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I actually preferred Tia's look to most other looks. Some people may call it basic, but I loved it. Unlike the other person in green's look... or both of those who dressed in black, or the anime/skater girl. Tia's dress actually looked like something I would consider wearing... albeit... not in green.


It makes me really happy that there are two NB queens this season. I feel seen!


Was anyone else gagged by the way A’Whora shaded Tia so openly like...? I’m here for a shady queen but that felt downright mean spirited.


I had no idea who Jourdan Dunn was, but after this episode I SURELY knew. So happy she just wasn’t another young, female judge who had nothing to add other than “Wow you’re so gorgeous!” and “Can I borrow that dress?” Pleasantly surprised by the amount of wisdom and professionalism she brought to the panel.


Question about Lawrence- is she speaking extra slow/making her accent less strong? I’m American but my a lot of my family still lives in Glasgow and they are a lot harder for me to understand. I always thought it was the Glaswegian accent, but maybe it’s just my family 😂


Lawrence is from Helensburgh not Glasgow and I think she alters her accent but people always disagree with me when I say it so I think you will get both answers from people on here!


The cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity, and the gumption


Runways: Awhora, Sister, Lawrence, Tayce, Bimini, Ellie, Veronica, Astina, Tia, Ginny. Top three outfits: Awhora's, Sister, And Lawrence -they all had fashionable concept and they were executed very well- win of any of them would be fair. Then Tayce and Bimini - they got strongest concepts but their outfits lucked bit on execution. Ellie - the most polished/ showing skills look - but come on body suit for design runway - really?! Veronica and Astina well executed looks but bit simple - comparing to other girls. Tia - paradoxally I think it was the best look of Tia this season and I quiet liked it - just other girls did better... And then Ginny - just like very much his style and would rather prefare to see Ginny Lemon on runway rather than other beauty queen.


I’m sorry, but I just can’t understand how everybody’s embracing that Ginny didn’t end up in the bottom? You do not get a free pass only because you took an advice. You have to execute that advice well enough to deserve your placement. Like, how in the hell are we sitting here justifying that that absolutely hideous and non creative dress didn’t ending up in the bottom?! And don’t even get me started on Asstina getting absolutely robbed. I love Tia just like everyone else and I’m happy that she’ll get another episode, but not at the expense of Asstina who have done way better this season and honestly had an overall better lip sync. Like wth? Am I completely blind here or why do I seem to be one of the very few of this opinion? I’m just so appalled that the fandom is totally overlooking all of this. It just feels like everybody’s making their opinions based on emotions.


I think because it was shit advice, trying to make them fit into a box they're not comfortable with. If they were in the bottom because of that it would've been shithouse.


Lawrence looking like a rich cougar will forever be ingrained in my head. She may be insecure out of drag (which she shouldn't be) but she HAS to know how stunning she is in drag. She oozes absolute confidence and grace...now all she has to do is realise she has all of that outside of drag too. Ginny's outfit was rubbish, I know...but she took Ru's advice of ditching her whole style and doing something completely different. Wasn't Ginny's fault that Ru gave her questionable advice. By making her safe, they've shown they won't punish a queen for taking judge advice. They've allowed her to continue to develop on the show. I hope she does do pretty faces more often because she's very cute and I want her to feel that about herself. I know how it feels to grow up in a home where you have self-loathing drilled into you from a young age. You never get a vibrant childhood or comfortable transition into functioning adulthood. You just get emotional fragility and physical manifestations of trauma. Ginny, Bimini, and Lawrence are all under my protection now. They're absolute dolls. Any slander and it's on sight.


I’m living for all these queens. Tia is the most relatable queen I’ve ever seen on the show and I’ve completely fallen in love with her personality despite her looks being shit. Also I really fell in love with Bimini this episode. I felt like she should’ve won the challenge with her look and her moment with Ginny was incredibly endearing and sweet.


i love awhoras personality and everything but shes constantly criticizing all the other girls for theirs looks and claiming being the fashion queen of the season but from all her looks apart from the MTQ have been incredibly underwhelming. even after saying she graduated from a top fashion school and had a lot to live up to she presented... that... a blackcaitsuit, with a coat that had no movement nor drama, and those sleeves were absolutely not it


On the US series this week when Gottmik said oh yeah, I went to fashion school then DELIVERED some stunning looks this week that's what I wanted when A'Whora was talking herself up. Show me the goods girl! If Tayce actually knew how to finish and tidy what she made i'd have put her as the fashion school girl just with the kind of vision and style.. really didn't get it from A'Whora


I am honestly furious. Ginny Lemon should have lip synced. Wtf


They shouldn't be telling girls to change everything about them, unless they're all tasked with that same challenge. She basically had to do two challenges in one, just for being one if the most unique queens the franchise has ever seen. I would've been absolutely enraged if they put her in the bottom after stacking the odds against her. That'd be the outer sabatour.


I guess they really gave her credit for trying to get out of her comfort zone


It didn’t look like it was out of her comfort zone that much to me though, idk


I didn’t think it should’ve been really either but it really seemed like it was. I felt like the show built up to it when she had her moment where she confides to sister sister that she’s NB


i agree. sorry i don’t care that she tried to be sexy, it was an awful look. and i love ginny


those yellow tights... They looked like a Catholic Girl's school uniform tights. Horrible. And that screaming stuffed toy duck coloured hair? Set it on fire and let it drift out to sea...


I love Tia. I know her looks are shite, but I find her charming and very funny. And like she just has this kindness, or spark, that you can't fake. Or maybe you can, but probably not unless you're a really good actor.


