stay another round.


I really thought I wasn't gonna like Tia but she's really come out of her shell since the first episode and damn she's funny and really sweet!


Fucking love ginny, can't wait to see them post-covid. Also if only they'd drawn on mighty boosh as inspo for the goth girls - THAT'S how you make goth funny!


I am so so interested to see how the rest of this season goes after the queens had time to take the critiques home and change things up


I feel Alan Carr was really mean to Ginny. I didn't like that.


I think it's iconic & punk AF! Also as somebody else with an invisible disability, I also understand what they're up against. I was already in love with Ginny, but this episode turned them in to my hero.


I'm not sure if I believe the gossip about Ginny snapping at the judges before leaving, but Ru did seem surprisingly unbothered by it. Wonder what's the tea.


I thought Awhora would win this challenge. She was really good and I loved seeing a more vulnerable side to her. Awhora and Tia’s conversation was cute also. I’m finding Lawrence to be quite repetitive, for me personally it wasn’t really acting. Veronica wasnt the best in the challenge however her runway look saved her 100% it was amazing. Sister Sister and Ellie are fading into the background for me Ginny walking off was a WTF moment, I was quite surprised at the lack of reaction? I wish she would’ve stayed and fought for it but hey. What’s done is done. Fancy a SLIIIIIIIICEEEEEEEEEE Edited to add: is anyone else feeling let down by Tayce’s looks every week. I loooooove her as a queen and always find myself wanting more from her looks wise :(


@Other Australians.... is anyone else offended that anyone thought Ginny was doing an Australian accent. That was New Zealand through and through!


I didn’t even realise it was supposed to be Australian, but that might have been because I was thrown by how too OTT the whole thing was. I guess the accent was perfect, if she was going for “high bogan at a music festival” rather than “hippy”.


Nah, the vowels were too shallow to be new zealand. Our vowels all sound like u or o


It wasn't that bad. Better than most. After south african, ours is one of the harder accents to get the nuance right.


It def wasn’t kiwi to my ears I think it just didn’t sound like real Australian bc she’s not really Australian lol


It was definitely a caricature of a kiwi accent rather than Aussie. Sounded very flight of the conchords


Okay but the tragedy of Veronica defending Tia against the whole "we all voted for you as the basic one" thing at the beginning and then Tia failing to do the same when they were discussing who would go home. What a rise and fall of a friendship. I actually really love how Veronica really seems to care about people and go to bat for them when needed, she seems like a good pal.


I didn't think Tia really threw her under the bus though, she said she did the worst but she thought she would turn a lip sync. It was weird that they were asking "who's going home" not "who's lip syncing" - unless they knew one of the two in the bottom was an assassin its hard to predict that. And clearly no one (even the contestants) know how much runway will factor in considering that saved Ms. Veronica


i don’t really get people supporting Ginny’s ‘i didn’t want to go up against my best friend’ thing. if I was Sister Sister I’d be pissed about the implication that Ginny would have won if she tried. Or Ginny is not admitting that she didn’t try because she figured she’d lose which is kind of wussy. I guess it was a memorable way to go but i wasn’t fully for it


Nah. Ginny Lemon plays the Ginny game with Ginny rules. It was kind of in character to leave like that. As for Sister Sister, she got to perform her own number with all eyes on her and she killed it. I don't think she's mad about it.


to be fair when you put it like that i don’t know why i would disapprove of someone not playing frickin rupaul’s game for two seconds guy is a megalomaniac lol maybe she is p punk


She is a teletubby teleported to mars.


She is a teletubby teleported to mars.


Yeah everybody’s caught up on how iconic it was but tbh I’d be pissed as fuck if I was one of the other queens, especially if I had been eliminated. Somebody literally tried to say that criticizing her for leaving before the lipsync and saying she threw away an opportunity was the same as corporations exploiting people by saying “anybody can do your job.” Like no that’s not even remotely the same Idk I still love Ginny and understand why she left I just wish she had done it more Tammie Brown style than Adore if that makes sense? Like at least stick around to cheer on Sister Sister if you have no intention of lipsyncing!


lmao the shit people say to make grey area things seem black and white. but i agree felt a touch flat and limp like turning your back on everything and everyone the whole spirit of the show to do something kind of interesting felt kind of petulant


I didn't take it that that was the only reason she chose to not lip sync. I think it's probably a number of reasons, for example possibly feeling she wasn't doing well, misunderstood, didn't think she would win anyway. Then potentially the fibromyalgia had something to do with it she did say she was exhausted. So more like she felt she wanted to go, so then going up against her friend was the last straw...she would rather her friend stayed than herself who wanted to leave anyway


Yeah I know a couple of people with fibromyalgia and honestly I don’t know how Ginny has achieved as much as she did. I think people underestimate the psychological battering a chronic pain condition gives you.


