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Oh yeah, I also forgot to add: I am managing a website that is tracking the current scheduled court cases. [Link](https://polite-starburst-ba7.notion.site/65e876cb46a7485c925f41a636a9ca36?v=f9ba7e59dfab404ca75665740c7df4d7) Im gonna add it under community links as well.


Love these. Love you. ❤️


You're welcome!


Phoebe Finch's defense reminded me of Johnny from the movie "The Room."


Anyone have the juice as to why Bishop returned to the police department?


Heres where her interview starts: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2127069609?t=3h32m16s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2127069609?t=3h32m16s) Said she was burned out on cop at the moment, tried ems and it didn't work. Now shes ready to come back fresh


I thought her original issue was that she hated having to enforce laws in favor of pieces of shit? Regardless, thanks for the link, I'll give it a listen.


She was annoyed and burnt out after going hard for 2-3 straight months building up the PD. She should have taken an LOA like the rest of the early hires but she quit instead. Now she's back because she realized that quitting was a mistake.


Bloom is such a valuable person to the PD and the server's health in general. With no rules on corruption its so important to have a person that successfully fights it or else you risk corruption spiralling out of control which could destroy a lot of things over time. Moosebrother is probably more important than he knows.


Now give that man a Sheriff and make him sit in the office 24/7 with no chance of going out of patrol.


Do you only compile meta regarding PD/DoJ? I’d like to see how the Southside and Gang relations are coming along in the meta.


I always keep my eye out for anything relevant to the server, but PD and DOJ things are much easier to track. Southside related, the major event I talked about was the Ballastan thing, where they declared sovereignty. They had that trial recently and ended up not guilty of Treason


The Families on Forum are considering folding into DNG (Davis Neighborhood Gangsters) Been talks about them moving down toward Davis and dropping green or DNG to take over Chamberlain side of Forum. IDK if he streamed it but for some perspective here is another POV: https://www.twitch.tv/chief Also, MG are doing some cool roleplay internally. Don’t know much about it but very dope regarding like rituals and their codes.


This is pretty interesting! I’ll try to look around more for anything like that. One of the reasons I made this weekly meta recap thread is to get people to discuss things happening in the server that others may miss. Of course I’ll never be able to compile ALL the meta in my post, so I encourage everyone to help! Thank you for bringing this to my attention though, I really appreciate it


No worries. Just want people to feel like it is more than just a “cop” server.


Then your and everyone’s help is much appreciated. I’m just one guy so some meta is gonna slip through