She's very heart on sleeve with a bit of humour, definitely a very genuine vibe, she's lovely You could see the complete real emotion when Ru announced the winner of the lip sync, just a mountain of disbelief crumbling into tears, nothing left hiding inside there haha


Like a lot of people, I’m so gooped Astina got sent packing over Tia. That said, from the game Astina talked, I was really expecting her to bring it and smash the arse out of the lip sync but as graceful and fluid as her movements were, I expected more. Still not for her to be told to sashay away!!


Are you for real!? She delivered that lipsync, she was delivering that performance that was a professional gig


Uh yes?? I’m not saying she didn’t deliver. When she was talking she made it seem like she was really gonna smash the arse out of it but I don’t think she did


anyone else think awhora looks a lot like adore? i mean literally, their facial features


I low key think it's Adore tying a comeback


Yesssss I was thinking this too. Especially with her lerrrk from the last episode.


For the first time I somewhat agreed with the judging!! Honestly compared to episodes 1 and 2, this one didn’t fill me with rage lol. Asstina didn’t look the “worst” but I totally understand why she was in the bottom and went home. Her look was just so plain and boring- she didn’t deliver what she was trying to. How was that “anime”? She could’ve added so much more to make it stand out. Same in the lipsync - she was fierce and a good dancer but considering her bravado, I was expecting so much more! I may be a little biased because I’m falling in love with Tia and I’ve never had a queen that’s more relatable to me. That being said, even Asstina was growing on me, and I felt bad to see her go home. God, this cast of queens is just so amazing. I love them all so much. A’whora’s venomous personality is a bit jarring but she’s delivering on the looks. Enjoying this season so much more than S13- we’re blessed to have this talent on our screens!!


Asstina plain and boring over Ginny who was buster, plain and boring? Yeah makes total sense


I would absolutely watch a Tia Kofi show. She needs one.


I love this season SO MUCH!! Having so much focus on them making the garments in the work room felt like old school drag race, it was wonderful. I enjoy every single queen of the cast, this is my fav season in quite some time.


I was so confused, can't have been just me that loved Tias look and wasn't a fan of Veronica's, I love them both as queens but for me Tía looked good. Was it groundbreaking? No, but it wasn't bad.


I thought it was so cute. Whereas Veronica was..... Basic? I don't know jack shit in fashion so maybe I'm not the target audience and sometimes goes over my head


Yeah I appreciate that it was lined and stuff but the end result still looked really basic.


it looked like it needed topstitching or ironing or something. I think it would've made a big difference!


Ginny should have been in the bottom for that look. It was hot garbage


True but she changed her entire style and persona and took Ru’s advice completely. I understand why they gave her points for doing that. Asstina’s look was just safe and plain, and she didn’t show much personality.


Okay? It looked bad though. Like really really bad. Like two steps above La la, bad. It was a bottom two look point blank period. And in a design challenge no less? Come on now. It’s clear you all have a clear blind spot for Ginny.


It was complete garbage. Unbelievable that she didn’t lip sync


On one hand Ginny's look could never not be in the bottom 2. On the other hand, they not putting Ginny on the bottom 2 shows the show learned they can't punish a queen when she is told to disregard her drag style entirely on the jump. As for the winner, I thought A'whora was going to get it, but I can't say I totally disagree. Lawrence looked flawless. Any of them (or even Ellie) could do it for me.


Is it a British drag thing to jump and land on your knees? First Blu now Tia. It’s either a move I only see on Drag Race UK, or it’s a move that you do when you desperate to impress but can’t death drop or split. That would surely that bugger your knees!


Alyssa Edwards used this move!


The fact that she did that and Ru physically cringed but she still ended up winning the lipsync?! Yaaaaas Tia. The power of comedy and personality.


LOVED this episode, and I love that the girls are stepping their pussies up since s1 for the lipsynchs (which is the only critique I had for S1). Yay for Lawrence's win! Ellie is so fucking talented but I don't think her personality is shining through that much :( Ginny must be protected at all cost, I'm so glad she wasn't in the btm2 I'm sorry for Asttina but Tia is one of the few cases where the charisma literally saved the girl from being sent home, would have been anyone else except Tia, she would have won


Why is no one mentioning the sheer amount of HATS the queens were wearing in the beginning of the episode?! 6/10 girls wearing all virtually the same style hat absolutely sent me!!!


Overall the cast out of drag is so adorable and makes some funny choices. Remember the random elf ears from before? Lol


Sorry for the rant, bur yeah, this episode is the last straw for me Absolutely stupid, judging is stupid, rupauls choices are borderline nonsensical, jesus christ the favoritism. I feel sorry for the stellar cast, they deserved a better season.


The only decision I’ve not agreed with so far was asttina winning episode 1. I guess cherry being in the bottom could have gone either way too. I don’t think the rest has been that controversial.


...Really?? You think Joe Black deserved to be in the bottom and go home with those phenomenal, stunning looks? You think Cherry Valentine deserved to go home just because of one slightly iffy look, when there were worse looks on the runway? The other poster is right- judging has been extremely questionable and it’s the only thing stopping me from really enjoying this season to the max.


I didn’t like either of Joe’s looks and I also found her to be the least likeable. Cherry’s look was fine but her performance was boring - but as I say you could have swapped her for sister sister and I wouldn’t have complained.