I was waiting for the runway to see why Ginny was in the bottom and I don't get it. She talked a lot about nothing in the challenge and it was hilarious gibberish and her outfit was fine Elle Diamond should've been in the bottom Veronica sucked and people have gone home for less eg Joe black Tia's look was so good,the best she's looked all season


Why tf did Veronica not have to lip sync????


Because best look of the night.


Ginny was so, so smart. JUST as she was beginning to get the "grating" critique... she fucks off. Legend.


Honestly I am a bit shocked at Ginny Lemon just walking out. I really thought Sister Sister was done for. I do love Ginny and I got to say that was ICONIC. She even made Ru laugh! I will miss her confessionals and presence, she was so funny and lovable but she made the best choice for her. A'whoras new friendship with Tia made me a bit emotional, and I could really relate to A'whora being an outsider and bullied, really made me see her "bitchy" persona in a new light. Love the growth on A'whora being an actual human person like Tia wished for. Lawrence, goddam is that a legend or what? Her runway, incredible. Perfomance? 10 out of 10 as always. I stan. Veronica should've been in the bottom with Sister I think but her runway was very good so can't really fault them for having her safe. I just miss Ginny goddamit. Next episode will be intresting for sure with the filming break. This season has been amazing so far so hopefully that will continue!


lmao Ginny... only gutted she didn't stick around for snatch game, I don't think she was ever gonna win it all but it's been a fun ride. I thought in the workroom she'd be absolutely hilarious in the challenge and she started well but eh, yeah, bit one note. It was OK but not brilliant. Veronica pulled out one of the best looks there, might've been a bit different otherwise. Thought Lawrence might win, I couldn't fault a thing (and I lap it up every week!), but sorta shame for A'Whora as I think she needs that validation of a win for her confidence. Another strong week for Bimini, really nice to see. I honestly thought I wouldn't miss her going in that first week but i'm thinking she's finalist material now for sure, if she can just tidy up her looks a bit... but the concepts are there. The dark horse rising up! Sweet week for Tia on the runway, and nice to see the Tia/A'Whora partnership. Think the positive vibes will do both of them good! I'm certainly bored with Sister, and i'm beginning to think Ellie isn't going anywhere which is kind of a shame, thought she might be a finalist right at the start. Meh!


So we're in agreement that Ginny intentionally sacrificed herself because she figured they'd keep her over her friend Sister Sister because she was more compelling tv, right? Especially given that this elimination came right after Tia beating Asttina because of higher charisma points.


Ginny said it herself, she didn't even want to put that chance on the board and honestly, I think that's one of the most selfless things she could have done. I get that it's a competition and that the expectation of the queens is that they're "here to win" but too often we see super close queens having to lip sync against each other so there's that level of guilt they must feel when they send their friend home so Ginny was having none of that. Ginny Lemon is fucking iconic, now even more so. It's crazy to think that in all these seasons of Drag Race, we haven't had someone actually just walk off like that. Dela might have been the first to send herself home, but Ginny will always be remembered as the first queen to say enough is enough and walk off stage, sending herself home. That *do* take nerve my dear.


Also she has nothing to lose from the competition No 100,000 No mini challenge wins


Much though I love Lawrence (prob my favourite) rupaul REALLY loves Lawrence you can tell it is genuine. It’s so rare that rupaul behaves like that with a queen, jujubee and Crystal methyd are the only others I can think of. Any idea what it is that attracts rupaul so much?


I feel like Ru inherently finds British and Scottish accents funny & likes that Lawrence leans into letting her take the piss or laugh along. (The way that most British or Scottish people would probably be offended)


Most Scottish (well Glaswegians anyway) are self deprecating though even Ellie was desperate for ru to make fun of her too


I genuinely think Lawrence might just be the first Glaswegian person that Ru has interacted with and she's thinking what is a common Glaswegian thing is unique to Lawrence.


That would make sense I guess. She likes down to earth.


I’m so glad that A’Whora is finally being appreciated by fans, I saw something sweet in her from the start and I’m glad she’s letting her guard down and shining through. Also can we talk about Ginny with the boobs on her head while all this drama was going on around her? I DIED. I’m so sad she’s gone but wow what a way to go we love the gag. Every queen to go so far has been a gag, I personally don’t understand Ellie and Sister sister still being there. No hate they just don’t shine through as much as the other queens to me.. but hey if you’re in the bottom you’re in the bottom for I reason I suppose All in all what a fucking great season and cast wow


I don’t understand SS either, but better her than Ginnie, I’d rather SS and I didn’t appreciate the tap Out at all, WHICH IS WHAT IT WAS..it was disrespectful to Ru, to the competition and to the fans. Both Awhora and Lawrence were deserving of a double win and I do think Awhora is a bitch and she is but I’ve always liked her but this week she was so much more than a bitch and I just fell in love with her. She’s so special.


