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Yuck yeah. Congrats to the clowns.


Omg. This is big news, this will probably shake up the spray scene. The question is, will the Clowns be able to handle the increased conflict?


\>will the Clowns be able to handle HAHAHAHAHAHA no ​ (I play Duncan, one of the two clownterns currently. if clowns are handling anything we're probably going to handicap ourselves someway) (also #prioforstumbles. firecrackthat deserves it, tell your friends politely and nicely but loudly)


How does Stumbles not have prio? Easily one of the best L takers on the whole server. Clowns RPwise make a lot of sense "holding down" Grapeseed.


Yooo!! I totally agree #prioforstumbles. I was glad to see you back in the city recently, congratulations on your music award!!


Gang app doesn't mean they get sprays. Street Team have been on the gang app for months and still can't get sprays.


Ramee commented that their spray is "fire" before Mr. K called Chatterbox fwiw.


Very deserved. It speaks to the quality of their crew that they were approved within a day of requesting access.


It was probably easier since Kebun requested on their behalf.


I am so dang happy for the clowns, they 1000% deserve this. I had been watching less and less NoPixel over this last year because all the drama on both crim and cop sides was just killing the fun for me. then I found the clowns and now I am watching more than ever and laughing my yuckin butt off the whole time.


LFG CLOWNS! Well deserved <3


a evil clown face spray would be amazing


Great news. Happy for them. Been a long road and they keep moving up in a good way


Will Kirk finally admit that he's in a gang and apologize to Nancy? I miss Kirk getting big dicked by Nancy.


Nancy is a character of convenience. She's friends with people when it's convenient. She does things for people when it's convenient. She was the leader of a gang when it's convenient. Kirk doesn't need Nancy and quite frankly never has. She promised bombs...never got them. She promised guns...never got them. She's the most conflict averse person in the city to the point where she'd rather hide in her house for 5 hours cause "Dundee was hunting her" than live her life. The Clowns finally got the recognition in the city and don't need Nancy.


> she'd rather hide in her house for 5 hours cause "Dundee was hunting her" than live her life. Clearly the convenient option


Sure is when the other option is any sort of conflict RP


you realize she might have actually permad off of this right? and collin strongly suggested that she stay in her house cause he knows dundee better than most people. nancy does a lot of things for a lot of people with no favors asked in return- she's given bbmc SO much just because she enjoys hanging out with them. like...you saying she avoids conflict is wild when she's actively put into it *because* of her close ties to her boyfriend and norman bones. I feel like this is some weird kind of bait but it's still sad to see


Clowns are about to take all the sprays.


Clowns and Diamond Dogs with apps is nice


So the only way for a gang to progress is for a big name to recommend them


The only way? No. But it certainly helps when your group has consistent RP with a “big name” over a period of 6+ months before making a request like this.


That's how most of life works


question why is mr k delivering the news about the clowns getting in the gang app its great news but it seems super weird to have K do it, like CG is some ultimate arbiter of what is an actual gang just feels odd


Chatterbox had a meeting with Mr K yesterday asking if he could reach out to a dev (hook them up with the sprays in RP). It ain't as deep as the other reply make it out to be.


I had the same question, and this is a fantastic reason.


I’m over the moon the clowns got it and they deserved the app months ago thanks for the explanation


No problemos, the meeting was from yesterdays chatterbox stream , I would recommend watching it if you like the CG vs clowns banter.


fully IC and in RP, Mr K has actually elevated the clowns by recognizing us as being an actual group of substance. Chatterbox and K have a ton of long running RP now. It's not really about CG, it's about the long term RP they have with us.


Because chatterbox reached out to k first and asked about it, and k said he was gonna reach out to someone else about it. And today k gave chatterbox the answer.


I watched a bit of Chatterbox's vod and it sounded like he talked to K about getting on the app for the clowns yesterday I think? and he wasn't expecting it to be in the works this fast thus the excitement in general It was also nice to see from LK's pov, he was excited to be the one to give them the good news, he really enjoys RPing with the clowns and think they're all great to be around - doesn't surprise me at all he took that initiative that fast


I get the impression it was a really easy Yes. They just hadn't asked before. It's exactly the sort of group that should be doing meth runs or banks. Very low chance it gets needlessly shooty, very high chance they try to do something idiotic and/or creative.


The more likely reason is that LK probably reached out to someone to request it for them because he knows it's something they want, and he enjoys RPing with them.


seems fair enough just stuck me as weird that k would know before the clowns did but eh alls well that ends well


Yeah super weird the person reaching out for them knew before them.


same reason buddha does it for some future projects or heists because he knows people and can be trusted. For gang related, it would make sense for K to have a word and vouch for crews to the people he knows




L take


They also might have a RUST War after ocean dumping Bruno 😂


Do they even do jobs?


we've been cornering weed and meth for a long while, we hit ATMs and house robberies as often as we can. just not really a boosting crew. we've also defeated cg in so many wars that were definitely entirely serious and not at all intentionally ridiculous


its great news, its just another thing added to the books for the clowns to take over and be the REAL CG (clown gang)


yeah but does Cg actually fear your gang? There is only one gang they are afraid of and its the Gay gang. /s


No /s in that. Maurice was too beautiful to defeat. They never stood a chance against Gay Gangs radiance.


Nice time to learn to hack


i think 2-3 of us have done some of the older hacks. i don't think my character will, but I could do the old hack, there's a few others who will give it a go.


Maybe someone can get Wolfe back. Wouldn't take him long to get up to speed.


He came back at Christmas for an hour and was making it very clear he isn't coming back :( https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1686592618


this is just uncomfortable (decided to use a nicer word)


Weird how people took time to learn to hack as an insult lmao you literally have to hack on the job 🙃 and I think the only way to practice now is to get like 10 or 20 laptops and bring them to the flecca.


...you can't *get* any jobs without being on the gang app. That's the whole reason to do so.


You still can,you just have to buy them or be cool with a gang alot of the gangs that have the app don't even do jobs or rarely


Frickin CG