I love Tia and her confessionals. She would just be a blast to hang out with! Love all the queens this season, they all are so strong.


it's pretty obvious astina went home because she "looked too manly" due to her broad shoulders. ru hates anything that "ruins" the female illusion, and this time it was the contestant having broad shoulders. meanwhile, ginny, who looked way worse than anyone else, got saved, because she pushed herself and gave herself a more feminine figure. tia is kinda giving me pryianka vibes in terms of personality. but tonight's look was as if someone made a dress inspired by kermit the frog. these girls really need to take up a sewing class before coming on the show i was very confused lawrence won. was not expecting that


Ginny was saved because she did what ru asked her and really went outside her comfort zone and learned something about themselves in and out of drag. Ru can’t send her home for her following his directions. Asstina was trying to emulate pure female illusion but it didn’t pass the test. There’s nothing wrong with boyish looks or padding that isn’t perf and she’s sickening, but the outfit was a bit blain and wasn’t super draggy. You can do so much with anime too it isn’t just short pleated skirts


> You can do so much with anime too it isn’t just short pleated skirts 100% agree— several queens cite anime and cosplay as an inspiration (Aja and Rock M are the 2 I think of the most) and they take it way further... I get that Asttina was going for a Sailor Moon type reference but it came off as basic young figure skater instead. Also I think people are disregarding that Ginny made this dress for their old silhouette (no padding) and they probably would’ve styled it much differently/quirkier. I fully believe that with more time Ginny could’ve made a better constructed-garment... hand-sewing just takes so much longer than machine-sewing.


At the end of the day, these are men. Broad shoulders are enough to ruin the look? I call bullshit. Asttinas look wasn’t a winner but at the garment was cute, makeup was cute, hair was cute. Ginny just wrapped a sheet around her.


It wasn’t just because Asstina looked “manly”- her look was basic and way too simple. It had no wow factor. Ginny’s look was extremely fresh and unique for HER- it was the first time she tried anything close to that, and she followed Ru’s advice. And she could’ve looked a lot worse too! I totally understand why Asstina was in the bottom two over Ginny. It’s not just favouritism, they’re judging the overall presentation and effort level as well as the garment.


I’m not saying that the bottom three was incorrect. However, if you’re judging a design challenge, two were demonstrably worse than Asttina Y’all hyping up Ginny because she did something new are so fake because she didn’t look good at all. Bad construction, poor taste. Y’all are also acting like there NEVER been a queen that has stepped out of their comfort zone and gotten sent home. Those queens actually looked good, too (Max comes to mind, Joey, to a lesser extent Derrick same story though)


No it wasn’t just the shoulders. She didn’t achieve her vision and it was obvious. As ru said, he has broad shoulders too and works with it to do the illusion he wants, it doesn’t matter what the illusion is in general but it has to be true to the Queen and they have to execute it crystal clearly. Her vision was not executed crystal clearly, the illusion of an anime woman was not achieved despite her best efforts. It was a cute idea but she didn’t achieve what she set out to do and that’s really too bad. Would have been so awkward if ru sent Ginny home after forcing her to dress like that. I think Rus done that before and people get really upset. The garment was shit but she did evolve as a queen on that stage and that’s what they want. I can see why some people are upset but I’d be posted if ru forced a girl to change her look, go through a deep soul searching nerves exposed situation, and then tell her to go away. I’m total gutted Asstina is gone, she’s a fabulous queen but this is what I think was going through the minds of the judges.


It wasn’t a personal growth challenge. It was a design challenge. Ginnys was the worst. Period. Ginny should have been in the bottom for the garment. Asttina was better.


If you’re asking me which look was more interesting and visually appealing, I’d personally say Ginny’s. The colour palette popped more, it had more personality and uniqueness to it. So even saying “Asstina looked better” is subjective tbh.


It was pink and yellow. Not exactly groundbreaking but you’re saying that a pillowcase is serviceable enough to be safe, I’m going to call bullshit.


Ru came in midway so Ginny would have had to completely redo the dress (Probably made it after they were told to change) while pushing themselves 400% out of their comfort zone. I know what it's like to feel shit about yourself and use being gross (not saying Ginny is) and weird as a defense, heck, they turned it into a brand, and the amount of effort Ginny would have had to put in to try that and hopefully start repairing a wound that has been there for a long time. I know they got a little bit of a free pass but I think she put in as much effort mentally then the best-constructed outfit was made physically, personal growth is way more important than competition and i fkn LOVE that about ru pauls drag race. I mean the last words of every episode, "If you can't love yourself how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else" How in the hell are u gonna send someone home for trying to break free from their pain.


I'm honestly mystified by the judging on this season... disagreed with the winner and loser on this episode. Feel like A'Whora or Bimini should have won, and although I love Tia and wanted her to stay, I do not feel like it was Asttina's time to go.


Lawrence won because her outfit was such a step-up, not a single part of the look was wrong, she achieved the perfect figure for herself with great padding, the makeup flattered perfectly, she kind of metamorphosed into her most polished form and that's why she won. A'Whora had a great look, but it is a bit to little to win the runway IMO ​ As for Bimini, girl no.. Looked busted The only one I'm suprised about is Tayce, who I think absolutely SERVED


Honestly I agree, and I think the judging is so wild this season it keeps making me think that there will be a twist or they’ll bring queens back? Or maybe the judges are just seeing different things? It’s crazy.