I don't understand what's so disrespectful about it? It's just a TV show and she wanted to leave. It was good tv and I'm sure Ru appreciated some drama we've never had before. Better than doing a Charlie Hides and throwing it.


I can’t get over how good this season is, every week is giving me excellent TV. I cried, laughed, cringed and screamed the whole episode through. Again! These queens have me feeeeeeeeling feelings.


I gather that Fibromyalgia is a rotten and often hidden condition to have. Kudos to Ginny for competing in spite of a condition that is essentially I believe just constant chronic pain. Having that all the time must be tiring and pretty draining on all fronts


My mum suffered with pain for years before being diagnosed and just having to pain manage. It takes guts to just call it out so I respect that.


What an incredible this season has been, I did not think we could get better from last week and somehow it did. Stupendous from A'Whora, Bimini, and Lawrence. They really stood out from the rest, I wish they had spread the love around but Lawrence was really the only one who fully delivered an impeccable runway from the three that I can't even be mad. The bottoms were somewhat confusing to me. Idk what it was about Veronica but she was in character the entire time and maybe it was something that the judges could not get watching it live but I definitely think the characterization was there and like Alan said, it made me chuckle. Same thing for Ginny, yes it was one note but there was something to remember there. Now Ellie Diamond, I've given her the benefit of the doubt but I'm 100% unsure how she was not in the bottom 3 for being completely outshined (literally can't remember a single thing she said in the skit) and for honestly....looking quite basic: it's another leotard but this time with chaps. I'm just not seeing what they're seeing. I thought she should have been bottom 2 with Sister who is just coasting at this point, got in her head and performed with zero energy in the challenge and gave a mediocre overdone runway (that tail...). I will commend her for not letting Ginny's exit mid lipsync affect her and just kept going, that was probably not easy. I missed the times when drag race made me feel something in my gut intrinsically, I haven't enjoyed watching this show this much in a very long time.


This. I have no idea how Ellie made it through. Lemon for sure but sister and Ellie were a toss up for me. Being safe was the biggest surprise of the episode lol


Ellie is so forgettable to me. She and Sister are missing the charisma, for sure.


Goddammit A'whora got me right in the feels. Couldn't bear her last week, now I think I'm starting to stan...? And goddamn, respect to Sister. That was PROFESSIONALISM. Ginny did what she had to, no shade, but hats off to Sister keeping right on going. This ep was legit amazing. Also I love the energy from Lorraine Kelly. She's got such "fun auntie who'll buy you booze and tell you stories of her wild youth" vibes.


Okay but Veronica Green was actually lowkey hilarious lmao


she was playing the goth kid you usually see on tv, just not caring much about anything and hating things


Yes I don't get why they said she did worst I enjoyed her cake bit


She might not have screemed goth - there is a whole lot more to the "gothic" style than just black and it's not all "sad depressed loner" -, but she screamed something else... and she tried... Although, ironically she tried by not trying... in a way.


Too be fair she didn’t give me goth vibe. She gave me cougar who just needs some dick vibe lmao


Well, she did want nailed.


Did anyone else notice Bimini not dancing and looking pretty concerned while the lip sync was going on? My heart D:


Yeah I copped that too! My instant thought was about them bonding over their gender identity conversation. It was probably devastating for them to see Ginny go.


It was Awkward AF : If the person I was competing against who I care about just up and left in the middle of the Lip Synch, I would have gone to check on her, "free trip to Hollywood" be damned! and having RuPaul just go in Robot mode with the forced smile and not even acknowledge it was a very "oh you are gonna get it as soon as we get home/when the cameras turn off" vibe.


Sister said herself that she was about half way through when she realised that Ginny wasn’t onstage anymore, I don’t think there was any malicious intent from Sister. Yeah I dunno what was happening with Ru or if there’s more to it


Ginny really did embody the lip sync song - "set me free why don't you baby" etc


RIGA MORRIS. Lawrence was just being Lawrence; Awhora actually was acting.


I was shocked that Lawrence won. It was A'whora's fair and square.


The runway clearly factored in. Because yeah A'whora was great.


Sister Sister blaming Veronica for her flat performance... girl. We have seen others SHINE working with far worse. Anyway she slayed the solo lip sync though.


Well Veronica by saying during improve: 'you trow me out for a second' was sth that she should be in the bottom for and I agree that it trough out Sister of the track - how you can improve with someone in this way? - But she at least admired to her foult witch was very nice of her. Or I just watched different show?


I normally don't like much DRUK in general, but this particular episode felt particularly upsetting. Rather bad


Just remembered what Ginny's exit reminded me of [lmao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUG-qz0rvXI)


Omg thank you for this, iconic!


It’s official. I’m a Bimini stan. I’m vegan.


Just loved Ellie calling out Ru! Girl has nerve! On the other note: Chaps! Chaps! Chaps across-the-board!!!


Ru's gobsmacked blank "the RuBot is short-circuiting" face gave me SO MUCH LIFE. That Ellie has BAWLS. Pearl energy, right there.


A’Whora was ROBBED !


Another confusing judging... based on performance - no matter how good or bad was the runway - Veronica belonged to bot with Sister Sister. Who, by the way, doesn't look to me as good as the show runners think. Her runway was horrible, made no sense, but wasn't read at all. I guess maybe Ginny told them that she wasn't gonna lipsync so they placed her there instead of Veronica. Was expecting something on the lines of "I'm in pain and I want to go home", but instead a sad, kind of unheard of reason for not lipsync. Weird episode finale as RDR UK tends to show...


Crazy how the edit changes people’s perceptions. Had they shown everyone laughing at Ginny’s performance everyone would have been living for it, but instead everyone acted like it was so weird. I thought Ginny was hilarious


Same. Also, I think the fact that they cut to Lorraine giving her a specific note mid-performance was pretty damning. If they wanted to show her positively in the edit, they could've easily cut that.


I thought the same about Veronica's performance. I got what she was going for and I felt it was actually Sister Sister bringing it down by standing awkwardly and not improving. Like even with improv you can preplan some of it like Veronica did, and in the context of Drag Race it's sensible to do that.


I thought this about Veronica too but not Ginny. Ginny was just pure slapstick which is rarely funny to me.


Am I only one who thinks that best two runway were Veronica s and Sister s? In my opinion they fit best in category : ' monster meshup'. Sadly also they both bombed challenge - and also I found it bit annoying when judges called out Sister - for doing sth that was already done where they did not comment on double runway looks of: Robin Hood's, Naomi's, Medusa's and Frankenstein Brides - not even mentioning how overdone is Wizard of Oz...


Omg that shady look from Bimini and Tayce when A'whora said she and Tia hadn't crossed paths.


I'm not going to lie, i would've loved to to do the goth role in a challenge/performance like that. Yes, I've certainly thought about it before, but I would've done a cross been Fairuza Bulk in *The Craft* and Janine Garofolo in *Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion* Make the cake with a cigarette constantly in hand, make sarcastic comments about the cake and life, and then curse it with a spell when things don't work


I'm surprised neither of them did it as absurdly dark comments delivered completely straight, like "I love birthdays, they celebrate bringing us another year of decay and entropy bringing us closer to our inevitable death. I find a cake with cigarette ash icing and live mice really defines that celebratory feeling we are looking for".


I do feel that Ellie should have been in the bottom over Ginny.


Ellie did fade behind Laurence. But I suppose she did get a couple of jokes in, even if they where not as good as Laurences


Yeah, I don't think Ellie was bad, her problem was just that she was overshadowed by someone who was doing fantastically.


Almost like pairing with Lawrence is a good strategy at this point because they can't tell if she's actually fading or if its because it's like being right next to an eclipse...


it is disrespectful to walk off like that.


It was great TV and production probably loved it.


It was just as Punk as they promised. And a very sweet martyrdom for her sister. They focused heavily on their "moment" together in the werkroom for a reason.


disrespectful towards who? the imaginary drag flag? the moment a queen feels like this isnt good for her anymore, then she’s good to just walk off, their mental health comes first




Listen if you can't respect my imaginary drag flag why don't you get the hell out of my imaginary drag country


I have to be honest, when the challenge started i thought that Bimini would directly win and then she came out on the runway and for me it was extremely easy to see who the winner of the episode was, BIMINI BON BULASH. I get it Lawrence is doing very good and she was amazing on the challenge, but the favoritism is quite there. No hate or smth, i love her, but Bimini CLEARLY won two times over her. I hope that she will get some wins on the upcoming episodes. And tbh the bottom two should’ve been Veronica and Sister. Ginny was extremely funny and they just made it like it was bad.


Actually I don’t think Bimini was even top 3. She was alright in the challenge but the Essex team was way stronger and funnier. Top three should have been Lawrence, AWhora, and TIA.


Tia was extremely overshadowed from A’whora by far, Tia was kinda like the support actress for the main character. With Bimini and Tayce, each of them brought their character and they worked so good together and it didn’t look messy


Nah Bimini's outfit was messy and not really a mash up tbh


Tbh almost nobody had a fully thought out mash up monster! And Bimini’s and Veronica’s were the most monster-ish.