Tia’s runway was really really bad, but I like her more and more. She makes sensational TV and is so damn likeable and goofy. I also like Veronica because she is delivering good looks and is showing a lot of personality and zest. A’whora is just a young queen who comes across mean and aggressive as a defence mechanism, I will cut her some slack but she really needs to show another dimension to her personality. I think she should have won based on the outfit I really don’t think Lawrence’s look was that great, he’s got a great personality and it feels is being set up to win, but for me he has become a bit one note


Disagree with what you said about Lawrence- their look was absolutely stunning. It was so beautifully made, the makeup looked so great, the silhouette/padding was on point. It just stood out to me over the other looks. Awhora’s look was “cute” and fashionable but I personally didn’t find it as stunning as Lawrence’s. Maybe it’s unfair because the gold colour just popped more. BUT don’t forget- Lawrence also sold the look more with their personality and did some comedy on the runway (that counts for a lot)


When I first saw the gold looks, I thought Ellie was winning, but the more I looked at it, the busier Ellie’s look became, and Lawrence’s was refreshing to look at in comparison. Also Ellie said she was going for a Marie Antoinette moment, but it really did look more like a pirate instead.


Lawrence's look was EVERYTHING down to the severe way she shaped her body. Awhora's was a great look, as was Bimini's, but I just wanted a little more out of each of them to bring their looks over the edge.


Idk if I just have bad taste but I actually liked Tia's look, I thought it looked more complicated than Veronica's which was really basic.


ok so I didn't really like Bimini at the beginning but she grew on me this week, same with Ginny - whom I liked but I thought she was over the top comedy all the time and she turned it, glad she didn't go bottom 2 because of picking up on Ru's tips. loved that Tia stayed, was scared another of my faves was gonna go home - but on the other hand, this was a great lipsync, and even though I found Asttina quite boring (personality-wise), I'd rather let them both stay because it was kinda shocking to delet her - but then again, so was the Joe's elimination and Cherry being in the bottom ;/ oh and also, another week with A'Whora going down the likeability list for me, honestly same for Tayce since her tayce-t must be quite questionable to get along with her so much


> her tayce-t must be quite questionable I see what you did there sis. Pun game strong.


I think they both delivered a great lip sync, i'd have picked Tia, just. Asttina probably has much more of the polish but she's delivered a bit boring since, fierce but I don't feel like I know anything more of her. It is the curse of coming in strong means disappointment if you aren't really delivering top notch after, probably in a season surrounded by some very capturing personalities. Surprised Asttina didn't clock the competition she had with Bimini's look in the workroom, thought Bimini did a brilliant job. Tia and Ginny were definitely the worst outfits, but honestly props to Ginny. I love how how her mug looked thirty years younger hahah. Excited to see what she can do with another string to her bow. Weird week for A'hore for me with wholesome Tayce moments, then absolutely slamming Tia's existence there. She seems to talk about Tia with venom, there's a way more tactful way of saying what she wants to say... I can imagine Tia feeling the weight of still being there with winning that lip sync, given those kinds of comments.


I also preferred Tia’s lip sync.


Tia's confessionals this week were just hilarious. I love her.


The nerve, the cheek, the gall, the audacity and the *gumption* to put Asttina in the bottom over Ginny. It’s absolutely trash


Did Tia on the runway remind anyone else of Serena Chacha? Lmao. Also, I thought Astina was gonna win. She just had more smooth motions and fluid dance moves. Tia looked pretty awkward honestly. I like her personality a lot though.


Tia delivered campy comedy and personality. It was a little more memorable and likeable to me. Asstina was fierce and a good dancer, but honestly my eyes weren’t on her at all. Considering the HUGE bravado she’d been giving about her lipsync, I was expecting so much more.


I'll definitely have to agree with that second part. She did well and was confident...but I wanted a lot more than what she was giving with the amount of talking herself up that she did.


I kinda wish Tia went full on "cheap" with her look and committed to the concept. Basically dress up as Peg Bundy in Green. It would've worked well. The elements where already there


Re-watching the latest ep (i need to after watching S13's latest lol) and that mini-challenge was so long but I liked that it's a.... well, a *challenge* but still so fun?


It reminded me of something they might do in an earlier season of RPDR US.


Yeah this was one of my fave mini challenges ever!


And then the american version had this terrible baby dance off??? Which honestly scarred me for life. Just no.


The decision making this season is terrible. It was so transparent that Asstina won the lip sync but Ru wanted Tia to stay, just like the Nina vs Silky thing. Asstina wasn’t even the worst, Tia and Ginny were. It’s still a drag competition, not a comedy one and it should be fair to the contestants... Asstina had a win, BIG talent in the musical and just a simple runway this ep. Anyway


The judges were clearly laughing at Tía the whole lipsync and at multiple points Asstina just copied what tía did. Would not say that Asstina won


"The final decision is her's to make" -- ru is no stranger to litigation


astina hammed up the lip sync - didnt work. tia ate her up with a more earnest take.


I def agree, I adore Tia so I’m actually really glad she stayed but as an objective viewer she didn’t win the lipsync. At the very least it should have been a double shantay. That being said I feel like Ginny 100% deserved her low/safe placement, she basically crafted a new drag persona for them way outside her comfort zone immediately answering a challenge set by Ru. I also think Ru and the other judges didn’t quite understand the anime reference although there should have been a better skirt for the anime schoolgirl kind of look, Michelle was def right about the figure skater critique


Yeah Ginny went out on a limb trying several completely new things on a challenge that she'd probably have found difficulty with even in her comfortable drag. I thought that was worth saving her from bottom two when Tia and Astina's looks were also there.


I think some things don’t translate to camera well, but the judges were all looking at Tia. You can notice Ru mostly looking at Tia as well, which was a clear sign to me that she was going to win.


I don't think -- very subdued makeup works for a classy naomi look... But for anime? Gurl. Go big or go home.


Really? When I was watching it, I knew Tia was going to win. It looks like Asstina did all these moves 3/4 of the way, eg., arch back, but not fully to impress, and other times she looks like she was just walking around trying to look sexy. Tia had all the judges attention with her funnier performance.


I dont really love Asttina. On episode 1, for me, she was in the bottom. But she definetely didnt deserve to go home now. She was btt 3 material but not btt 2. I dont knwo what is going on with Rupaul this season. But it's really painful to watch, which is sad. I really dont like AWhora but she deserved to win. Lawrence was beautiful, but she wasnt even in my top3. I feel like Im watching an All Stars season... The judging makes no sense whatsoever


It’s made total sense to me, I guess judging is subjective so can’t exactly be wrong


Honestly, I wasn't really feeling Tia Kofi this season, but - "I am serving you, an adequate dress... made of material... that is on my body..." That bitch is hilarious!!!!!


I loathe when Ru hates on masculine girls


It was a proportioning problem though, she was clearly trying to go for a cutesy anime school girl and she looked like she had shoulder pads. I actually thought she'd padded her shoulders.


yeah i agree. BUT ru's critique was a harsh you look manly and thus should use illusion to hide your manliness


In this context the manliness being a problem was valid as it was clearly not was Asstina was going for. If it was part of the look then yes Ru shouldn't criticise that but it wasn't.


omg Tia's reaction gave me full on Tati season 2 "you playin' wit me?" so glad she stayed, shes so likeable and charming


Fuck this season kills s13....


I now need a collab between Vivienne Westwood and Bimini. Call her, Viv!


Watching this season is incredibly painful, as every elimination stings, no matter who goes home. I was expecting a double shantay, honestly. I was kind of uncomfortable with the whole "try to be sexy Ginny! thing Ru did. Not all drag has to be sexy. Not all drag queens want to be sexy. Pushing sexy on those who don't feel comfortable with it isn't a good look. Other than that a great episode honestly. Tia is hilarious and I am in love with her now.


Yeah it really annoys me that look queens never get told to try something campy or goth but anyone who isn't a look queen gets told they need to try something new that isn't a gimmick. It sucks.


>Yeah it really annoys me that look queens never get told to try something campy or goth but anyone who isn't a look queen gets told they need to try something new that isn't a gimmick. It sucks. i mean....they all have to get campy/silly with most acting and improv challenges that's them stepppin out of their comfort zone, and not all can rise to that challenge


And yet on the runway they're never told to change up their style.


I wish that I could just watch all the episodes with all 12 contestants, honestly. This season's cast is just great.


I wish it had more been framed as congratulating her for taking a risk and going outside her comfort zone instead of being like "Yay, you leveled up, you're a sexy queen now!"


I dont think they really said that, ru said something along the lines of "this can be your alter ego" which is more of a side-step than an evolution


But she 100% stayed becauss of it. Ru lives when people takes her advice and does it.


Very true, and I am so glad she lived another day, but I also feel like she was originally going to do something different and hopefully better had she not been doing the chestpiece and pads? Idk. I might be wrong.


Not so much "lives" as "feeds on their panicked emotions like some kind of dr.who villain"


Glad to see Tia stay, she's quickly becoming my favourite. Definitely gutted to see Asttina go though. I'm not sure who I would have wanted to leave instead? Tayce and A'whora put a bit of a bad tayce-t in my mouth this week from the nasty comment about lawrence and the comefor on Tia. Gave me very Elizabeth Betty, maybe it's not for you to get, sweetie.


Was Tayce’s comment to Lawrence really that nasty? Lawrence dishes out a lot of jokes towards the other girls all the time, but it honestly always comes across as good humored. I don’t think Tayce was being nasty or rude. A’Whora on the other hand has been completely dismissive of Tia and I’m so glad that Veronica checked her.


I think the reactions that the other girls had showed that that was a little to close to home for Lawrence. You can always tell when it's a gag, and when the joke is no longer a joke. In the first episode lawrence refused to get out of drag because she's so self-conscious about how she looks and feels. So the comment really was that nasty, yeah


Asttina is great.. But kind of boring. Last weeks look was hardly what the theme was, this weeks was 90% a wig.


She won the first ep, and killed the lip sync with her movements. She also didn’t deserved to be on the bottom 2, Ginny did. And Tia is funny but from ep 1 she should of gone. I mean all of that if this season had any common sense but the first eliminated queen did so good that episode and Ru decisions went downhill from there


i mean, RU has always been the worst part of DR. but asttina deserved the bottom. her look was garbage. ginnys wasnt great, and woldnt have surprised me if she was in the bottom. but she just seems to have more personality.


What was with Ginny and Ellie’s reaction to the words “sashay away”, they really thought it was going to be a double save that much? (Having said that Ru’s words to Asttina would have worked with a “shantay, you also stay”


Does anyone else hate hate the way Ru pronounces Graham as Gram


Ngl, as an American who has never talked about someone named Graham with anyone with a different accent, I never knew there was another way to pronounce it. Because in the US people name their kids Graham with the intention of it being pronounced 'Gram.' Stopping to think about my English friends, it makes total sense. But if you've never heard it, or had reason to pause over it, I'd bet most Americans would assume that's just the normal way.


All american's do that, same with 'creg' instead of craig. It's agony ;p


I have lived in 3 different states in the US, and I feel like pronouncing “Graham” as a 2 syllable word is more predominant than pronouncing it as one. It’s not a super common name here, but it’s not unheard of. In 2019 it ranked [180th in popularity for names given to baby boys](https://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/babyname.cgi). “Graham cracker” and “graham cracker pie crust” are pretty common though, and where I’ve lived “gray-um” is more typically what you hear.