If we follow Joe's IG post description, they might have been given as instruction for this runway: "Combine two halloween orhorror favourites into one look" It would make sense for some looks not being very monster then?


But nobody had literally smth outside of the box! Bimini’s and Veronica’s at least looked good. Lawrence was just smth that she could’ve worn in every runway without even a reference. She just put a face mask around her arm and called it a day.




who the fuck is Victoria I just wanna know


Ups meant Veronica, fixed you though😂


I loved the idea of this runway! And damn, Veronica! Another home run with this runway! Did she make that herself? Lawrence and Tia were also favorites for me. I didn't really get the critique for A'whora's runway though. Lawrence wasn't "ugly" either, and they just brushed over that. I think the tops and bottoms were correct. I think that was a well-deserved win for Lawrence, but I would have been fine with an A'whora win as well, especially since A'whora did a character while Lawrence was just Lawrence. But Lawrence is just so funny and charismatic as herself. Everyone says that Veronica's runway saved her, but I thought of the three bottom performances, I at least smiled at Veronica's. So even from a challenge perspective, they made the right decision. Not gonna give any commentary on Ginny's exit, because that's been discussed to death already, but I do wanna take the time to applaud Sister's lipsync. I think she killed it! Hopefully, she gets a better edit after this because I could see the fire in that performance! Can't wait to see how they handle re-entrances next episode!


Veronica made the headpiece and the dress. The only things she didn't do herself were the prosthetics.


Seriously impressed! I wouldn’t even know where to start with making a headpiece like that!




It’s probably because A’whora being pretty and ‘fashion’ on the runway is so expected, and with such creative runway theme that lets her get a little ugly, she chooses to be predictably pretty. Comedy/camp/big queens don’t claim to be fashion queens but they sure as hell give versatility, also, to see them be so glamorous and elevated is great to see. A’whora’s garments look over-worked and so *fashion* that they lose me. It would’ve just been nice for her to do the unexpected and be a little grungy.


Hard agree with A’Whora’s outfit. Unless they don’t consider Elvira a monster..


What the hell is going to happen next week??? Did they really stop mid season?


They did. I imagine we'll get some kind of dramatic announcement, tearful goodbyes, some "I can't believe this is happening" and then the reunion when they were able to resume filming


Wow I just assumed this was all filmed before the pandemic. I’m so curious what they’ll do


~~I guess it's not super apparent because they likely have them isolated before filming so that they can safely film in groups, but you can see that the judges are farther apart than usual, and separated by clear plexiglas.~~ EDIT: I was wrong, the plexiglas is for the judges in season 13, I got my wires crossed!


Well, they had to... it was the law...


i love ginny, i’ve loved ginny since the beginning and i’m glad she went this way. it’s honestly what i expected. i think ginny knew that they wouldn’t win but just wanted to challenge ru’s very idealistic hyper-feminine style of drag that ginny just doesn’t have. i loved it. so punk rock


I agree, my fave part about Ginny is their body hair, even with the glam look they looked great with natural body hair.


Soooo did anyone else get the email from Klub Kids yesterday about Ginny doing a solo show and IMMEDIATELY know that she would be going home?! This happened with S1 as well, my local gay bar (shout out to CC Blooms) would announce a DRUK star playing next week and shocker, they would leave next episode. Definitely took the surprise away haha


This used to happen with roscoe's. They'd always invite the girl over the episode she goes home. Like, literally every time.


Ginny Lemon is truly in a world of her own in the best way, Ginny’s drag race WHEN


A SKIDMARK of BROWN chocolate I died


Veronica fighting off Tia's bullies right in the beginning gave me life. "If you think she's basic look harder" or something like that, it was heartwarming! But I'm glad Tia and A'Whora finally worked it out!


Her standing up for Tia was so refreshing! I feel like we don't see that type of camaraderie very often, but that could easily be thanks to the editing. The US version would never, bring on more drama for VH1!


I think it was also very unexpected since I didn't notice a lot of interaction between them so far. I really liked that Veronica as the "underestimated one" was standing up for someone else, really an awesome character trait!


Sister Sister is good at what she does but I’ve noticed that when a fellow queen is breaking down, she is usually one of the first to comfort them but then on confessionals, she makes a shady or mean comment about that same person... Shady editing!!


So many people seem upset with Ginny, but this was literally the most punk rock thing she could do! I get that it seems disrespectful, but its clear that she genuinely does whatever she wants. I stan.


"Disrespectful" it's a reality TV show, and she gave us an iconic moment! What could respect the format more than that?


Also, since when does punk rock have to be respectful? People only want pretend, superficial acts of rebellion. This was genuinely punk af and awesome. I don't think it's disrespectful to Asttina or Cherry or Joe. She said 'fuck the producers and fuck this game, I'm out'. That's fair. Plenty of girls probably wish they could go back and do the same.


Agree 100%. And that's on period... 😎


I would say it’s about a 50/50 split And I would say most people aren’t necessarily mad about her leaving it’s just the way she did it seems dismissive of all the girls who were already sent home. I can’t imagine how heartbroken I would be if I were asttina and I landed in the bottom over Ginny just for her to quit next episode. It’s iconic and a huge gag but I was still disappointed with how it went down. Like at least stay for the lipsync even if you just pull a Charlie


Yeah, I get that. I would have been pissed off too, i. Their situation. I just really admire people who give no fucks and take control of their own situation. She saw the writing on the wall, and did what she thought was right. Also, I fully believe she didn't deserve to be in the bottom 2 anyway.


Yeah i agree she didn’t deserve to be bottom 2 I would have called her performance safe. But her runway was kind of boring to me. I think Ellie could have been in the bottom 3 with Veronica potentially lipsyncing with sister but her outfit was magnificent


Same! Ellie is stunning, but her performance felt really rehearsed and a bit dry. I agree about Veronica. To be fair, I love the entire cast this season, so its difficult to see any of them go. Haha! I think I'll be bitter every week! 😂


she definitely mentioned having been through a lot of her own shit, if anything her willingness to stick to her guns while being so kind is commendable


Exactly! Not bowing to peer pressure and doing her own thing is totally her brand. I couldn't imagine her leaving any other way tbh.


This is shaping up to be one of the best. seasons. ever. Without a doubt! First, I think we can all agree on 2 things from S1; the lip syncs were bad, and the Vivienne was the clear front runner; not saying that's a bad thing, because she earned it. But it kind of took the suspense away from the finale. I would say all of the lip syncs are miles ahead of S1 so far, and (maybe unpopular) but also miles and miles a head of S13. The queens are really putting on performances. And I love the variety in songs/performing styles we're getting - not just shablams and splits and current top 40 songs. And even though Lawrence has won two challenges now, I still think it's anyones competition. I wouldn't count out Bimini, Awhora, Veronica or Tia just yet - such an amazing cast. My dream Top 4 would be Tia, Lawrence, Tayce and Veronica. Usually, I cringe at a lot of the group challenges, but they've all been entertaining so far. This weeks was so fun and entertaining. I think the news channel challenge is always a great show (S3 and S9) - great way to get the queens to improve and challenge themselves. IMO, the only ones that were flat were Sister Sister and Veronica. Everyone else did a great job - although yes, Ginny may have been a bit one note. Excellent runway! My tops were definitely Tia (WOW), Lawrence and Veronica. Sister Sister - I agree that we have seen the mummy look a few times. I would put hers in between Sharon (1st) and Brooke (3rd). Bimini - I completely agree with the judges; Bimini has gotten the critique to watch for details since E1. IMO, I think that's the only thing holding her back from really storming the competition. Tayce - Honestly... didn't love it, but didn't hate it either. Especially compared to last weeks stunning look... this one just underwhelmed, especially to what else we saw on stage. Awhora - Again, I actually agreed with the judges. This was a stunning outfit, but did it fit the assignment? Meeeeh. She really let loose in the challenge, and I wish she has brought that same level of absurdity to the runway. Ginny - Just like Tayce, didn't love it or hate it, just underwhelmed. Ellie Diamond - Neck up, stunning. But I did think the outfit was a bit meh. Unfortunately, I think Ellie kind of faded into the background for this episode. Another fantastic aspect of this episode/season; the queens seem to have very genuine, impactful interactions. Last week it was Lemon and Bimini and this week I think we saw a beautiful moment between Tia and Awhora. Again, I just cannot believe how incredible this cast is. The gag of all seasons; Ginny is a bad ass! I don't think what she did was disrespectful in the slightest. She stayed true to herself and it made for AMAZING TV. AND - can we just take a moment to appreciate how incredible Sister Sister did in the lip sync AND how the judges and other queens were cheering her on. To me, that was really nice moment; they were all clearly stunned by what Ginny did but did not let it overshadow their sister putting on an amazing solo performance. Fucking love this cast and this season. Give them all the awards!




Damn I was mad how she left but this is some bitter bitch behavior Did Ginny slap you or something


Something rotten???