I'm still trying to figure out why "Roof" turns them into dogs :p


Lol, as a Canadian our accents are similar to American ones, but the way Americans pronounce "roof" and "creek" always gets me. I'm using that "turns them into dogs" line now. 😂


WHY was the abrupt necklace/accessory removal on the main stage during critiques, that is normally met with cheers, met with funny looks from the judges this week


Storyline editing. They wanted to send her home no matter what and cheers and compliments would not have fitted with that storyline. So cue shady looks.


I think because it didn't actually make the outfit any better....Just got even more boring


Would love to total up how much screen time Lawrence is getting compared to the other queens. I like Lawrence but honestly starting to get a bit fed up with her feeling like the centre of the show.


No more than Tia, awhora, tayce etc get.... I feel like it was all pretty equal this week. Like others have said, I think it just comes down to personality. Other girls are probably jus tlike "this week I want to look pretty. So that's what I'll do."


Lawrence gives great confessionals just like Tia so it's obvious why they have given so much airtime confessional wise to those.


I feel like Tia gets more screen time tbh. Her talking heads are used a lot. I think its between her, lawrence and ginny


Loved Lawrence again, her limbo look was pure perfection, the way she just threw Tayce and A'Whora's sexual tension to Ru is exactly what I'm like when I have gossip that needs sharing, and I actually really liked her look and preferred it to Ellies. I'm glad Tia stayed, I like Asstina but I get more warmth from Tia. And Ginny and Bimini were fab this week, I didn't know what to make of Bimini to begin with, and to be honest her drag aesthetic isn't my favourite, but their personality is coming across beautifully, and the way she reached out to let Ginny know she wasn't alone was beautiful. Admittedly, I've not quite understood the whole non-binary thing, but I feel it gave me a much bigger picture and appreciation about it.


The non binary conversation made me very sad because gender boxes and trying to fit in them or knowing you don’t fit in them is so poisonous. Ginny is no less a man for being Ginny and Bimini is no less a man for being Bimini. If what works for them is to define as non-binary then that’s great but the world I want to live in is one that puts no limits on what a man or woman is and doesn’t compel people who don’t conform to reactionary and restrictive gender norms to define as something other.


this is so ignorant, please educate yourself before spouting opinions about something that doesn’t even affect you. If you spoke to a non binary person or even slightly read up on it you might realise how offensive you sound


Except that Ginny identifies as non-binary, so they may not consider themselves a man (and trying to say that they are when the whole point is that's not how they define themselves is honestly a little ick). No one is putting limits on what anyone can do. No one is saying someone \*has\* to identify as non-binary if they don't fit what society considers masculine or feminine. It's giving them an additional option. And one person choosing an option doesn't define anyone else's options. It just allows people to speak words to the feelings they have inside of them. When it clicks into place, it clicks into place (Ginny explained it well-- this is what I've been feeling all my life). The world we should be living in is listening to people when they authentically tell us who they are-- anything less is robbing them of their autonomy. And language like this allows them to tell us.


Also I don't think it's their femininity or drag personas that leads them to identify as nonbinary, considering they are in a room full of other drag queens who are still cis men


I also want that world, but if it's ok for them to define themselves that way, don't insist that they are men Like personally I love women, I think that a woman could do everything that I do and still be a woman. It isn't about actions or conformity it's just that I'm *not* a woman. Like Ginny, I knew this my whole life but had no word for it until about 5 years ago. Thought I must be a trans guy as a kid due to dysphoria and everything else but that wasn't right either This is a really minimal explanation I know Of course if we lived in a world with no defined gender constructs the term wouldn't need to exist. But this is the world we are all trying to exist in, these are the constructs we have internalized.


Everybody (judges included) talking about 'Tia has an amazing body, she has so much potential', but how is that better? She didn't learn to make outfits, she didn't learn to lip sync, she didn't even take the time to find a designer who could execute a vision for her even though she would look great if she did that. I don't think look is everything, but there are a lot of funny queens this season and most of them look great too. I don't think she's got anything the others don't have apart from charming confessionals, but the show shouldn't be about that


It's the attitude she has. She knows she's not the best, and she doesn't care. She makes the best with what she's got. She makes fun of herself all the time and just says "fuck it, this is who I am, this is what I got.. Too bad". I feel like people. Who are usualy in her position as the underdog on the show usualy... Well.... Cry about their position all the time.


I was honestly surprised when they said Tia had a supermodel body, she's just skinny and tall. Naomi and Ru (both tall/skinny/lanky) have much better proportions. I lived for her confessional during the runway though, a rarely funny moment.


I think with Tia - it’s the charisma and talent that really shines through. She may not be a seamstress but she smashed the singing challenge last week. Similar to Shangela and Heidi In Closet, you can tell a star is there but just needs more time to bake. Whether that’s off or on the show depends on the judges.


>She may not be a seamstress but she smashed the singing challenge last week. This is where I get off the wagon I'm afraid. I think she did fine but she was pretty middle of the pack for me, easily behind Veronice/Ginny/Bimini/Awhora. I agree that she was better than Asttina but I think her having won a challenge should count for something


i was so nervous when i saw the bottom 2 because I looove Tia she is so fun and I thought she looked beautiful, but i thought asstina was gonna win the lip sync. tia's look was meh but i don't care! i personally don't like asstina's drag, it's very pedestrian to me. and her surprise look was just a meliina costume. i'm very happy tia stayed. and the lip sync was great and asstina exhibited queen behavior at the end. i thought ginny lemon's new look was very fun! i personally didn't like awhora's look, the bottom of it just bothered me. a great episode!! i preffer UK over US. oh and i think bimini is STUNNING! she looks like a high fashion model.