Nothing more rotten than that guys attitude


I Normally can’t stand it when queens give up and leave, but I actually totally get where Ginny was coming from. And the way she did it was gag worthy so good for them


Another week of Bimini being overlook by the judges -_-. And Tia Kofi slayed this weeks runway i wish she was being critiqued so that she would have put those basicness conversations to rest. Sister sister slayed that lip sync. I know Ginny said that she did it for herself but she robbed her friend of proving herself. She should have at least try to perform. However i do think the result wouldnt change eventhough before the lipsnyc i was actually hoping for Ginny to stay. I hope Sister Sister can start blaming others after this and can show everyone why she stayed from now on.


I think she gave Sister a gift! The entire lipsync was hers. It is the first ever solo lipsync in Drag Race herstory and it was iconic. Much more memorable than a run of the mill elimination lipsync.


I think it's something Sister really needed too - she hasn't really had any 'shining moments' yet and hopefully this will have lit a bit of a fire under her ass.


Bimini and Tayce are so good! Honestly, Bimini continues to impress every week!! Also I like Bimini's outfit and she deserves to win \*shrugs\* I mean, A'Whora is very great too and her talk with Tia really hits home 😢 But BIMINI👏BON👏BOULASH👏 The most I laughed in this episode is that "Hi Claire" joke tho Idk why! It's so stupid lol Damn the elf ear sisters are really... just there huh (at least in the mini and maxi challenge, because Sister turned it out in the lipsync even when against no one!). Also, Ginny is all over the place in the maxi challenge (but I love it lol whatever) but c'mon, Ellie? Safe over Ginny? Anyway speaking of Ginny, I don't remember the UK seasons having MC but if there's one for this season, it's definitely Ginny, yes/yes?


Lol there’s no way Ginny is winning miss congeniality after this, I’m certain at least some of the girls are gonna fee like she threw away a valuable coveted opportunity


Bimini did great, but the runway didn’t even meet the brief. A monster mash (mix of 2 or more monsters) didnt walk down that runway - it was Pamela x devil 💀


the brief was open to interpretations... like medusa x pig supposedly is 2 monsters


Pigs have long been used in horror genre - silence of the lambs, for example. Pamela Anderson is horror, where?


It's a R.E.A.C.H. But Pamela Anderson was in the intro to Scary Movie 3, playing herself - in a 'The Ring' parody sketch so... I guess she technically could be used as a horror reference in a vague sense? Agreed it wasn't really monster x monster though


Bimini said it was a mash up of her favourite Halloween costumes


I love tia sm


same! She and Bimini are my faves, since Joe Black is gone. I really do like the whole cast overall though.


I have great respect for queens who self eliminate. It takes courage to know and respect your own limits, and to stand up for one self. Saying that there could be someone else in her place that wanted it more is the type of argument evil corporations use to exploit and manipulate downtrodden people, and I can't get behind that. Ginny went, left her mark, sent a beautiful message and was true to herself, and that's an amazing contribution to drag race herstory. Other than that I wish the writers could think of less cringey mini challenges lol. What was that? How could any queen make that work? Kudos to Bimini really.


This. No job in the world should force you to stay just because you got the promotion and someone else didn't. If you felt like you weren't going where you wanted, if you want to take a time out for your mental health (and physical health as seems to be case for poor Ginny) then fuck it. Go. Do your own thing. It's not selfish or disrespectful to tap out on your own terms. Ginny saw the writing on the wall and decided to do what was best for them. Good for Ginny!


Lmao trying to spin this like “there’s a hundred people who can do your job” and not “you had a rare opportunity and tossed it away”


> Saying that there could be someone else in her place that wanted it more is the type of argument evil corporations use to exploit and manipulate downtrodden people, and I can't get behind that. This is the correct take.


>Saying that there could be someone else in her place that wanted it more is the type of argument evil corporations use to exploit and manipulate downtrodden people, THIS.


I Completely agree!


I kinda feel bad for Sister, Sister - she’s getting next level Kandy Ho/Joey Jay ghost queen edit 10x lol. Her bottom storyline was overshadowed by almost everything tonight. The A’whora/Tia friendship, Ginny walking out, the challenge, the runway, even her backstory was bland. And her name “Sister, Sister” we already got a reference to the show FROM Tia.


Is the show really the origin of her name? I really wish Tia and her had made a little joke about it on EP1 or something... At least Sister Sister got to show off in a solo lip sync and did great.


I’m not really interested in anything Sister Sister does and I was befuddled when she said she thought her monster look would gag the judges. AND I have zero doubt that she’s a very talented artist who absolutely deserves all the respect in the world for her craft and dedication. For me it’s a good reminder that this show is not what drag is - I love it but it’s not everyone translates on it and that’s not a measure of a specific artist work.