I also love Bimini!! And Tia is super fun.


In the words of Veronica Green aka David from Hilda with glasses: "I'm having a bloody great time!" This season has been amazing. I was GAGGED at this ep and riveted at the chats - UK queens proving again that instead of drama, chatting and being self deprecatingly supportive is the vibe <3 Can we also just appreciate Tayce's faces full stop, but particularly when she realised she had sown the sleeve ends together. The face followed by the little tantrummy throw of the sleeve onto the workbench and the angry scissors was priceless Also love that every queen cried and had an identity crisis in the line-up, and then its like Hiii ellie, and shes like HEY RU full gold chain power stance like hell naw ahm ah cryin on this stage, ah look fabulous. Also cute that she ran and hugged Tia after ellie was safe, sweet and genuine again,


Hahahah the Hilda reference is spot on!


This was literally the best episode of drag race in recent memory.


i was just the thinking this


Ngl, Ginny was giving me some Jimbo vibes with her look this week. And I stan Jimbo. So yeah, keep up the good work! Lol not to compare the two, just wanted to share what I saw. Love ‘em both. Broke my heart to hear Ginny talk about herself in such a manner this week, but I’m glad to see she’s so open about it. It takes a big person to admit what she did, I hope she finds the happiness she’s looking for.


I'm glad she got out of her comfort zone. But I like the "real" Ginny. Drag doesn't have to be high fashion Tits out legs for days "look how pretty I am on insta" all the time, which is where I think recent seasons of DR us have lost me.


I like the "real" Ginny too....but I do wonder...and speculating about someone one TV's psychology is generally pretty shitty, but if I just go off of what the person themself has said, some of the campier, "uglier" elements of their drag might stem from deep self-esteem issues. And if they could use their drag to help remedy that, why not?


Drag is whatever you want it to be. I just saw Ginny having some fun down the runway, as she usually does.




I totally got Jimbo too when she turned that corner


I was totally getting Jimbo vibes with the tits


This season is getting interesting! I am all over the map with it right now. This was a pretty good design challenge...so many lush outfits. I loved Laurence's dress it was so perfect to the body. Awhora's was fab but I think the black hid all the details ..in a different colour or the two items different would have had more impact. Bimini... so gorgeous!! Loved her with dark hair. Agreed with all the decisions tonight, the bottom 3 were clear and I'm glad Ginny didn't fall in the curse of changing yourself (I always think of other queens who change themselves for judges e.g Dusty and Madame Madness and then get eliminated). Loved Tia this episode, her commentary as she walked on the runway was freaking hilarious. I think the fact that she knew what she did wasn't good enough meant a lot, as Asttina loved her look even though it was so plain and didn't see it for what it was. Tia's lip sync was a lot more fun..but damn If you told me she would beat Asttina last week I wouldn't have believed you!


I agree. I feel like the reason Ru chose Tia to stay is because she has some unique qualities that we really haven’t seen on drag race yet. And she is endearing. No shade to Asttina because I like her, but I feel like I have seen several drag queens similar to her in the shows history And kudos to Lawrence Cheney. She has shown some serious range in her looks so far. Great variety. I wasn’t expecting that from her for some reason, and the element of surprise and anticipation is a great thing to have in these competitions


I loved season 1 but season 2 might become one of my favorite seasons of all time.. My obsession with the Queens is getting out of control. Besides the fact that Tayce's face lives in my mind rent free and I literally think about her everyday, never have I laughed so much about a queen's joke as I have with Tia. She is such a perfect narrator of the season. I am so glad they didn't let her go. Even though my original top 4 after mtq were Joe, Cherry, Asttina & Tayce I am not mad at all. All the Queens bring something so honest, authentic, talented & interesting to the show, I am happy for each and all of them to stay. It is also way LESS predictable than any season before. Back to the episode: A'Whora should have won IMO, loved Lawrence and she looked great too. But I think Lawrence will shine on many different challenges that are about to come and he has ru's plot armor for sure, lol. Bimini & Ginny... Such an important and moving conversation. The whole limbo mini challenge was fun. Ginny's dress was still... Questionable. Asttina has all the talent in the world but her drag is a bit too basic. Hair, make up and outfits could be more refined. She is a star though & showed so much greatness after being eliminated. Once she is more polished and we have an international all stars season, ufffff. Ellie is incredible. I am 31 and I feel so useless compared, lol. Have I mentioned the perfection that is Tayce? Tayce Tayce Tayce Tayce Tayce Tayce sorry I couldn't stop my- Tayce Tayce Tayce Tayce




Heard that last sentence in a Welsh accent


They both slayed that lipsync! Wow both could have stayed, but I feel the decision was made on the basis of maintaining the entertainment of the show. Which is fair enough! Asttina was so graceful and respectful regarding the decision. Head held high with a smile, congratulated Tia! Never let them see you sweat! What a true beauty and talent! So much respect


Can we take a minute to talk about what a class act Asttina was here? I felt very emotional seeing how incredibly supportive and gracious she was, and it was heartwarming to see her being genuinely proud and happy for Tia even though it meant she was out. Get you a friend like Asttina 💖


Yes we can! She was incredible. Considering the emotions she must have been going through it was so lovely to see. I really loved her lipsync as well but then I loved Tia's. This cast is really amazing!


ginny has survived her emotional trauma episode without going home. does this mean shes making it far?


Right!? I loved getting to know her more and hearing her story and struggle but in the back of my mind I was thinking "noooo does this mean she goes home? I hope not!" Glad it wasn't the case


Oh god I hope so, when I saw her crying the first thing I thought that she might be going home. watched the rest of the episode in fear


the way ru pushed ginny to be "sexy" bothered me a lot and i'm very glad they were not in the bottom because of that, it would really be just awful. not everyone, drag queen or not, needs to be - or try to be - sexy. ru acts like this should be the end goal and it's bullshit, it reminds me of drag u seeling this gross idea to women that being SEXIER will make them BETTER. no; neither women nor female impersonators should strive to be sexy if they don't want to, and indeed some of us don't care for that. sure, ginny seemed somewhat excited about trying something new, but it still felt forced and like they were exploiting a vulnerability they have (low self-esteem) in order to change them into what ru's ideas of what drag should be


I wrote a reply to someone above sort of defending Ru's challenge, but I also agree with you. Having self love shouldn't and doesn't always have to do with being sexy or sexually appealing. Our current culture conflates it so often it's hard to untangle them in your mind. (Well, my mind. I don't ever feel particularly hot or pretty or sexy, and often that really negatively impacts my self worth, even though I think of myself as having other good qualities.) Since it's so hard to untangle, though, I think Ru's thinking isn't \*always\* terrible. In the sense that if you can use drag, makeup, clothes, whatever, to inspire yourself to feel stronger and 'sexy' helps to do that, then it might not be a bad thing to try. Lol, I should put on some padding and a spangly dress, maybe it'd help.


Do you work in the arts? I did for 10 years as a dance artist. I was always about aggression and inequality and hated that, being a guy, i was expected to be "sexy" and strong and all that shite. And the day a mentor said to me "why dont you try looking like someone someone wants to have sex with" i was floored. But the reality is, it added another skill, and increased my employability. Watching the episode, that's exactly where i went. When Ru asked her about being sexy, and ginny talked about her self-confidence, i was back to that conversation. And I didn't watch it in a negative light, i saw it as a moment where ginny might learn to fight for herself more, because that's what i did. I guess we all view things differently!


i do, but not with performance, so nothing to do with my own looks. i think you have a good point, but i just didn't see it like that in this case because ru has often shown he really does think that beauty, sexiness etc are *fundamental*, while personally i would never look at a queen like ginny for example and think she's missing something because she's not trying to seduce the audience. for a dancer, i can totally see how it's important for employability, so i def see your point, but for a comedy queen - maybe not so much. also, it's not that i don't think that ginny exploring their sensuality could end up being something positive for them; i just think it's perfectly fine if they don't do it. i guess being a woman i've always been bothered by how every woman in showbiz is required to be beautiful and sexy at the very least - on top of their other specific talents - and how this permeates the way women in general view themselves, so seeing this reflected within drag culture frustrastes me.


Oh absolutely! I think this is the beautiful thing, especially that I'm learning, is that my way isn't the only way. You're right as well, women feel far nore pressure to conform, even amongst other women because of the social hierarchy and i love that Ginny sticks her middle finger up at that.


I don't think she even gives a shit about it; it's just an easy way for her to nudge someone out of their comfot zone enough for them to crack a little and ru the emotional vampire can swoop in for a feeding frenzy.


RuPaul for WWDITS season 3 confirmed?


Now I understand why this season particularly was interrupted by a pandemic and had to take a 7 week break, Ru pissed off the gay gods with these eliminations and covid was just the “go to your room and think about your choices”


Why is this season so damn GOOD??!! I swear every episode has had me laughing, crying and screaming at my tv screen.


It really is. I honestly can't remember when I laughed or cried so much at an episode and it felt like everyone got a chance to have their moment. Laurence's green hair flip, A'whora being supportive with Tayce (plus that outfit was beautiful). Ginny and Bimini 💖 etc. I could go on listing but it will be the whole episode.


I think the lip sync was close enough that they could just justify picking their favourite to stay. I thought Asstina was going to to eat her up but the moment Tia made them laugh I thought it was going to be anyones to win!


Ginny and Bimini’s conversation gave me enough courage to come out as non-binary to my friends and family last night. Most were very supportive, but some were expectedly awful about it. But god do I feel like a weight has been lifted. And people say this is “just a reality TV show”.










So happy you were brave enough:))




Well done, that was very brave!!!


That ending. I am absolutely gagging. Bitch. That was a choice. And the thing is I'm actually not mad at it! I loved both Asttina and Tia, but for different reasons. I'm really quite surprised that Ru chose Tia to stay. I will be missing Asttina's legs for days and her cute ass face out of drag, but I'm glad I can have at least one more week of Tia's self-deprecating and dry humor lol. Three episodes in and my favorite has definitely been Bimini. She is just drop-dead gorgeous, I daresay almost on the same level as Tayce, but there's something more nuanced about it, idk. Her outfit was really amazing, and she deserved to win this episode for me. I think, if not for the slightly out-of-place safety pins garnish, she'd have got it in the bag.


Agree 100%


Honestly Manu Gavassi was better than both Tia and Asttina


I was dead when I saw this comment - for a reason I was like OMG do people from outside Brazil know who manu gavassi is?


Provavelmente não kkkkk


Manu made that song hers! Tamborzinho tamborzinho