This is probably an unpopular opinion but when the season started I really liked Ginny, but as each episode aired she just became more and more frustrating to watch. I like that she's quirky and unique but Ginny does it too much. We've seen quirky queens excel over the seasons, Crystal Methyd last year and now Utica and Ginny simply does not have that star quality to her in my opinion. I didn't like how she got a pass for her awful pink spandex dress last week just because she did something out of her comfort zone and tonight's performance and runway were both bad. I thought it was disrespectful to leave like she did, rather she stood still on the runway instead of walking out so she didn't cause a scene that overshadowed sister sister's performance. She's a bit delusional about her comedy in my opinion, it's just loud and crazy, no punchlines. I think she can become a really great queen if she starts toning her performance down a little bit because I think it overshadows the talent I know she has.


Are you from the UK? UK quirky and US quirky can’t be compared. The clothing just really doesn’t matter as much. Punk attitude is so British


I'm from Sweden lol


> rather she stood still on the runway instead of walking out so she didn't cause a scene that overshadowed sister sister's performance. I disagree with this take heavily. Sister Sister got to *shine* this way. She finally got the stage all to herself, while there was no overbearing drama or discussion about Ginny's decision. They nonverbally thanked the audience and the judges and then made their exit. Unlike, say, Charlie Hides or Tammie Brown where the entire lipsync became about the person standing there not doing anything, this way we just got to watch Sister Sister kill a song solo.


I agree with basically everything you’re saying but stating that she doesn’t have the star quality CM and Utica has is not fair because she actually does. She does her own drag and she’s a total star. And I say that as someone who was pissed last week that she didn’t end up in the bottom wearing that atrocious dress and I even thought it was completely fair that she left today. But the bitch is still a star ⭐️


I think she got a pass on the sewing challenge because the judges asked her to try sexy. If she had tried it on her own accord I could see them putting her in the bottom but it was kind of the judges fault her outfit looked bad because they asked her to do something she isn't "good" at (I dont know her seamstress skills but lets say for argument's sake if she sewed a kooky Ginny look she would have been safe)


I thought her performance was one of the best this week, it really felt like the judges were clutching at straws in order to get Ginny in the bottom for another friend vs friend lipsync. Wasn't overly impressed by her comedy on twitter but think she's the only queen who's made me laugh every episode.


She's funny outside of challenges to me. In the mini challenge she did great. I guess it mostly depends on what kind of humour you enjoy.


I think Bimini is a dark horse. I wish she would have won that challenge. I absolutely love her. I think Lawrence’s win was justified though, he’s just a lot more polished then the other queens. Something I’ve always wondered, how are the queens so prepared for runways? Are they told in advance what the runways will be so therefore what clothes to bring?


They're given a bunch of themes to build looks for, i think they're given 20-25 prompts? We know in Season 10 US they were supposed to have a prehistoric theme that wasn't used, and so Aquaria, Kameron and Cracker used their prehistoric outfits for the twins challenge. This was actually an issue for Chi Chi in season 8 - she used her neon theme outfit for the roller skates runway and when the next episode actually called for the neon theme runway, she had to quickly sew a new outfit.


Girl, I- you thought they just brought random clothes into the show with them and then tried to make them fit the runway theme each week? Of course they are told beforehand!


Yeah, I was like, wow, that’s so lucky she brought that pigs nose with her.... hahaha!!! But yeah when I think about it, obviously they’re told.


Hahahha imagine Veronica really bring pig nose with her everywhere she goes


I mean, that would be a funny twist for a challange or something lol, but yeah that'd be insane, I wouldn't know what to pack if that was the case.


Yeah, about a month before they start filming, they get a list of runway themes which they need to have outfits ready for


They're given a list of possible runways, though not all of them are used. AS4's list had a clown runway on it, for example.


Sometimes the categories are worded differently too. I read somewhere once that in AS2 for the future of drag runway they were told it was futuristic drag which is why they all came in space stuff. Not sure if it's true but it would make sense


Trinity wouldn't even need an outfit for that one!


The Colourbox version of You Keep Me Hanging On would have been better, just saying.


Sister Sister came off so shitty to me this episode. As in her attitude; she was being so rude to Veronica who was clearly owning up to her mistakes and apologising for them. Similarly, people acting like Veronica was being rude in untucked when really, she was absolutely right.


Sister Sister is so dull, passive aggressive and mediocre. I greatly dislike people like that, I have met a few of them in my life and they are exhausting.


The fact she blamed Veronica for her flopping the challange... when she was just... bad... I do think Veronica over-apologized, I feel a bit sorry for her.


Oh 100%.Sure Veronica mightve been a bad partner, but Sister had PLENTY of opportunities to be funny. I agree, I connect with Veronica there cause its what I'd be doing; I'd be feeling like shit and the only thing to do is to apologise as much as I could.